Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1958)
Get Your Free Litterbag To help "Keep America Beautiful" we are giving away lifter bags to our customers. Many motorists are becoming conscious of the appearance of our scenic highways. Won't you do your part in keeping them clean by using one of our Free Litter Bags OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY DRAPER'S FLYING A SERVICE WK GIVE. S & 11 GREEN STAMPS Phone 7442 Highway 22 Mill City I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. (X TOBER 30, 195S Mehama Boys 4H Clubs Elect Officers This Week MEHAMA The boy? 4H club which meets Tuesday after chool at the Robert Bethel home has chosen “The Hot Shot-'' as the name for their club. The proje t this year is “Electric Magic.” Officers elected were Stephen Phillipi, president: Kenneth Champ, secretary and Ronnv ' Bethel, Sergeant at Ai ms. Other .members of the club are Angelo ¡Thompson, Bryan Longfellow, Harold Teeters, Buckley Cutting, Bobby Roten, Mike Bloom, Mike McGrath. Tommy Mulford and Roger Good man. Mrs. Bethel is the leader. The Electric Battery Bang club . composed of 4th grade boys held their regular meeting Wednesday af ter school at the church. Nine of the members were present for the meet ing and refreshments were served by the leaders, Mrs. J. I. Spencer and Mrs. O. K. Landers. Do-It-Yourself Ideal If* easier when we help! Whether you plan to add • room, carport or wing, we will be glad to help you with experienced know how and the best materials. \X'e suggest you specify durable, economical W est (’oast lumber. KELLY LUMBER SALES Phone 68Ù3 Open Saturday Mill City, Ore. And our professional watch maker is the man who can do it. He’s an authority on the delicate mechanism of the fine jeweled-lever watch —qualified by thorough training and long experience to keep it in tip-top shape. Bring in your watch for a professional inspection to day. Expert workmanship. Quick service. Your complete satisfaction guaranteed. We use only official, factory-packaged parts in servicing fine jeweled-lever watches BAKER S MILL CITY JEWELRY Telephone 1843 Mill City Committees Appointed CdltUrV Ifl To Serve Breakfast ■. p For Legion Auxiliary Linn LOWliy By Doris G undersen LYON’S—The WSCS held their Upper Thomas Creek in Linn meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Dorothy Downer home, with Mildred county contains some of the finest Prichard presiding at the business study material in the world. meeuoK —j*» ______ -_ of i Fossile tree stumps stand upright in meeting. Orpha • Roye, secretary Spiritual Life reported’that the week their growing position of 30 million. of prayer and self control will be ob- years ag>, caught in tons of .:gr.t | served. Each member is asked to set. brown volcanic ash. Sycamores, oaks, sequoias, cedars, | aside 10 o’clock each morning for reading and prayer. The church bell unidentified kinds of fine-structured will be rung each morning as a re conifers, willows, magnolias and tu minder, and on Friday morning Oct. lip trees, figs and cinnamon stood 31, a meeting will be held at the church near the edge of an inland sea whe? at 10 o’clock. Rev. Ruth Cotton will the forest was young. They saw the forming and changing of mountains assist Mrs. Roye. Plans were made to serve the and the moving of continents. They saw the sea retreat and breakfast for the past presidents of the American Legion Auxiliary on I strange animals arrive, small pig November 11 with Orpha Roye, Dor like beasts with long tails giant Digs othy Downer, Alta Bodeker, and Reta six feet high, camels the size of i Cruson the committee. It was voted sheep, barrel-shaped rhinoceros and to sell tamales with the bazaar on saber-toothed cats. They sheltered December 3, with the following timid three-toed horse-types, and chairmen of committees appointed. looked down on waterlillieg and ac Gladys Hargreaves was appointed to anthus. The fossil forest of upper Thomas help Alice Huber as general chair man. Others appointed were Evelyn Creek is rare in being upright; most Julian, dining room and serving; Reta fossi] trees drifted in ancient waters Cruson, salad, pie, chicken and nood to their final resting place. The only group in America study les; Ethel Huffman, coffee; Eleanor Smith, tables, Naomi IntVeld, clean- , ing fosil woods as a group, a hand up; Alta Bodeker, cider and dough- ' ful of scientific minded person? in nuts; fish pond, Rev. Cotton and Or , Salem, has embarked on a c imnaign ' to a part of Thomas Creel: pre pha Roye. Mrs. Naue invited the members to served as a state park. her home for a coffee Thursday morning. Another coffee is scheduled for October 31 at the home of Gladys Hargreaves. Attending the meeting were Reta Cruson, Martha Cruson, Gladys Har greaves, Orpha Roye, Carrie Naue, Mildred Prichard, Evelyn Julian, I Inez Ring, Alta Bodeker, Rev. Cot- (ton and the hostess Mrs. Downer. The Lyons Extension unit held their October meetrng at the Lyons Meth odist church Thursday with an all- .... • wr j c .» • .• ,day meeting beginning at 10:30. A VV hell in Need Of I Tinting short business meeting was held, Buy it in MiH City from I followed by a noon luncheon served MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Orville Downing, Mrs Hugh ! _ Johnston and Mrs. James Wright, who were the hostesses. Miss Eula county ndemonstratio ------------------------------------ ———— .Wintermote, [agent was the guest of the afternoon I 1 and gave an interesting demonstra- I tion on “Better Eat Breakfast.” Miss HOMELITE | Wintermote, who is leaving goon for CHAIN SAWS Iran, was surprised with a hander chief shower. Sales and Service Attending the meeting were Mmes. I Hugh Johnston, Frank Spellmeyer, I Alex Bodeker, Guy Hartle, Orville GREENOUGH Dowing, Gerald Lindermann, Herm i SAW SHOP an Morgan, James Wright, Earl Cot ton, Charles Cruson, Joe Johnson, Phone 7351 Clinton Land, Virgil Trout, Donna Gates, Oregon Asmussen, Miss Wintermote and her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wintermote, who is a guest of her daughter and is from Chambers, Neb. Between Portland-Salem-ldanha all way points Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Household Moving Stayton Phone 2125 Salem EM 3-1626 SHIP IT WRIGHT k . 0 I i I go for The Good Light Beer Heidelberg Slow Brewed s , RE-ELECT all winter long... WRIGHT TRUCK LINE Wayne E. Downing Attach a door spring to the inside of the child’s bicycle basket. Hook it diagonally across the basket to pre vent contents from spilling. Lacomb, Oregon t WE'LL BUILD A SHELTER FOR YOUR HOME! REPUBLICAN NOMINEE for SHOP C OMMISSIONER, Linn County KELLOM'S Linn County is free of debt. If elected I will continue in my best effort to keep it that way. GROCERY for your every day needs Pd. Adv. by Wayne E. Downing The home that shelters you needs shelter ... in the form of insurance coverage, com mensurate with today’s high property values. CHECK WITH US ... SOON D. B. HILL INSURANCE Kellom's Jobs and Payrolls No. 1 Issue with Shells Certified Comfort Heating Oil Service Instead of speeches, junkets and press releases. MARK HATFIELD ha* a program of action to create more jobs and business opportunities in Oregon. Mark Hatfield sass. We must create • business climate that will encourage industrial expansion and new industry; assure a subie tax program competitive with other sûtes: encourage better labor-management relations." MARK M ;HATFIELD Stayton Ore. Phone 1708, MUI City, Oregoa ir Anti-rust ★ Non-corrosive ★ Non-evaporating if One filling lasts all winter Ws refill your tank according to our unique follow-up system that tells us when more fuel is needed. And courteous drivers leave a metered receipt indicating the exact amount delivered. We'll protect Roar tank from Internal corroeion with a Shell SONITOR* applicatiot free of charge, too! Phone RO 9-2339 Mill City, Oregon Right Now and have it when you need it Ethylene Glycol Base Wl CERTIFY YOU GIT SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON DISTRIBUTOR SEE US SOON Anti-Freeze This means c*cient heating for Shell's heating oil is super-refined! And a special additive in Shell Heating Oil keeps your burner’s fuel filter clean. What's more, Shell Heating Oil costa no more than ordinary heating oil H. L. Ashby COMPANY Your Neighborhood Grocery BUY PACIFIC PERMANENT SHILL CtRTIFIIS YOU GIT PRIMIUM HEATING OIL Wi? warmly recommend you try us Grocery Orrgott eeeth hint for Got truor . . NOW / Linn Ge. Hatfield Comm Ru.sell Tr pp, Chrm Boy 346, Albany This is SURE Winter Protection $2.25 per gallon $1.97 per gallon in case lots This is a Guaranteed Product. Santiam Farmers’ Co-Op. Phone KO 9-213(5 Staibxi. Oregon