2—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE contracted to teach in the Mehama THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1958 Grade School this fall. visitor« in Fox Valley. FOX VALLEY in recent Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston wens Albany on business last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Alexander Mrs. J. H Johnston Floyd Bassett had men working stopped ever at the Ned Richards Melvin Stockwell Jr. is substitut on his house roof Saturday, putting home after a week or more at Breit- ing on the magazine route for Rich on a preparation that will keep the enbush Hot Springs. They went to ard Walker while he with his parents shingles from loosening during bad Mra. H. N. Wilson Miss Bttty Tucker is visiting her Portland for a short stay before re are on a two week vacation in Cali- weather. Mrs. Everett Parson is working parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker, turning to their home in San Luis fornia visiting Mrs. Walker's par after an extended trip with friends Obispo, California. Mrs. Alexander is ents and other relatives. The Walker part time at Santiam Memorial has- from Albany, which took them to one of Gates oldest oldtimers the family plans to see Disney Land be pital in Stayton. George Parson of Hubbard spent Niagara Falls and down South into daughter of Mary Gates after whom fore returning home. Mr. Walker is employed at the Simpson plant, and Saturday night at the home of his North Carolina. They report« travel- out town was named. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brosig ol is taking his vacation now. brother, Everett and family. ! ing as uncomfortably warm at times, Freida Thayer and Donnie Aard- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston were but enjoyed the trip, and she will Bates, Oregon, visited at the home of soon leave for her home at Cheyenne, his step-daughter, Mrs. Bob Wilson appel were last weekend visitors in Mt. Pleasant visitors Sunday after Wyoming. Mrs. Tucker has been ex and family, and with Mrs. Ruby Bris Portland. While in Portland Freida noon. They attended the 104th year pecting her mother for a visit, but re bin, one day this week. They were bought a trailer house which was de anniversary celebration of the little ceived word she was hurt in an auto on their way to Gold Beach for a va livered Friday. She plans to live in it Mt. Pleasant church. A large crowd during her school term at Paisley. of friends, neighbors, relatives and . mobile accident and hospitalized at cation. Mrs. Margie Parker and three girls Living accomodations there are limit former residents of the community Grand Junction, Colorado at present. Mi-. Velma Carey i8 spending a were houseguests of Mrs. Russe.l ed. The Portland firm which sold her gathered to enjoy a miscellaneous week at Billings, Montana, visiting Kelly and children, at the Kelly sum the trailer delivered and set it up program prepared for the occasion. relatives she had not met for many mer home at Roads End. Linda Pai It at Paisley after picking up the house An old-fashioned “home made” ice er had the pleasure of a weeks stay hold furnishings here. School opens cream social with cake and punch years. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wood of at Camp Kilowan recently—the goal September 2, but the teacher’s work- completed a pleasant atfernoon. shop week begins August 25- Mrs. Ethel Thayer spent the week Portland were guests on Tuesday at of all Camp Fire Girls. Mr. and Mrs. Till Rains received Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Forrest and end with her sister, Mrs. Zella Sieg the home of her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. word of the birth of a son to their two small children of Stayton were mund in Stayton. She went to Stayton Merle Devine. Many families attended the annual grandson, Marvin Cline and wif® Friday, returning home Sunday night picnic of the Gates Commanity Gloria of Sweet Home on August 17 Jerry Wilson has several carpent and named Randy Leon after Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness and two ers working on hig new home. Wilson I Church on Sunday held at beautiful ¡Silver Creek Falls State Park. Don Rains son, Leon Cline. This is their children, Mr. and Mrs. William Pen is also razing the old barn on his nick and two children, Mr. and Mrs. farm which improves the appearance ald Hobson, minister reports a sug- first great grandchild. Word has been received by Mrs. Burrell Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Clare of his place considerable. stitute will fill in for him these next two Sundays Aug. 31, and Sept. 7th Til Rrains that her sister-in-law Mrs. Rush, Jack Oliver, James Carey, Lor- while he and his wife, Diane, have a Phenton Groblebee passed away Aug ,ena Devine, and Marlin Cole, Mr. Use old nylon hose to stuff a pillow two weeks vacation visiting their ust 22nd at a hospital in Phoenix, and Mrs. Shields ReMine of Mill for your child or your pet. The pillow Arizona, where she had been bedfast City and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hahn can be washed and dried quickly. relatives in Caliofrnia. Mrs. Della Rice is spending some for some time. Mrs. Groblebee was in and daughter, of Salem. Mr and Mrs. William Pennick were time at Spokane, Washington, visiting charge of the Mill City postoffice for at the home of her son Kenneth Dike, many years, would have been 81 on weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don and other relatives. August 27th and will be remembered Thorp of Vancouver, and saw the Air HOMELITE Mrs. Louise (Bob) Oliver is now by many here in the canyon. She is Show in Portland Sunday. Dick Pen ! Registrar for this area in Marion survived by her husband, Earl Groble nick, a nephew returned with them CHAIN SAWS County replacing Mrs. Allura Chance, bee, who has been living with his sis for a week’s stay. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Hobson and who moved to California. New resi ter, Mrs. Rains, and a daughter, Mrs. Sales and Serviee dents, or anyone who has changed Earline Garrets of Hitchcock, Texas. son, Bill, of Portland, and Mr. and precincts since last election, please Mr. Groblebee left Salem by bus on Mrs. Donald Carey and three boys icontact Mrs. Oliver. Registration is Saturday for Eureka Springs, Ark of Stayton were guests Sunday at GREENOUGH'S | non-partisan, and the deadline is Oct- ansas, his former home, where burial the Harold Wilson home. SAW SHOP lober 4th, 1958. services will be held. Principal William Gleason is again Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kreuger and in Gates atfer spending the summer Mrs. Ruth Hess and grandson, Dick Phone 7351 Hayward, left by bus on Saturday, for three children of Salem were visiting at summer school in LaGrande, where Gates, Oregon Portland, where Ruth will enjoy a the Davis and Levon homes this week. he received his Master’s Degree. Oth- I weeks vacation from her duties at the | They brought Kit Overlock to the i er members of his family spent most local postoffice and Dick will visit his home of her grandmother, Maude of the summer picking berries and Davis, after a weeks visit with them I vegetables in the Aumsville area. I mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Philo Potter and Mrs. Dick Parker and three daugh in Salem. Among those attending the Gera- daughter, Bemiece have just returned ters are spending the week at Trout I^ake, Washington with her husband, lyn Norris-Earl Henness wedding at home from a vacation trip which who is still employed in construction Beaverton Saturday night were his took them to the coast and on to Phone 5807 MUi city work there. Mrs. Parker has been I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness, Crater Lake. GATES SPECIAL SPECIAL One Kitchen Display for ............................. $0*1 C CONSISTS OF One 54 inch DeLuxe Republic Cabinet Sink One 24 inch Base Cabinet with Top and sliding drawer. One 18 inch base cabinet with top includes 9 inch tray cabinet and mixer lift. One 30x24 wall cabinet and two what-not shelves. Service & Quality Hardware A. and M. TOMAN Mill City, Oregon Viv's Steak House • • • Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. We Are UNDERSELLING Uncle Sam Stamp This Is A 3c Postal The Side For Address and the assurance it will be welcomed into the home... not tossed into the Post Office wastebasket. help yourself to The Good Light Beer Heidelbera Slow Brewed For $30.00 you can send a dis play advertisement the size of this entire area to The Enter prise readers. JUST HOW FAR The Mill City Enterprise ad vertising has always been a big bargain: it’s even better todav! THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The Home of Good Printing Phone 6651 or 7605 HELP I 1 lx To Mail One To Each Enterprise Subscriber Would Cost You $24.00. If you want it to carry a mes- sage, you must ad the cost of setting type, art work and and printing. Nor can you ov erlook the cost — in time or time and money — of address- ing. Yet you can send a message this size to each of our 800 subscribers for only $6. This includes postage, type setting, i 11 u s t r a t i o n s and printing, plus addressing Closed Mondays WOULD YOUR COVERAGE GO7 Would your present fire In surance cover replacement costs at today’s higher fig ures? If you want to play safe, better look into the mat ter now. no obligation 0. 8. HILL INSURANCE Mill City, Oregon COMPANY SEE US SOON l’b w 17W, MU) Otv. Orer*