MwhapWl returns TO SCHOOL « ith School Bells will ring again for the Canyon Area Tuesday. September 2. Have you pur chased Clothing for your youngsters yet? Better stop at the Red & White first we may have just what you need. It will save you time and money if you can shop at home. Try your home merchants I first. Red & White Store THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. 1»54 Philippi Tire Announces Rules For 20 College Scholarships In Safety Contest er care on the part of drivers on U. S. streets and highways. General Tire dealers across the country are spreading the safer Driv A major U. S. tire manufacturer has turned to the youth of America accidents. Answers will be judged ing Campaign in their local commun ities, said Julian. He said entry i in seeking suggested solutions to the on orginaiity and practicality." Any boy or girl attending high blanks could be obtained from him appalling deaths and injuries from highway accidents. Twenty college school or an accredited college any without obligation although an of- scholarships will be awarded to 20 where in the United States, except fical entry blank is not necessary. In line with this phase of the boys or girls who give the best an- children or employees of The General J swers to what can be done to assure Tire & Rubber Company, its dealers campaign, Julian is currently distri- ■ greater highway safety in the U. S., or agencies, is eligible to enter the | buting Issue No. 2 in its series of ("Wake Up and Live" phamhlets. I it was announced here today by J. contest. The phamphlet points out that 11,- Glenn Julian, Philippi Tire Service, Entries will be accepted from Mehama. August 15, 1958 to December 1, 1958. 273 of the 19,848 high schools in the A first prize scholarship of $1,000 Entries postmarked after December nation offer some type of driver to the college of the winner’s choice 1 will not be accepted. Winners will education course to a student body | will be awarded for the best answer, be notified by mail on or before Jan of 1,123,146 out of a possible 1,706,- 500 total number of students eligible I $900 for the second best, and $850 for uary 1, 1959. I the third best. Judges for the contest will be Ivan to drive. These youngsters will dominate the Fourth to fourteenth prizes range j L. Eland of the National Safety Coun i highways in a few years. It is our cil; Joseph Intore, President of the from $800 to $300 scholarsihps in a goal to instill into them a knowledge descending scale of $50 less for each I American Driver and Safety Edu of skillful driving combined with an prize. The remaining six prizes I cation Association, Penn State Uni increased awareness for the need of versity; and Charles A. Mooney, amount to $200 each. far greater care behind the wheel. Rules of the contest, said Julian, President, Cleveland School Board. Decision of the Judges will be final I specify that each candidate write in 250 words or less what he thinks and all replies become tne property could be done to assure greater high of The General Tire & Rubber Comp any. No one will be declared a winner way safety. “The subject is wide open,” said without the approval of his school Julian. “A contestant is free to cov faculty. The college scholarship contest is er any area—the duties of the indi vidual, community or government—or r“grtCamlaign started last May to at- S t ODOinG FOfCSt Flies to elaborate on any idea that will r r □ help cut down highway or traffic city tract attention to the need for great- f ♦ : Up and Down The Avenue t Bv Don Moffatt Anyone who took in the State Glad show here this past weekend and were not moved by what they saw, either have no sense of beauty, or are lacking something in their make up in general. Never before in my life have I seen such a beautiful ar ray of color. Local folk who cooper ated in making thia show a succeaa certainly should be commended for their efforts. Did you ever stop and think about your viewpoint on life? Sometimes your viewpoint on life may be just what you make it. You may look forward to a happy future. You may find your life filled with happiness or you may find clouds of gloom ahead as you chart your course in life. Whatever lies ahead of you ia | probably just m accordance with what you have brought your way by the sort of life you have been living. Do you radiate sunshine and happi- 1 ness ? Or do you enclose things and A second call for parachutists was people around you with gloom, clouds, sent out by the Deschutes forest Mon-1 and sorrow, Whichever trend you day as heavy smoke rolled up from note as you pass through life ia an area about five miles north of probably the result of your own Miller Lake in the southern part of I thinking and the way in which you the forest. The other aerial headquar- live. ter. in the Pacific Northwest Region' For in,Unce what , is at Intercity airport on the Okano- field of brigbt colorful fIowera hare gan National Forest near Twisp in upon your D<) they cheer you Bnd eastern Washington. . „ I make things around you look more Inside the national forests the “no beautlful a„d cause you to feel hap smoking while traveling” and ‘ axe- ier and mure ¡n wlth othersT u shovel-and-bucket requirments are the latter tbe effect o£ beauti£ul ;in effect. The “no smoking ’ rule calls thi then are tuned th(J jn. for “no smoking while traveling ex- flnlteiy beautiful and you will moat cepi on paved or surfaced highways . certainly be able bri?ht certainly be able t0 to look look on on the the bright lhe other rule concerns the neces- 'side ' ai(4a of life. Iiio sity of having an axe. shovel and bucket when camping outside of the j If on the other hand you are improved national forest camps, if grouchy in spite of the effect of the traveling by auto or with pack horses. beautiful things of Life, then there Spaulding said, “With few excep is little hope that you may be able tions, forest areas have become very to overcome spells of gloom in your dry and forest users are cautioned to life. If you find people who are un- | use extreme care while in the for- , ests". The two above rules should be I happy with their location in a new carefully observed. Although camp- 1 town, ask them the kind of people , fire permits are no longer required in they knew m their former home, the national forests in Oregon and i Many times they will say the people ........... B are re- _ ¡there were mean and thoughtless Washington (except they quired on the Yacolt Burn in Gifford 1 also. You see, m making your life, Pinchot National Forest) it is just you reap the kind of harvest you as important as ever that very camp- , sow. Therefore, take heed, be more i fire be thoroughly extinguished be- cheerful with your fellow man, and j fore leaving it. Fires should be kept ou will find that the people will re small and built only in places clear- fleet your own cheerfulness, as a ed to mineral soil and never against ' mirror reflects whatever is placed ' trees, logs or stumps or where roots I before it. No one loves a bellyacher | could carry the fire underground to ' or grouch. If you are to have friends, I other flammable material. I first you must be one. Parachutists Take Prominent Part In Ne give Penny Saver Stampo Phone 2671 Mill City Ore. when you -foot/ shop here/ Old Fashioned GOLD MEDAL FLOUR SALE HOLIDAY MARGARINE 5 lbs 1.00 VAN CAMPS 50 Lbs. s4.05 Pork and Beans 4 Cans 89' 25Lbs.s2.O9 10 Lbs. *1.05 5 Lbs. 63 YOUR Zi 4 Packages $1.00 KRAFTS COTTAGE CHEESE Pint 27' DEL MONTE PRUNES 2 Pound Package 39' 2 */2 Size M BOYDS COFFEE 2 Lb. Can 1.49 Elsinore Fancy Albacore Tuna 4 Cans51.00 MAYFLOWER BUTTER 1 pound package 65c JELLO, Assorted Flavors 4 Packages. 35c / ?*• a Í- '*'•«« ; . - - kPORTERd.Alh STAYTOW V MS 3rd St - RO 9-2754 3 BAGS IN I »■' to -: '»»J a 49' Highest Quality Meats END CUTS Highest Quality Produce Pork Chops SeedlessGrapes2lbs.29c Slab Bacon Radishes or Green Onions Leg O' Lamb 2 Bunches 9' lb. 69 NEBERGALL SKINLESS lb. 69 U. S. D. A. CHOICE lb. 75' HILL-TOP MARKET MILL CITY. ORE. Prices Good For August 21. 22, 23 PHONE 2744 From where I sic... ¿y Joe Marsh Traffic Stopper Frery so often I »ee little thine» that prove that folk« really are pretty wonderfol’ with j , • 1- irM wink,'let'» just say you re » gxxl look.rue you’re »t.ippmj traffic!" Take last Saturday. I waa downtown when I mw a mid dle-aged woman ab/ut to c.nso a busy street Ju»t a« sne atarted, the ligh’ change L, anc »he hurried back to the curb Hut the big movL'g van Last was first in the long line of cars had not moved "You cross first," the driver of ihe van yelled. “But you're holding up traffle." the woman «aid “Lady." replied the driver From where I tit. «on>*4hin^ like that makes the 'doer" sn-l the “receiver" both feel ta.chir twod It'» like the fnendir feel- **•< ret when ronr hwtlewt ».”*• eot tf her way to »err* row ’>«•» — even tnoarh the dorse ». drink tt Herself That’s pretty wnederfol too' ^ z -'S à V