Business and Professional DIRECTO RY Ws-THE MILL < ITY ENTERPRISE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crust, »ho I he morning circle of the Presby­ THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1958 live out in the Fox Valley area, were terian church will resume its meet­ business visitors in Mil] City recent­ ly. Mr. Crust reports they had just recently attended a church meeting at Sandy. While here they renewed their subscription to The Enterprise. JOHN W. REID, M. D Physician and Surgeon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landro and Louise from Astoria, spent several A family reunion of the Gerald O. days last week with her mother, Mrs. Hutchinson clan was held at Santiam Anna Swift. Mrs. Swift and her State park west of town Sunday. granddaughter, Nyla Stanley from DR. JOHN C. TARR 'Compton, Calif., accompanied the Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel and ____ Land* hman Longview, Wash., and some friends of a ham , m , radio ra, operator c'PeJ'8tor > in n Portland DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and an* relayed *to^ his parents in Mill City. Young Podrabsky stated he was Mrs. Clarence Howe. Chiropractic Physician coming home about October 7. His BELL BLDG. IDA and THIRD ST. Mr and Mrs Ra|ph Juhl and Mr I wife, who is now in Aberdeen, S. D., will drive here to meet him. Fol­ and Mrs. Bob Shelton and children of STAYTON, OREGON lowing a 30-day leave here, he will go I Corvallis, spent the Labor Day week PHONE RO 9-2557 , to Lake Champlain, N. Y. i end with relatives here. MILL CITY, OREGON — Mr. and Mrs. Dale Davis and children, Barbara and Jeff of Albany | were dinner guests at the Frank Moore’s Monday evening. J. W. GOIN Experienced Veterinarian By Harold’s Floral Gardens Ph. RO 9-2533 Stayton, Ore. Dr. TEX SHIVELY Modem Fanerat Service MIKE'S Septic Service CHEVROLET STAYTON, OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME GENERAL REPAIRING WELDING We have on hand DELCO BAKERIES Hoover's Repair Veryl & Jim Hoover, Prop Ph. 2602 or Ph. 351 Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans­ missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. LICENSED Garbage Disposal 11.50 Per Month and Up Also Servicing Gate*. Lyons Idanaha and Detroit MILL CITY. OREGON disposal service Bud Cline. Owner Ph. 5902 Fully Equipped and Glass Bedded. JENKINS HARDWARE We Give S and H Green Stamp« Phone 2206 Mill City, Ore. 1 Hammericksen’» Opto­ First fall meeting of the current »eason for Marilyn Chapter, No. 145, 1 OES, will be preceded by a 6:30 pot- I I luck supper at the lodge hall Monday i I evening. September 8. I I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Punzel and two WATERMELON FEED of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Warde and family. GENE TEAGUE SHULTZE and LARSEN 7X61 RIFLE COME TO THE Septic Tank» and Sewers Clean*« children, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred | Ph. Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT Warde and three children, all of Port- | land spent Monday here at the home j 1979 Elm St. W. Salem WE SELL BETTER CARS FOR LESS Patty McClintock was hostess Wed­ nesday noon for an outdoor barbecue for a few friends. Present were Bob­ bie, Joan and Greg Stover, Nyla Stanley, all of Compton, Calif; Tony, Dale and Jerry Grant, Mrs. James Grant, Mark and Patty McClintock, Mrs, William McClintock and Rhonda Sue and Mrs. Lowell Cree. WE ALSO HAVE A Mrs. Clayton Mitchell and children of near Agate Beach, visited at the Joe Lalack home a couple of days last week. Mrs. Mitchell is a cousin of Mrs. Lalack. Weddle Funeral Home OREGON Buy your ammunition now while a good assortment is available. We have some cartridges in hard to get calibers Our good friend W. H. Hutcheson of Gates, called at The Enterprise for a short visit Tuesday morning. Hutch is just recqrvering from a heart attack suffered over the past weekend and states he is just going to have to take it a little bit easier. That we’ll have to see, as Hutch is one of those busy fellows. metric offices in the Bell building in Stay ton; Thursdays from 1:00 p. m. to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne­ I cessary. adv. Phone UL 9-2202 For Appointment BTAYTON Mark JI ST ARGINI) THE CORNER Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo have returned from a week’s vaca­ tion trip to Reno, Nev., where they were accompanied by their son, George Rambo, of Ashland. They also made an excursion to Virginia City, Nev. Their daughter, Laura Jo, vis­ ited her maternal grandparents in Salem. o Lester Poole of Seattle, Wash., Leo Poole and James Poole, spent the Labor Day holiday on a fishing trip I to Wickiup Reservoir in Central Ore­ gon. SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING ING SE; ings this Friday at 10 until 11 o’clock a. m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Roa h. Ordinarily the group meets on Thursday, but the circle chairman could not be present that day. Any­ one interested is welcome to attend. Visiting at the Mary Hartman i home Saturday afternoon was Loyal Thurston and his son and daughter- ■ in-law’, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thurs­ ton and two small children all of Portland. Miss Nancy Whitaker of Seattle, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Whitaker over the weekend, was accompanied by her friends, drey Simpson and Ed Bohach, of Seattle. I ----------------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin LaVine and children of Toledo, spent the week­ I end here with her mother, Mrs. Una White. On Saturday evening they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chance. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Preston of Longview, Wa?h., spent the Labor Day weekend with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Freeman and children and other Mill City relatives. Jerry Shepherd, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shepherd, rode i his tricycle “down” their cement step* Saturday morning cutting his forehead. It required three stitches to close the wound. Mrs. Robert Schroeder of Crescent City. Calif-, a former resident here, spent several days last week as the guest of Mrs. W. W. Allen. The vis- itor is the mother of Mrs. Robert Al- len (Marjorie Schroeder ) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Budlong and Claudia, of Happy Camp, Calif.. spent the weekend with “Boots” Higdon and Ruth. Linda Budlong ac­ companied her parents home after a two-week visit here with her grand­ father and aunt. A daughter. Rebecca Ann. was horn ' to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Joe Holt! (Frances Ward) Friday, August 29,1 at Salem General hospitals They are i spending a few days at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W’ard. » Ï L CITY PARK - MILL CITY 2 P. M 6 TON OF MELONS Eat All You Can. Bring Your Friends Be Our Guests Mr. and Mrs. Barney A. Roy of Lewiston, Calif, visited friends in this area and looked after their pro­ perty here recently. The Roys lived here during the construction of the dam. They said they planned on mov­ ing back here some day. Cards received from the Paul Bark­ leys (Leia Kelly), who are driving to Manhattan, Kan., to make their home, state they enjoyed camping in Yellowstone Park in spite of a visit from a bear and inclement weather which* finally forced them to move inside Old Faithful Inn. Last word was received from Sheridan, Wyo., after which stop they expected to take off for South Dakota. Mention was made of the Buffalo Bill Museum at Cody, Wyo., made up of four separ­ ate buildings in his memory. Stewart’s Grocery Mill City, Oregon Phone 4407 y »