THE MILL CITY _ ENTE h RP,RISE T 1 'his duties in timber sales adminis- S—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I JClrOll"l(ianria tration of the Detroit district. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 16, l»5h | Visitors Sunday at the Detroit —---- —----------------------- j--------------- y-w j ¡Church were Mr. and Mrs. Lee; Swartzen druber and daughter, Kay,1 ND Cky, Oregon, under th. Art of and daughter from Albany were from Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Al March 3. 1878. ¡overnight guests Saturday of Mr. and Sportsman from Sweet Home, Mr.1 and Mrs. Lawrence Clark and daugh­ ■ --------------- -------- ----------------- Mrs. Louis Crispin. Marion-1.1 nn Counties, per year 81 M Mr an(j Mrs. Orville Dean from ter, Kathy, from Stay ton and Mr. and __ son . . Mrs. Stockton and daughter, ' > Flor-* Owtaide, Marion-Linn Counties |1A8 | ! CzMgVKC Eugene have •••• W been a visiting ---- -—1 his [)r ln/.inl l/i T Li — Howard . ZiW*z«z. ence from Prineville. The congrega- I ~~~~ ------ *and family, Mr. and Mrs. By Doria (. undersell j tion had the pleasure of hearing sev­ ¡Dean the past three weeks. RATION Al EDITORIAL The craziest bird in the world lives eral numbers from the visitors. Little 1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davidson and 6-year-old Kathy from Stayton sang in 1 Linn county. son, Jimmy, from Marion, were visit­ “He's Got the Whole Worll in His The water ouzel or dipper is a land ors Sunday in Detroit. «.vrn zn- Hand,” with teenager Kay from Al- ^rd, lives only in mountains border- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallford and bany singing a solo and the choir ,*n* Pacific rim^ and walks under family from Silverton were Sunday from Idanha Community church sang j water to find its food. The bird is commonly seen in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaffer. three numbers. They also attended I creeks in the Western Cascades; in A birthday party was held Satur- church services. Mrs. Athel Athel Savage was an Cre , *k Forest day t aitemoon afternoon iur for uuracy Dorsey i^inn Linn ornun Smith ' Mrs. Savage was an over- over- |Trout _ , . Camp - Long u- Bow l his 6th birthday anniversary. Dor- night patient in Salem General hos-1 camp> and other place” “lonK H gh- on 1 _ ‘ _ | way 20. sey was the recipient of many lovely pital Wednesday. Telephone 6651 or 7605 Red Asher eseaped serious injuries DON W. MOFFATT. Editor-Pabliaher gifts. After games, refreshments of Mrs. Schreder’s in Salem. were served. He js the son of Mr. and Sunday night when his car rolled guest Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris left Fri- j over and landed upright near Detroit. Mrs. Quincy Smith. Marion , £ounty 4-H day for Redondo Beach, Calif., to at­ The American Legion Auxiliary ( Anne Bergholz, _ 9HOP met Tuesday night at the home of »gent met Wednesday morning at the tend funeral services for Alan Har­ ___ ______ ___ __ Mrs. ____ Ruby Reid with 11 members home of Mrs. Slyvia Wenke for help- ris, brother of Jim, who died of gun­ present. Membership dues are now suggestions for the organization, shot wounds. No details were given here. payable. Mrs. Edna Lady, member- Miss Bergholz demonstrated plain j ship chairman, and Mrs. Rilla Shaf- muffins. Leaders and co-leaders in- fer, secretary, are doing the canvas­ teres ted in the 4H work that is being sing with hopes of many new mem­ done in the upper Canyon were: | bers. Refreshments were served and Mmes. Mary Clester, Margaret Hem, I games played with prizes going to Dorothy Culver, Adele FleUtier, Theo 1 Ada Tompkins and Reba Snyder. The Houck, Jessie Savage, ACa Tomp­ for your every day Phone 5807 Mill City next meeting will be October 21 at kins and Opal Leming. Due to other needs committments Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. the home of Mrs. Thelma Smith. Mrs. Orvel (Alma) Lady from Culver will be unable to be leaders Prineville is visiting with relatives for the sub-teens. Potlucg was served. ' Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m I KeZ/om's Grocery A sewing class day will be held Nov. here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jessup and in­ 5 at Stayton for the benefit of lead- Tour Neighborhood fant son, Mathew, from Monsey, N. era wishing to take sewing as their Grocery i Y., moved recently to the Detroit project. Mrs. Ella Johnson was a weekend Ranger station where he will begin aas A Century In Linn County KELLOM'S GROCERY When You Think of * BURGERS or * ICE CREAM Think of the MILL CITY DRIVE IN When You Think of the Drive In Think of * BURGERS * ICE CREAM * FRENCH FRIES and * CONEY ISLAND HOT DOGS Fall Landscaping Let us come and give you an estimate on your job. We’ll do it right and you'll be surprised how little it costs to make your place real attractive. Sign Up Now For Free Drawing Viv's Steak House • • • Closed Mondays RALEIGH HAROLD Nursery and Florist Open 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Including Sundays lVi Blocks West of Stayton Highway Phone Stayton BO 9-2534 319 W. Washington 84. Mill City, Oregon SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports DastJc Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms “Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St Corner of Liberty S and H Green Stamps LOGGER'S CHOICE McCullough's New I CHAIN SAWS 1 Super 55 A 7 h. p. 22 lbs. $329 and lTp Super 44 A 7 h. p. 19 lbs. $239 and Up Model 1)36 YOU’LL ENJOY A DRYER, TOO! Buy One Now and Enjoy Carefree Washdays! It's Another Way Low-Cost $179.95 and Up ‘ Model Mae D30 PP&L Electricity Helps You Live Better For Less! * r - •J- ►Jflf.rtiol tOM»l^< P'k» • Arefope CMf of mi •l«ttric»V por liTowsH-hovr to* vw. $149.95 and Up Raymond Branch & Son Equipment Company Phone UL 9-2160 Mehama, Oregon PACIFIC POWER ¿SLIGHT COMPANY See Your Appliance Dealer Today! Live Better... Electrically My living cost* have gone up, too. But since you are working me «o marry more hours per month, you're getting the advantage of my quantity rates. That's why today'» average price per kilowatt-hour for PPSl residential electric service is 16.6X lower than in 1949.