Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1958)
Business and Professional DIRECTORY ■♦“-THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Wa t til "Dead Eye Dick" gets from limb to limb— yaking all the time—after all—who was here first? home. Got charged a few times—After Your» truly If it's such a small world, why is it Mr Editor:— all who wants to get beaked by a blue The Swamp S-Witch Have greatly admired your rare jay «specially when trying to work— taking so much of our taxes to run it. sense of humor since you came to and in this heat? George < ree received word of the JOHN W. REID. M.D town. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ohmart and eons, So—back to the shack and return- deaths of two relatives recently. A Mr. and Mrs. Cordon McMorris Also your nerve to tackle the lad Physician and Surgeon spent Sunday in Salem with his spent Saturday night and Sunday at le-’ department and look at the i ed with our deluxe B. B. gun—Got nephew, Lloyd Shanks, passed away | right still—“Channel No. 1” was still the Jiles Ohmart home at Clat.-kanie. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Quar new • styles. Me being of femine Yakking—Took 5 cool shot.- at him— it ednesday in a Portland hospital af MILL CITY. OREGON ter a lingering illness from cancer. tier and at Silver Creek Falls. A castaway from a wrecked ship »ex ugh! You have the courage of a Only made him lose a few tail feath Funeral services were held at Leban lion. was captured by cannibals. Each day ers and a giggle—Better get some on Saturday at 11 a. m. with inter Visiting at the home of Mr. and : his arm was cut by a dagger and < an see enough in the advertise bi-focals. ment in Providence cemetery. A Mrs. Richard Thielke this week the natives would drink his blood. ments in the papers without peddling DR. JOHN C. TARR w>1>_ Seems there is a hazel-nut tree he’s great niece, Tamara Lee Gründen, 11 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rieppel our Model T into town. O ’ well win | Finally one day he called the king. Chiropractic Physician been working over out there. Had months old passed away . Sunday in daughter. Janette, of Sacramento, ”*"’("You can kill me and eat me if you dow shopping does show one 1„.. picked the nuts I spit out the shells. “ Salem hospital. The baby had been Phone RO 9-2922 Calif. civilization is progressing. want to," he said, “but I’m tired of Hours 9:00 to 6:00 Here we felines, diet, to get a slim Nut shells all over the ground—All ill since birth. Graveside services being stuck for the drinks." were held at 3 p. m. Tuesday ta ths and trim waistline so’s we can squeeze empty— Evenings By Appointment Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Kendrick, of Got up the A. M. at break of dawn Beicrest Memorial park in Salem. 'into a "Sheath". Before that we in-' Stayton Oakland, Calif., spent last week here Mrs. William McClintock was host H2 E. Ida St. Yep—Our gorgeous blue and crest | with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dowdy, ess Saturday for a surprise birthday vested in several fluffy and ruffly ed chacacter was right out in the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freeman and i They returned to their home Monday. luncheon in honor of Mrs. James petticoats to be worn under a full 72 I children spent the weekend camping strawberry patch — Must have skin- inch skirt. Gotta get that full as pos- , I Mrs. Kendrick is Mr. Dowdy’s sister. Grant. Covers were placed for Mrs. DR LESLIE J. CARSON at Elk Lake. c (| sible “blown look." Of course a few ne° nut crt>P~ Grant, Mrs. Franklin McDowell, Mrs. Optometrist ruffles had to sag a wee bit — depend Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Shelton and Richard Boedigheimer of Stayton, 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Bat ¡son, of Milan, Mich., spent the week Mrs. Gordon McMorris and Mrs. Mc ing on which way the wind blew or Except Wednesday. how we flitted the palms of our mitts. ¡end here with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clintock. 5J5 Third St, Stayton Now comes “The Sack”—Only I Shelton. Mr. Shelton is a cousin of Phone RO 9-2751 'Glen, and is a mail carrier. They are Mr. and Mrs. Arnes Jackson, San $11.95 for a kuickly assembled af j on a seven-week tour of the National dra and Mr. Jackson’s father, spent fair of sleazy cotton—right off the Parks and other places of interest. a week in Cameron, Ariz., visiting bar. Must be the 10 buttons down the their son, Arnes and his wife, who front and the below the belt how that DR. VICTOR J. MYERS To al) my patients and friends: ran the bill up so high. No button Visitors at the Mary Hartman home were married recently. holes, either. Chiropractic Physician home Monday evening were Mrs. Only takes a kid 10 hours a day, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree and Mrs. BELL BLDG. IDA and THIRD ST. Caroline Roda and her sister and This is to let you know that I have moved i mother, Ethel Clymer and Mrs. Jack- William McClintoek, Patty, Mark and traveling via bus to the bean or- j across the street into larger and more ade rhard about 2 or 3 days to pay for STAYTON. OREGON | son of Redding, Calif. Rhonda Sue, were dinner guests in quate offices. Salem Saturday evening at the home one of these latest “ceation”— Don't PHONE RO 9-2557 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bennett and of Mr. and Mrs. John Werhli and count the sweat. Well the cherrier side of life—Still daughter, of Layfette, moved into the family. Sharon Wehrli, who spent You are welcome whether on a friendly or a Glen Tinney house on S. E. Hazel, the past week in Mill City returned have our old peddle pushin’ sewing machine—Must get it out of the gar next to the Nat Wills home. with them. professional visit. I J. W. GOIN age. Will give it a general overhaul 1 Experienced Veterinarian Sunday guests of the Robert Venesa Mrs. Walter Thomas and daughter, sharpen our scissors—find a thread 1 needle and by golly I bethcha we By Harold’s Floral Gardeas family were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aloha, were huckleberry picking in and Ball and three children, of Portland. the Elk Lake area Friday. They re can whip up a “Sack" that would LESLIE J. CARSON Ph. RO 9-2533 Stayton, Ore. Swimming in the Little North Fork ' port the berry season about over, look like it needed some grain or O. D., Vision Specialist, Refraction For Glasses, spuds in it. was enjoyed during the early after- j the season being a couple of weeks Know where a good rummage sale noon, followed by a drive over to the early ___ _____ this _____ year. _____ While ______ hiking in the Visual Training, Contact Lenses Elkhorn region. The families had a area __ _ they __ _ came ____ across ____ _ many __ / bear is about to be? 515 3rd St. Phone RO 9-2751 Stayton, Oregon • » • backyard barbecue dinner afterwards. I signs a nd also found one huge elk SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING Closed Wednesdays ■--------------------- ¡track. Weather up high on that day Down by the river and next to the Dr. Mark Hammericksen 1 ’s Upto- I was „oi, according to Mrs. Thomas. I swamP a little black and white kitten TEX SHIVELY ______________________ j arrived—in the usual manner. Very metric offices in the Bell building in ' Hione UL 9-2202 Stayton; Thursdays sdaya from 1:00 p. m. ...... Mr. and ...... Mrs. J. C. ..... Kimmel ___ spent ___ YounP and tender and cute as apple For Appointment to 6:00 P. M. No appointments ne- , Sunday driving along the coast. They l)'t an<l iU8^ as we all like apple pie eessary. adv. went as far south as Waldport before an*l'ilttens- . t I turning inland and coming back on I Up through the months he grew. An evangelist recently announced } highway 99. They report fog came in Got fierce, green eyes and long that there are 726 different sins. He along the coast and it was real cool. whiskers bigger than a radar sys Weddle Funeral Home received thousands of requests for Different on this side of the coastal tem. Just as all good cats should the list from people who thought they range, where residents sweltered in have. Moderni Fanerai Servita He was well fed at home too, well1 were missing something. j near-100 degree heat. To Announce that we have moved into our in fact he became bored with the grub OREGON STAYTON Harry White accompanied a group [ Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Ply male ac- at home or either was quite curious new location in the IOOF Building on a Chemeketans on a hike up Mt. | companied Herb Whitaker to Port- like a cat. He would duck a visit Broadway and now have ample room to Jefferson Sunday. They all received land Thursday. They brought home amidst the neighbors to see what their | a good soaking from the heavy rain j merchandise for Ada’s Needle ’Shop kids had for dinner. Possibly he was display our merchandise to an advantage. that hit that area Sunday afternoon, i and also Jenkin’s Hardware. The checking on how all the rest mopped We invite you to visit our store and see Six of the climbers made it to the truck strike sort of fouls up delivery their decks. This little kitten's name was, Septic Tanka and Sewers Cleaned summit, and included in this group on needed merchandise, some of our new merchandise. "Smokey Joe." Ph. Salem EMpire 3-946S COLLECT was Mr. White. |-------------------------- Well, “ Smoky Joe" due to too many 1979 Elm St. W. Salem Brian Moffatt injured his back We now handle the MOJUD Line of Mr. and Mrs. John Krug moved while working for the Linn County good groceries at home or somethin’ into the small house on West King-i Fire Patrol near Lacomb and is now kept gaining weight. Needed a sack Lingerie and Sport Brief Girdles. wood, owned by the Leonard Herm- at his home here. He returned Mon- dress almost— Anyhow—one day last week about . ans. day forenoon. WE SELL BETTER 5 A. M. Smokey Joe was in great --------------------------------- | NEW BULKY KNIT SWEATERS CARS FOR LESS Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adams are it was reported to The Enterprise pain. Before nightfall Smokey Joe moving into the Leo Lemke home that someone stole Eddie Anderson’s was the Mother of 4 darling little this week. Mr. Adams is teaching at bicycle from in front of the theatre black and white kittens. All boys an<$ I Santiam Union High this year. here Monday night. The bike has girls. Snokey Joe is no more. black fenders and the frame is un He is now Smokey Josephine. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Lowery and painted. Anyone finding the bike is • • • children visited friends here Monday asked to notify Eddie. Know anything about the way of STAYTON, OREGON i evening and Tuesday forenoon. They ( IT PAYS TO BUY AT i were traveling with a trailer house, j Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sullivan and blue jays? Well one seems to have staked out Mr. Lowery taught here at one time, three children of near Seattle spent HOME and is now teaching at Hood River. I the weekend here with his parents, a temporary homestead here on the | | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sullivan. Donald swamp. While unclogging the springs on | Revival meetings are still being and his family are moving to Port k/e Give S & H Green Stamps the hillside—removing long gone j held each evening at the Assembly of land at this time. skunk cabbage and it ’ s miscellaneous i I God here every night at 7:45 except Monday and Saturday. Featured is Visitors at the Mary Hartman tangle of weeds—this extrovert flits | the Musical Grant Evangelistic party. home Sunday were former neighbors, I Mr. and Mrs. Dor ey F. Collins, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pulse from Sa ¡Centralia, Wash. I lem and Jack Clough from Hayward, Wise., were Saturday visitors of Friday evening guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Harold Champion. of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMorris were his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Olson, linotype operator on Clifford McMorris from Scottsmills. the Madras Pioneer, visited a short while here Saturday at the home of Mrs. Russel Hoffman and Joanne Your Last Chance to Purchase these Fine Tires at Such Low Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffatt. Olson were visiting friends in Mill City and Moffatt worked at Sandy at one Sunday and Monday. Mr. Hoffman Prices Sale Ends September 8th. See Us Today. time. was CBI superintendent during the construction of Detroit Dam. They -• - Charles Kellys were in Cor now make their home in California. vallis all day Saturday assisting the Joanne has been attending college in Paul Barkleys in getting packed pre Washington where she graduated paratory to moving to Manhattan, this year. Kan., where he will be connected Mrs. Frnak Moore, Frankie, Liz, with the faculty of Kansas State college, having received his Master and Wendy, accompanied by friends of Science degree in Agricultural are vacationing for a few days at Economics just last week. Saturday the beach. evening, Kelly conducted his first The Martha Troxel Circle of the Cabinet Meeting for the officers of Lions District 36-R at a dinner meet Christian church will meet Tuesday, ing at the Corvallis hotel. Lee Ross, September 2 at 7:30 in the church as cabinet secretary, also attended social rooms. A guest speaker will aie Black Diaci Tubed luucu — 00-16 Grip Safe from here. After spending Sunday speak on Mexico. Mrs. William Mc 4> ■ here with their parents, the Bark Clintock is program chairman for the Type. Plus Tax < and Recappable leys left Monday on their trip to evening. The Gertrude Shoemoker Trade-In .......... Kansas, planning to camp out during Circle members will be special guests. a part of the trip through Yellow Refreshments will be served. All la dies are cordialy invited to attend. stone National park. Reg. Price Sale Price THl USUAI. Al 1.1 ST 29, 195b Mill Ends Editor's Lelier Box Announcement We’re Happy MIKE'S Septic Service GENE TEAGUE $5.98 and 6.98 CHEVROLET JENNIE’S Your greatest tire buy! Bassett's Chevron Station Mill City’s Tire Headquarters ★ ★ ★ ★ SAMPLE SAVINGS ATLAS PLYCRON CUS HI ON AIRE II II THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AUGUST 28, 29, 30 WALT DISNEY'S H PETER PAN Always A Good Show At The Mill City Theatre WRITTEN SCARINTEE against all road hazards ... honored at 38,000 leading service stations in the U.S., Panada, and Alaska. 6.70-15 7.60-15 7.10-15 7.50-14 (Black) (Black) (Black) (Black) Tubeless Tubeless Tubeless Tubeless ATLAS GRIP-SAFE 6.70-15 (Black) Tubed-type plus tax no trade-in $31.90 $38.35 $35.00 $33.45 plus tax and trade-in $23.95 $28.75 $26.25 $25.10 Reg. Price Sale Price plus tax plus tax and no trade-in recappable trade-in $18.70 $15.90 Atlas Plycron Cushion aire Tires Rated best mileage tire by Consumers Guide Buy the Safe Tire and be Sure! ■