The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 25, 1958, Page 3, Image 3

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Catered as second class matter N»
veaaber 10, 1944 at the post office at
Mffl City. Oregon, under the Art of
March 3. 1879.
J—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE versary of Mrs. Lizzie Bassett.
Steven and Bradley Toman of Sa
lem spent the weekend with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Stevens .Their parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Albert Toman were Sunday guests
at the Stevens home and the boys
returned home with them.
Friday night at 6:3a the regular
monthly Fellowship dinner will be
held at the Lyons Methodist church.
Everyone welcome.
By Mrs. John Teeters
Pfe and Mrs. Allen McDonald ar­
rived here the first of last week
B> Eva Bressler
from Fort Bragg, N. C., where Allen
Rev. Mrs. Ruth Cotton was hostess
had been stationed with the army.
Marion -I.inn Counties, per year S3 M for the meeting of the WSCS held at
After a month's leave here they will
Ooteide, Marion-Linn Counties U-M the parsonage Tuesday afternoon,
Ro to Santa Monica, Calif.
with a one o’clock dessert luncheon
Mrs. Lois Winzer entered the Sil"
which w-as followed by the business
vert, n Nursing Home last week and
meeting and program. Mildred Prich­
would enjoy hearing from her friends
ard president presided over the meet­
here any time.
ing and plans were made for a Rum-
Mr. »nd Mrs. Jack Anderson of
C----------- ■ juiihid .'H' it ™ | mage and cooked food sale to be held
Brookings are announcing the birth
at the church Saturday, Sept. 20.
Mrs. J. H. Johnston
of their third son Friday, September
Plans were also made for a “Come as
The John Bernards sold their 1958 I 19. The new arrival has been named
you are” Hobo Dinner to be held in turkey crop this past week. They had Mark Douglas. Paternal grandpar­
the church basement on Wednesday nice mature birds which were less ent.- are Mr. and Mrs. Art Anderson
evening October 2 from 5 to 7 p. m.' than 24 weeks old. Although turkey of Mehama and maternal grand­
Attending the meeting
were: prices are not as high as usual at parents are Mr. and Mrs. James
Evelyn Julian, Reta Cruson, Car­ this time, getting them marketed Versteeg of Turner.
Telephone 6651 or 7M6
DON W. MOFFATT. Editor-Publisher rie Naue, Gladys Hargreaves, Donna early will likely net the grower a
W eekend guests at the Don Calla­
Asmussen, Eva Bressler, Dorothy better profit. At last report, Mr. han home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Downer, Inez Ring, Mildred Prichard, Bernards had around 5,000 turkeys. Szdlak and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Orpha Roye, Pearl Hudson, Alta They also raised several hundred Merrill all of Scappoose.
Bodeker and the hostess Mrs. Cotton. China geese this season.
Sunday evening visitors at the D.
The Lyons pre-school started Tues-1 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell Sr., L. Teeters home were Mr. and Mrs.
day September 16 with Mrs. Alice of Silverton were Sunday guests at Edwin Good and chidlren of Salem.
Huber instructor again this year. Mrs. the home of their son, Marshall and
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze were
Huber reports 31 children enrolled family here. A birthday dinner hon- in Portland on business Monday.
with the possibility of more to come ored Marshall Junior.
The Allen McDonalds spent the
in later. The school is held in the All
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shciewek of weekend with the Chris McDonalds
Purpose Room at the Mari-Linn Lyons are doing some carpenter work at their place near Tumalo.
school. Anyone having children they and painting on the Johnston house
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith have
> wish to enter may do so any time. The occupied by the Marshall Powells, moved into the Pearl Allaway house
'children ride the school bus to school, I Mrs. Dorothy Parson has been und- formerly occupied by the Pete Owens.
j but the mothers have to pick them up er the care of a doctor several days,
Mrs. D. L. Teeters was the honor
at 11:45.
'She has pneumonia but is improving guest for a surprise coffee at her
Mrs. Wilson Stevens is teaching! now. Her 5-month’s old daughter home Wednesday morning, Septem­
K«//om*s Grocery
this year in the West Stayton school, also has been ill for a week and was ber 17 to celebrate her birthday.
Mrs. Thelma Phillips of Portland taken to the doctor several times, Present to surprise Mrs. Teeters
Tour Neighborhood
spent several days last week at the She was suffering with tonsilitis and were: Mmes. Larry Prichard, Dun
1 home of her daughter Mr. and Mrs.' an ear infection. She is much better Callahan, Dale Champ, Orvil band­
ers, jim Qwen, P. N. Hughes, Walt­
I Frank Kimery and family.
at this writing.
Mrs. Charley Cruson who fractured er Johnson, Leo Kirsch, J. M. Teet­
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Hunt and sons
Mill City, Oregon
i Duane and Darrell retured home the an ankle when she fell at her home ers, Austin Longfellow, Bob Rash,
| last of the week after spending a' several weeks ago, has the cast off Gerald Rockwell, Herbert Graen, and
i week's vacation at the coast. They and is able to walk without crutches. G. V. Christensen. Mrs. Eugene
' spent their time at Huntington Park, The bones were broken in three Clason and Mrs. Bonnie Wagner were
I places and it is badly swolled and unable to come but sent gifts.
at Florence and Waldport.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Meshew and painful yet. Mrs. Cruson was in­
Don’t think traffic accidents al­
children moved this week to their tending to leave yith her husband fur
ways happen to the other fellow. A
new home in Sublimity, which they Montana.
Mr. Christensen, Mrs. Nick Gus­ national survey of 1958 Memorial Day
recently purchased. They have been
i living in the Forest Nydegger house tafson's father arived last week from weekend accidents shows that for ev­
I since selling their place on McCully Minnesota for a visit with his daugh- ery driver killed or injured, there were
| ter and son-in-law and grandson. He from three to four passengers or
| Mountain.
Mrs. Martha Phelps of Longview, likes Oregon and may decide to stay pedestrian casualties who were inno­
Of all kinds. Trusses
Wash., spent the weekend at the here for a time. Three of his child­ cent victims.
home of her sister, Mrs. Van Prich- ren are in the East and two are out
Abdominal Supports
' ard and family.
Elastic Hosiery
George Maisel of Stayton was a
The Lyons Extension unit will hold
Expert Fitters
Fox Valley business visitor Thurs­
Private Fitting Rooms
Don't Miss The
day, September 25 in the basement day and Friday.
of the Lyons Methodist church at
10:30 a.m. and a pot luck lunch at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ward have been
“Ask Your Doctor”
noon. Project leaders for the day will treating the exterior of their homes
be Lois Morgan and Lucille Huber. to a coat of paint. Also another old
Gates School Gym
They will give a demonstration of barn has ben torn down at the form­
“tin can craft.” Everyone is wel­ er Billings place. The usable mater­
come to attend and a baby sitter will ial is being salvaged4 to help build
be provided for those who have to a house. Jery Wilson also has his
504 State St
Music by Stubby Mills
bring their children.
' new home wel under way. Wilson
Corner of Liberty
M rs. Arthur Olmstead and son, used lumber from the old barn on his Door Prizes
Party Favors
Jimmy spent Sunday at the home of place to make the first walls of his
B and H Green Stampe
I her mother, Mrs. Bertha Binford at house.
I Burial services were held Saturday
The Three Links club of Faith
3 P- m- at the local cemetery for
Rebekah lodge held their meeting at Gordon Joellner, >5, of Mehama. He
the hall Friday with an all-day meet- w“ *s a lifetime resident of the Me-
ing and pot luck lunch at noon. Var- hama area. Two sisters and several
i for
e the
. > coming nieces «nJ
and nzartkitsuza
nephews aiiwvivu
ious plans
were made
months. Plans were also discussed
for the annual bazaar Dec. 13. It will
be held at the hall. Following the
business meeting whkh was presided
over by Helen Johnston, president,
the time was spent in quilting.
Rev. Ruth Cotton left Monday
morning for Skamania, Wash., where
she will spend several days at the
home of her daughter and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of
Corvallis spent several days at the
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roe.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn and
his daughter and husband, Mr. and l
Mrs. Mac Mormon and daughter,
Susie of Forest Grove, were Friday
for thousands of owners
I afternoon visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Lewis.
of "Preferred Risk**
Clyde Lewis with his son, Kenneth
of Mehama and Mac Mormon of
Forest Grove spejjt Saturday and
I Sunday at Winchester Bay, where
Free inspection will tell. Asli
they enjoyed deep sea fishing. Clyde
your General of America agent.
caught four salmon and the fifth try
hooked a shark.
Pat Lyons was taken to Salem Gen­
eral hospital Sunday evening. He
will undergo minor surgery Tuesday
Phone 971
Rm. 7471
Art Ayers with his brother from
Eastern Oregon left Wednesday |
morning for Montana.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bassett of Sa­
lem were Sunday dinner guests at
the home of his father, Floyd Bassett.
Additional dinner guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Allen, Mra. Lizzie
Bassett and Mrs. Inez Ring. The oc­
casion honored the birthday nnni-
Ritz Crackers Jb- box 27*
TomatoSauce6cans 49*
ChunkStyleTuna can 29e
Shortening 3 lb. can 75*
Tissue 4 roll pack 33*
Tokay Grapes
2 lbs. 29c
2 cello bags 19c
Capital Drug Store
Saturday, Nov. 1
McCullough's New
Ken Golliet
Your Riendly IGA Store
Sept 25, 26, 27
Super 55 A
7h. p. 22 lbs.
$329 and U p
• • •
Super 44 A
19 lbs.
7 h. p
Jerry Pittam
$239 and Up
Model D36
Free Choice Lily Bulbs
$179.95 and Up
During the month of September all you have to do
Model Mac D30
Free Choice Lily Bulbs
$149.95 and Up
Raymond Branch & Son
Equipment Company
Phone UL 9-2160
Mehama, Oregon
to win
is to visit Raleigh Harold's in Stayton, sign your
name and drop it in the box. At the end of the
month we will hold a drawing. You do not need to
be present to win.
You'll find the best in flowers and shrubs here.
See us about your lawn and landscaping prob­
Narmry aad Ftertot
Open 7 a. a. to •
1H Stocks West of Stayton
PtaMM Stayton BO 9-tSM
Today’s little
seedling is tomorrow’s
timber crop. Help protect
it from forest wildfire ...
Simpson Logging Company
Lyons, Orujon
W & W Lumber Company
MUI CMy, Oregon
Oregon fWp and Papar 1 Co.
1029 & W. AMer Portland, Ore.
Wilts# Trucking Co.
Mehama, Oregon
Wills Bros. Shingle Company
Mffl Qty, Oregon
Rank Lumber Company
MB City, Oregon