ta—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 195S CONGRATULATIONS Santiam Union High School ON YOUR FINE NEW BUILDING We are proud of our part in making this one of the fine buildings in this part 7> of the Santiam Canyon. May Your Open House, Thursday, November 6 Be A Huge Success. Barnhardt Redi-Mix Phone 1984 * burton boroughs Gates, Oregon Congratulations on your fine new HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING FROM n. ■ K Oregon Builders Hardware ■ÿ * • -, ■ ■ wr ¿ / • . • « SALEM, OREGON R. C. Arthur 465 So. 12th W. Dave Williams Phone EM 3-914 Miss Julie Randall, Gates is shown at right above as one of the winners in the “Make it Yourself With Wool” contest held recently in Salem. With her is Mary’ Jane Wait of Rickreal. winner in the senior division. Miss Wait is well known here as she has per­ formed as a baton twirler in events in this area. Miss Randall is one of the students at Santiam Union High tak­ ing advantage of the homemaking course being taught by Olivette Roles. —Picture courtesy Oregon Statesman. Burton Boroughs received most of his formal education in the city schools of Eugene and graduated from the University of Oregon in 1941 with a Bachelor of Science de­ gree in physical education. He obtained his first position as a teacher and coash from nehalem, a small high school on the coast. Af­ ter three years at Nehalem he was hired as head coach of all sports and teacher of physical education at Molalla Union high school. After one year at Molalla he was drafted into the United States Infantry, and after three years of service received the position as head coach of all sports at Sweet Home high school. He also taught a full load of physical aducation and health. From Sweet Home, he moved to Mill City in 1949 where he is now head coach in basketball and track and assistant in football. His teach­ ing load consists of two classes of American problems, two classes of United States history and one in physical education. He also handles the couseling and guidance of the boys at Santiam Union High. In 1954 he completed the necessary requirements for a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Oregon. X Modern Lighting Featured in New Santiam Union High School I). K. PAUL Proper, up-to-date lighting is vitally important to pleasant and effi­ cient classroom conditions. The new Santiam Union High School has provided a modern lighting system for study, work and play and for the protection of your young people's vision. Whether it is school work, housework or the work you do for a living, the RIGHT light helps you do the job better. Proper lighting helps you avoid eyestrain and fatigue; it helps prevent accidents and mistakes; and it provides a pleasant, agreeable environment in which you can do your best work. Be sure of YOUR lighting. Check the lighting in all work and reading areas of your home. Replace burned-out bulbs im­ mediately. For assistance with home or commercial lighting problems, call your nearest Pacific Power & Light Company office. & d LIGHT COMPANY Live Better .... Electriccally! The present year is the seventh year of teaching for Donald K- EDITH MASON A veteran on the staff at Santiam i P«“'. »"d his fourth year in the , , Canvon area. His subjects this year T nton High School is Edith Mason, I | . G(,neral Math pirst year 4I - Xv n ¿3 eknerro t lis» ' who time has V..- charge of the Typing, First Year Shorthand, Gen- V» UU at «V this ««« Lillie -es- ------- *yP»I«K» rii»! I library, biology course and the Enjr-I eral Rusines is. Second Year Typing i- . for • -1____ and Rookkee Bookkeeping. He also sponsors lish freshmen. ' the school's Photgraphy Club, the I After graduation from Willamette | Future Business Leaders of America University she began her teaching 1 Club, ns well as directing and pro­ career at the newly established ducing the school’s drnmatic depart­ Mill City High School. Twice she ment. I retired to private life, and twice English hy origin, Mr. Paul spent 1 was recalled to the “good old school." 10 years in the Orient, working as I In other years she has taught algebra an accountant in a large grocery and I Latin, home economics, and geo- • dairy company in Honkong. Finding graphy, being fully quailified in eai’h .Hongkong “glamorous but disturb­ of these fields. ing’’ Mr. and Paul and his wife Post graduates studies took Mrs. [sett)ed ¡n Canada in 1941. He then Mason to Oregon State College, and|jojne(| I the Canadian infantry and Ito the University of Oregon for sev-1 saw service service in in Italy Italy and and Holland. ' eral summers and to the University of I After discharge, he ________ studied I at the Colorado. Her education has been | University of British Columbia and broadened by travel, several times graduated a* Bachelor of Arts in across the United States with trips 1949. into Canada and Mevico, and two | For the next three years he was trips to Europe, one by boat and employed as office manager in the one by air. Public Relations Department of the Locally, Mrs. Mason has been active B. C. Telephone Company, but in in several organizations: Mill City 1952, fulfilling a long-cherished am­ I Woman’s Club as president and as bition, he emigrated to the United secretary for seperal years respect- States. Last summer this ambition [ively; as secretary of Marilyn Chap­ was finally achieved when he and iter of Easter Star for some 10 years; Mrs. Paul became American citizens. ' as member and trustee of the local Mr. Paul’s teaching started in Os­ Presbyterian Church; two years as wego, after a period of study at the president of the local Parent-Teach­ University of Oregon ar.d Portland ers Association; and Past-President of State. Locally he is a member of the the North Santiam Branch of Oregon Lion's Club and the Presbyterian Teacher's Association. Church. PRINTING WORTHY OF THE OCCASION For life’» moat notable event» (Weddings, En­ gagement», etc.) the In­ vitation or Announce menl muit bo socially correct, dignified in format, perfect In crafttmauthip. Deal way to make auro of thi» la to put your prob­ lem» of social printing up to ut. We know irhal to do and hote to do it! L 1