6—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISB THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1958 Lingerie JUST ARRIVED — ALL NEW COLORS Come in and see our large assortment of Gowns, Slips, Panties You are sure to find what you want here. JENNIE’S IV e Give S & H Green Stamps Now is the time to begin to lay­ away on toys selected from our Santa's recent which Toyland also contains Book coupons worth over $20.00 if used before December 1st, 1958. Service & Quality Hardware A. and M. Toman Mill City, Oregon like Good Food? like Good Dance Musk*? Come and Hear JIM IHOLTZ Playing your favorite modern dance tunes. You’ll enjoy dancing to his rhythm Always the best in food here, too! Try one of our choice steaks or a plate of chicken. Sea Foods too. Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week The Riverview Cafe Phone UL 9-2171 Mehama, Oregon Attending a Pre-byterial workshop all-day meeting at Independence last Thursday were Mrs. James Swan, Miss Daisy Geddes, Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, Mrs. Otto W itt, and Mrs. Robert Roach._ Litt'.« .... Susie and Robbie Roach and Mary Ga.v Fleetwood also a companud the ladies. Dr. Mark Hammericksen’» Opto­ metric offices in the Bell building in Stay ton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne­ cessary. adv It was reported that over $42 m small change was taken in by the U children of the younger grades for UNICEF between the hours and 7 and 8 p. m. on Hallowe’en. The af­ fair was in charge of the different churches, and about 35 children were LOWELL FLEETWOOD served light refreshments after­ More powerful than the influence ward at Fellowship hall. Everyone of printer’s ink in one’s veins is the cooperated. virus caused by tincture of chalkdust. A large crowd turned out for the Thus, no one familiar with the no-host dinner of the Mehama and pleasure teachers find in their work Mill City Presbyterian churches held will be surprised to see Mrs. Lowell at Fellowship Hall last Wednesday GLEASON EAKIN Fleetwood back at the old standi night. Immediately following the HERMAN MASON in the high school English depart- , from Gleason Eakin graduated Herman Mason can be seen sweep- dinner, Rev. James McGu'jia of Bend Sudan High School in Sudan, Texas ment. , . ■ * Mill • • I 1 * City ' ! X —— 1 High T 1 —— L. C School A Vs ys I I ¡ng the hall in the new school in gave an enlightening talk on ‘‘Capi­ One-time ...... — , --- After completing high in 1951. * -* ‘---- case. This case tal Punishment.’’ A question ard an­ chord he served his military obli- Englizh teacher Mrs. Fleetwood has front of the troph» full of trophies gives proof that our swer period followed, with much dis­ taught English at other valley high.' ” " r * *" high gat ion ul the United States i Air school is not being outdone in win­ cussion. Preceding the talk. Rev. Force. While in the service he gerv- schools as well a» eighth grade at James Hardy of Mehama led a song ed as personal hygiene and athle­ Mill City Elementary school where ning events. service. Herman Mason came to work for she was also a member of the first tic instructor. Spending last week _ at __ the ______ home the Mill City schools in September Gleason evidently took the old faculty to make use of the present of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Verbeck was of 1951. Before his arrival here he -aying “Go West Young Man" to I building. her mother, Mrs. Josie Mires of Sil­ A graduate of Pacific College and was employed in the Marcola Grade verton. heart as he traveled to Oregon to also Southern Oregon College of School, Wendling Grade School, and attend college. Bill Richards, Joe, Fred and George In 1953 he enrolled at the Oregon J Education where she received a Mohawk Union High School. His Y ost killed a 5-point bull elk wsile work in these schools consisted of Education, Elementary College of Education. Upon receiv­ degree in on a hunting trip in the Coos Bay­ ing h.s Bachelor of Science Degree Mrs. Fleetfood has also done gradu- painting, repair work, of all kinds, area this past weekend. he secured his first teaching posi­ ate work in English, educat on, coun­ and general maintenance. Mrs. Mary Jane Richards and Mrs. Mr. Mason has attended several tion here at Santiam Union High seling and guidance and speech at Portland Extension Senter. OCE, and workshops in custodial work, includ­ Marie Johnson gave a party Satur­ School. ing on week in Salem, one week in day afternoon in the Gates Women’s At O. C. E. Gleason majored in University of Oregon. Following a hiatus of five years Lebanon, and three days each in clubhouse for the 7th grade of Mill political science and received min- | ors in humanities and physical ed as a housewife, Mrs. Fleetwood is Sweet Home, Springfield, and Bend. City. The group spent the time in responsible at Santiam for English Here he learned many things about dancing and playing games. Forrest , ucation. While in college he was awarded 3, English 2, a combined speech and custodial work, including a course in Holman was present to take pictures, which will be incorporated in the film I four varsity letters in football and: journalism class and girl’s guidance. public relations. Mr. Mason’s tasks at Santiam com­ of Mill City activities. The hostesses I three varsity letters in tennis. His prise a variety of jobs such as main­ served refreshments.* . • sophmore year he served as vice- PT A Executive Board Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bruce and son. tenance of machinery and equipment, ! president of tne Varsity ‘O’ Club! care and operation of furnaces, fans, Michael J., spent the weekend here 'and as a junior moved into the pres-! Discussed Welcome and, until recently the washing of at the home of her parents, Mr. and I idents position. Gleason was also a laundry for both gTade and high Mrs. Tex Blazek. ! member of the Wolf Knights a Wagon Project at Meet Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mueller and At the regular meeting of the PTA schools. He is responsible for the men s service organization and serv- Dora Brant of Lebanon were here executive board held at the grade upkeep of the floors in the high ed as organizing chairman for pol- school Tuesday evening, plans were s.hool building, gymnaisum, and I riday to attend the wedding of Vio­ litical grouon the campus. el Wagner and Merle Stewari. Mrs. The first year at Santiam Union mapped out and discussed for the HomeEc house. Tops on the list for appreciating Mueller is a sister of Mrs. George | High School Gleason taught two possibilitiy of starting a ••Welcome i Junior English classes, one world Wagon'' project for newcomers to the our new building is "Herman”, as Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whitaker of |history and three physical education community. All potential members of he is called by all who know him. He c.a.-se«. He coached football and the PTA will also be included if the enjoys its shiny new-ness, but espec­ Salem spent the weekend here with haset'all. This year he teaches two recommendation of the board is ac­ ially does he appreciate the up-to- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb (senior English classes, tw0 periods cepted at the regular PTA meeting date electrical wiring. During his Whitaker. Callers at the Whitakers years as custodian he had complete­ Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. I of driver training and two physical next Wednesday night. Announced as the program for ly re-wired, and also donated some Bill Shepherd and family, Mrs. Hugh education classes. He is football and Jull, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jull, j oaseball < oa h ami will be assisting Wednesday evening, November 12, light fixtures for the old building. was the following: Invocation, Rev. Mr. Mason is quoted as saying, of Corvallis. , Burton Boroughs in basketbal. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roa.h; showing of the film, "This high school has the nicest "The Vai.ant Heart"; comments by bunch of kids I have ever seen. The Maurie Bassett on the birth of a son, WHEN IN NEED OF PRINTING .Mis. Wills, Marion County Health parents and others of this commun­ Scott Maurice, at Santiam Memorial TRY THE ENTERPRISE FIRST Nurse; and a local doctor may speak. ity are just wonderful. I didn’t ex­ hospital in Stayton, Friday, October pect to stay in Mil] City for eight 31. This is the first grandchild for years when 1 arrived, but now 1 plan Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bassett of Mill to stay even after my retirement.” City. Maternal grandparents are Mr. I Mr. Mason's hobbies are hunting and Mrs. Peter Boedigheimer of Sub­ and fishing At one time he took pic- limity, where Mrs. Bassett and the itures for Field and Stream maga­ baby are staying for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel, accom­ zine, also supplying articles and winning recognition for his famous panied by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ilood- recipe for camper’s goulash. ‘'Beauw”. enpyle took in the chrysanthemum show at the civic auditorium in Portland Sunday. They report the entire basement of the auditorium was filled with the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cole and son Frederick of Salem and Mr. Cole’s father of Washington, D. C. were Anne Marie Hirte. daughter