Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1958)
sjT I . Business and Professional DIRECTORY Word <omes here from Dr. and Mrs.-^-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Don E. Foster of Anchorage. - ■ ----- Alaska. THURSDAY. OCTOBER ». 195h Salem, and Stayton, that they are parents of a daughter, born to them Spending the weekend together at September 11. The new arrival their favorite hunting camp site in weighed 6 pounds 5l< ounces at birth the Maury Mountains out from Prine JOHNW. REID, M. D Mrs. Ethel Wirff of McMinnville and was named Julia DeAnne. The ville were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Physician and Surgeon was a weekend guest of Mrs. A. R. Fosters also have two sons. of Sher'dan, accompanied by her Tohl. sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson of Till MILL CITY. OREGON Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacGregor re amook; Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dowdy re turned Friday n ght from a week’s Becky and Robin, of Bend; Mr. and turned Saturday from a three week vacation spent in California. They Mrs. Vernon Todd, Stephen and vacation spent at Seattle nad Spo said they were glad to get home, as Allen, of Drain; and Mr. and Mrs. DR. JOHN C. TARR i nSan Francisco it was cold and Charles Kelly and John. kane. Chiropractic Physician foggy and at Modesto it was extrem Fifteen Mill City students » ere Phone RO 9-2922 George Rambo of Ashland spent ely hot and dry. When at Redding, Hours 9:00 to 6:00 1 last weekend here at the home of his Calif., the thermometer read 102 in kidnapped from their beds early Sun- day morning and taken to the___ Last . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne the shade. Evenings By Appointment Frontier Resort where they were ser Rambo. H2 E. Ida St. Stayton Girls from the Rally Squad at ved hot rolls, furnished by Muir’s _ Miss Shereen Muir a Bakery, and chocolate. Julie Randall I Mrs. James Poole returned to her SUHS gave duties as clerk at the local branch of surprise birthday party after school was the ringleader and was assisted DR. VICTOR J. MYERS the U. S. Postoffice Tuesday follow recently at the gym. Other class by Shereen Muir in rousting the girls mates were invited to join in the fun. from their beds. This was the first Chiropractic Physician ing a week’s illness. Refreshments, including a birthday knidnap breakfast to be given in Mill BELL BLDG. IDA and THIRD ST. There will be an open house at cake complete with 17 candles were City so it was really H surprise. All St. Catherine’s Catholic church Sun served, and the honoree received the girls agreed they had a wonder STAYTON, OREGON ful time playing the drums, working day, October 12 from 10 to 2. Anyone many nice gifts. the hula hoops, and acting crazy. EHONE RO »-2557 I interested is invited to come. Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek are re- Later the girls gathered around the Mrs. Arnes Jackson submitted to juicing over the arrival, Sunday, Oc fire place and told of their adven minor surgery at Santiam Memorial tober 5, of their first grandchild, a tures. Those attending were; Sandy DR. LESLIE J. CARSON I hospital at Stayton Friday morning. son bor nto Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bruce Olson, Sondra Christensen, Penny Optometrist She returned to her home Saturday. of Salem. The new arrival weighed Christensen, Phyllis and Carol Pate, 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Bat 7 pounds 13 ounces at birth and has brancis Nesbitt, Judi Hoeye, Phyllis Except Wednesday. named Michael . — Jay. Maternal Bickett, Sandy Merry, Yvonne Dickie, Frank Roehmer of Silverton spent 1 been ----- ------- „--------- ,. ------------ 515 Third St, Stayton Friday night and Saturday at the1 grandmother is Mrs. Daniel Casey, Sandy Thomas, Sandy Harris, Carol Phone RO 9-2751 home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Me- Mrs. Bruce and her new son will Veness, Shereen Muir, and Julie Randall. Morris. Saturday the men went deer spend a few days here this week, hunting. '_________________ _________________ — ----— I iI J. W. GOIN Experienced Veterinarian By Harold’s Floral Gardens Stayton, Ore. Ph. RO 9-2533 __ I SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING TEX SHIVELY Phone UL 9-2202 For Appointment I YOUR TELEPHONE GROWS IN VALUE ALL YEAR ROUND Every season is growing season for the value of your telephone service. Winter, summer, spring, or fall ... it gets bigger every day of every month. And the reason is simple. I here are an ever increasing number of places to go and things to do by telephone. VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY Serving Mill City-Gates, Aumsville, Detroit- Idanha, Silverton, Turner Dr. Mark Hammericksen’s Opto- metric offices in the Bell building in Stayton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne- adv. cessary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelton and two children from Corvallis spent the I weekend with their parents, Mr. and [ Mrs. Earl Loucks and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelton. Spending several week at the home of Dike, were Dr. and ward Lindenmayer of Eureka, Calif. Help Your days here last her father, L. E. Mrs. John Ed (Gweneth Dike) 1 Volunteer Weddle Funeral Home Jean O'Rourke from Ukiah. Calif.,’ and Mary Maples from John Day, j spent the weekend at the home of OREGON George Cree. Both girls are students at Mt. Angel Academy. Modem Fanerai Service ■TAYTON Firemen Mr. and Mrs. Arnes Jackson of ■ Tuba City, Aris., and Mr. and Mrs.' C. G. Miller from near Prescott,1 MIKE'S Septic Service I Ariz., are visiting at the home of Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleneee j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnes ' Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT Jackson. 1»79 Elm St. W. Salem Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittam made a SAVE business and pleasure trip over the weekend, which took them down on, I the coast On the way home Sunday I they were dinner guests of relatives i in Roseburg. BE SURE WITH PHIICO Lives and rv Service AMV moo a '"OR you * TELEVISION OF RADIO Phone 3207 or UL 9-2191 We Specialize on philco. Motorola, Zenith Stiffler's Radio and Appliance Co. WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Ph. RO 9-2319 Staytox, Ore. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. RO 9-2319 Staytoa, Ore. LICENSED Garbage Disposal I1JI Par Month and Up Ateo Servicing Gatea. Lyaaa Idanaha and Datrafl MILL CITY, OREGON disposal sewicl Bod Cline, Owwr [*b- 5902 .Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, Sherry and Terry, went to Castle Rock Tues- dya where they attended funeral ser vices for Mr. Hansen’s father, who I passed away in Lansing, Michigan, I September 30. Property Mr. and Mrs. John Kunkle of Lyons are announcing the forthcoming | marriage of their daughter, Juanita I Louise, to Ralph Davis, son of Mr. I - and Mrs. < c. Davis of Mill City. The! date has not yet been set. I Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt spent I the weekend in Portland and Gresh am. They spent Friday night with Miss Leona Lamb in Portland and Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Redinger in Gresham. Is Your Home Ready For Winter? You can do your share in our constant effort to keep fire to a minimum by checking your home now for Fire Hazards. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Conrad of Laurel Springs, N. J., have been visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brunner, and other relatives. Last week, the guests w’ere taken on a trip to Reno and Virginia City, Nev. Y our Attic Check Your Chimney Check Your Basement Check Wiring and Electrical Equipment Robert Ilitter, who is attending1 Portland University this year, spent, the weekend here with his parents,1 Mr. and Mrs. George Ditter. Bob j got home at noon and by 3 o’clock had shot his deer. He returned to school Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Claude Stepehns from Turner were unable to be in Mill City last Sunday due to Rev. Steph en's illness. They plan to come next I Sunday, October 12, at which time he wil deliver the morning sermon at the local Christian church. If you are not sure your home is safe-call a Mill City Volunteer Fireman. He’ll check your home free of charge and make any recommendations needed to put your home on the safe side for win ter. Remember it may save a Life if you do this to day. Lives are endangered every time the de partment answers a call. Prevent that by taking precautions against fire now. Jim Crenell, of Detroit, Mich., via , ited with Mr. and Mrs. George Cren- ] ell here from Saturday until Monday. ’ Jim is a nephew of Mr. Crenell, and, it was the first time the two men, had met. George has not seen his brother, Jims father, for 45 years. I Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tohl left Wed nesday on a trip to the East and South. They are driving and plan to be gone for a month. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Snyd er of Ocean Lake will live at the I Tohl residence and take care of the I store. Three carloads of Rainbow Girin went to Silverton Monday evening to attend a meeting of the chapter at that point. The girls carried with them a traveling gavel, which had been presented to them at a meeting here recently. The girls were able to bnng the gavel back with them, as they had large enough representation on this visit to entitle them to perma nent possession. Taking the girls on the trip were Dorothy Draper, moth er advisor, Mrs. Walter Kay and Mrs. Bill Hirte. Remember the Firemen’s Benefit Saturday November 22 Mill City Volunteer Fire Department Â