—»»usT, U» ' 'Wg F /***!; For Rent | ‘WWW-MIMIII» ». . MJ ♦ tei as * . ■ ’ f.T 1 * miriT«- a«»,- * KH.U- íntijii - »it vio» ; surance ' tí > xi 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE C L A S SIF1ED KATES THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1956 Miscellaneous Church bazaars, suppers, bake »ales, »u. will be run under "Special WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake FOR QUALITY JOB PRINTING See hanouncements ’ i” classification with Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills The Mill City Enterprise. Top • minimum charge of 50 cents pet Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf Quality printing, priced right Fast 'aaertion. •ervice Phone 6651. Nights Ten cents per line each insertion POWER MOWER—Repairing and 7605. Sharpening. See Greenough's Saw Na advertisement accepted for less Shop at Gates for a good job. •ai 60 cents per week. Phone 7351. On the highway at Count five, words to the line in Gates, Oregon. lOtf. •rdenng your ad. Phone 6651, Mill '?1ty or mail your advertisement to OFFICE FURNITURE snd equip rhe Mil) City Enterprse, Mill City, ment. typewriters, aoiirg machine Oregon. calculators, cash regitters, duplicat I ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell rent, i*ip and repair Bargains ii Help Wanted >isad machines. Roeii Typewrite» Exchange. 456 Court St., Salem, t' WANTED—Someor.e to work part- time on poultry ranch. Johnson & Schaer, Phone 742. 36 WANT TO BUY TIMBER J Small or large tracts Either cash or stumpage basis Real Estate Everyone is SHOUTING about our service, Call SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mili City. MOTOB TUNEUP8 and BRAKS WORK AUTO SUPPLIES r-Av-ÄJJ« STOUT CREEK LMB. CO FOR SALE—Two bedroom home in ’4 mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf Mill City. New roofx Near schools. —Frank Crowther, Phone 1438, FOUND—Hound dog near W & W Lumber Co. west of Mill City. Mill City. 38 Owner call RO 9-2635. Stayton. L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE Bill Purdy. 37p M Nelson, Salesman Phone 1957 Office tt Mill City Lodge, Mill City Sawmill LOGS WANTED On Highway 22 Top prices for Second Growth LIST WITH US STOUT CREEK LMR. CO JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE *4 west of Mehama. Oregon 54»' W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Phone 4618 Gates. Oregon. NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED FOR­ MATION OF NORTH SANTIAM LIVESTOCK DISTRICT, MARION For Rent COUNTY, OREGON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat- a hearing will be held on the 10th of tresaas, rollaway beds and mat­ September, 1958, at the hour of 10 tresses H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. o’clock A. M. in the Marion County We gave Penny Saver Stamps. 367 Courtroom, Courthouse, Salem, Ore­ 3rd SV Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf gon. The proposed area to be made into a livestock district, which will Situations Wanted make it unlawful for cattle, horses WORK WANTED—By day or hour, and other livestock to run at large also baby sitting. Genevieve Kester­ therein, is comprised of a portion of son, Phone 924, % Jim Kesterson, voting precincts 182, 184, and 186, Mill City. 39p and is more fully described as fol­ lows: Nothing But The ★ ★ ★ BEST Beginning on the North bank of the North Santiam River at a point 20.00 chains East of the West line of Section 18, Township 9 South, Range 2 East, Willam­ ette Meridan, and running thence North along the subdivision line to the North line of said Section 18; thence East 3*« miles to the Northeast corner of Section 15, Township 9 South, Range 2 East; thence South along the line be- tween Sections 14 and 15 to the Southeast corner of Section 15: thence East 14 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 24. Township 9 South, Range 4 East which is on the line be- tween Range 4 East and Range 5 East; thence South along said range line 4 miles, more or less, to the North bank of the North Santiam River; thence Westerly along said North bank to its in- terse tion with the North-south line between Sections 27 and 28, Township 9 South, Range 3 East; thence North to the quarter sec­ tion corner between said Sec­ tions 27 and 28; thence West along the center line of Section 28, 29 and 3(1 of -aid township and range to the West line of said Section 30; thence North to the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the North­ west quarter (SW cor. of NWl< of NW1») of said section 30; thence West one mile to the Southwest corner of the North­ west quarter of the Northwest quarter (SW cor. of NWV« of N W>4) of Section 25, Township 9 South, Range 2 East; then e South to the North bank of the North Santiam River; thence I Westerly along said North bank to the place of beginning. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 8th day of August, 1958. H. C. MATTSON, 36 County Clerk. V. Meats and Groceries Quality OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET * Ll F »» I tv fc 9 I Lz al 4 * 4 'M \ < •v ► 1 r A * Santiam Union High School * Will Be Driving Nothing But The Best. A 1958 CHEVROLET When You Think of BURGERS or * ICE CREAM Think of the MILL CITY DRIVE IN When You Think of the Drive In Think of * BURGERS * ICE CREAM * FRENCH FRIES and * CONEY ISLAND HOT DOGS « « Students taking the new Drivers Educational Program at There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Try The Enterprise Every Week I *4 r A ■’4 ' (I < • ___________ ___________ _ Pictured above, Virgil Schuetz, service manager, Gleason Eakin, driver instructor, s. U. H. S. James B. hitman, Supt. S. U. H. S. and Bill Baldwin, Sales Manager Gene Teague Chevrolet. Now is the time to invest in that new or u sed automobile, du ri ng ou r Clean-Up Sale We have some exceptional buys on 1958 models and good late model us ed cars. We are proud to have furnished this fine car for the training program, and congratulate you on your new h igh school GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET Open Evenings Until 7 o'clock Monday Through Friday Phone RO 9-2126 Chevrolet Sales & Service Stayton, Oregon a SERVICE