THnrsflFnn Business end Professional DIRECTORY JOHN W. REID, M.D Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY. OREGON THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE TH I RSD.O. SEPTEMBER 11,1968 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Plymale of Lebanon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H I. Plymale. The Round Robin Pinochle will meet at the home of Mrs. L. Poole Monday evening. DR. JOHN C. TARR Mrs. Albert Toman left Thursday Chiropractic Phvsiciar. for Santa Barbara, Calif., where she Phone RO 9-2922 plans to spend about two weeks with Hours 9:00 to 6:00 her daughter Mildred. Evenings By Appointment H2 E. Ida St. Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, Mr. DR. LESIJB J. CARSON Optometrist 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Sat Except Wednesday. 515 Third St., Stayion Phone RO 9-2751 land Mrs. Robert Draper and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham went to Salem I Sunday, where they enjoyed dinner. The Mill City Garden club will meet ! Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harvey i Tolbert at a 1 o’clock dessert lunch­ eon. AH members are urged to at- | tend. Miss Nyla Stanley F A MOUS FIRST X ß'oOu it T u E E* ’O k vC RkMf. ’ m E * «ST p ¿OT ’o FLY BLiNO -S KS CXiu* -E t OO* O** ANO wAKC’fcC’ 'N A P«AVtATlC --ÄT m AD es’FVEO À E«A Mrs. James Cuthbert and Jimmie Experienced Veterinarian from Bend spent several days last By Harold’s Floral Gardens week with their parents, Mr. and Stayton, Ore, Mrs- Floyd Johnson an<) Mr. and Mrs. Ph. RO 9-2533 * Roger Nelson. SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING TEX SHIVELY Phone UL 9-2202 For Appointment Weddle Funeral Home Mode mi Fanerai Service OREGON FIAYTON MIKE'S Septic Service Septic Tanks and Sewers Cleaned Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT 1979 Elm St. W. Salem LICENSED Garbage Disposal •1.59 Per Month and Up Ateo Servici «g Gate«. Lyon« Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY, OREGON disposal service Bud Cline, Owner I— Ph. 5902 The Mill City Christian church will observe their annual ‘‘Home- coming Sunday” September 14. All 4 former and present members are urged to attend. ** T, , HAZARDOUS PASSAGE -\te« ’-t ««kATfsT -rs-s o* left for J. W. GOIN ,‘