"Remember dear, our party line neighbors may want to use the line, too" Smart teenagers know that courtesy and cooperation make particular sense on the telephone party line. By using the line sharingly they help their neighbors and themselves to a bigg«r/^^^, share of better telephone service. 4HBB VALLEY TELEPHONE COMPANY Serving Mill City-Gates, Aumsville, Detroit- Idanha, Silverton, Turner Isery, Waverly Baby Home, St. R»*« 8—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 1J5« Industrial School, Boys and Girls Aid - --------- -------------------- Society. Chrisite School, St. Marys School for Boys, Volunteer of Amer ica Mothers and Childrens Home, Catholic Services for Children and Editor’» Note: Thu is the 4th of Childrens Farm Home—provide foster a series of articles released by the home and institutional care for child- TANKS! United Fund, telling something of how the money is used by I ren of all ages, races and creeds. 4 T anks SOT T heir nam S ! adoptive services—Catholic Services the various member agencies. BKA.se the erttish in 1*5. IN ORDER TO RREVWIT An infant abandoned in a filling j for Children, Waverly Baby Home, Albertina Kerr Nursery and Boys and INFORMATION OF THE NEW station; a serviceman alone in a WEAPON LEAKING OUT ■ strange and foreign community; a I Girls Aid Society—offer children for REFERRED TO TM6M AS | adoption and arrange to meet the •C isterns USED TO teen age delinquent girl taken in cus CARRY WATER. - SOON A tody by juvenile officers; the unwed 1 needs of unwed mothers. Special in- SYNONYM," TANK, * WAS USED ANO THfl mother needing counseling, a tempor ’ stitutional care for delinquent and NAME STUCK. I wayward girls is provided by Louise ary home and medical care; the new I Iy widowed mother seeking tempor j Home and St. Rose Industrial School. ary care for her children as she seeks These 10 agencies cared for 121 Mar work and readjustment for her fam ion County Children last year and ac ily; the childless couple seeking an counted for approximately 75% of the adoptive child; abused children taken Appeal budget. Seven of the Oregon United Appeal WEDDING MARCH from unfit parents by action of the Because THERE IS A GHOR'AGE o* court—these fellow-citizens of ours I agencies concentrated their efforts MGN A MOMS the L-RtXJS OF MONGOLIA, may be of every age, every color and j in preventive social work: The YM and EVERY FIFTH «RU MUST MARRY A. every creed, and they are all faced YWCAs at the University of Oregon DOORMAT' AFTER THS CSREMON’, SHE IS CONSIDERED A with different problems. Yet all of and Oregon State College work with MARRIED WOMAN.' these, and many more, share one thing the future leaders of our society; the in common; all will receive the help YWCA Youth-in-Government program they need from an agency of the Ore helps our high school youth to under gon United Appeal, included in the stand and cherish our democratic ■I 1958-59 budget of Marion County form of government; the Oregon Pris on association counsels to make our United Fund for $8,901.42. The Oregon United Appeal repre correctional institutions and pro sents 17 agencies which offer ser grams adequate and carries on educa vices to all the people of Oregon. 10 tion work to prevent crime and de child care agencies—Albertina Kerr linquency; the American Social Hy Nursery, Our Lady of Providence Nus- giene Association assists govermen- United Fund Tells How Money Is Used T here is STRENGTH' YOUR money INVESTED in U.S SWINGS SONOS FORMS A UNION BETWEEN YOU AND WUR COUNTRY INI HER EFFORTS TO BOLSTER AMEWCAS PEACE POWER THROUGH SCIENCE, EOUCATION...INDUSTRIAL AND MILITARY 5*RENGTH. tai agencies in combating vice and Weather at Detroit Dam prostitution as it works to improve 7:00 A.M. I Daily Weather Heading« social conditions for better family living; and, the USO offers counsel And I Lake Elevation ing, recreational opportunities and Max. Min. Pep. Elev. entertainment to cur servicemen in September I 78 46 0.00 1553.42 the armed forces at h inie and abroad. September 4 I «9 48 0.00 1553.14 September 5 80 49 0 00 1552.92 September 6 87 53 0.00 1552.71 , September 4 98 57 0.00 1552.49 September 8 65 trace 1552.26 September 9 81 59 0.02 1551.99 Food Facts Bulletin Published by OSC; Discounts Food Fads 5lbs$1.00 ELSINORE ALBACORE TUNA 4 Cans 1.00 CAPITOL CANNED MILK 8 Cans *1.00 TILLAMOOK CHEESE 2 Lb. Loaf *1.29 Best Food Mayonnaise qt. ¡59' Made in Salem Highest Quality Meats FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS full pint WHOLE Pork Shoulders CUT TO ORDER lb. 49c 4 ROLL PACK ZEE ASSORTED Toilet Tissue 2 for 63c 100 FOOT ROLL Zee Waxpaper 3for55c Nestle's Quick Mix Chocolate Ige. 89c WONDERFOOD Marshmallow! lb pkg. 29c Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stockdale of Mehama are the proud parents of a premature child born at 1:42 Monday- morning at Santiam Memorial hos pital. The baby weighed two pounds three ounces at birth and is now in an incubator. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stockdale of Mill City. SOUP 10 «ns *1.00 PLAYFAIR Dog Food 13 cans $1.00 (Any Cut) FRESH FROZEN FRYING or ROASTING YOUR CHOICE WHILE THEY LAST 3 to 3'/2 lbs. We use only official, fa-, ary-packaged parts in servicing fine jeweled-lever watches BAKER'S MILL CITY JEWELRY Telephone 1843 Mill City ONCE Pay Only For All Winter Radiator Protection Drive in now... before the first cold snap, for... 1 Pre-Winter Cooling System Check-Up We’ll make your car ready for cold weather, with a check of the radiator, hoses, thermostats and fan belts... You keep your car’s cooling system leak- free... Then you can get... 2 Guaranteed Radiator Protection You choose the degree of protection you want, and we install the proper amount of Atlas Perma-Guard Anti-Freeze. You then receive a guarantee that any additional Atlas Perma-Guard you need to maintain that protection will be added free during the rest of the cold season ending May 1, 1959. HILL-TOP MARKET MILL CITY. ORE And our professional watch maker is the man who can 1» it He's an authority on the delicate mechanism of the fine jeweled-lever watch — qualified by thorough training and long experience to keep it in tip-top shape Bring in your watch for a professional inspection to day. Expert workmanship Quick service 'tour complete sat xf act ton guarantee! CAMPBELL’S TOMATO Highest Quality Produce Chuck Roasts lb. 59s Calif. Yams 2 lbs. 25c CHICKENS each *1.39 No. 2 Spuds IQ lbs. 29c RED SNAPPER lb. 37' Celery Hearts pkg. 19c U. S. D. A. GOOD Build good food habits through well-balanced meals, and you’ll nev er be bothered by claims from food faddists according to a new bulletin published by Oregon State college. Titled, “Food Facts Versus Fads,’’ the bulletin exposes certain mislead ing, but popular, ideas people have about food. “There is no fie’d of knowledge in I which there are so many self-appoint ed advisors as in health and food cures,’’ according to the publication. Doctors, nutritionists and other experts answer some of the most frequently asked questions about sweeteners, cereals and breads, milk and dairy foods, meats and poul try. and vegetables and fruit in the bulletin. A miscelaneous section con tains information about vitamins, food additives, and cooking equipment. Some of the questi ns include: Are frozen vegetables better tljan canned ones? When cooked and serv ed properly, there is very little dif ference in vitamin content of the two. According to OSC's nutritionist. Ruth Klippstein, milk, meat, veget- ables-fruit, and breads-cereal, pro vide the best framework for well- rounded. appetite satisfying and ec onomical meals. The bulletin describes how daily food plans can be built on each of these food groups. Prices Good For September II. 12,13 PHONE 2744 Bassett t he’, ren Station Highway 22 Phone 2408 Mill City, Oregon