/Ì Il New Sunday Starting Time: 5:30 P. M. 7:00 P. M. on Other Days. Il Mary Kelly, Woman's Editor Married at Jordan Church THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATl RDAY • <*™BhR 16-17-18 MARJORIE MAIS. PER< ' K• “MA AND PA KETTLE ON VACATION —PLUS— GREGORY PECK. JOAN COLLINS, in “THE BRAVADOS SUNDAY, MONDAY. OCTOBER 19-20 SAL MINEO. JAMES **HJTMOKK. »" Paqe I1 THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE TH I RSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1958 Mrs. Robert Roach was guest speaker for the Mehama Presbyter­ ian Women’s association at their 1 Phone 625 9 o’clock meeting last Thursday after­ noon at the Mehama Presbyterian Francisco and Reno, the new Mrs. I church. Her topic was a preview of Kuiken was wearing a beige sheath | the “Charter for Christian Action.” with burnt orange and green cum­ berbund and black accesories. | Rev. and Mrs. F. Claude Stephen» After October 25. the young couple from Turner, were guests Sunday will be at home in Salem at 4155 morning at the Christian church. Rev. Stephens delivered the morning ier- Center Street N. E. Mrs. Kuiken attended grade school j mon using as his title “The Promises in Lyons and is a graduate of the ■ of God.” The Stephen’s served the Mill City high school and is now em­ i local church for six years in the early 40'«. Following the morning ployed as a beautician in Salem. Mr. Roye is a graduate of Stayton service they were dinner guests at high school and has been employed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree. in Washington. “THE YOUNG DON’T CRY’’ —PLUS­ RAY MILLAND, KENNETH HAIGH, in HEY KIDS’ “HIGH FLIGHT” World War Two Flyer* Starts at 5:30 Sunday Remind Your Mom To Get Your FREE 2 FOR 1 SALE 2 BOTTLES ASCORBIC ACID 100TABLETS 250 mg. $O ■JI E 2 BOTTLES ASCORBIC ACID 100 TABLETS 100 mg.................. MUIR’S BETTER BREAD W $1 QO From Now Until Hallowe'en Be Sure To Get Yours Now. * • W 59« SOOTH SKIN LOTION 2 BORLES ____ See us for Hallowe'en Masks, Tablecloths, Nap­ kins and Party Favors. Mill City Pharmacy Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel Phone 6607 MILL CITY Do-lf-Youraelf Ideal Add built ins. enlarge clos­ ets, panel a wall whatever vour remodeling plans, hiring them to us. \X e have the know-how for a better job. the material for an eco­ nomical job—starting with West Coast lumber. KELLY LUMBER SALES Phone 6803 Trick or Treat Bag from MUIR'S BAKERY Free Bag With Each Pur­ chase of 2 large loaves of Open Saturday Mill City, Ore. “7’d talk longer M