THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XIV MILL CITY, OREGON NUMBER 33 Rock Cutting Plant Is New Industry Located at Idanha 9 THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1958 Lions To Entertain Wives at Steak Fry At Park Monday Night 33 90 A YEAR 10c A COTT Detroit Schools rt Plans Being On First Paid Vacation pi , p. ■'^(1 TO Upen Readied For September 2 State Glad Show r* i h ■ i it •• Gladys Mason, chief operator at the telephone office, is off duty this week which is her first paid vacation By Jessie Savage in 38 years of service. Her loyalty to The Lions club will entertain their IDANHA—A new business, the It is then placed on a carriage just the job often calls for services “Over Sunbeam Rock Co., has started at like those used in a sawmill. It is wives at a steak fry at the city park and beyond the call of duty,” and is Boulder Creek near Idanha. The four then run through a special saw which Monday night, at 7 o’clock, accord men, owners and operators of the mill cuts the rock into 2, 4 and 7-inch ing to the committee, and all mem D ETRO IT—The Detroit Public greatly appreciated by the com- Pauline Brunner, chairman of the as a whole. are ohn Young, Harold Hills, Ted slabs. Another machine breaks it up bers who plan to attend, are asked Schools will open for the 1958-59 I niunity Oregon State Gladiolus Show, ,'ataa As her husband is not on vacation, into four-inch brick. The rock ia all to pick up their tickets by this Sat school year on Tuesday morning, ___ and Larry Geek. The men built most plans are coming along fine for the colors of the rainbow and will be urday night at the Red & White September ._____ ___ 2nd, according to Charles Mrs. Mason is limiting her excur- show which will be held Saturday aad of the machinery they use to cut used for veneer on the outside of store, so it can be determined how | r Hansard, Superintendent. The first sions to short trips near home, hoping rock that it brought in from a rock Sunday, August 16 and 17 at the quarry near Boulder Creek. The buildings, fireplaces, and many other many steaks to prepare for the feed, morning will be an orientation per- to make a more extended trij> to visit high school gymnasium. Secretary of building uses. The rock will not relatives near Baker sometime this Only three member« showed up ¡ (K j f or stu dents followed by a facul- rock is hauled to the mill in chunks. the show is John Lengacher of Fox crack or freeze and when given a coat Monday night at the park to paint ty meeting for all teachers. School Fall. Valley. of shellac is a beautiful building ma- Mrs. Georgene Christian is taking and clean ap the kitchen. Some work wilt not be in session on Wednesday, I In listing rules of the show, Mrs. terial. was done and tonight, 1 Wednesday. September 3rd .in order to enable the night shift at the telephone of The rock is “volcanic tuff” and members are asked to turn out to i teachers to attend a county educa- fice during Mrs. Mason's absence, Brunner stated all gladiolus must bo of named varieties, and must bo consists of half volcanic ash and half complete the job. j tional institute at Stayton. Regular i Other regular operators include Mar- grown by the exhibitor, except in the pumice rock. class work will begin on Thursday, I garet Rush (Mrs. Claire) of. Gates, arrangement class. Cut spike stems The upper canyon is one of the Marie Day (Mrs. Charlie), and Jane September 4th. 20 inches below the first floret. I Richards (Mrs. Eugene.) . most beautiful places in which to The showroom will be open to re Students entering school for the i Although any community likes to | live and any business that will help , first time will be required to present I “go along with the times,” the friend- ceive entries from 6 p. m. Friday, i build up the community is welcomed a birth certificate and a report of I ly voices and helpfulness of these ef- August 15, until 10:30 a. m. Saturday, I by all. physical examination. Also students I ficent “hello girls" will be missed August 16. All entries must be in Mr. Young is from Portland; Mr. entering high school for the first time when the dial system is put into use. place by 10:30 a- m. at which time j Hills lives in Detroit and Larry and judging will begin. will be required to furnish a report | Ted Geek are from Mt. Angel. Anyone wishing to make an an» of physical examination. Forme for The summer recreation program rangement, please bring dish and ar" this purpose may be secured by par will end Friday, according to Glea ents of first and ninth grade students rangement material as the commit son Eakin, who was in charge this tee will have flowers on hand for this in the superintendent's office. year. It has been a successful pro « purpose. gram according to Coach Eakin, with Teachers for the coming year are « about 80 youngsters participating in Good news for the area was the as follows: High School: Mr. Hans Single and three spike« in open, « ♦ announcement baseball. The Mill City teams have that a 22,000-aere amateur and junior division will be ard, Principal and commerce; Francis ♦ stand of virgin Douglas fir timber, Dummer, science; Lenora McNulty,! averaged playing other towns two judged. There will be a special prize games a week. The younger boys, in of two gallons of paint, a roller and Bv Don Moffatt ♦ worth some $50 million, will be divid math and library; and Joseph Hooven, cluding boys up to 10 years of age. tray or brush, given by Kelley Lum ed among joint owners so one of English and social studies. Elemen them san begin cutting its share. ber Sales, for the best local entry. have played eight games. They won tary: Mr. Hansard, Principal; Mrs. Well it happened again. By this I five and lost three. The age group This will include entries from Gates, Sewell Avery of Chicago, Montgom Emma Schreder first and second 10 through 12 has played five games, mean The Oregonians staff writer. ery Ward board member, is one of the grades; Mrs. Ruth Hogle, third and Mill City. Fox Valley, Lyons and Me •winning all encounters. The 13, 14 and Ken David, in writing up the motor joint owners. He and his late brother, fourth grades; Mrs. Myrta Ledeman, The drive to tell prospective in hama. 15-year-olds have played four games logs trips recommended by the Ore Wadlo Avery of Grosse Pointe, Mich., fifth and sixth grades, and Eugene dust ries why they should consider Division—Artist's Palette—Open winning two and loosing two. The gon AAA has not even mentioned are listed as owning a little over half Knopf seventh and eighth grades and Oregon for new plant locations or ex Section 1—Mt. Jefferson: all white, high school age group played four highway 22 from Salem up over the the timber, located just over the hill coach. pansions will be accelerated this fall white container. games also splitting two and two. pass to the East part of the state. south of Mill City in the Thomas Section 2—Blue Lakes: Blue pre- through a series of advestisements in Mrs. Ruth Miller returns as school There has also ben games between This week the article is about the ice Creek area. Other owners are Simp doniir ig. Flowing line. national magazines and newspapers. caves southeast of Bend. We, of course son Redwood Co., of Seattle and clerk-secretary, Lex Johnson as cus Governor Holmes announced Tuesday. the local teams. Section 3—Canyon Sunset: Bronze, todian, and Mrs. Ethel McCauley as The tennis program did not receive in this-area, know the route to Bend Portland Manufacturing Co. orange a 1 ■> smoky colors. cook. I Oregon’s Department of Planning nearly the participation or enthusi is fine over highway 22 from Salem, Section 4—Detroit Dam: Perpen- and Development has scheduled ad Simpson, which brought federal asm that was anticipated, although but for some reason, this particular dicular design, any colors. vertisements to run in the Wall Street court suit asking for the division there were about 20 youngsters active Oregonian writer never gives our Section 5—Bookmobile: Illustrate Journal, the New Yorker and the fol hikhway recognition, and I certainly since it could supply its Oregon plants a book title, title your entry. Any in this phase of the program. lowing specialty magazines: Chemi at Lyons and Albany. There were four teen-age dances am at a loss to know why. We know cal Processing, Electronics, Western , colors. U. S. District Judge Gus Solomon, sponsored through the summer pro other highways taking off from Eu Electronic News, Food Processing, ' Section 6—Small fry: » miniature ordering the partition, named a three- gram that proved successful with ap- gene have scenic value, but that does Pulp and Paper, and Industrial De arangement (under 12 inches, any di man board to make it. proximately 75 youngsters being pre not mean that all tourists have to be velopment. All are periodicals which rection. Mixed harmonious colors. Editor’s Note: Thia is the first of sent at each dance. The high school route over that section of the state. Section 7—River Bank Treasurt«: are read by industry executives whose a series of article« released by the cheerleaders for the coming year I feel that this writer should give particular products are adaptable [Using drtftwpbd, rocks permitted United Fund, telling something charged a small admission, had a-other routes in the state the same Section 8—Noon in the Valley: for manufacturing in Oregon. of how the money is used by cake walk and furnished refreshments break as he does highway 58 out of A similar, but expanded series to free-standing, using yellow and or- the various member agencies. at each dance. The proceeds will be Eugene. I have talked to many tour I help tell the Oregon story is plan-jange predominating, Cascade Area Council, Boy Scouts ned for winter and spring publication. used to help the girls purchase uni ists and also Oregon residents who Section 9—Cascades Dawn: Ar of America is a member agency of ¡The advertisements are being pre- rangement in light pastel colors. feel that the stretch of highway from forms. sisters over the pass and through Section 10—Campfires: Bright Marion County United Fund and is [’“red by Botsford, Constantine and Idanha. Detroit. Gates, Mill City and colors. (Foliage may be used in all ad- Governor Robert D. Holmes will included in the budget of the ap- Gardner, the Department s new on to Salem is one of the most beauti- classes including the all white, proaching campaign for $6,536.99. j vertising agency. be the main speaker at the Linn iful stretches of country they have Division—Corsages—Open The Council operates as a service ever seen. Maybe Mr. David should A unty Democratic picnic, Sunday, Section 1—Business girl. Corsage take a trip up here and see some of August 17, at river park, Lebanon. station to more than 5,000 boys in 1 i to wear on a suit. The governor and Mrs. Holmes will 175 units throughout the central the beauty we have to offer. Section 2—Glamour girl: Corsage be present at the potluck picnic din Willamette Valley region compris-j • * • DETROIT—Miss Joan Ramage and for evening wear. Evelyn Harper narrowly escaped The other day, just for the fun of ner beginning at 12: 30, an event to ing Marion, Polk, and Linn coun Division—Garden Club Exhibit persons are in- which all interested ties, In accordance with their Nation serious injuries in a one-car accident it, I took a look at some dresses in Section 1—Holiday: A free-stand- al Charter, it is the responsibility of early Saturday morning on the Breit one of the Salem stores. I got a real vited. | ing table arrangement with one tabla of “ Jen- Jennie Smith, proprietor According to Don Penfold, picnic the local council to train the maxi bang out of a sign over one of the enbush road. nie’s" plans to move the first of i setting. (No silver, on own card table, chairman, State Labor Commission mum number of boys in character and Miss Ramage driver of the car said dress racks. It said the "relaxed sil- the month to the quarters formerly , bring appropriate cloth or mats, the the accident happened near Humbug houtte" look. Bruther. it was the er Norman Nilsen and Attorney those qualities that make for good occupied by the Broadway Cafe m 1 table to be set for some holiday: when they struck loose gravel on a most. It was one of these affairs that General Robert Thornton will also citizenship. title your entry as to holiday. i To this end the Council provides the IOOF building. curve as they were returning home tucked in under the gals tummy and be honored guests. Junior Arrangements Mrs. Smith has been in business at With Congress still in session, none the service of skilled technicians; from the Springs shortly after mid also the back side that would make a Section 1—Daydream«: an arrange- the present location, next to the post night, Friday. The car rolled over normal healthy gal look like some of the Oregon delegation can at produces needed visual aids, litera- office, for the past four years, and rnent in light colors, tend, but Charles Brooks, Portland, ture, training opportunities, round- once and a half, lodging against a thing from Mars. Oh, well, the dress is making the move to the larger , Section 2—Nightfall: an arrange- large tree which saved them from designers have their right to hang will come to represent Senator Wayne tables for program planning, camp- building to take care of additional ments in dark colors, Morse, and Keith Skelton, Eugene ing facilities, stimulating activities, rolling further over the embankment. overs too, I guess. Section 3—Mountain Beak: a tri will appear for Congressman Charles advancement procedures, public re stock, which is coming in. She is Both girls were taken to Santiam ■ running a stock reduction sale at angular arrangement. Foliage per- numerous O. Porter. lations interpretations, and Memorial hospital where they receiv-1 This past weekend the wife and I (mitted in all sections. County delegations headed by their other tools and values to help tre present time. ed medical attention. Miss Harper spent over in the Gresham area, the chartered chairmen are expected from Mult strengthen the hand of the sustained a lacerated finger requir- guests of the Art Redingers. We took I institutions and of the volunteer ing several stitches. Other injuries to a picnic lunch up to a picnic area on nomah, Marion, Benton and Lane. adults who lead Scouting in those both girls was confined to bruises, the old Columbia River highway. The institutions. A wrecker was called from Mill old route is just as beautiful as ever I The service of planning, guidance. but the picnic area was pretty dusty City. and help is provided by a staff of Miss Ramage is the niece of Mrs. due to the protracted drougrt this trained full-time men. Each of these summer. The reason I mention the pic Harold Champion. The following story in the Capital' men, scout executives and assistants, nic was that I overheard a young won at various spots in Iowa, Illinois, Journal, Salem is about the daugh-i Indians, Wisconsin, and even Canda. works with an average of 417 volun mother trying to control her off teer adults who influence the growth ters of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lalack. j “Persons who attended recent spring. The little fellow wanted to go of approximately 1,278 boys through Andy Lived in Mill City at one time i Willamette River Days events in Sa look st the falls, so the mother not Scouting activities. The professional with his parents. The story is re lem may well already be acquainted Sunday morning. August 17, Dr. E. knowing any better way to say no to the “little angel” told him that he’d P. Moon, and his wife, Bessie Moon, man shares his know-how, his under printed below: with Sandy and Candy. The latter was “Winning a trophy or medal for better stay close to her or a big bear will be guests at the morning wor-1 standing, and his skill with this first and the former second in th« would get him. That is sort of a fool ship service at the Christian Church large group of volunteers and thus excellence in competition is a “once- RD baton contest. ish thing to do. Why put the fear of at 10:55. Dr. Moon is an explorer. help« Scouting come alive In the ex Un-a-lifetime" experience for most “Sandy will be a fifth grader at wildlife into a little boy. Certainly Missionary, river-captain, translator, perience of many hundreds of boys. people. A good many never get the West Salem grade school this fall At the first annual Rose Cup Soft- , bears are not playthings, but on the teacher and evangelist. For fifteen During the past seven years, the chance to know what it feels like, while Candy will enter the fourth “Two young Salem girl« are in just grade at the same school. ball Tournament held in Portland other hand, if people mind their own years in the African Congo, he was number of boys and volunteers in the opposite "predicament. ” They August 8, 9, and 10, Gordy McMor business the wildlife we have in Ore j one of the last of the pioneer mi«- Scouting has more than doubled, but “As for their parents, thia is their ris of the Nored Builders of Corval gon, certainly will bring no harm to I sionaries. He chartered the Juappa the professoinal staff has remained have been capturing so many prizes comment—"We’re mighty proud. , . lis, was named all-star shortstop. Also • them. She could just as well have River for more than 500 miles, and the same in the Cascade Area Coun that the feeling is not an unusual what else can be say?" one at all anymore. playing for Noreds, who placed third 1 told the little guy about the dangers ! grateful pilots still use his charts. cil. “Their names are Sandy and Can- ■ in the tournament were Jim Grant of slipping and falling off the trail to He assembled the steamer Oregon The immediate need is for increas and Don Carey. the falls, as a “whopper” like the and for many years was its captain on ed funds to provide adequate profes dy Lalack. They are daughters of Mr. Nored Builders, by defeating Bend i"old bear” »tory. the Congo River and its tributaries. sional staff, program and camping and Mrs. Andrew Lalack Jr., 835 Vos- previously in a two out of three He translated parts of the Bible into facilities to effectively serve not only burg Ave. It is in the field of baton series, will enter the State Tourna two Congo dialects. He taught the the present boys and leaders, but twirling where they shine. Weather at Detroit Dam African men to make boards and also the vast numbers of new boys "Between them, Sandy 10, and ment at Coos Bay this weekend. Au 7:00 AM. Daily Weather Readiags bricks, with these he built churches, who are steadily marching into Candy 9, have won a total of 17 gust 15-18. A ad Lake Elevation trophies and 25 medals during the schools and hospitals on the equator. I . Scouting'« age range. Max. Mia. Pep. Kiev. For exploration and map making in The new Scout Center located in past year and a half. One doesn’t Word was received by The Enter Mari-Linn Students 90 56 000 1558.70 the Ubangi District he was made a Salem will open September 15, to have to be a baton twirler to recog prise today that there trill be a pub August 6 1558.55 1 89 56 0.00 August 4 Attend Music Camp at Fellow of the Royal Geographic So- provide service to the field with in- nize the significance of these feats. lic meeting of all those living at 81 57 0.00 1558.39 1 ciety of London. August 8 "The girls have not just "stayed Lyons, within the boundary of the creased efficiency and economy of Santiam Lodge This Week August 9 81 53 0.00 1558.25 ! In later years Dr. Moon served as operation. around home” to accumulate their proposed city limits. The meeting Is 87 58 0.00 1558.11 a missionary in Jamaica and taught LYONS—Thirty-five students with ! August 10 awards. They are well-traveled and called for 8 o'clock and a discussion 92 58 0.00 1558.27 in the College of Missions, Butler James Wright, principal, and Clinton August 11 have competed against the best in on the incorporation will be held at 81 56 0.00 1558.13 j University, and Northwest Chriat- Land, music instructor, left Mari- I August 12 their field of activity. this time. Linn school Monday morning, August “Their most recent accomplish This is the second time a try has ian College at Eugene. He is a resi- WINS AT GLADIOLUS SHOW 11 for Santiam Lodge where they ment is the one of which they are been made to incorporate the area. dent at Springfield, Oregon. Mrs. Fred Skilling* of Fox Val will spend the week attending music the most proud. On a just-completed Dr. Moon’s topic Sunday morning three-week tour of the Midwest, Revival Meeting Slated camp. Frday night the students will ley, a member of the North Santiam will be “The Double Victory ” present music concert at Suttle Lake. Gladiolus Society was one of the lucky Glen E. Shelton, real estate man in Sandy and Candy brought back * The public is most cordially in- All parents and friends are invited people to be awarded three rosettes vited. Mill City thia week report« that pro national championship trophy. It was For Assembly of God The “Musical Grant” Evangelistic at the LaGrande Gladiolus show last perty is moving here. He «old the won at Milwaukee, Wise., in the jun to attend. I party will begin area-wide revival Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Mr. and weekend. Southern Belle was section Keep a pip« cleaner and a small George Veteto place on 3. E. 4th to ior duet competition. “On thit three-week trip the two . meeting at the Mill City Assembly Mrs. Land will spend the week camp champion in the 400 class and went pastry brush near your sewing ma Mr. and Mr». Henry E. Swartz of ed at the lodge. Mr. Land will be in on to win amateur reserve champion chine. Both are handy to clean lint Seattle, and Mr. and Mr». E. E West girls made several other stops too. 'of God. Tuesday, August 19. Services evening at 7:4». charge of the music and Mr. Wright ship. Ares, was section champion In and dust from the hard to reach of Cottage Grove, purchased tna In all they returned to Salem with' will begin will supervise recreation. ithe 300 elas*. Oster Goodrich horn« on 3. E Hasel. six trophies and 14 medala which they) The public u invited. places in your machine. Summer Rec Program To End This Friday : Up and Down The Avenue Thomas Creek Timber Stand to Be Split Up Advertising Campaign To Tell of Oregon United Fund Tells How Money Is Used Governor Holmes To Speak at Democratic Picnic at Lebanon Girls Injured On Breitenbush Highway McMorris Named All- Star Shortstop in Portland Tournament Jennies' To Move to 1.0.0. F. Building Daughters of Former Mill City Couple Take National Honors as Top Baton Twirlers Dr. E. P. Moon To Speak At Christian Church Sunday Morning Real Estate Continues To Sell in Mill City