7 4^-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THlRSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1958 Re-Elect Republican MEHAMA JESS W. SAVAGE State Representative for Linn County Dedicated to All of the People, Not Just the Favored Few. A Man of Intergrity and Proven Ability, With the Courage to Vote His Own Convictions. BUSINESS MAN—FARM OWNER—CIVIC LEADER Rex Casey, Chm., 1505 W. 12th Ave., Albany, Ore. Savage for Representative Committee. *1 hose beautiful 1959 r" ’'*ls are at your dealer’s now! Whichever one you choose, be sure to ask your dealer for.... Convenient U.S. NATIONAL AUTO Detroit-Idanha ELECT By Jessie Savage was Portland General Electric host Thursday night to about 400 people at a recognition banquet held Bv Mrs. John Tee’era Mr. and Mrs. Harry’ Monroy and ’.n the Gold Room at the Marion Linda were Sunday guests at the I). Hotel in Salem. The banquet was in honor of f Marion County 4H club G. Bilyeu home in Lebanon. Sunday guests at the Scott Brown leaders. Attending from here were Clester. Mr. and home were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Woll- Mr. and Mrs. Art Clester, Mrs. Gus Hern and Mr. and Mrs ery and daughter of Salem. Herb Wenke. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Chase and The American Legion Auxiliary family of Lyons are moving into the nut Tuesday night at the home of Frank Kimery house here. Mrs. Quincy Smith with eight mem- Visitors Sunday at the Edward bers and one guest present, who gave Walz home were an unde and aunt an interesting talk on her trip to of Mrs. Wa’.z, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Girl’s State, which was sponsored Trick of Alberta Canada, who are by the Auxiliary. The next meeting visiting relatives in Oregon; Mr. and 1 Mrs. Virgil Trick and family of Dal l’eba Snyder, November 5. las, the Rev. Ormal Trick of West Mrs. Sylvia Wenke was hostess at | Linn, Mrs. Elsie Trick, Mrs. Sarah a party held at her home Friday 1 Scott, and Mrs. Clarence King and morning. son, Jim, all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Duard Higgins from 1 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze and Stevensville, Mont., and Mr. and granddaughter, Barbara Richmond Mrs. Janies Johnson, of Missoula, spent Friday and Saturday at their Mont., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl cabin on the Metolius river. Sunday Shaffer. Mr. Higgins and Mrs. • guests at the Tietze home were Mr. Johnson are sisters of Mr. Shaffer. and Mrs. Roy Downing of Roseburg. Sherry Williamson was honored Sunday visitors at the Jim Rich with a birthday party Tuesday by mond home were Glenn Berringer of her mother with a “Little Girl’s Oregon City and his mother, Mrs. Dress-Up Day.’’ Guests were Mrs. Lula Berringer. Mrs. Berringer has Ed Jackson and Valerie, Mrs. Alpha been staying with her brother and Everly and Deanne, Mrs. Louis family the Kenneth Morris’ of Prine I risp n and Janice and Jimmy, Mrs. ville and had come over for a few Junior Williamson and Diana, Mrs. j days’ visit in Oregon City. Bill Saner, and Alta and Donnie, ; Mrs. E. J. Hughes and grand Mrs. Russell Reid and Cindy, Betty I daughter, Jana Hughes spent the Jo Wenke, Patti Youngblood, Mrs. weekend visiting with her son and (. harley Lichlyter and hostess Mrs. . family, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hughes l.ynn Williamson and Jackie and Deb and children of Astoria. bie. Sherry presented each of her ' Reed G. White of Beaverton visit guests with a gift before she opened j ed Saturday evening at the J. M. her own packages. Refreshments! Teeters home after he had spent the were served day transacting business at the Mar Mrs. Dorothy Williamson and Mrs. ' on Forks Fish Hatchery. Mr. White Sylvia \\ enke were in Salem Tuesday I is assistant director of fish culture for a Leader’s Training meeting for for the Oregon Fish Commission with the next lesson to be given at the ofices in Portland. Idanha Home Extension meeting at M rs. May Quier of Eugene has the fire hall, November 6 at 1 p. m. been spending a short time here visit-' The lesson on that day will be ing her daughter and family, Mr. “Christmas Decorations.” The ladies, anil Mrs. Ray Roberts and daugh- of both communities are invited to ! ters. these meetings. The Women’s Society of the Me Mrs. Frieda Hiebert took a group hama church has postponed their of girls from the Idanha Community . November 13 meeting due to the church to West Salem's Skateland Hospital Auxiliary meeting that is I Saturday afternoon. Enjoying this being held that afternoon. The So outing were Serena Hawthorne, San ciety meeting wil] be November 20, dra Tompkins, Jerilynn Hopson, Sar starting with the usual 1 o’clock des ah Smith, Lana and Donna Storey, i sert luncheon. The ladies of the June McCauley, Yvonne Gillispie, church are planning on serving Linda Chapman, Pat Grant luncheon at the General Election on Mrs. Hiebert’s sons, Jimmy and and Don- November 4. aid. Mrs. Elwin Erickson is here from Mrs. Mabel Moore returned home Southern California visiting at the Tuesday afternoon ’from a few home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. weeks’ stay in a Salem hospital fol L. Kirsch aad with her daughter’s lowing major surgery. Her son, Keith, : family, the Kenneth Weldons of Al- and family from Sandy were week I buquerque, N. M-, who are also guests end guests. Mrs. Moore is recover- 1 at the Kirsch home, ing satisfactorily. j Mrs. Al Molnar and son, Jim of, Sunday visitors in the Quincy Oak Grove were Saturday guests at Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. J,. the home of Mrs. Molnar’s parents, D. Smedley and daughter, Mary Lou Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buckler. and Mr. and Mrs. King Ewing and Mrs. O. K. Landers was hostess daughter, Mary Frances from Prine at her home Monday afternoon, Oc ville. tober 20 to a group of children for Mr. and Mrs, Buck Storey and a surprise party honoring her daugh girls from Corvallis ’were visiting ter, Sandra, on her 7th birthday an friends and relatives in Idanha over niversary. Games were played and the weekend. freshments of cake, ice cream and Mr. and Mrs. Hargreaves from \ punch were served by the hostess. Portland were visiting over the Present besides the honor guest were weekend in these two communities. I Nancy Owens, Francis Shaddon, Mrs. Hargreaves is the former Don Renee Champ, Brenda Coles, Rex na McKeever, who attended school and Roily Longfellow, Bruce Teet-! at Detroit. ers, Keith Hughes and Billy Land Miss Gloria Evenson from Salem er«. was a Sunday visitor of Becky Stoll. ROSE MARIE LOCKHART DEMOCRAT MATURE JUDGMENT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT MARION COUNTY STATE REPRESENTATIVE Paid Pol. Adv. Lockhart for State Rrprrxrntativ e K. Geary Neal, U10 Ford St., Salem, Oregon. DEMOCRATS! LET’S SEE THEM THROUGH ON ELECTION DAY .... For Congress CHARLES O. PORTER...................... ... For Governor ROBERT D. HOLMES Labor Commissioner NORMAN NILSEN............................ State Senator OLIVER BUTTS ................................. For the House REP. ROY FITZWATER .................. NANCY KIRKPATRICK ................... ........ For the House (Vote for both) ROSS McCORMICK.................................. District Attorney BURL INGRAM................................ County Commissioner They're All Proud To Be What They Are: DEMOCRATS "VOTE IT STRAIGHT IN ’58" Pd. Adv. Linn Democratic Central Committee ■ ► rr r r » ■1 * * * I » i : i I f u . PÄV For County Commissioner Front row: Mrs McCarthy holding Kevin. John, Anne. Mary Ellen; Pat McCarthy holding Molly. Back row: Jerry, Bill and Michael. Pat McCarthy Has 8 Fine Reasons for Being Concerned for His County's Future VOTE FOR PAT McCARTHY McCarthy for Commissioner Committee, Peter P. Kirk, chairman, St Pau), Oregon New Arrivals Report From Santiam Hospital Memorial Born October 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Armstrong of Rt. 1, Turner a girl, Sonia Ann, weighing 8 pounds *4 ounce. Born O tober 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Etzel of Rt. 1, Stayton a boy, Teddy Gerard, weighing 6 pounds 12*4 ounces. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Nielson of Sublimity, October 10 a girl, Barbara Therese, weighing 9 pounds 1 ounce. Let’s ELECT a FULL-TIME CONGRESSMAN ROBERT Y. THORNTON . YOUNG . . . ALERT . . A hurd working public servant with a full knowledge of Oregon'» problem». EFFECTIVE "I will work © Easy-To - Handle Terms and work © Fast Action hard, for Instead of a «World Traveler ♦ ■». © You build valuable bank credit e the things ’ that build (AT OUR EXPENSE) MILL CITY BRANCH Th* Oregonian Say*; Norblad has had a long free ride in Congress. Absenteeism in his case appears significant. He missed 14% of roll call votes in 1953. 33% in 1954, 20% in 1955, 18% in 1956 and 25% in 1957. Tha Milwaukie Review Says: KIRKPATRICK A* ctatf REPRESENTATIVE <_, in Oregon THf UNITEO STATES NATIONAL BANK OF » 0 » T L A N C Paid Political Advertisement by Nancy Kirkpatrick, Lebanon, Oregon. Robert Y. Thornton should be elected. He will give the 1st Oregon District the first real, live, active congressman in many years, and we surely need it. Elect ROBERT Y. THORNTON Democrat for CONGRESS âdv T*er«ta« E99 Caafreat Canai , lari 1st District CV* . M<M*««villa