When in Need of Printing Buy it in MiH City from MILL CITY ENTERPRISE SHOP KELLOM'S GROCERY for your every day needs Kellom's Grocery Your Neighborhood Grocery Mill City, Oregon NEW and USED ♦ ♦ s' Santiam Ripples From where I sit... Joe Marsh Wednesday evening dinner guests By Judi Hoeye at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland The sun shone brightly and the Manning were Mr. and Mrs. Ken- wind ruffled the leaves off the trees Called Mrs. H. N. Wilson I neth W eldon from Alberquerque, as about 130 high school students, I New Mexico. Mrs. Manning and Mrs. groaning and grumbling, pulled The C. Y. F. group of the Gates Weldon were classmates while in "Passing the Buck"? themselves out of their comfortable Community Church held a Hallowe’en high school. The Weldons are visit- beds to face another "blue Monday.' »» party with a similar group in Mill ing at the home of her grandpar- But as it turnej out the Jay wa was Sittiag on my porch the City last week. They are now plan­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kirsch in wires work off a battery, a normal colored just like any other other night. Buck Hanson told ning their Christmas program. The Mehama headlight—anything “hot.") day. about a nifty new warning new lawn in front of the church is From where I sit, it's a tradi­ Mrs. Gene Pennington is convalesc­ Just recently the GAA held a big light for his tractor. It gives greening up, and the new wide ce­ ing at the Salem Memorial hospital tion in America for neighbo* conclave and decided to have a ment walk is a decided improvement. following surgery. him protection on the highway to get together and exchange money-making sale. They will sell More landscaping is planned for the at night—cost, just 75 cents. ideas. We re a better country Rev. Ruth Cotton is spending sev­ popcorn balls and candy apples and future. Buck made the light from an eral days in Portland this week at miscellaneous—whatever that is! for it. Tell you what—drop ia Mr. and Mrs. Raney Howard of the home of her daughter who is ill. old windshield wiper motor on the next session on my The Seniors—bless their little ■ Junction City have taken over the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spellmeyer hearts—have come up with another with a taillight attached in porch, have a glass of beer and management of the “Chili Bowl”, this and children, Jerry, Ronnie and Shar-I money-making .... ..... project. This time place of the wiper blade. He join in. If you'd rather have a week. Mrs. Howard (Margaret) will on spent the week end with relatives they are "selTing cardinal* and grey clamped the motor on to the glass of milk —tine! Respecting be chief cook and bottle washer and friends at Longview, Washing- bracelets rear of the tractor. people’s preferences— thnt't sa ---------- with ---- 1 "Santiam H. S.” on while her husband is recuperating ton. 1 them. ’ But that's not too strange, is When the motor is hooked to American tradition too. from a serious neck injury received _ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Free from itj After all> we are Santiam H g a hot wire and grounded, the . I . I « I - .X (V, I if, »«••»... in I VlVllQ recently in an accident, while work­ Tulelake, California were in Lyons and our colors are cardinal and grey. light moves back and forth and ing for Don Marshall of Mill City. Saturday Saturday looking after It all falls into place, doesn’t it? sure attracts attention. (The Larry Howard, age 9 will attend the business matters. The Free's are The Seniors (again!) Gates school, and they will live in former residents here having own­ very busy ordering their have been C