Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1958)
Business and Professional DIRECTORY Santiam Union High School Board of Education JOHN W. REID, M. D. Physician and Surgeon .»111 Head the Ads in The Enterprise L * 1 N>- 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Tilt K'-im , Not 1 MBER 6, 1«58 Watch for Bargains CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER M MILL CITY. OREGON Now is the time to use our Layaway Plan to get your Christmas gifts and toys. Come in today and make your selection. DR. JOHN C. TARR Chiropractic Physician Phone RO 9-2922 Hours 9:00 to 6:00 Evenings By Appointment U2 E. Ida St. Stayton JENKINS HARDWARE We Give S and H Green Stamps Mill City, Ore. Phone 2206 DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician BELL BLDG. IDA and THIRD ST. APPLIANCES STAYTON, OREGON PHONE RO 9-2557 DRYERS Dr. Leslie J. Carson OPTOMETRIST Visual analysis — Contact lenses Visual training Every Day But Wednesday 615 Third St. Stayton Ph. RO 9-2751 L Pictured above are members of the San tiam Union High School Board of Education 1 in a recent session in the library at the new school building. From left to right around the conference table are Edna F. Ross, clerk; W. R. Hutcheson, Frank Moore, Robert Oliver, J. W. GOIN Her next stop was in Seattle as sec retary to three attorneys in the Claims Department of the U. S. National Fidelity and Guaranty Com pany. Following this she went south again to stop at the Marine Air Corps base in Mojave, Califor nia, as a-ecretary and bookkeeper’s assistant for a construction comp any on a Naval housing project, re turning to Salem when her husband was sent overseas. After eight years as a housewife Irs. Ohmart again felt the urge to seek her fortune:, and was reward- ed in th* ... by a .. secretarial position . l.i Special Eudcation Department of the State Department of Education. A step up led her to the office of Mr. | Donald Emerson, Assistant Super intendent of Public Instruction. Her work here consisted of taking notes Experienced Veterinarian By Harold’« Floral Gardens Ph. BO 9-2533 Stayton, Ore. SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING TEX SHIVELY Phone UL 9-2202 For Appointment Weddle Funeral Home Modern Funeral Service OREGON STAYTON Gene Jacobson, Robert Blumenstein, Walter A. Mackie, Superintendent James B. Putman, Martin Hansen and the chairman Albin Cooper. Absent and not pictured is Julia S. Bassett.— The Mill City Enterprise Photo. CONGRATULATIONS LICENSED Garbage Disposal 81J« Par Mavth «W Up Ateo Servicing G sten. Lyons Idaasha and Detroit mill city , qrrgon DISPOSAL SERVICE Bud Cline, Owner Ph. 5901 Now on sale for Only This big freezer can be bought for a song at this close-out sale sells regular for $479 Close Out Price i Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. $264. V GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Starting her third year as secre- tary in the Santiam Union ll igb School is Elsie Ohmart who enjoys being a part of the hustle and bus tle of an active and progressive group of high school students and faculty. With the exception of a general high school education, a short secretarial course at the Capital Business College in Salem, and a brief period of night school, her background and training ha« been mostly from the "school of exper-1 ience”. Mrs. Ohmart’s experience began at Credit Bureaus in Salem where I for four years she ran the gamut from filing clerk, stenographer, and claims clerk, to head of the Bulletin and Supply Department. She left this I position at the beginning of World! War II to join her husband in San ; Diego during his training at Navy; Hospital Corps School. While there I »he was employed by the San Diego | War Chest along with service men's wives from all over the United States. I A real beauty, Regular Price Capri 20 Foot Upright Freezer MIKE'S Septic Service ELSIE OH M ART Capri Dryer $194.25 JIM PUTMAN school career of Putman started in the city of Ash land, Oregon where he attended el ementary school, junior high school Heptb- Tank* and Sewer« Cleaned 'and high school. After working in Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT various building trades and a short 1979 Elm St. W. Salem time in a machine shop, he returned ♦ v . alU 8»awto rixjuii^ to Ashland to attend the Southern i Mr. Hoeye graduated from Mill 'Oregon Coliege of Education where | City High School nt 1934. attend- 'he was graduated in 1940. He has been BE SURE WITH IWashingun in 1935 «nd 193b. lie was a school administrator and teacher i employed by Weyrhaeuser Timber in Oregon ever since with the excep PHILCO Company until 1945. After a short tion of two years he served in the tour of army duty in Alaska, he re U. S. Navy as a physical instruct AMY hoo) and graduated from turned to or, and two years as high school Mooa Oregon State College with honors principal and acting superintendent in 1951 and received the Master of "OB YOUR in the half River District of Shasta Science degree from the same school I County California just prior to com TELEVISION OF RADIO I in 1958. Phone 3207 or UL 9-2191 bing to Santiam. He attended school member of the He i a We Specialize on at Oregon State College in the sum- Willamet:« \a.iey Industrial Arts Philco, Motorola. Zenith ! mer of 1942, returned to Southern Assoc lation of w hich he s president Oregon College in 1952 to complete Stiffler's Radio and at the many conferences and com- his Bachelor of Science degree in mittee meetings, keejcng the treas- this year. Mr. Hoeye is re pc- ted by Appliance Co. Education, and from there went to urer’s records of various organiza- hi < «intern; oraries a* a leader in the the University of Oregon where he tions c-onne ted with the Superintend Industrial Arts field. Bill taught one year in Silverton completed work for his Masters De ent’s office, answering letters of in gree in Education with a Major in quiry, dictaphone transscribing and before moving to Mill City in 1952.1 WE SELL BETTER School Administration. Althogether acting as secretary to Mr. Rex Put He has taught all shop courses along , he has c< mpleted six years of college nam during his secretary’s absence. wth various mathmatics. This year | CARS EOR LESS he is teaching General Math, Alge work. I Because she w-as needed at home bra, Shop 1 and 3 and the new Although this is one of the smaller ¡•he retired for another year beforl schools he has worked in Mr. Put ¡accepting a job at Oregon Fruit Pro-1 Electronics-Basic. Mr. Hoeye has been active in I man is of the opinion that it is with ducts in Salem at stenographer! student affairs having been Student | out doubt one of the most pleasant that I ’Retype operator, and assistant to Council adv sor most of his years places he has worked. He says t.. ...j I the traffic manager. After a yeai here, and was instrumental in es our community has the nicest a STAYTON, OREGON people he an<i one-half wlth th,s c< the tablishing the MArion County Inter cleanest groups of young ; IT TAYS TO BUY AT has had an opportunity to work with, Ohmart family moved to Portland «nd Schoo] Council—a student organiza later to Mill City. tion whose aim is to better rela HOME and that he has greatly appreciated Mrs. Ohmart likes to think of the ( tions among the member student j the outstanding support and friend liness shown by the people of the San- w hole student body as “her kids”, | bodies. .Mr. Hoeye s married and has four ;and appreciates the courtesy and Itiam Schoo] District. children, two of whom are in high _____ consideration shown her by the stud- Mr. Putman’s job is that of admin- ' school. istration and supervision of the high ( ents and staff at Santiam. Stayton-Jefferson school pel sonnel and program He has , Mr an<J Mn< uf(. <>f On._ Mr. and Mrs. Gene Engelgau of a special interext in school bui ding i Qty were overnight guests of The Dalles, and Mrs. Engelgau’s AUTO WRECKERS programs both from the standpoint Mj.g j F potu>r laH week M„ mother, Mrs. Roy Hendricks, Port the plant and from that of (ontin | poj^r spent the weekend visiting at land were visitors at the John Mac- Rebuilt motors and trans of ually improving the class activities he home her brothpr aRd wife> Gergor home form Saturday after missions. carried on in the school so the young Mr anJ jjrg cJ Hil| of Sa|ern noon until Monday morning. people of the school can be assure«; __ __________________ Cars bought and sold of being able to meet the stiffened I We buy junk. competition they must cope with both in advanced schooling and in Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. the business world. It is the sincere hope of the school board and the | school staff that our new building and the program of the school will meet with the approval of the people I of our community. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed COMBINATIONS FREEZERS Santiam Union High School ON YOUR FIND MODERN BUILDING 351.97 $366o64 CAPRI COMBINATION Freezer-Refrigerator Regi price $499.95 Closeout price only p Santiam Farmers’ Co-Op. Pbune RO 9-2136 Stayton, Oregon November 1958 Program II Sunday Starting Time: 5:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. on Other Days. FRIDAY. SATl RDAY, NOVEMBER 7-8 JIM DAVIS, ALLISON HAYES, in “WOLF DOG” — PLUS — TAB HUNTER. VAN HEFLIN, in ••GUNMAN’S WALK” No Thursday Show Because of High School Open House SUNDAY. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9-10 ROBERT MITI III M. ROBERT WAGNER in “THE HUNTERS” Jet Plane* Over Korea Start« «t 5:30 Sunday TH I RSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13 14-15 GLENN FORII. SHIRLEY MacLAINE, m “THE SHEEPMAN” Western < osnedy! — PLUS — DAN DAILEY, CLAIRE KELLY, m •'UNDERWATER WARRIOR” SUNDAY. MONDAY NOVEMBER 18-17 KENNETH MORE. DIANE CILENTO, in “PARADISE LAGOON” plus — comedy : CHARLES COBURN. WENDY HILIJ'.R, in •‘HOW TO MURDER A RICH UNCLE” ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Come in and see our Large Di play of CHRISTMAS CARDS Start« at 5:30 Sunday THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20-21-22 ANDY GRIFFITH, NICK ADAMS, in “NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS” The Funniest Comedy You Ever Saw! SUNDAY, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23-24 STEWART GRANGER. BARBARA RUSH, la HARRY BLACK AND THE TIGER” Adventure in India Start« at 5:30 Sunday Mill City Pharmacy THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 27-28-20 DEBBIE REYNOLDS. JOHN SAXON, in Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY — ALSO — Sla|>-ll«4>py Featurette LOl IS PRIMA. KEELY SMITH, in ‘THIS HAPPY FEELING” “THE WILDEST”