Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1958)
Three Tasty New Venison Recipes Offered by OSC You Save Every Day in the Week When You Shop a t Hilltop Market. We continually Strive to Bring You the Best in Groceries, Meats and Vegetables. You'll Find You Save More on Your Total Food Bill By Buying From Us. * ____________________ M JB COFF xa MJB CD co//e<? . k < / r Standby Pineapple Juice 79C Snowdrift Shortening 3 lb. can 79e 46 oz. can 4 cans LB TRICK y 31 '*1 Snowdrift OR Guest Ranch Toilet Tissue TREAT 4rollsinpkg. 4pkgs.$1.00 GOODIES * Carnation Instant Milk AND ♦ 8 qt. size 59« ATTEND THE PTA HAM DINNER OCTOBER 30 Royal Gelatine Pudding 4 pkgs. Fisher s Flour 10 lb. Sack 79c 35* Fisher's Flour 25 lb. Sack $1.79 ATTEND THE MOES DANCE AT GATES SATURDAY NIGHT WON9ERFOOD MARSHMALLOWS 11b. pkg. 25* Carnation Cornflakes Miracle Whip SALAI) DRESSINÍ 12oz. pkg. 2 lor 35e Quart Jar 49 PRODUCE NO. 2 POTATOES _____ 10 lb. bag 29* 3 pkgs* fc ir 19c Celebrate Birthdays Martha and Nancy Veness cele brated their sixth and fifth birth days with a joint birthday party at their home on Saturday afternoon. Games were played in the front yard followed by the traditional ice cream and cake, and the opening of many attractive gifts. Children attending were Debbie and Jenny Chance, Ka thy and Patty Ragsdale, Liz and Wendy Moore, Susie Roach, Dena Pearce, and Mary Gay Fleetwood, in addition to the hostesses and their older sisters. When painting a chair or light table, drive brad or finishing nail in to the bottom of each of the legs to raise the piece of furniture Vi to Vi inch from the floor. This will keep it from sticking to the paper or cloth on which it is sitting, and will prevent the collars of excess paint that other wise may accumulate around the bot- toc of the legs. 1 or 2 eggs, well-beaten and make into a loaf. Place in a slightly greased baking pan or dish and bake for 2’z hours at 350 degrees. Mix well Subscribe to The WHEN YOU BUY OUR TOP QUALITY MEATS 10 lb. ba g33‘ CHILI DOGS CELLO CARROTS 1 lb. pkgs, Nearly nine million forest tree seedlings will be available from the two state forestry department nurs eries for forest and farm woodland planting throughout the state during the coming planting season, accord ing to a statement issued by Assist ant State Forester C. D- Maus. There will be 17 different species and out of this it will be possible to get a selection that will adapt itself to nearly all climactic conditions in the state and fill most of the needs for forest production and product* such as posts, poles, fuel and logs as well as shelter for the farm build ings, livestock and orchards he stated He added that the order blanks have been issued and can be picked up at the various state forestry de partment headquarters, the county agents' offices or directly from the state forester’s office in Salem. The blanks contain a list of the trees and cost, as well as brief instruction as to ordering procedure of the seed lings. However, Maus cautioned that it would be inadvisable for the pros pective tree planter to make a trip to either nursery expecting to pick up the trees Without a prior inquiry The state now conducts two nurser ies, one near Corvallis and the other near Elkton. Both nurseries will be shipping trees indicated on the order blank. There is not a full duplication of tree species at the nurseries, he added. Orders will be accepted at any time between now and spring and ship ments from both nurseries are ex pected to start early in November However, there may be some delay on account of weather condition* which would temporarily prevent lifting. More-ftr-your-Dollar Introducing the New BOILER ONIONS If the hunter in your household bags a deer, be prepared to serve tas ty venison now and in months to come with these new recipes. New cooks and old alike soon tire of plain pot roasts, venison steak* and stews, say Oregon State college home economists. New recipes are re quested every year for venison and other game meat. In any recipe, remove all fat from the meat before using, they caution. 1 Fat carries a strong unpleasant flav or. k Directions for making venison mincemeat, barbecued venison, and , venison meat loaf are offered by Mrs. ! Ruth Klippstein, OSC extension nut- I ritionist. Mincemeat may be frozen I and used later in pies or in filled hol iday cookies. 3 Venison Mincemeat 2 pounds cooked venison, antelope or elk, chopped 4 pounds chopped apple 2 pounds raisins 4 cups brown or white sugar », % pounds chopped suet or butter V2 teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons salt 1>4 teaspoons cinnamon. Remove fat from venison before .simmering. Simmer till tender. Cool |S*nd grind. Combine these ingredients ! and add about 1 quart of cider to cov- I er. Other fruit juices may be substi- | tuted for cider, by adding yj cup vine- l| gar to the juices. Reduce sugar or II sweet fruit juices are used. Cook mix- |' ture very slowly until fruits are ten- I' der (about an hour). Stir often. 11 Freeze in amounts sufficient for a I pie. If mincemeat is canned, process II as for ground beef; 90 minutes at 10 I pounds pressure for quarts, 75 min- I utes at 10 pounds pressure for pints. | A tasty marinating sauce, for use I on less tender cuts such as necks and I shoulders used in stews, is suggested. I Steaks may also be brushed with the I j sauce, and allowed to stand before I cooking. The oil garlic sauce tender- I izes the meat and adds flavor. I Oil Garlic Sauce For Barbecued V enison 1 cup cooking oil 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 table spoon Worcestershire sauce or beef extract 3 cloves or garlic, minced Place sauce in closed container and shake vigorously to blend. Broil meat over hot coals for 20 to 25 minutes, brushing liberally with sauce, or over broil. Baste meat fre quently with sauce as it cooks. Steaks and ribs are recommended for barbecuing. Steaks should not be more than lVi inches thick. A family favorite is venison meat loaf. Mrs. Klippstein says the recipe is from the Rev. Paul Moore, Athena, | who was chosen “Beef” Father of I the Year by the Oregon Cowbclles. Venison Meat Loaf i 2 pounds of ground meat (1 pound ' of ground beef and 1 pound of ground game meat). 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt Vk teaspoon pepper teaspoon monosodium glutamate powder *-4 teaspoon savory salt 4« cup crack meal or fine bread crumbs Blend these ingredients and add: 1 cup tomato juice 1 bouillon cubes dissolved in 2 or 3 tablespoons of water V4 cup sliced green pepper 1 small onion diced fine 10—THE -MILL CITY ENTERPRI3B THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1»5S ■■■ KUb \ I CHILI WIENERS They're Good. Lb. Assorted, Your Choice Fresh Frozen FISH Package 50 4 lbs. foi 25* Oregon Sliced Bacon 1 lb. pkg. 69 JONATHAN APPLE S, crisp juicy •t 4 ♦ HILL-TOP MARKET MILL CITY. ORE. Prices Good For October 30, 31 and November I PHONE 2744 Instead of speeches, junkets and press releases. MARK HATFIELD has a program of action to create more jobs and business opportunities in Oregon. Mark Hatfield says. 'Vi e must create a business climate that will encourage industrial expansion and new- industry, assure a stable tax program competitive with other states; encourage better labor-management relations.” I MARK ¡81 HATFIELD Oregon needs hint fir Governor. . . NOW / Mar. on County Hatfield Comm. George A- Jones, Salem, Chnn