»—THE Mil l. CITV ENTERPRLSETHl RSI>\Y. SEPTEMBER I. ms WRIGHT TRUCK LINE Between Portland-Salem-Idanha all way points Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Household Moving Stayion Phone 2125 Salem EM 3-1626 SHIP IT WRIGHT GATES Mrs. II. N. Wilson David Jennings, who is in the Naval Reserves, stationed at San Diego, has been home on leave. He was accom- pan.ed by a friend from the base. Leland Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey, enlisted in the U. S. Marines last week, and was sent with a group, by plane, from Port- land to Camp Pendleton. Friday. Mrs. Florence Simon (nee Law- son) of Riverside, Calif., was an ov- ernight guest of Mrs. Maude Davis on Thursday. She visited other friends in Gates and Mill City and returned to Salem Friday with Mrs. Gwen Schaer. Edmond Davis of Tacoma, Wash., spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. 2Jaude Davis, and her granddaughter, Kit Overlock, return­ ed to her Seattle home with him on Tuesday. Mrs. Gwenn Schaer entertained her last last year’s third and fourth grade girls with a picnic and slumber party at her home last week. Present to enjoy all the fun were: Susie Rynear- son, Carolyn and Rosalie Fitzhugh, Rosy Devin, Terry Gleason. Mary Lou Schroeder and her cousin Jeanie San­ dra Lute, Carol Goodyard, Melody Rosamond, Launa ~ Randall, Kathy Kelle, Lorena Harmon and Patsy Pennick. Marcia Barnhardt was also present, a guest of Carol Schaer. One night later Mrs. Schaer invit­ ed Phillip Bumgarner, Carlton Her­ ron and Frank Cupps (the boys in MUNltn DORTMUND Wherever a superb beer is brewed Water that makes the difference fornia. Mias Penny Newberg arrived last weekend from Hermosa Beach, Calif, where she has been helping with the care of her grandmother, Mrs. Percy Mulligan, who returned with her. ■S. ' WE Mrs. Mulligan has been quite ill, and must take it easy for some time yet. Mr. Mulligan will remain in Californ­ ia for the time being. Alvin, Melvin, and LaVerne Me- Namee of Sherwood, and Mr. and • v- Mrs. Don McNamee of Tualatin, were guests this week at the home of thetr sister. Mrs. L. L. Rynearson. Their mother, Mrs. Loren Epler had just left for Scottsbluff, Neb., having re­ ceived word of the serious illness of i her sister, Mrs. Mary Lovett. Mrs. Mary Champ, former teacher and Gates resident, reports she is planning a trip east to visit her son, Earle Humphreys at Watertown. N. Y., and will visit friends in Boston and accompany them to Miami, Fla. She plans to be gone two months, and will stop at many interesting places both going, and coming, to take pic­ tures to show here later, along with those of her last trip which included Hawaii. John Barnhardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt arrived home this week following a special training course at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., a visit with relatives in Indiana where he met his maternal grandfather and accompanied him to his home at Golden, Colo., for a week’s visit. He Scientists Are Made — Not Born plans to attend OSC at Corvallis that class) to join her family for a derful vacation, and will attend school again this fall. picnic supper, returning all to their here this year. Congratulations are due Mrs. Olive Rev. James Stock of Sweet Home Barnhardt. who won two blue rib- homes the next afternoon. I.eatta McCall returned Thursday will be substitute minister for the : bons and $5 each on a yellow cake after a two-months visit at the home Gates Community church both Sun­ and a prune cake, entered at the State of relatives in Fortuna, Calif., and days during the absence of Donald ; Fair. Also, a blue ribbon on cinna- Southern Oregon. She reports a won- Hobson, who is vacationing in Cali- I mon rolls, two white ribbons on angel food cake and a pecan pie, and a 1 fourth place on rolls, netting her about $18, and a lot of fun, ’cause she loves to cook. Vic Meyers, formerly of this area, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards one day this week, as he was returning from Southern Oregon to his home in Portland. | Kenneth Kanoff, who has been living with his grandparents, the Ned Richards while working at the Stay­ ton Cannnery, left this week for Brookings, where he will live with his mother, Mrs. Winnifred Sauve and I family, and attend high school. Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. Vel- . ma Carey accompanied Mr. and Mrs ! Don Carey and three boys of Stayton ' to the State Fair Saturday. Enjoyed ( the traditional scene, the art and J flower exhibits and pointed out the Linn and Manon county booths with ! pride to the grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Levon of San i Francisco are making an extended i stay at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levon and daughter, Lori Susan. Their son, Vincent Levon accompanied them, but has returned to California. Arriving over the week end, were Bob’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. Zulalian of Boston, Mass., so a family reunion is being enjoyed. Mrs. Robert Oliver and three small girls, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Moore and three child en of Mill City, enjoyed four days at Nelscott, - on the ocean front. Going without reservati >ns, they thought themselves lucky to find pleasant accomodations. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ingeman of North Bend spent Wednesday at the | home of Ned and Daisy Richards. ' Mrs. Ingeman was born and raised at the old townsite of Niagara and attended school at Gates, where she was known as Blanche Decker, leav- ing here in the 1930’s. Mrs. Mildred Agee and Mrs. Cora Slavens of Portland, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynear­ son, and all enjoyed a picnic at San- tiam State Prk Monday. The Ry- nearsons then spent two days down on the Alsea river, staying at the summer cabin of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Larson and daughter, Debre arrived last week at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Walter Brisbin, from Bournemouth, England. They plan to visit other relatives and friends before report­ ing for duty at Larson AFB in about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hennas of Portland spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Glenn Henness, and attended the De­ vine-Cole wedding Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Watson ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Philo Potter to Eastern Oregon Labor Day, visit­ ing the lava bads, the Metolius coun­ try and Peterson Rock Gardens. Mrs. Louisa Wrigglesworth of Portland, and her daughter-in-law Mrs. Herbert Romey of Waldport, visited their former home here a few days while Herbert was helping fight the fire near Detroit last week. The Romeys have purchased a trailer house, and will leave soon for Sant* Barbara, Calif., where Romey has en­ rolled for school this winter. Ellen Chance has completed two weeks at Yeoman's school at the San Diego Naval Base in California, and has been visiting her sister, Mr* Marvin Dodge and family here for a week While in California she visit­ ed her family, the Ed Chances, *nd plans to return to California in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stover ani three children of Downey, Calif., via- ited several days last week at the Merle Devine home, and also at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ann* Swift, in Mill City. Mrs. Devine i* an aunt. Overnight guests at the De­ vine home were Mrs. Arnold Burgeas and two »ons, Vernon and Donald Case, and two small gradnchildrer. from Klamath Falls HUVIN6 flWKITING ARITHMiTie Live Better For Less-With A Freezer! Another Way Low-Cost PP&L Electric Service Helps You Save! You can feed your family better and cut food bills at the same time! Save money, save work with an electric freezer in your home' Buy fresh food in quantity and freeze it for use throughout the year. Add a wonderful elect ric freezer to the many other electric appliances that help you live better for less. Seo your electric appliance dealer today* &LIGrHT COMPANY Electricity is today 's biggest bargain