Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1958)
Toastmistress Club Meets at Fir Manor Mill City Firemen »ere called out-rT^-iHE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. • Sunday morning when an oil stove TH I RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, IMS at the Ace Underwood home on N. W. River Road exploded. The fire was out when the firemen arrived, ■ according to reports. The Mill City Toastmistress club Mrs. H. N. Wilson held its regular meeting Thursday .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stover and child All interested women are invited Bob Lee. and his recent California evening, September 11 at Fir Manor to a party next Wednesday morning ren of Othello, Wash., spent Satur bride, have been staying at the Oak with Mrs. Leo Poole and Mrs. Ken- at 10 o’clock at the Christian Church day night with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Park Motel while visiting old friends neth Chance as hostesses. This will be the third in a series of Scott. They came here for the 25th and relatives in the Gates area. Bob In the Grange Hall Between Lyons and Mehama Inspiration for the evening was parties. The ladies are working for anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bas attended Gates schools for several given by Mrs. Leao Johnson with a silver tea service. Mrs. Richard sett. Other visitors at the Scott years, and plans to attend OSC in the welcome and introduction of Freeman will be hostess for this home Saturday evening were Mr. and Corvallis this winter. guests given by the club president, party. Following the party and a Mrs. Albert Stevens who were just The Bookmobile was in Gates on Mrs. Poole. A guest for the evening sack lunch the Women’s Council will returning from a vacation trip to I riday, but the, service to Gates has was been suspended. However it will re _ Mrs. . . . Norman , Anderberg. — ¡hold their monthly meeting. At this Sheridan, Wyo. All Entries Must Be In By 12 Noon .Mrs. Agness Allen has received turn to Mill City at a time to be an fur the group wastime a report win be given on the Mrs. Al Nesbitt, with the theme 1 CWF Planning Retreat held Tues the announcement on September 1, nounced later. The plan is to visit Judging Begins at I P. M. “From Chisel to Gold Leaf.” Mrs. day and then the women will be giv- of the birth of twin great grandsons. schools with three rooms or less, who Robert Veness was winner of the I en the opportunity to vote by secret They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. do not have adequate library facil Come take part in this fair. It is open to the public. traveling award for the best speech. I ballott to see if the Council should William Knight of Geyser, Mont The ities. Prizes will be given. Bring your produce, canned goods, The education speech was given change to CWF. All members are little boys have six older sisters, in Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Heseman of fancy work, baked goods, antiques, handicraft and hobbies. by Mrs. Veness on the techniques in urged to attend this important meet cluding a set of triplets. Luren (near Burns) were in Gates research, "Digging Diamonds Down ing. A nursery will be provided. The this week, visiting his sister, Mrs. The Round Robin pinochle club met Deep.” Lunch Served Between 12 and 1 Council meeting will start promptly Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Glenn Henness and stopping in to see Other speakers were Faustina Nes at 1:15. I L. A. Poole. Winning high was Mrs. many other friends and relatives, and Turkey Dinner From 5:30 To 7:30 bitt, "Thumbprints on the Sands of A number of ladies met Tuesday at Katheen Storey. Mrs. Gleason Eakin the old home place, now owned by the Time,” which was illustrated by Pennicks. took low and pinochle went to Mrs. clever sketches she had drawn; Mrs. the Christian Church at 9:30 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Allen spent last Adults $1.00 Children under 12, 50c Mel Rambo. The next meeting will James Wright, "These are Dear to for a Christian Women’s Planning Retreat. Leaders for the meeting were be October 6 at the home of Mrs. J. week end at Seaside with her neice and My Heart’’; and Mrs. Al Pakula, family, and visited friends in Port D. MacGregor. who gave her icebreaker speech, “All three state officers of CWF, Mrs. Blewford Osburn of Lebanon, state Spending a 10-day furlough at the land on the way back. in the Point of View.” Mrs. Robert Kelle, president, urges president; Mrs. A. E. Nancarrow also home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes, A parliamentary panel on "Me of Lebanon and Mrs. Ival Utterback has been their son, Allan, who is all members to be present for the first thods of Voting” was conducted by fall meeting of the Gates Firemen’s Mrs. Pakula. Mrs. Donna Wesley, of Salem. All phases of CWF were serving in the Air Force. He returned Auxilliary on Monday evening, Sept. discussed and the duties of the differ to his base in Southern California Mrs. Harold Simes, and Mrs. Ken 22nd at 8:00 P. M. in the Women's ent officers. Thursday. Chance. clubhouse. William Lyness, who is employed Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wooden of Grammarian was Mrs. Veness; Invitations are in the mail for the , speech analyst, Leao Johnson; timer, I on the dam on the Snake river at Powers, spent the weekend with her wedding of Dorothy Ann DeRushia Halfway, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hooden- and Mervin Cecil Haun on Sept. 27th Mary Jane Chance; general evalu ator, Mrs. Kora Prichard; and lexi family in Mill City. pyle. at St. Francis Catholic Church in Visiting Sunday at the Mary Hart cologist, Mrs. Poole, who spoke on Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newbre (Mrs. Bend. Mervin is the son of Mr. and "Diction and Data.” man home were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Freda Bates) left Tuesday for Los Mrs. Cecil Haun, now of Salem, but Mrs. Poole conducted a short Maag and son, Herbert of Redmond. Angeles, Calif., where they will al! lived in Gates many years, and Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad and four spent the winter. They have spent Mervin attended Gates schools. The business meeting when the point system for the current contest was children have moved to Seattle, Wash. the summer in Mill City with Mrs. bride-to-be is employed in Corvallis. Two and a half hour color film with sound discussed. She also stated that she | Conrad, who was superintendent of Newbry’s sister, Mrs. Myrtle Bates, There has been some talk of start had received a request for speakers Marion Forks Fish Hatchery was giv- while Mrs. Bates has been employed ing a Spanish class in Gates, for ad See some Mill City people in the Gateway to to publicize the furthcoming Heart I en one year’s scholarship to the Uni- at Breitenbush resort. ults, to be held in the evening. Those ¡versity of Washington through the Fund campaign. Mrs. J. C. Dickinson of Salem. interested should make it known to Sportsman's Paradise Mrs. James Wright, membership Fish and Game Commission for his spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Floyd Völkel at the Portoffice—it > hairman, has extended an invita outstanding work. He recently receiv Mrs. Lowell Cree. Mr. and Mrs. O. could be a very interesting project ▼ tion to anyone interested in Toast ed his master’s degree from Oregon W. Gorton and Dale also of Salem for the winter months. ADDED ATTRACTIONS mistress to be present at “guest State College. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Henness of were Sunday evening dinner guests night,” September 25. Mrs. Wright The Presbyterian Women's Asso at the Cree home. Beaverton, spent Sunday at the home Mill City Teen Agers in their Sock Hop and Mrs. Al Pakula may be con ciation will meet this Thursday even- i of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barry Drake, son of Mrs. Charles tacted or any member of the club ing, September 18, at 7:30 p. m. in ' Hennness, He will attend Portland Mill City Firemen's Benefit Dance will be glad to make arangements Fellowship hall. Members of the af Wirkkala spent 10 days here re State this winter. cently on leave from service. During for guests. ternoon circle will be refreshment Mr. and M rs. Charles Kelly and Speaker for that evening will be hostesses. The program for the even the time he visited here the family Mrs. Ernestine Fough, former mem- ing will be on the topic “The Church spent some time at the coast digging Lee Ross attended an indoor picnic clams and also some time fishing in supper of the Stayton Lions club her of the Mill City club, now living Must Educate for All of Life.” the Three Creek Lake area. in Aumsville. She will speak on held at the Stay ton high school Recent over-night guests of Mrs. J. 7:30 P. M. The Afternoon Circle” of the Pres cafeteria Sunday evening, September “How to Stan a New Toastmistress F. Potter were her brother and sister- byterian church met last Wednesday 14. The no-host affair was in cele Club.” in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill of afternoon at the Herbert Schroeder bration of the 20th anniversary of home for the first Fall meeting. the club, with certificates being pre Mrs. J. D. MacGregor went to Salem. Portland last W'ednesday to get her | Miss Rosalee Scott, daughter of Mr. Study was held on the topic "Meet sented to several charter members. e.” Several of the members Following the dinner, new officers husband who had just returned from and Mrs. Barney Scott, left last week Dr. Luke. attend Presbyterlal at Cot- of the club were installed with Diet. Sponsored by Mill City Lions Club attending a Prime Mover Control J end to resume her studies at Whit plan to L conference at the Woodward Govern worth College in Spokane, Wash. tage Grove September 25. Those pre Governor Kelly acting as installing or Co., Rockford 111. He was on leave Miss Scott, who is a music major at sent Wednesday were Mrs. Otto Witt, officer. A collection will be taken up to help the Lions for a week following the conference the Christian college, was a recent Mrs. Fred Grimes, Mrs. C. E. Ma John Meals is no« In Barnes Vet and visited New York, Newark, N. J., soloist at the Presbyterian Church son, Miss Daisy Geddes, Mrs. C. E. Sight Conservation Project Rogers, Mrs. Robert Roach and Mrs. erans Hospital in Vancouver, Wash. Boston, Mass., Rockford, 111. and oth ’ ’ here. , I Mis* Rosalie Bassett, daughter of Herbert Schroeder. He was taken there for observation er cities of inteerst. Mac reported the ’. the Lee Bassetts, leave» next Sunday, Little Susan Roach was guest of and treatment last Tuesday. bus driver taking them from ( 1 R^kfc‘rZmee’?ng\o"the' Air'Termin- ! September 21, for her Sophomore honor in celebration of her 4th birth- al in Chicago, not being familiar *ear “t the University of Oregon tn I | day anniversary at a luncheon party at her home Tuesday, September 9, with the route, went the wrong way Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelly plan to given by her mother, Mrs. Robert and the men missed their plane. This 08 ADDIO happened after the limousine which spend from Saturday through Mon Roach. Attending the affair were day on a trip to Spokane, Wash., to COST Mary Gay Fleetwood, Nancy Y r eness, took the men from the airport to the 'attend a conference of Northwest Ronny Podrabsky, Cindy- Ziebert, hotel at Rockford caught fire. i Lions Clubs. Lorna and Stephen Hardy of Me Ricky Ann Harper was hostess for hama, Robin Hoeye, Wendy and Liz DB~ LESLIE J. CARSON a teen-age dance last Saturday after Moore, Robbie Roach, Mrs. W. R. Optometrist noon at the home of her parents, Mr. Olmstead, Miss Daisy Geddes, Susan y to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat and Mrs. Earl Harper. The young Roach and her grandparents, Mr. and I Except Wednesday. people were entertained from 1:30 un Mrs. R. E. Jennings, and the hostess, I til 4:00 p. m. by dancing and at a Mrs. Robert Roach. 515 Third St., Stayton "snack bar.” Those attending the af Weekend guests at the home of Phone RO 9-2751 fair included Carol Randall, Virgin Mr. and Mrs. Mel Rambo were long ia Richards, Sandra Jackson, Peggy time friends from Glendale, Mr. and Vail, Carol Garrison, Diane Herron, Mrs. Clifford Miller. Mis* Daisy Gedde* and Mrs. Robert John Kelly, John Derrick, Don Wal czak, Dennis Bassett, Ronald Warn Roach plan to attend Synodical in er, and the hostess, Ricky Ann Har Grants Pass from Tuesday until per. Mrs. Alvin Garrison and Bever Thursday of this week. The grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jen ly also spent the afternoon. Duck and Chicken Raisers Mrs. Cecil Lake, Mrs. William nings will care for Susan and Robin cost — this regular $2.19 volue paint Be on the Lookout For Thief, Shuey, Mrs. Charlie French, and Roach. It’s yours free of added --------- — - Rev. Robert Roach of the Presby Mrs. W. R. Omstead attended the pon and roller! Pion your pointing now. Come in and get the Small, Bald, About showing of four dahlia gardens near terian church is participating in a JANNEY BEST PAINTS you’ll need end get this point pan and Fifty Years Old. Portland Thursday. They viewed the course of clinical training at the roller Geel It speed* painting so you can decorate a whole fields of flowers at Swan Island, and State Hospital in Salem from Mon- Pd. Adv. also saw some at Canby. I day through Friday of this week. He room in a day! Mi. and Mrs. Al Ward and sons | was one of five ministers chosen by are moving into the home belonging the Oregon Council of Churches for to Mrs. Christian in Swift addition. i this training program, which com- Mrs. Christian came from Spring pares to that which is given to Pub field to prepare her home for rent lic Health nurses. Five additional 11 ing. The Herbert Hutchinsons are ministers in the state will receive the moving into the Maag house, which same course, during which they stay point discoveries end pointing mess!!! they recently purchased. at the hospital, in November. Mill Ends Come to the 19th Annual Santiam Valley GATES GRANGE FAIR Saturday, September 27 Talent Program at 8 p. m Door Prizes Given After the Program FREE MOVIE Wednesday, September 24 Grade School Gymnasium PAINT PAN AND ROLLER with one gallon or more of <zny B JANNEY BEST BEWARE! INTERIOR PAINT No Drip! No Sag! No Splatter! JANNEY BEST LO-LUSTR E|HI-LUSTR E for a glowing finish r o soft sheen ■ * Ul And our professional watch maker is the man who can do it. He’s an authority on the delicate mechanism of the fine teweled-lever watch —qualified by thorough training and Jong experience to keep it in tip-top shape Bring in your watch for a professional inspection to day. Expert workmanship. Quick service Your complete satisfaction guaranteed. i Clear true colors PAYS ON THE PARTY LINE, TOO i-~ 9 G°orom Here’s a flat finish that’s enamel-tough d-» J J anney On a sail boat or a telephone party line, when people work together things always seem to go more smoothly. Cooperation on the party line, for eiample, never fails to help everyone ... y including you ... to / tetter service. „ // ®e,aiter JANNEY BEST All Kote Qt. $1.79 Gal. $4.95 Woihoble oik yd resin Lose point I JANNEY -3T- ft »Ve use only official, — jeweled-lever watches BAKER S MILL CITY JEWELRY Telephone 1843 Mill City ni a low latex base JANNEY BEST 'Satin Kote Qt. $1.98 Gal. $5.98 factory-packaged parts in servicing Fine Qt $2.39 Gal. $7.69 Qt. $1.98 Gal. $6.29 Cwtpe’udMMt VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY Serving Mill City-Gales, Aumsville, Detroit Idanha, Silverton, Turner BEST SUPER FUI in this coupon WHITE ENAME ring it lath you Jor your I FREE PAINT PAN AND ROLLER I _________ I I I I Service & Quality Hardware | Mill City, Oregon | I A. and M. TOMAN L NAMf ADDtfSS