WANT ADS MJ S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 1958 Card of Thanks For Rent We wish to thank our friends for RENT—Two bedroom house between Mill City and Gates. Has the calls, flowers and the many TV cable installed. See Mrs. Bob i cards sent to Mr. John Meals while Rash. <otf he was in Barnes Hospital in Van couver, Wash. They were greatly ap FOR RENT—Four room partly furn preciated.—Mr. and Mrs. John Meals ished house. Hardwood floor. Wash room, carport. Phone . 1622. 42 CLASSIFIED RATES FOR Church bazaars, suppers, bake •alaa, etc, will be run under “Special Aanouacements” classification with • minimum charge of 50 cent» pet taaartion. Ten cent» per line each insertion. Ne advertisement accepted for lees FOR RENT—Nice furnished cottage, fttaa 50 cent» per week. Has TV cable. $30.00 per month. Count five words to the line in C. M. Cline, 304 N. E. Alder St., ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill Mill City. 40tf CWy or mail your advertisement to The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, FOR RENT—Hospital bed» and mat tresses, rollaway tied» and mat Oregon. tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co We give Penny Saver Stamp*. 367 3rd St. St ay ton Pbsne 6804. 33tf Real Estate Legal Notices West line of Section 18. Township 9 South, Range 3 East, Willam ette Meridian, and running thence North along the subdivision line to the North line of said Section 18; thence East 3*« miles to the Northeast corner of Section 15, Township 9 South, Range 2 East; thence South along the line be- tween Section 14 and 15 to the Southeast corner of Section 15; thence East 14 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 24, Township 9 South, Range 4 East which is on the line between Range 4 East and Range 5 East; thence South along said range line 4 miles, more or less, to the North bank of the North Santiam River; thence Westerly along said North bank to it» intersection with the North-south line be tween Sections 27 and 28, Town ship 9 ‘South, Range 3 East; thence North to the quarter sec tion corner between said Sections 27 and 28; thence West along the center line of Section 28, 29 and 30 of said township and range to the West line of said Section 30; thence North to the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (SW cor. of NWy< of NW1-4) of said Section 30; thence West one mile to the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the North west quarter (SW cor. of NWü of NW1«) of Section 25, Town ship 9 South, Range 2 East; thence South to the North bank of the North Santiam River; thence Westerly along said North bank to the place of beginning. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 11th day of September, 1958. H. C. MATTSON (SEAL) County Clerk October 16-23 1958 No. 17559 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT , I have filed my Final Account in the estate of U. S. Rider, deceased with the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon, and the Court has set the 27th day of October, 1958, at 9:15 o’clock A. M. and the Circuit Court room as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the Circuit Court room as the time and L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE Business Opportunities place for hearing objections thereto M. Nalson, Salesman Phon« 1957 and the settlement of said estate. Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City D. B. HILL, Administrator. On Highway 22 OPPORTUNITY BELL & GEHLEN, MAN OR WOMAN LIST WITH US 43 Responsible person, from this area, Attys, for Admin. JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE I to service and collect from new type W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman cigarette dispenser. Route established NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR THE Phone 4515 Gates, Oregon. I by Company. No selling. Age not FORMATION OF A LIVESTOCK essential. Car, references and $987 to DISTRICT LN MARION COUNTY $1975 cash required. 3 to 5 hours KNOWN AS NORTH SANTIAM Automobiles ■weekly net up to $275.00 monthly. LIVESTOCK DISTRICT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FOR SALE—1953 Chevrolet hard Possibility fulltime work. For local an election will be held on the 4th of interview give full particulars, phone. top. Will sell cheap. Dale Smith. November, 1958, between the hours of Call ULrick 9-2473. 42p Write: Cigarettes, P. O. Box 146, 8 A .M. and 8 P. M. in that portion of 42p I Mineapolis 40, Minn. Precincts No. 182, 184 and 186 located within the area described herein. The FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See proposed arear to be made into a live Situations Wanted Th« Mill City Enterprise. Top, stock district which will make it un Quality printing, priced right. Fast service too. Phone MSI. Night» WORK WANTED—By day or hour, lawful for cattle, horses and other 7695. also baby sitting. Genevieve Kester livestock to run at large therein is son, Phone 924, % Jim Kesterson, comprised of a portion of voting pre Mill City. 39p cincts 182, 184 and 186, and is more fully described as follows: RESPONSIBLE PERSON Beginning on the North bank of the North Santiam River at a male or female, from this area, Miscellaneous point 20.00 chains East of the wanted to service and collect from automatic vending machines. No WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake Belling. Age not essential. Car, Bolts. Contact Nat A. Will». Will» references, and $750 working capi Brothers Shingle Co., Mill City tal necessary. 5 to 8 hours weekly nets to $250 monthly. Possibility POWER MOWER—Repairing and Sharpening. See Greenoagh’» Saw full time work. For local interview Shop at Gate» for a good job. give full particulars, with phone. PRINTING WORTHY Phone 7351. On the highway at Write MONARCH SUPPLY CO., Gates, Oregon. 10tf. 11715 Rainier Ave., Seattle 88, THE OCCASION Washington. OFFICE FURNITURE »nd equip ment. typewriters, ad-ling machines, For life*» moil notable calculators, cash regitters, duplicat ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, even!» (Weddings, En rent, »wap and repair. Bargains in gagement», etc.) the In HOMELITE used machines. Roes Typewriter vitation or Announce Exchange, 456 Court St. Salem, tf CHAIN SAWS ment must be socially WANT TO BUY TIMBER Sales and Service correct, dignified in Small or large tracts format, perfect In I Either cash or stumpage ba»1» GR EENOUGH . craftsmanship. Best i STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. way to make aure of % mile we«t of Mehama. Oregon 3tf SAW SHOP this is to put your prob Phone 7351 FOR SALE—Small oil stove, $12, also lem» of social printing large w-ood circulator, needs lining, Oates, Oregon up to us. We know $2.50.— Marie Herron, Fairview St. _________________________ , ___ 42p what to do and how Io do it! s Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top prices fur Second Growtl Automotive & Industrial Maintenance Welding, Diesel Engine Service Shop or Field Delco Batteries Factory Equipment Ignition Parts Dealer for Airco Welding Products STOUT CREEK LMB CO ■4 west of Mehama. Oregon MILL CITY ENTERPRISE HERE IS MEAT and GROCERIES when you shop regularly at our meat and grocery store. See us about a Locker Today. Order one and have it ready for fall. A \ Open 7 Days A Week. MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Phone 2642 Mill City, Ore. Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE RE-ELECT Wayne E. Downing Lacomb, Oregon REPUBLICAN NOMINEE for C OMMISSIONER, Linn County Linn County is free of debt If elected I will continue in my best effort to keep it that way. CHILLY NIGHTS MEAN WINTER IS AHEAD Now that the heat of the summer is over, why not bring your car to us and have it put in shape for Fall and Winter driving. Proper grease and oil, plus permanent anti-freeze should be put in your car right now. Let US do it TODAY! DRAPER'S FLYING A SERVICE WE GIVE S & 11 GREEN STAMPS Phone 7442 Highway 22 Mill City Hoover's Repair - , X A When you want to be SURE, Come in to see SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. MOTOR TUNKUPS and BRAKE WORK AUTO SUPPLIES If You Can't Buy It At Home Take Advantage of STAYTON'S DOLLAR DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday OCTOBER 16-17-18 Exceptional Bargains At Stayton Stores Stayton Retail Trade Bureau STAYTON. OREGON I Pd. Adv. by Wayne E. Downing Jim and Veryl Hoover Phone 2602 Mill City SILVER SADDLE I