•—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHl RSDAY, AUGUST 21, 195« RADIO REPAIR SPECIAL Will Repair Your Table Model Radio Pios Parts Get it done Today Fast Dependable Service MEHAMA By Mrs. Joha Teeters Mrs. Gerald Branch and son, Bob­ bie and Mrs. Branch’s grandmother, Mrs. Florence Darling went to Tilla­ mook the middle of last week where I they were guests of Mrs. Branch’s | parents the R. L- Reynolds. Mr. | Branch went over Saturday and brought his wife and son home Sun­ day. but Mrs. Darling remained in Tillamook. Recent guests at the Gerald Branch I home were Mrs. Branch’s brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds and four children of Phoen- i We are also Featuring Some Excellent Buys in Used RADIOS and TVS VISIT OUR RECORD DEPARTMENT Top 14 Tunes in Stock at All Times. THREE SPEED RECORD PLAYERS $19.95 "Its the Water' that makes Olympia beer refreshingly different STAYTON RADIO&T. V. 1414 First St Stayton, Ore. Breitenbush on tne first lap of their Mrs. Frank White of Carson, 'An., vacation. Mrs. Ed Norton (Lollie Tate) and was a weekend guest at the home of her daughter's family, the Gerald two sons of San Diego, Calif., ar­ Rockwells. She was here to attend the rived here the middle of last week coding of r.er daughter, Mary Ellen for a visit with relatives. Mr. Morton to Lewis Keirsey in Stayton Saturday came the first of the week and the morning. family left for Montana. Mrs. Tate Visitors -everal days recently at s a cousin of Mrs. Walter Johnson th.- Horace McCarley home were the I and Mrs. Bonnie Wagner and has M>