T ASNEAR i ÄST surance I* ,"« » w 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 195» TT/AXT Miscellaneous H | I \ -w y v A. Mrs. J. H. Johnston The light rain Monday night helped to cool the sultry atmosphere, but a heavier rain is badly needed. Current temperatures have been high. Sunday and Monday was 95. cooling to 70 by 4:30 p. m. Hugh Johnston and his uncle, Lon Titus were Salem visitors Mon- day. Titus is here from Condon for a visit at the Johnston homes. He at­ tended the State Fair last week. Mrs. Jack Johnston is his sister. Mrs. Nel­ lie Comstock of Medford is his young­ est sister. The Titus family were all born and raised on the farm now owned by Elmer Philippi on Rt. 1, Stayton, near Kingston. Mrs. Maude Davis of Gates was a Saturday business caller in Fox Val­ ley. Mrs. Ethel Thayer spent the week end with his sister Zella Siegmund in Stayton. Mrs. Charles Power is employed as Art teacher in Stayton high school term. School opened Monday. WANT TO BUY TIMBER this (Too Late For Last Week) Small or large tracts A business visitor in this locality Either cash or stumpage basis last Thursday was Lawrence Olson STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. of Corvallis. H mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gourley of Rt. 2 Albany were Thursday business vis­ FOUND—Hound dog near W & W itors in Fox Valley. Lumber Co. west of Mill City. / Paul Schiewek of Lyons is doing Owner call RO 9-2635. Stayton. some carpetry work on the house Bill Purdy. 37p occupied by the Marshall Powell fam­ ily. The building is being repaired on Sawmill LOGS WANTED the exterior and will be repainted later. Top prices for Second Growth Lon Titus of Condon arrived here STOUT CREEK LMB. CS. Thursday of last week to spend some west of Mehama. Oregon Mt* time with the J. H. and Hugh John­ ston’s and attend the State Fair. The Hugh Johnston family were Friday and Saturday Salem visitors. Mrs. Edith Thayer spent the week­ end in Stayton assisting her sister in ' Zella’s Coffee Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Walker and CLASSIFIED RATES Church bazaars, suppers, bake LEARN TO PLAY’ the modern way. Popular piano lessons. Beginners, sales, etc, will be run under “Special Advanced, Adults, phone 7603, Mill Announcements” classification with City. Dorothy Gluesing. 37p a minimum charge of 50 cents pet fcaertion. WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake Ten cents per line each insertion. Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills Na advertisement accepted for less Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf ■ma 50 cents per week. Count five words to the line in POW’ER MOWER—Repairing and Sharpening. See Greenougb's Saw ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill Shop at Gates for a good job. Cby er mail your advertisement to Phone 7351. On the highway at The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, Gates, Oregon. lotf. Oregon. FOR SALE—Small oil stove, $12, also Real Estate large wood circulator, need lining, $2.50.— Marie Herron, Fairview St. FOR SALE—Two bedroom home in 87p Mill City. New roof. Near schools. —Frank Crowther, Phone 1438, OFFICE FURNITURE »nd equip Mill City. 38 ment. typewriters, aaiirg machines, calculators, cash registers, duplicat­ L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, M. FMson, Salesman Phone 1957 rent, »wap and repaid Bargains in Office at Mill City Lodge, Mil) City used machines. Roei. Typewriter On Highway 22 Exchange, 45« Court St. Salem, tf LIST WITH US JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Phone 451b Gates. Oregon. For Rent FOR RENT—Hospital bed* and mat­ tresses, rollaway beds and mat- treMee. H. L Stiff Furniture Co We give Penny Saver Stamp«. 307 3rd St, Stayton. Phone 6804 33 tf Situations Wanted WORK WANTED—By day or hour, alio baby sitting. Genevieve Kester­ son, Phone 924, % Jim Kesterson, Mil) City. r 39p TTWT i \ A I I H l m - returne<* Friday afternoon from 1 WMk*( xacation in California where they visited his mother and ; Mrs. Walkers father and mother. | They also visited Disney Land. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett Thursday evening visitors in City. Thursday night's rain was a wel- come change in the weather A longer rain would have been greatly ap­ preciated. The local grade school is scheduled to open September 8th. CONTRACT SNAG FALLING DETROIT ARE* Two Blocks To Be Let Area Tour On September 12 Only Leave Forestry Headquarters Salem At 8:30 A.M. Leave Gates Guard Station At 9:15 A. M. Full Information Available At STATE FORESTRY HEADQUARTERS at Oregon Hardwood Buiine» Opportunitiei Management, Use OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Told In Booklet Responsible person from this area, Prospects of expending markets to service and collect from new type cigarette dispenser. Route es­ for Ore. hardwoood may soon prompt tablished by Company. No selling. the state to take a closer look at its Age not essential. Car, references maple, alder, oak and other hard­ and $987 to $1975 cash required. wood trees, according to foresters at 3 to 5 hours weekly net up to $275. I Oregon State college. At present, Pacific Northwest good monthly. Possibility fulltime work. For local interview give full par­ quality hardwood is handicapped by ..w; Cigarettes, lo'iK-hau1. freight rates to major mar- ticulars, phone. Write: Minneapolis 40,'kets ’*> the cast. However, southern P. O. Box 7p California shows signs of becoming a Minn. I "second Grand Rapids” in furniture production, offering a new poten­ 1 tial for Oregon hardwoods, says Gary Sander, OSC forest products marketing specialist. Details of hardwood management, marketing, and manufacturing are discussed in a new bulletin, “Oregon Hardwoods,” published by OSC exten­ sion service. Free copies are available 1 from county extension offices or the l09C bulletin clerk, Corvallis. I The 16-page illustrated booklet was I prepared by Sander in cooperation 'with the Poik county farm forestry | committee. It includes recemmenda- I tions for turning out high grade ma- I tenal for factory or industrial lum­ ber through proper logging, sawing, drying, and surfacing. production methods dif­ Your business will be AP fer Hardwood considerably from those for Doug­ las fir which most western Oregon PRECIATED at sawmill operators understand, says I Sander. As a result, improperly man- i ufactured material has in some in- l stances injured the sale of northwest SERVICE STATION & hardwoods despite their good quality, the specialist explains. TRAILER COURT Western markets would give local Phone 903, Mill City. producers an advantage of at least MOTOK TUNEUP8 $25 a thousand board feet over east­ ern growers, the bulletin points out. Present and potential uses are list­ » BRA 141C WORK ed for red alder, Bigleaf maple, Ore­ AUTO SUPPLIES gon ash, chinkapin, black cotton­ wood, Pacific Madrone, California black o»k, Oregon white oak, myrtle, tanoak, and Pacific dogwooa. Illi L.1 DO YOUR PRINTING ll r t There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to have your PRINTING done. here at home. The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all TRY US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED • Tire wear can indicate faulty brak- 1 ing, bad wheel alignment, oversteer­ ing and improper air pressure. In­ spect your tires regularly for worn spots, tears and scrapes, and main­ tain recommended inflation. amili TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY REQUIRES a few hours work per week, days or evenings delivering nationally known items to coin operated vending machines in this area. Work consists of filling machines and collecting the money. A . ... , ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING. accounts established and turned over to qualified man or woman. (No age limit). Start part-time, keep your present job and earn a steady weekly piofit. Possibility full-time with income increasing according­ ly. A part-time operation can earn up to $250 monthly. Future expansion can be financed, but a cash investment of $<50 necessary to start. To qualify you must have time, capital and reliable car. Write giving phone and full particulars to: Self Sendee 13446 Greenwood Ave. Seattle 33, Wash. v-—--------------------------------------- ---------------- The Enterprise can do it right YOUR PRINTING NEEDS SILVER SADDLE GIVE OUfí KIDS B Salem and Gates Guard Stations Let The Enterprise r 1^ ASK FOR X There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Try The Enterprise Every Week Envelopes • Ruled Forms • Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • Letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards 9 Wedding Announcements Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE .•If The Home of Good Printing ■ Phone 6651 or 7605 Mill City, Oregon