s WRIGHT TRUCK LINE t—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, AVGUST 21, 1956 Bi Eva Bressler Lee, David and Shelley all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wesley are and Elmer Hiatt father of Mrs Between announcing the engagement of their Bodeker who is ill at the Bodeker daughter Miss Gloria Wesley to Larry home. The occassion honored the birth­ Portland-Salem-ldanha Gene Urban son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete day anniversary of Mrs. Johnson. Harris of Mill City. Plans are being all way points Tuesday afternoon callers in Lyons made for a September wedding. Miss were Mrs. Ethel Downie of Wheeler, Allied Van Lines Agent Wesley is a student at the Stayton Mrs. Berneice Taliaferro from Hay­ High School and Mr. Urban is em­ ward. California and Mrs. Ethel' ployed in the Forestry Service. Local & Nationwide Trask of Stayton. Mrs. Downie and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tibbits, Mrs. Taliaferro are the former Abel Household Moving Cathy and Mike and Miss Frances girls who spent their girlhood in Ly­ Peters of Stayton also Cpl. Deo ons. They were calling on some of Bridges have returned from Calif­ the old timers. Stayton Phone 2125 ornia. They visited Disney Land, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Zoodny and Mrs. Knotts Berry Farm, The Zoo, China­ Leon Berg of Eugene were Sunday Salem EM 3-1626 town, Cinerama, Tijiana and Fisher- dinner guests at the home of Mr Iman’s Wharf. They were guests of and Mrs. Sam Bridges and family. SHIP IT \WIGHT relatives in the Southland. Cpl Bridg- The Lyons Garden Club held their I es has received his discharge from picnic at the North Santiani Park on i the Marine Corps and is now employ- Wednesday, August 13 with the losers ied at the Stayton Canning Company,! on the membership contest enter­ ¡prior to entering Willamette Univer­ taining. Games furnished the enter­ tainment followed by a short busi­ sity this fall. I Mrs. Arnie Larson from Rainier ness session. Plans were discussed for spent the weekend at the home of Mr. the Fall Flower Show and Mrs. Vir­ and Mrs. Albert Wesley. Jay Smith gen Scott will appoint her commit­ returned home with her for the week. tees soon. A picnic lunch was held at Mrs. William Kramer is confined the noon hour. to the Santiam Memorial hospital in Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cotton and two Stayton with a broken leg she re­ children, Gregory and Trina from ceived when she slipped and fell while Hermiston spent several days this Of all kinds. Trusses | employed at the Stayton Canning week at the home of his father, Mr. Abdnmiaal Supports ! Company. and Mrs. Earl Cotton. Static Hoelerv | Julene Mann and Rosie Beauchane Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ayers left I of Wolf Point. Montana are visiting Sunday for Heppner, Oregon where Fitters | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam he employed. The Ayers have UC will W.M be L'ULj'.VJ.U. . t J ‘ “ .. — • — Fitting Roonus. Bridges. Miss Mann is a neice of the resided in Lyons for some time liv- Bridges. 1 ing in one of the apartments over “Ask Your Doctor*’ Miss Janice Wade from Philmore, . Thiels store. i California will return home this week Mr. and Mrs. Paul Utterback and I after spending some time at the home ' two daughters Margaret and Chari I of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. i from Taber, Iowa spent several days I at the home of her sister, Mr. and IW. W. Carter. Wednesday evening dinner guests Mrs. Harold Horn and family. 504 State St Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens went | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker were their daughters and to Shoshone, Idaho, the last of the Corner of Liberty families, Mr. and Mrs. Norman John­ ’ week to get his mother. Mrs. Henry son and three sons, Chris, Curt and Stevens, and returned to Lyons. Mrs. S and H Green Stampa Eric and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton Stevens had spent most of the sum- and four children, Douglas, Margo mer in Wyoming at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hazel Burnside Mrs. Stevens is making her home at the present with Mrs. Alice Huber. Mrs. William Kramer returned SUNSHINE home Friday evening from Santiam Memorial hospital after spending several days there with a broken leg, which she received while em- ployed at the cannery in Stayton. Richard Schiewek, who is with the ZEE TOILET U. S. Marine Corps and has been stationed at Salem, has been transfer­ red to California. His wife and baby will join him as soon as he is perm­ anently located and can find living quarters. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Weaver and I G A children and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott and Joyce spent the weekend at Suttle Lake. Several from Lyons went to Mill City Saturda yevening where they City Saturday evening where they CAPITOL Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing were Sunday overnight guests at the home of her sister, Mr, and Mrs. j Bert Bailey and family at Springfield. I Mr. and Mrs. Duane Downing and children spent the weekend at the ' FISHER'S BLEND home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ¡Orville Downing. Enroute to their home at McNary, they stopped at J Yamhill and got their daughter Paula, I j who had been visiting at the home of her grandparents there. ’ CARNATION INSTANT Janet Mahoney returned to her I home at Vancouver, Wash., after spending the week at the home of Mrs. Donna Asmussen, as a guest of [ Miss Mildred. SURGICAL NEW RUGGED GENERAL for only SUPPORTS 90 6.70 k IS plus fan and raeappabla easin« Capital Drug Store Crackers Tissue 1 lb. 27‘ 4 roll pack 33c Margarine 5lbs.$1.00 Catsup 2 bottles 29 c Flour 10 lbs. 89‘ 14qt. size 98c New Arrivals FRESH PRODUCE DILLARD CANTALOUPES 2 for 19c 2 Dozen 29c LEMONS HARDWARE DEPARTMENT On The Following Santiam Memorial Hospital Bom August 15 to Mr. and Mrs. i William R. Weddle, Stayton a girl, [ I Rene Mane, weighing 7 pounds V« j ounce. Born August 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Danielson of Stayton a girl, Lorna Lee, weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces. Born August 16 to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Hendricks of Stayton a girl, Carol Ann, weighing 6 pounds 12V« ounces. Report From SILENT GRIPS MATCHED SET OF FOUR—*5 IT® Every Tire full strength and factory fresh! All sizes reduced proportionately I AAV 1/ ner / PAY l/3 < kt 1/ y3 Nov 1/ '/a de < EASIEST PAY TERMS\ anywhike / wt uaw PHILIPPI TIRE SERVICE < the a GENERAL < TIRE y "Saving Your Tires Is Our Business" Phone UL 9-2753 Mehama, Oregon LET US HELP YOU GROW TREES AS A CROP NEW and USED Furniture Camp Stools, Cosco Kitchen Stools, Metal Cov­ ered Hand Trunks and Suitcases. Children's Chairs, Gaily Painted. From Mexico Coast Guard Approved Life Jackets. I Only Electric Roaster, 25% OFF. LADIES! FREE Apron purchase of $2 FREE House each purchase more. with each or more. Plant with of $5 or FRESH MEATS c Stewing Hens See us about Custom Butchering and Cutting and Wrapping for Locker. This is our Specialty. MEHAMA. OREGON Your Friendly IGA Store ♦ ♦ ♦ CARPETING and LINOLEUM H. L. STIFF Furniture Co. We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stamps 367 3rd St. Stayton SHOP FRESH FROZEN Ken Golliet ♦ KELLOM'S GROCERY Prices Kellom's Effective Aug. 21,22, 23 Grocery Tour Neighborhood Grocery Mill City, Oregon We invite you to join our Tree Farm Family . a plan by which we are able to help landowners manage their timberlands for regular tree harvests . .. Simpson Logging Company Lyons, Oregon W & W Lumber Company Mill Oty, Oregon Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. 1028 a W. AJder Portland. Ore. Wiltse Trucking Co. Mehama, Oregon Wills Bros. Shingle Company MUI aty, Oregon Frank Lumber Company Mill Qty, Oregon * «