Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1958)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAMHIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPFRE VOLUME XIV MILL CITY, OREGON NUMBER 39 Maupin lakes Wolverines in Season Opener THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Î5, 1958 Head DeMolay and Rainbow M.*0 A YEAR 10c A COTY Good Program Slated for Fair Members of the Santiam Valley Grange Fair board this week state they expect to have even a better show than usual this year. They re port some exceptional talent lined up for the annual event. The program will be emced by Ed Bell, Stayton. The home ec club of the Grange will sene lunch at noon on Saturday, the day of the fair, and also a turkey dinner in the evening, which will be between 5:30 and 7:30. By Eugene Skaug Action was fast on Allen field Saturday evening as the Maupin Redsides rolled the Santiam Wolver- ines 19 to 7 in the first home game of the season. Steve Albright, a Redside halfback, started the scoring with a 36-yard run and six points in the second quarter. The try for the conversion failed. The second quarter turned out to be the big scoring period as the Wolverines came back with a 65- yard run by Gary Bevier. Bevier was credited with the extra point to give Santiam a 7 to 6 lead. Stall later Maupin scored with Wendell McDaniel packing the pig skin for 66 yards. The conversion was successful and the half ended ■with the score 13 to 7. Jn the third quarter Maupin moved the ball to the Wolverines 15-yard line where Frank Wall carried it across. The fourth quarter went scoreless with minor threats from Santiam time and again. Officiating for the game were Cal Bonney, Al Wickert, and Hank Juran. Sandra Olson, Jim Gulliford Installed at Affair Here Sunday Masons and DeMolay Meet Here Monday A group from Mill City Lodge No. 180 AF4AM met at the hall Monday night with a group of DeMolay boys and several prospective members, who voiced a desire to have a De Molay chapter started locally. The young men were told by the Mason» some of the moves neces sary for forming a chapter here. They plan to take the necessary steps to get sufficient member» to go ahead. Don Gildow, of Turner, vice chair man of the DeMolay board was pre sent and said the loca! group would be given the best wishes of other chapters in the district. At the pre sent time all boys here belong to Santiam Chapter in Stayton. Garden Show At of in- ■Lyons Well Attended Work Started to Repair BPA Line At Big Cliff Dam Bonneville Power workmen started to repair the damage caused when a log rolled down the hillside near Big Cliff dam, knocking over a tower carrying 230-volts of slec tricity. The rolling log eut the pow er coming from McNary dam, out the lines carrying power from De troit dam wer» not affected. All new footings will have to be poured, according to information re ceived here Monday. The roiling log knocked the legs from under one side of the tower, causing it to fall over'against the hillside. Reception Held at Gates Miss Sandra Olson, daughter Mr. and Mrs. James Olson was stalled as Worthy Advisor of Marilyn LYONS—The Lyons-Mill City For Young English Bride Assembly Order of Rainbow for Girls , garden show which was held Friday GATES—Sylvia Larson, young Sunday at the IOOF hall. Miss Becky i at the Catholic community hall in English bride of Ale Jerry Laruou. Stoll was installed as Associate 1 Lyons was well attended and the was the inspiration for a delightful Worthy Advisor. Others _______ installed [ judge, Mrs. Ward Iinglis, of Stay- reception coffee given in the Gatea were Misses Frances Nesbitt, Char- ------ 1 ton, reported vc that mov there was extra caw» Women’s Club house on Thursday af- ity; Nancy Storey, Hope; f ___ r in spite of the unusual ternoon by Mrs. Glenn Hennes» and Sharon ____ good quality Hirte. Faith; Judy Kay, Chaplain; . hot and dry summer. 1 Mrs. Harold Wilson. Rose-colored Pat Henry, Drill leader; Suxy Carl-! Those winning blue ribbons in zinnias and pastel shades of asten son, Associate drill leader; Doris' Division 1, Arrangements were were used for the floral decorations Hutchinson, Love; Kathy Harris, Re- Pauline Brunner, Frances Dolezal, on tables and mantle. Mrs. Bob Wil- ligion; Arlene Kershaw, Nature; Marie Tolbert, Donna Asmussen, son, sister and Mrs. Walter Brisbil^ Carol Pate, Immortality; Bonnie | Virgene Scott and Mr». Pat Me- I grandmother of Mr. Larson, were In Boroughs, Fidelity; Judy Hampton, Clintock. Red ribbons went to Helen charge of the coffee and tea servica Patriotism; Dorothea Humphreys, Ser Kimmel, Alma Spellmeyer. Frances at the buffet table, front which da- vice; Cheryl Hirte, Inner Observer; ¡Dolezal and Mrs. Lowell Cree. Yel licious refreshments were served, installed at ceremonies at the IOOF hall Sunday Patsy Pennick, Outer Observer; Ro- low ribbon winners Frances Dolezal, Before the close of the afternoon tha afternoon were Jim Gulliford who heads Santiam De- zillah Yankus, Choir Director; Ellen I Pauline Brunner, Betty McMorris, guest of honor was presented with Molay and Miss Sandra Olson who heads the Santiam Hoeye, Musician; Phyllis Bickett, Mabel Schroeder and Mrs. Otto Witt. an electric toaster and a mixette, About 15 members from Salem and Page; Carol Veness, Recorder. Rainbow for Girls. — Mill City Enterprise Photo. Division 2, potted plants, blue rib- gifts wjlich are not easy to come by three from Mehama turned out Sun | Installing officers were: V ” Worthyibons went to Dorothy Downer, Mary in England, we were told. day to complete the job of tearing Advisor, Phyllis Pate, who is the re-1 Hoodenpyle, Gertrude -----1_ j _ Weidman, | Friends calling to wish her happi- down the old mill at Gates. Francis tiring Worthy Advisor; Marshall, I prances Dolezal, Helen Kimmel, nes in her new home at Larson AFB Bodeker donated his logging truck to Shereen Muir; Recorder, Nancy Ol- j Donna Asmussen, Alma Olmstead. .... __________ _________________ ' were Mrs. Gladys Mason and ___ Mrs. haul the long timbers up to the club > i L* L T * fl I son; Chaplain, Sherry Hansen; Mu- and Evelyn Julian. Red ribbons went Hattie Cole, Mill City; Mmes. Laura site. A crane came out from Salem sician, Virginia Hoeye. to Mary Hoodenpyle, Frances Dote-' Joaquin, Martha Bowe», Lou Multi- to do the loading. In the process Crowning ceremonies were by San- zal, Bea Hiatt, Helen Kimmel, Gert- gan, Dorothy Newberg, Edna Hut- of unloading by hand, Francis Bode The Oregon Junior Chamber of tiani Chapter order of DeMolay, who rude Weidman, Donna Asmussen, cheeon, Paul Payton, Wilma Stewart ker and Jerry Coffman were knocked Commerce held its Fall board meet also installed officers that afternoon, — num Hess, Mar- Marie Tolbert and Mabel Downing. ollule Birdie wawiwu» Osterhout, Ruth off the truck by a sliding timber. ing at Tillamook this past weekend. with Jim Gulliford installed as Master Yellow ribbons, Gertrude Weidman, ' garet Rush, Geneva Ball, Dora Kadin By Eugene Skaug The road down to the club site is The three-day session included busi ------in—. »o_,. fhs Councillor; Dale un.v.ii Mitchell, Senior Donna Asmussen and Alma Olmstead. and daughter Judy, Mattie Root, Lu- Gleason Eakin and Burt Boroughs, very slick and members are warned ness forums, speeches by several dig Division 3, horticulture. Blue rib- . ctlle Tucker, Dounalee Birkholz and not to use it. The logging truck nitaries, voting on policy changes, coaches at Santiam Union hnrii Councillor; Eugene Poitras, Junior slid off the road and was stuck for and choosing sites for state contests. school, presented a football clinic Cpmcillor; Alan Tuers, Senior Dea- . bons 4.1 Vjigene Scott, Mabel Down Isuu Randi, P-ari Oliver, Eda Staf icon; Walt Thomas, Junior Deacon; ing, Evelyn Julian, Pauline Brunner, ford, Carman Bamhardt, Audrey La Thursday night. To get it underway, several hours. It had to be removed The guest speaker for the Satur Tom Fencl, defensive captain, intro Oscar Harris, Senior Steward; Fred Gertrude Weidman-, Helen McClurg, von, Maude Davis, Sarah Rains, Alic® by another truck pulling the trailer Mitchell, Junior Steward; Don Cree, Alma Spellmeyer, Frances Dolezal, Watson, Mary Howell, Margie Park out to the road backwards and re day night banquet was the National duced the players and positions they Jaycee President, Bob Cox, from played. Then introduced the parents. Sentinel; Gary Kolakstat, Chaplain; Helen Kimmel. Donna Asmussen. er, Eva Barnhardt, Sophia Kist, turning to pull out the truck. Bob Gordon, Marshall; Jamie Baugh Helen Edholm, Elaie Völkel, Oliva Forty 50-gallon drums were hauled Chapel Hill, N. C. He also spoke to Mr. Eakin explained the offensive Brian Moffatt, man, Treasurer; Bamhardt, Gwenn Schaer, Velma out to the club house from Salem the group at a business session game and a few plays were formulat j Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kershaw and ed. At the same time the coach Standard Bearer; Clifford Cookson, I and will be used in constructing a earlier in the day. Another prominent figure present stressed the belief that football is Scribe; Jay Unger, Orator, and Ray daughter, Arlene, all of Gate,. dock to be hauled to the lake in sec was Jerry Starr, the Washington 90 per cent desire and 10 per cent Unger, Almoner. tions and towed across the lake to Installing officers were; Master a permanent location in the cove State Jaycee President from Bell know-how. Councillor, Doug Hirte; Senior Coun- ingham. He also addressed the group. alongside the clubhouse site. Mr. Boroughs spoke on officials Mrs. Leo Poole, president of the Sherman A. Ball Junior Baughman; At the Sunday morning session and the technicalities of rules, He cilor, Jamie Mill City Toastmistress club is ex Dies Wednesday A. M. following church services, these sites explained that every official will in Councilor, Marion Schollian; Mar- I tending an invitation to women of shall, Ken Epperson. were chosen for state contest finals: J terpret a rule differently. I this area to participate in Club activ Funeral services for Sherman A- ■Passing the guest book was Miss The North Santiam Jaycees at Stay (Steve) Ball of Gate» will be held The coaches then showed the ities this year. ton won the bid for Teen Age Road- equipment and how it is used, to Phyllis Bickett; decorations were in The Toastmistress club is dedicat at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at Wed charge of Miss Frances Nesbitt; en e-o next Spring. Running against 1 worried parents. ed to the principles of self-improve- dle Funeral home in Stayton. Mr. them were Oregon City and Madras. ! Several boys stated why they were tertainment was arranged by Miss Terry ^Haiisen men t through better speech, and the Ball died of a heart attack at 7 a. Klarrath Falls will host the Junior vrtav Shereen Muir, with I fvi awvxz«»**. iuvov vx v»v 1H aaa^aa* out for football. Most of them men- MEHAMA—Ten mothers of pre Ski Tournament this year. The State Bemeice Pot-1 1«“rnj1nK experience is made an en- m. Wednesday. He was 70 years old a.Pal’t0 piano ’p1™*i solo and Misses J?r‘ble school children were present at the Plowing Contests, a program voted tioned the fact that it taught them | iter playing Beginning with the very August 4, and had lived in the Gates a piano d'jiu «nu . ri-.t ...iLj of an autobiographical area for 40 years. meeting held Tuesday evening, Sep last year to be an annual affair in the to get long with fellow team mem Frances Nesbitt and Yvonne -- Dickey, He is survived by his sons, Clar ~ tember 9 at the Gerald Rockwell state, will be held next year at Sher bers. singing two duets, accompanied by i ( nature, members learn how to stand ence of Gates, and Carl of Detroit, properly, address an audience, over home. Registration for pre-school wood. Mrs. Bill Hoeye at the piano. habits, improve speech his daughter, Mrs. Elsie Eppley of will be on October 3 from 10 to 12 The next state meeting will be the Members of the advisory board come nervous and necessary Charlston, W. V a., brothers R®** _ absorb ___ _ ____ in the church basement. All mothers Spring Board meeting to be held in served refreshments at the close of construction, _ i_ _ ____ pointers in parliamentary law, gi^Ball of Gates and Charles Ball, Mill having children who wish to attend Bend next March. installation. Serving on the board friendly atmosphere. Ex- City and three granddaughters. the classes are asked to register them done in a f this year are Mrs. Robert Draper, He will be buried beside his wife at this time. The first classes will I mother advisor; Mrs. Ethel Huffman, perience in impromptu speaking is in the Lebanon IOOF cemetery. giver, each time, and a traveling prize be Tuesday, October 7 from 9 to GATES—A large gathering of associate mother advisor; Hugh John is awarded for the best Ili minute I 11:45. , former graduates of Gates High ston, Mrs. Don Carlson, Albert Har talk. It was decided to hold a carnival to i School met at the schoolhouse on ris, Lee Bas.»ett, William Hirte, Mr. raise money on Saturday evening, The club meets at Fir Manor on Over 20 Churches Are Sunday, Sept. 14th, registered and and Mrs. Halter Kay. October 18, following the Firemen’s the second and fouth Thursdays of renewed old acquaintanceships. Class-1 Introduction of distinguished guests the month, at 7:30. Interested worn- Represented at Meet Here Benefit supper. es represented were roughly from included the following: Mr. and en may call the president, Mrs. Leo Seventy-eight ministers and elders Mrs. James Hardy will be the I 1447 to 1957. No officers were elect- Mrs. James Olson, the Misses Nancy over 20 churches of the teacher of the pre-school again this 1 ed, but all were in favor of another «nd Barbara, parents and sisters of Poole, or the secretary, Mrs. Robert representing Willamette Presbytery attended the Veness for further details. year. IDANHA—The United Fund Cam reunion to be held next year at the Sandra; Shereen Muir, Grand Rep regular meeting of their Presbytery paign is now underway in the com ( schoolhouse, during the month of resentative of Rhode Island; Sherry here Tuesday. munities of Idanha, Detroit and Mar August, extending an invitation to all Hansen, past Grand Historian; Phyl Greenough Saw Shop at Final Rites Friday I The opening meditation was given ion Forks with Chairman being Mrs. Gates Alumni. A pot luck lunch was lis Pate, past Grand Representative Gates Moves to New Spot b? Rev- Robert Roach. Other former Rilla Shaffer. Helpers for Idanha enjoyed by all followed by a round to Tennessee; Enda Hutcheson, For Dewey Flatman Max Greenough just recently raini*t'rs °f ^ill City in .«endanc. are Mrs. Reba Snyder, Mrs. Alpha of basketball. Among those present member of the Estarl Fund Commit- __ —J Final rites were conducted Friday — t t — 1— were Dr. D. J. Ferguion, Pratum ______ ,,___ and Mrs. _____ Dan ______ Romey, Mr. tee of the Grand Chapter of Oregon; moved his saw shop to a new loca- , and Rev. Noble striter afternoon at the Christian church for Everly, Mrs. Opal Leming and Mrs. were: Mr. - Streeter, Prineville. Prineville, tion in Gates. He had been operat Jessie Spencer. Detroit helpers are and Mrs. Wilmer Crites, Mr. and Mrs. and Olin Spiva, Dad Advisor for Dewey Flatman, who passed away at of the church served dinner Women ing in the building next to Maxine ’ s Mrs. Harold Champion, Mrs. Verna " Santiam Chapter, Order of DeMo- Jerry Larson, Mr. and Mrs. *" Marlin Seattle Monday. Cochairmen were Mrs Cafe for some time. He moved to the at noon. Pallbearers were John Muir, Mar Ketchum, Mrs. Veda Oja, Mrs. Chick Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Henness lay for Boys. Shields ReMine and Mrs. William building formerly occupied by the Mason and Mrs. Arlene Sorseth for Jim Guilliford also introduced his Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee, Mrs. Bob tin Hansen, Tom Morris, Eldon Shuey. Others assisted and helped Wilson, Mervin Haun, Dorothy De- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gulliford, Gates Laundry. Hutchinson, George Ditter and Bud the Detroit Ranger station. furnish food. Max says this new location is much Cline, all of the Mill City Volunteer I Mrs. Shaffer will solicit the Marion Rushia, Jack and Ed Keith Oliver. and his brother, as well as two better and he is getting his equip Forks area. and aunts, Mrs. Doris Anderson Rex Herron, Louise Haun, Royal Fire department. The firemen at Schaer, Arvin Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Forrest and her daugh ment there lined up at the present Funeral Services For Mrs tended the services in a body. time. He moved his family into the John Payton, Mr. and Mrs. Pete ter. The Rev. Larry Lawrence delivered Eathel Hill To Be Saturday Fall flowers were effectively used house just back of the shop. Etzel, Mr. and Mrs. Thurlo Cole, the sermon and Mrs. Lee Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tibbets, Mr. in decorating the hall and diningroom, Mrs. Shields ReMine were soloists, Word was received here that Mrs TH€ and Mrs. Bob Van Eaton, Sandra predominant colors being green and accompanied by Mrs. Eldon Hutch Weather at Detroit Dam Ellis (Eathel) Hill passed away at white for Sandy, orchid and yellow Merry, David Vail and a large num BLOOD MOBILE inson. 7:00 A.M. Daily Weather Reedings a Salem hospital at 9 a. m., Wednes ber of youngsters were present also. for Jim. Interment was in Fairview ceme day. Funeral services will be held IS And Lake Etevatteu Mrs. James Olson poured coffee tery. Max. Mia. Pep. at the Weddle Funeral Home in Nancy COMING at the serving table. Miss Friends of the family met at the Stayton st 2 p. m. Saturday. i HI N 0.24 September 17 «7 49 Ken Purdy Speaks Olson served punch, and the Misses fire hall following services, where 1649.2.1 0.00 61 18 66 September Venes s Sharon Hirte and Caro! At Lions Club Meeting the firemen’s auxiliary served re? September 19 75 61 0.40 1548.091 freshmen ts. Ken Purdy, mayor of Scio, and served the cakes. September 20 «4 46 trace 1545.711 Serving on the kitchen committee I also a candidate for representative September 21 67 46 0.26 1545.711 from Linn county was a guest at the were Elsie Völkel, Shirley Baugh September 22 58 47 0.05 1544.75 ■ ! Lions club meeting here Monday man, Agnes Carlson, and Don Carl September 23 58 43 0.08 1543.53 Ron Ragsdale Attends Wednesday, Sent. 24, Rainbow. ... night. He spoke on behalf of his son. Centennial Meet in Albany Thursday, Sept 25. Toastmistreas. The Chas. Kellys and John flaave candidacy. While he is running as Friday for Ocean lake where Rally Theta Rho Girls, a republican, he stated he would DeMolay Pancake Feed R>n Ragsdale was in Albany Mon will install new officers at a LJoiW Friday, Sept. 26, IOOF serve all the people to the best of I day night to attend a meeting of the Slated for Saturday Club meeting that evening. On Sat- Sun. Sept. 28, Rally Day, Presby- ' his ability. Centennial committee There will be The Santiam DeMolay boys are urday, they will drive t® Portland tenan church.Also discussion on an annual meeting of the committee For the program Martin Hanson played a record on “positive think planning a pancake feed for this Sat to enable Diet Gov. Kelly t® at- mental illness at 7:30 at Presbyter- at ths court houae in Albany Octob ing" which proved to be of interest urday night at the Masonic hall at tend a meeting of the State Council .an church. er 20, according to Ragsdale. Monday, Sept. 29, Bloodmobile 3 He said Tuesday he has 10,000 to club members. There were a tew Stayton. The feed will start at 6:30 at the Old Heathman Hotel in that 5:30 Elementary school gym. reports on calendar sales, which are and continue until all have been fed. city on Sunday morning. A luncheon n to ^5:30 Centennial stickers for sale at le under way at this time, with a report Thia has become an annual event for is being planning for ths ladles ac > ' Monday, Sept. 29, Lions club. each, and asks that clubs and indi Wednesday, Oct. 1, Rebekahs F companying their husbands. the boys. to be made at the next meeting viduals purchase them. Sportsmen Members Work in Rain Sunday , Football Clinic Held at SUHS Meeting at Tillamook Toastmistress Club Seeks New Members Pre-School at Mehama Plans To Hold Carnival Former Gates Grads Have Meeting United Fund Campaign Now Under Way in Upper Part of Canyon Coming Events