The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 25, 1958, Page 6, Image 6

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Meet The Santiam U nion High School Football Team
Left to right—Top Row—Alan Tuers, Roger Schaer, Jim Bevier.
Bottom Row—Tom Fencl, Jim Fencl, Ernie Andersin, Dorman Gregory.
Left to right—Top Row—John Henry, Don Cree, Ron Kuhlman
Bottom Row—Jerry Tucker, Lou Morgan, Eddie Hirte, Larry Kanoff
Left to right—Bob Morgan, Gary Beiver, Larry Schroeder.
Bottom Row—Tom Smith, Art Stevenson, Dennis Wirtanen, Dennis
Left to Right—Top Row—Don Howe, Bob Hill, Ray Gulliford.
Bottom Row—Bob Boroughs, Rodney Schaer, Vernon Johnson,
Jim Gulliford.
John Henry is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Henry. This is John’s third year of
football and he is a one year letterman. John
is one of the toughest players on the team
On defense he plays center linebacker. On
offense he plays halfback. John is 5 foot 2
inches tall and weighs 120 pounds.
Alan Tuers, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
lo Tuers of Mill City, is a senior this year.
Thus is Alan's second year of football. He
weighs 142 pounds and is 5 foot 10U>inches.
Alan is working hard on left and right ends
both offense and defense, and we expect a
great deal from him.
Roger Schaer, son of Mrs. Gwen Schaer
of Gates, is a 16-year-old Junior. Roger
weighs 163 pounds and is 5 foot 7 inches tall.
This is his second year and i3 playing of­
fensive tackle and offensive guard. He is
seeking his first letter.
Art Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex
Stevenson of Mill City, is the largest man
on the Santiam squad. He is 6 foot tall and
weighs in at 236 lbs. He is a junior this year
If Art stays out for practice and works hard
he will Burely be a very valuable asset to the
team by the end of the season
Tom Fencl, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Fencl of Mill City, is one of our larger play­
ers this year. Tom is 6 foot 1 inch and
weighs 175 pounds. He is a three year letter-
man in football and plays the important role
of defensive captain. To prove Tom is work­
ing hard he is missing a front tooth.
Rodney Schaer, a Senior, is our left guard
this year. He weighs 152 pounds and is
5 foot 9 inches tall. This is Rodney’s second
year on the football team and he is seeking
his first letter. He is the son of Mrs. Gwen
Schaer of Gates.
Jim Fencl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fencl
of Mill City is a Freshman at Santiam
High. He is playing the tackle position in his
first year of football. Jim weighs in at 158
pounds and stands 6 foot 1 inch tall.
Larry Kanoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Kanoff. stands 5' 8” weighing 13« lbs
Larry has lettered the jxist 2 years He is a
talented p:isser ami is valued as a defensive
halfback. When you s|H?ak of determination
anil desire larry immediately flashes into
your mind.
Don Howe, a junior this year, plays of­
fense right end and defense half back. This
is is second year in football, last year play­
ing halfback. He weighs 141 pounds and
stands 5 foot and 7 inches in height. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Howe of
Mill City.
Louis Morgan is the son of Mr. and Mrs
Ray Morgan. He is a senior at Santiam Union
High School. He weighs 150 lbs. and is 5' 7
tall. Louis is a one year letterman. He La caj>-
able of playing all three positions in the
backfield and end on offense. He is a line
backer on defense.
Vernon Johnson is a tough hardy lad of
5 foot 7 inches and 145 pounds. He Is a
Senior in high school and is working on his
fourth letter in football. His folks Mr. and
Mrs. Jhue Johnson are residents of Mill City.
Vernon plays the center position on the
team and is a rough linebacker on defense.
Jerry Tucker is the son of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Tucker of Gates. A one year letter-
man, is now a junior. He plays fullback on
offense and how ever Jerry goes the team
goes. He is a defensive end. Jerry’ weighs
195 pounds.
Dorman Gregory is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Gregory, Mill City. He lias play­
ed two years as first string left end. He
weighs 170 pounds and is 6 foot 3 inches in
height. Dorman has a very good hand-eye
coordination and was the leading pass receiv­
er on the team in his Sophomore year. We
expect some great football from Dorman this
Ron Kuhlmau is the son of Mr. and Mrs
Lee Kuhlman. Ron is a two year letterman
and is probably the fastest man of the squad
Ron played end, his sophomore and junior
years before switching to halfback this year
Ron is 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighs 143
l^arry Schroeder is the toughest ~ little
man on the team. Lirry is a strong 127 lbs
and has a lot of football ahead of him.
Larry is a sophomore and has spent two
years on the sauad. With his versatility he
is a great assent. The positions he frequents
are halfback and guard locations.
Ray Gulliford, 168 pounds, is one of the
promising freshman this year. Ray will play
a lot of ball at tackle for Santiam this year.
His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gulliford
of Gates
Jim Gulliford is the son of Mr. and Mrs
Jack Gulliford of Gates. He is a Junior and
playing his second year of bait He is 6 foot
3 Vi? inches tall. He plays both tackles and
both ends. Jim did not receive a letter last
year but will see a great deal of action this
Bob Boroughs stands 5 foot 11 inches,
weighs 170 pounds and is 17 years of age.
He is playing his fourth year of football. He
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Boroughs
Bob plays left tackle on offense and on de­
fense he play’s center guard.
This is Bob Hill's second year on the foot­
ball team. He will undoubtedly earn his let­
ter this year. On the team Bob plays both
right and left guard. He weighs 146 pounds
and is a Sophomore in high school. He is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill.
Dennis Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Jenkins, has played both halfback spots last
year and this year. He is a spohomore and
will develop into a good all-around athlete.
Don Cree lives with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell Cree of Mill City. He is a senior
at Santiam. Don stands 5 feet 7 inches tall
and weighs 170 pounds. This will make Don’s
third year in football. At present he is play­
ing center.
Gary Bevier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Bevier of Mill City is a senior at Santiam.
Gary is a three-year letterman weighing 148
pounds. He and Ron Kulhman are about the
same in speed. During Gary's Freshman and
Sophomore years he filled the position of
quarterback. The coaches say Gary shows
more desire this year and that he is going to
be one of the finest halfbacks in the league.
Tom Smith, is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert C. Smith and is playing the end po­
sition this year. This is Tom'3 second year
at football. He is 5 feet 8 inches tall and
weighs in at 140 pounds.
Jim Bevier is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wall ace Beveier. He is sophomore at Santi­
am. This is his second year of football. He
is seeking his first letter. Jim weighs 157
¡x>unds and plays the guard position.
Ernie Anderson is the son of Darrell And­
erson of Mill City. Ernie who stands 6 feet
tall and weighs 170 pounds is one of the more
aggressive players on the team. He is a sen­
ior and a one-year letterman
Do Not Appear in Above Pictures
Bill Hedge, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Art
Hedge of Mill City, plays one of the most im­
portant positions on the team. Bill is one of
our managers this year and the efficiency
of our team depends a great deal on him.
One important duty Bill has is keeping the
teams spirit up.
Bill Putman, son of Mr and Mrs. Jim
Putman, a Junior at Santiam Union High,
weighs 136 pounds is 5 foot 8 inches tall.
This is Bills first year of football and is
playing end. He played one of the more im­
portant rolls in. football last year as man«
Bill Longenecker, son of Mr and Mrs.
Carl H. Longenecker gets much of the cred-
it for the added spirit on our team this
year. Bill does a very good job of getting
players on the field in time in his role as man­
ager. Bill, a two-year letterman was a lead­
ing yard gainer while playing halfback tn
the last two years.
Kurt Baughman is the 9on of Mr. and
Mrs. Baughman of Mill City. Kurt is a Fresh­
man and the smallest boy on the football
squad. He is working very’ hard at kicking
extra points.
David Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Ilirtc is a return letterman this
Johnson of Mill City. David is a Sopho­
y ar. He plays center and guard, and is pro-
more at Santiam. He weighs 140 pounds and
Mrs. Enio Wirtanen. Dennis is a junior this
l blv the most improved man on the squad
is 5 foot 10 inches tall. This will be David’s
year and is one of the more rugged players
I o is the son of Mr and Mrs. Ozzie Hirte
first year of football
of Gates.
This is the first year this feature has been published here and it is being done through the cooperation of the following business firms in Mill City.
Tom’Shell Service
Hilltop Market
Stewart’s Grocery
U. S. National liank
Sportsman’s Center
H. L. Ashby
Distributor Shell Products