Page New Fall Hats We have just received a shipment of the latest Creations Priced at only $3.98. New Purses, 98c plus tax and up. ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP MILL CITY, OREGON Rhone 22431 Announcement To all my patients and friends and other in­ terested persons: I This is a Thunk You for the friendly recep­ tion you have given me during my three years here. And now I am happy to tell you that I have Moved across the street into my own build­ ing with larger and more adequate office space. You are welcome whether on a friendly or a professional visit. LESLIE J. CARSON, O. D., Vision Specialist Refraction For Glasses, Visual Training, Contact Lenses 515 3rd St. Phone RO 9-2751 Stayton, Oregon Closed Wednesdays Mary Kelly, Woman ¿Editor Davison-Crook Wedding Solemnized In Salem Church Sunday Evening Stork Shower Given in Honor of Mrs. Bob James M Franklin McDowell and Mrs. William McClintock entertained at the Mil» well home Saturday morn- ing at a offee and stork shower in honor of -Mr». Robert James (Hazel Neal) of Rt. 1, Stayton. The gift table was covered with a F>nK v.«..., —- a P>nk pink cloth, the centerpiece cornucopia of baby items and a stork. White glads and pink rosebuds cen­ tered the white covered coffee table where sweet rolls and coffee were served by the hostesses. Present were Mrs. Robert James, Mrs. Otto Weidman of Lyons; Mrs. Vernon James, Scio; Mrs. Dean Otho- dol. Stayton; Mrs. John Kunkle and granddaughter, Kathleen Mason; Ka­ thy Neal, Mrs. Leota Worden, and Mrs. Ralph Downer, all of Lyons; Mrs. Ed Davis and granddaughter, Kit Overlock of Gates; Mrs. Edith Mason, Mrs. James Grant and Jerry of Mill City; Mrs. Harley Scott and Joyce and the hostesses, Mrs. William McClintock and Patty and Mrs. Franklin McDowell, Frank Harley, and Mike. Sending gifts were Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mrs. Lowell Cree, Mrs. Robert Shelton of Corvallis and Mar­ jorie Worden. , Try one of our choice sleeks or a plate of chicken. Sea Foods too. Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week The Riverview Cafe Phone UL 9-2171 Mehama, Oregon VITAMINS Children need vitamins for growth and good health. When they start to school an extra supply is a partial insurance against colds and let downs. We particularly recommend Bexel Multiple Vitamins for Children or Bexel Multiple Vitamin Syrup. We also have a Bexel Vitamin for Every Mem­ ber of the family. You feel better and are better when you take Bexel. Mill City Pharmacy Dependable Prescription Service J. C. Kimmel - Phone 6607 MILL CITY Mrs. Robert Roach Speaks At Christian Circle Meet Phone Phone 625 625 9 The Martha Troxel Circle of the < hristian church met Tuesday even­ ing in the social rooms of the church. Mrs. Albin Cooper, ¿nesident of the group, presided at the business meet­ ing. Mrs. William McClintock, pro­ gram chairman, read a story, “The Thistle’’ written by a Spaniard. Mrs. Robert Roach was guest speaker, us­ _ “Our Neighbor __ _______ Of interest are several items from i ing Mexico’’ as her Mrs. Leo Poole, president of the Mill topic. Mrs. Milton Roten led the wor- City Toastmistress Club, concerning ship service. A group of articles activities of her organization. from Mexico were on display. Re­ Mrs. Robert Roach represented freshments were served by Mrs. Albin the toastmistress club when she ap­ Cooper and Mrs. Richard Freeman. Present were Mrs. Robert Roach, peared as guest speaker before the Martha Troxel Circle at the First Mrs. Larry Lawrence, Mrs. Robert Christian church Tuesday evening, Gregory, Mrs. William McClintock, her topic being “Our Neighbor, Mex­ Mrs. Albin Cooper, Mrs. William ico.’’ This engagement came under, Shepherd, Mrs. Franklin McDowell, the heading of the “Community Ser-1 Mrs. Richard Freeman and Mrs. Milt­ vice Program’’ being stressed by the on Rhoten. toastmistress club this year. On Thursday evening Mrs. Leo ' The Enterprise received a copy of Poole, Mrs. Kenneth Chance, Rev. I the Virginia City (Nevada) Times, Larry Lawrence, Ronald Ragsdale, I recently through the courtesy of and Rex Ohmart plan to drive to Al- | Mr. and Mrs. Tex Blazek, Mr. and bany to attend the meeting of the I Mrs. George Stewart, and Mr. and “Community Speakers’ Bureau’’ at the 1 Mrs. Tom Hassey. When they retum- » vin—ovc to — acquire —___ __ in-, cd home Tex stated it was an inter- Chamber of Commerce f<‘rmat^n“on Oregon’ ’ s «sting place to visit. The party had formation on VV Oregon s " Centennial, L.----- ---- - Purpose of the meeting is to have >.’ent three days there recently, speakers available for appearances before organizations wishing to gain Too Late to Classify information concerning the coming ,_____________________________ _ celebration. Ronald Ragsdale has been WANTED—Boys’ 24-inch Bicycle appointed area chairman for Linn I Call 6471j or write p Q Box gu County. —Frank Moore, Mill City. 36 Toastmistress Club Miss Andrea Dee Davison of Salem, daughter* of Mr. an