Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1958)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTI AM HIGHWAY - GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE »- VOLI ME XIV M MBER 43 Grade Students Collide Teeth and Head Suffer Timber Cruise Camp Godsend To Lost Hunter PONY EXPRESS TO RIDE AGAIN It was reported than Rennie Oh- mart and Randy Marshall, both members of the sixth grade class, i "bumped heads" when they collided on the playgrounds at school Mon day. causing painful injuries to both boys. Ronnie broke off two front teeth and Randy received a bad cut on the forehead, necessitating the taking of six stitches by a physician. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Oh mart, Ronnie was taken immediately to a dentist who repaired tila teeth, Randy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Marshall. Literally adding insult to injury. on the way home from the dentist the wheel of a passing truck threw a rock through the windshield of the• Ohmart car, covering the occupants with splintered glass. Colton To Play Santiam Here Fri. Afternoon George Loveall, can thank his ear High winds early Sunday morning ly training in the woods, and the i sort of fouled up things for the fact that he stumbled onto a timber homecoming football game which cruise camp, for saving his life when was scheduled to be played here with he was lost in the woods Saturday af Colton this Friday evening. One of ternoon until late Sunday.. He was the large poles at Allen Field carry brought to Mill City about noon Mon ing a bank of lights and a transform er was blown down by the high day. George had gone on the hunting w'nd. This pole also knocked out trip with John Wills. They left their several other banks of lights, mak Jeep up near Red Top which is west of ing it necessary to play the game at Monument Peak. George went up the 2 o'clock in the afternoon. mountain and John hunted the lower Alumni from Gates, Mill City and area. George got lost by following Santiam Union high school are asked the wrong creek on his return. He said . to remember the game time change, in an interview at The Enterprise I and try to attend. The homecoming Monday afternoon that "all water 1 dance will be held from 8 until 11 looks alike when out in the woods.” | p. in. AU alumni have been invited to He said when he figured it was about I attend this affair, which is sponsored 'oy the GAA. time for them to meet at the Jeep he ' fired three shots in an attempt to get ' an answer from his hunting partner, but heard no answering shots. John ; stated he heard no shots. Saturday night was a rough one, and certainly not a good one to be ( lost in. However, George kept follow ing the creek, walking right in the By Eugene Skaug Pony express riders will thunder down historic Oregon trails again next June as part of Oregon'.« stream, , which was ice cold. His wool I The Santiam Wolverines, in a great Centennial celebration Here Harry I-ong, left, and Stan Thompson, both of Baker, rehearse a --------- relay in the ruts of the old Oregon trail near Baker. Long ls vice president and Thompson president pants, which were soaked caused his ^eavy drizzle, defeated the Chemawa H. I. Plymale was chosen this week of Centennial Pony Exprès^, Inc. legs to become raw. He was taught . Int[jang 38 to j2 Friday afternoon. by Gil Schachtsick of Stayton to hea l as a boy to follow a creek and if he j Gary Bevier, on the first play of the United Fund drive in Mill City could last he knew that he would' the game, went 60 yards for the Mr. Plymale has been working on come out all right. On Sunday he1 first score. Ron Kuhlman made the this job for many years. He states came upon the timber cruiser’s camp.! extra point. The third time Santiam this year Gates and Mill City will He got into the tent and into a sleep got their hands on the ball Ron Kuhl pool their funds. As in the past, two- ing bag. He said all he ate was half man hiked 42 yards for the second thirds of all monies raised will be an apple and drank a half can of score. kept ill the local treasury. Treat yofTr family to a favorite food grapefruit juice. He said: “ I was ‘ In the ____ . rl „. next quarter one TD was Each year this money is used to afraid if I ate 1 might become s>ek, | seored by each team as Lary Kanoff of both Indians and whites in early Pony express riders will thunder Fargo express company. But Thomp good advantage locally, said Mr. Ply- Oregon trail days — venison jerky. and that was no place to become ill." threw • a pass to Ron Kuhlman for down historic Oregon trails with the son reports that one rider, J. M. He stayed right in the tent and sleep-1 Santiam and Eddie Tsosie went six Oregon State college home economists mail again next June as part of the Shepherd, sold his line to Auburn to I male. He is looking for organizations who will give him s me assistance ing bag until the cruisers came up yards for the Indians. The half ended and fish and game experts suggest state's centennial celebration. th« Wells Fargo company for $3000 in soliciting funds. these two recipes for making it. Monday morning. George stated he 20 to 6 in Santiam’s favor. Plans to re-enact part of Oregon’s in the fall of 1863. . .............. suffered severe pains from cramps in To get the second half rolling the _ 1 Simplest way to make jerky is in past are being formulated by Centen-; Thompson said: "We believe our ! his legs from the cold and wet. He I Wolverines wolverines scoim iz sc<4hi 12 : additional ________ ^he oven- However, the ovin cooks the nial Pony Express, Inc., of Baker, plans add color and authenticity to the 1 said there were bumps the size of or | points when Kanoff spiraled again meat slightly and old-timers feel it President of the group is Stanley W. great Oregon «entennial. We hope anges on his legs from knotted mus- ito the _ surehanded _________ ________ Kuhlman, >___ and ___ Be- <loes not impart the old-time smoked Thompson and Vice President is Harry that other Oregonians will enjoy the cles. When he would try to straighten v vier jgr sprinted anrinteJ 30 vnrds yards for the other flavor. Long, both of Baker. I pony express days as much as we are them out the pain was terrific. j touchdown. Traditional jerky is preserved en Thompson said the riders will bear going to." The cruisers told him where the jn final period the Wolver-11..»., tirely by drying — in a smokehouse. real mail an(j may contend with mock | To illustrate conditions which pre road was, and he followed this until he I ¡nes> Kanoff uncorked another pass ¡New electric : smokers now on the Indian attacks and bandit forays June vailed when pony express riders were I came upon the Fern Ridge Logging this time to Dorman Gregory. Kan-' market make is possible to smoke 7 through 10 as a prelude to the cen- at their height, he said that carryingI School district indebtedness within Co. operation. One of the men brought further proved his prowess by jerky and other meats at home any tennial exposition, which Opens at pt moil »«Oom Oregon nroo-on minincr cnmn* ' the state of Oregon increased $15,- mail to eastern mining camps Mill City. him back to...... I throwing to Don Howe for the extra season of the year, the specialists Portland June 10 for 100-day show- was highly competitive. I 466,461 during the two years that end A search party was sent out on point. Jackson John plunged through point out. ing. ed July 1, 1958, according to a sum | For instance, from the spring of 1802 Sunday, but were unable to find any for Chemawa’s final touchdown to I Oven Method - Jerky Thompson said pony express booths to the summer of 1863, all letters and mary just prepared by Sig Unander, trace of the lost man. i ____ make _ a total of 39 to 12 in favor of I 3 pounds of venison or beef will be set up in Oregon cities and newspapers for Auburn, the first big State Treasurer. I George said this is the second time Santiam. towns under auspices of local riding mining camp in eastern Oregon, had The total bonded indebtedness of Salt to taste he has been lost in the woods, the ! ’ I *2 teaspoon liquid smoke (more or groups. Special stationery will be sold to be brought over the mountains from Oregon school districts as of July 1, first time being when he was about to persons who wish to send letters by Walla Walla by pony express riders. 1958, aggregated $109,366,388, and less as desired.) 14 years old. pony express. I Pepper to taste. Letters were delivered for $1 each and warrants outstanding amounted to During the time he was gone he The eastern Oregon leaders said he newspapers were sold for $1 a copy. $277,085, making a total debt of $109,- Remove all fat from the meat and saw only one deer. I slice it very thin. Sometimes local is one of mai'v Oregon residents who Shepherd got into the pony express 643,478. Against the debt, the school I meat shops will do this on electric can remembee when men on horse business because one day he received districts had sinking funds totalling 1 Larry Kanoff was chosen from slicers. back carried *he mail in the state. In two letter* and had to pay $1 for each, $3,841,293, thereby reducing the total j Santiam Union high school by band Generously salt meat, add a dab of his childhood a mounted mailman Thompson recounts. The price irked debt, in effect, to $105,802,180. The | director Earl W. Loucks to play'liquid smoke to one side before salt- carried letters in his stomping Shepherd so seriously that he started net debt of the school districts of the state on July 1, 1966, waa $90,335,719. | Monday afternoon with the U. S. ing. Place the strips layer upon layer grounds in Pine valley in the Wallowa his own service. Although the City of Portland I Air Force band in Salem Mr. Loucks jn a large crock or bowl ^ind lightly mountains 65 miles northeast of Bak Shepherd beat his competitors by. ‘ school district had no indebtedness Passenger fare increase of ap (stated Santiam was indeed honored pepper each layer as stacked. Allow er, he said. finding a shorter route, riding hard Research shows, Thompson said that er and selling the letters to the ad either in 1956 or 1958, the other proximately 10 per cent for Hamman I as only 10 schools in the Willamette to stand at least six hours or over- horsemen carried the mail in Oregon dresses for 50 cents instead of the cus school districts in Mutnoman County Stage Lines between Bend and Salesn I valley were asked to send a repre- night. increased their debtedness in the and intermediate points his been ap I sentative. Tom Fencl was given a i To dry, remove oven racks and for several years before and after its tomary dollar. net amount of $2,165,388, according to proved by Public Utilities Commis- I chance to represent the school but , stretch strips of meat across racks, admission to the union in 1859. Thompson said: “ There must be Unander’s summarization. Lane Coun I was forced to decline because he had allowing pieces of meat to touch but One of the first postal express -ioner Howard Morgan. stor- ty shows an increase of $3,258,485 in lume», he nt saia, said, was set up up uy by W. r». vi. G. . hundreds of — good - pony express __ Increased labor, gasoline and re ' a tooth knocked loose in a football ' not overlap. Be sure to allow enough routes, O^o, x-zauj Ci., into Ä school debt, during the two-year per * »auiv ail r™. xi win vickvii imw . . ... , . _ _ I uncovered space on racks for good T-V.UH pair costs and reduction of patron I accident. Twality, Yamhill and Polk counties I that W 1 « w111 8e " d them t0 for iod, followed by Washington County Kanoff, who plays saxophone has oven circulation. Place the racks back age were given as reasons-necessitat In helpmg publicise our part with an increase of $2,425,868. Doug | studied for many years in school into the oven so that the upper rack and to the Oregon institute. St. Paul. ing the increase. Champoeg and back to Oregon City. |the Oregon centennmU____ las and Coos counties, with reductions I here, and has also taken additional is at least 4 inches from the top of the Morgan’s action followed a hear of $1,962,37$ and $651,800 respective Pony express riders served the min ing held in Salem September 26 in I musical training for over two years oven and the lower one at least 4 in ly, made the best showing dollar-wisu which no members of the traveling (in Salem. The students from the 10 ches from the bottom. Set the oven ing camps of southern Oregon from 1 but not necessarily percentage-wise, public appeared to protest the fare I schools joined the band in several temperatures at 150, and dry meat for 1852 to 1854, he reported, and one of I in debt liquidation in the past two hikes. Last previous increase in the -numbers in the Saturday matinee, 'about 11 hours. Meat left in the oven the firms, Todd & Company, adver I years, according to Mr. Unander. A bus load of 3.3 band and chorus1 overnight, from 9 P- m. to 8 p. m., tised service to all parts of Oregon. line’s fares came in 1956. ; student went to hear the concert. should be dry. Treasurer Unander’s report shows Carrying gold dust between Jack that of the 36 counties in the state, 18 sonville and Shasta, California, was a They were accompanied by Mr. True Vension Jerky Norman Anderberg Talks - Loucks and Bob Harris, who is di counties showed an increase and 17 Cut lean venison into convenient profitable business from 1852 to 1854 counties showed a reduction of school recting the chorus this year. eating pieces about 1 to I Vi inches for several individuals and companies, Of Job at Lions Meeting thick, and 4 to 6 inches long. More Thompson said, and in 1855 a line of Liquor revenue and privilege tax district indebtedness during the two- Norman (Andy) Anderberg, Pa express riders operated between Van tender cuts make better jerky, but any collections on wine and beer re year period. Klamath County school cific Power representative here, gave Army Football Hotshot I cuts can be used. Loin, round and couver, The Dalle«, Puget sound and suited in the distribution of $2, 800,- j district, which operates under the a talk at Lions club Monday night Related to Glen Shelton Corvallis. flank are recommended. 000, Hugh R. Kirkpatrick. chair county unit plan, had no indebtedness on phases of his job. He told how o brine of IVk pounds ,____ _ ___ salt | Most early express companies with- man of the Oregon liquor commis either in 1956 or in 1958. Glen Shelton stated this week that I Prepare a trouble spots are checked out, and Pete Dawkins, Army Football strong I to a gallon of water in a granite or drew with the coming of the Wells sion, announced at the commission’s The following summary shows the gave many interesting highlights changes in school district indebted monthly meeting Wednesday. man is his cousin. Dawkins is the stone crock. Add meat. Weight with about his line of work. The state general fund received ness of Linn and Marion counties dur- son of a Detroit dentist, and at one a plate or polyethylene so that all Rex Ohmart stated this year the time had been striken with polio. With pieces are under the brine. Allow to a total of $2,325,000, while $250,- j ing the biennium that ended July 1, calendar sales have gone away over determination he overcame his ill stand at least 12 hours. 000 was allocated to the incorpor 1958: Linn, net debt July 1, 1958 $5,- preceding years, and that the club Drain well, place on trays in smok ness to become one of the highpoint ated cities and $221,000 to the var 737300.00 increase $8.38,539.25; Mar will continue this project, as it ap men at the Military Academy, hold er. Dry and flavor with warm, not hot ious counties. $1,000 was earmark ion, net debt July 1, 1958 $9,890,076,- pears that residents of the area like ing honors no cadet before him, smoke for 5 to 15 days, depending on Bob Draper of Draper’s Flying A ed for the state census fend. An 88 increase $1,794,850.12. having the calendar carrying the i Station reports that his station is additional $84,386, also from privi birthdates and anniversaries of their not even Gen. Douglas MacArthur, size of pieces to be dried. When com ever held at one time. pletely dry, the meat is ready to use i now distributing free litter bags lege tax sources, went to the cities Taxes Threat to Family friends, as well as the meeting dates I to help keep America beautiful as and counties and will be distributed I or store. of the various clubs of the city. Sized Farm Says Stored in airtight containers jerky well as give motorists a convenient according to population. Induction ceremonies will be con Well Child Clinic To way of keeping their own cars clean. This latest allocation brings the should keep indefinitely. ducted next Monday night for several Be Held October 28 Draper says that the popularity of I total distributed from liquor com Miss Nancy Kirkpatrick new members and two transfer mem "Present property taxes are a con the bags is a growing national trend mission funds this year to $12,612,134. Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson states bers. tinuing threat to the family sized and that more and more of his custo there will be a Well Child Clinic and farm," Nancy Kirkpatrick, candidata mers have been asking for them. Immunization at the high school for the legislature, to The Mill City Ron Ragsdale Named The specially-designed paper bags Tuesday, October 28 from 1 until 4 Enterprise this week. “While soma slip on dashboard knobs and window Linn County Centennial VP p. m. relief was afforded farmers by th® or door handles and have a patented Those wishing an appointment A general meeting of the Linn j last legislature affecting the taxes “Snap-Tab” feature that keeps them with Dr. Stone, are asked to call Wednesday, Oetober 22, Marilyn1 on facm equipment, not enough has County Centennial fommittee was 1 from falling yet permits easy re Mrs. Hutchinson at 524. held Monday at 8 p. m. in the Social i b»>en done to safeguard thia backbone moval. Bob says that he hopes the Assembly, Rainbow for Girls. Security room of the Albany Court- - of Oregon’s economy,” she said. This year the children of the city i free bag« will help reduce th« grow Club Wednesday, October 22, Lions house. Main business was electing1 Weather at Detroit Dam will again be given a chance to par- ' ing problem of roadside refuse. The four most pressing needs of fficers for the corporation. They are ' 7:00 A.M. Daily Weather Readings ticipate in the UNICEF trick or, An extensive national campaign is Auxiliary, Mary Kelly's. the state were listed by Miss Kirk Don Penfold, Holley, president, who j A ad Laks Elevation treat program on Hallowe'en. The | under way to fight the Utter which Thursday, October ». Theta Rho patrick as: 1. A more equitable and also is county chairman; Ron Rags-1 Max. Mio. Pep Elev. children will be calling from house mars the country’s beauty, causes au Girls. far-sighted tax program; 2. new dale, vice president, and Ross Me-: October 15 70 47 0.00 1523.54 to house gathering up contributions to accidents and costs over $50,000,- jobs and payrolls from expanding in Ccrmick, Albany, secretary-treasur- j October 16 Thursday, October ». Toastmist- dustry; 3. an educational program 69 47 0.00 1522.38 of money to put into the fund. Money • 000 to remove from highway right- er. 71 49 0.00 1521.64 raised in this manner will go to aways. One report estimates that ress club, Mari-Linn •chool at 7:30 for our schools equal to the chal October 17 Progress reports were given by October 18 70 51 007 1520.52 wards medicine and food for the un- from 750 to 1,000 people are killed lenge of our times; and 4, a program Friday, October 24, 1OOF several city chairman. The next October 19 64 45 1.78 1519.61 derpriveleged children of the world. 'and another 100,000 seriously injur that will guarantee maximum devel meeting will be in the same place October 20 49 44 1.13 1519.74 The solicitation will take place be ed each year in accidents caused by Monday, October 27, Lions club. opment and use of our recreational Monday, November 24 at 8 p. m. October 21 57 40 0.02 1518.32 tween 7 and 8 o'clock. and wildlife resources. Induction of new members. ■ objects tossed from moving cars. Chemawa Falls To Wolverines 39 to 12 Friday H. I. Plymale Heads UF Drive Venison Jerky Stays Popular; Recipes Given Oregon School District Indebtedness Shows Increase Says Report Larry Kanoff Plays With Air Force Band Hamman Stage Line Boost Gets Green Light Over SI 2 Million in Funds Distributed by State Liquor Com. i Draper's Flying A To Give Litter Bags Mill City Children To Take Part in UINCEF Program ' Coming Events