7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JULY 31, 1958 I Card of Thanks CLASSIFIED ADS 1 wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the many cards and flowers sent to me during my recent stay in the hospital. They were greatly appreciated.— Mrs. / E. Clark, Mill City. 30 Real Estate Furniture NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the School Board of District 19J, Lyons, Oregon, at the Mari-L-.nn School building, Lyons, Oregon, until August 4, 1958, 8:00 P M , PST., for the construction of toilets and storage room addition to the Mari-Linn School building and will be then and there opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time of open­ ing will not be considered. Pirns, specifications ana form of contract documents may be examined or obta:ned at the office of Architect John Grimmer Groom. 2390 12th Street SE, Salem, Oregon, upon a deposit of $25.00 for each set of documents. No proposals will be considered unless unless accompanied by a cer­ tified check, cashier’s check or bid bond made payable to the District in j an amount of not less than 5% of the , amount of the bid. Surety bond will' be required in accordance with the | terms of the contract documents. , The School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and j to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof or before the award of the contract, unless said award is de- J layed for a period exceeding 30 days. ALICE HUBER. Clerk. L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE Phone 1957 UNFINISHED FURNITURE and M. Nelson, Salesman Used Furniture Bargains. We give Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City Situations Wanted On Highway 22 Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, LIST WITH US H. L Stiff Furniture Company, WORK WANTED—By day or hour, HERE'S AN OLD ONE for a handy 367rd St.. SUvtnn also baby sitting. Genevieve Kester­ man to work over. 3 bedroom 2- son, Phone 924, % Jim Kesterson, story with basement. Close in. Low- Mill City. 34p payment. |25.00 per month. Any reasonable offer accepted. Miscellaneous FURNISHED 2 bedroom clean home on 1 acre. Owner out of town, will FOR SALE—Everett upright piano finance. in good condition. C^ll 788, Mill GOOD CONDITION Duplex. One unit City. 30p rented, the other furnished. Lot 140x225. >600 will handle. WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake WE NEED LISTINGS with acreage. Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills W’hat have you to'sell? Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf GOOD REAL ESTATE BUY POWER MOWER—Repairing and 30 ACRES of good land, or will Sharpening. See G reenough's Saw take a place in Mill City or Shop at Gates for a good job. Gates in trade. It has a 2 bedroom Phone 7341. On the highway al house. 2 large chicken houses, barn Gates, Oregon. lOtf. and hog house, also a good supply LET US HELP of spring water piped to the build­ OFFICE FURNITURE »nd equip ings. ment. typewriters, adding machines, YOU CHART A I NEED more listings, have calls i»r calculators, cash registers, duplicat­ ors, safes, filing equipment We sell, 2 acres on up. rent, swap and repair. Bargains in GLEN SHELTON, Broker SAFE COURSE used machines. Roen Typewriter West Sid« Mill City Phone 2207 Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf With property value« and IFOR SALE OR RENT—2 bedroom CALL FOR BIDS | home with basement, on 141.25x206’ FOR SALE—General Electric auto­ Sealed bids will be opened by the , building costa on the rise, the t lot. Garage and small barn. City matic washing machine. Cheap for Board of Education of Union High j cash. Work» good. Call 7605 or see School District No. 9-J, at Santiam | water. Sell >4100, 10% down, rent safe course la to make sure Mrs. Don Moffatt at 809 S. W. Union High School in Mill City,) >35 per month. Located 470 S. E. Spring street, Mill City. 29p Oregon, at 7:30 P. M., Standard Hazel, Mill City. Department of your fire insurance fully pro­ Veterans’ Affairs, Salem, Oregon. Time, August 14. 1958, covering ap- [ tects your home. Refer L-5663-F.” 32 WANT TO BUY TIMBER proximately 20,000 gals, of light fuel ■ Small or large tracts oil, and approximately 1,200 gals, of ! FOR SALE by owner—One bedroom Either cash or stumpage basis CHECK WITH Ü8 NOW home in Mill City. W'all to wall StOUT CREEK LMB. CO. furnace oil, to be delivered to the High ' carpet in living room. Garage. Very Vb mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf School in Mill City during the 1958- 59 school year. reasonable. Art Hempeck, Mill l B. HILL INSURANCE EDNA ROSS, Clerk WiA-e City. g'aavMV Phone 6572. 29tf i FREEZER BARGAIN Box, 1446, Mill City, Oregon Just in time to put those berries and COMPANY 31 JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE vegetables away for the winter. One W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Philco 14.5 cubic foot upright freez­ CALL FOR BIDS I Phone 4515 Gates. Oregon. er. Was >369.95, Special price Sealed bids will be received by the j >289.95. >90.00 off. Buy Now. Clerk of School District No. 129-J un­ » STIFFLEfe RADIO, TV & til the hour of 8:00 P. M., August For Rent APPLIANCB 13, 1958, at Mill City Elementary Mill City, Oregon j School, Mill City, Oregon, covering FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. Phone 3207 j approximately 18,000 gals, of Light One block from post office. T. V. Cable installed. Clean and modem. Sawmill LOGS WANTED 'fuel oil, and approximately '.,500 gals, Top prices fur Second Growth of furnace oil, to be delivered to the Tex Blazek, Phone 2652. 15 STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Mill City Elementary School during call 7605. *5 west of Mehama. Oregon 541' the 1957-58 school year. FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat­ EDNA ROSS, Clerk tresses, rollaway beds and mat­ Box, 1446, Mill City, Oregon tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. ' 31 1 We give Penny Saver Stamps. 367 •rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf D. i FOR RENT—1 bedroom and 2 bed­ room furnished houses one mile eaat ' of Mill City. Has TV cable installed ! See Mrs. Bob Rash at that location. I Oliver Willis. 2htfe. Viv s Steak House Phone 5807 HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Sale« and Service Mill City e • Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Closed Mondays GR EENOU GH’S SAW SHOP Phone 7351 Gate«, Oregon Quality Meats and Groceries OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FROZEN FOODS FOOD LOCKERS MILL CITY MEAT MARKET Free Patented Rose Bush During the month of July all you have to do to win a Free Patented Rose Bush is to visit Raleigh Harold's in Stayton and *ign your name. Drop it in the box. Drawing held July 31st. You'll find the best in Howers and shrubs here. RALEIGH HAROLD Nursery and Florist Open 1 a. m. to 9 p. m. Including Sundays Blocks West of Stayton Highway Phone Stayton RO 9-2534 319 W. Washington St. HOW TO PROVE YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY THE Business Opportunities If you want the BEST, the least you can do is call us. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. MOTOS TUNEÜF8 BRAKE WORK OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Responsible person, from this area, to service and collect from new type cigarette dispenser. Route establish- 1 ed by Company. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references and >900 to >1800 cash required. 3 to 5 hours weekly net up to $200.00 monthly. Possibility fulltime work. For local interview give full particulars, phone. Write: Cigarettes, P. O. Box 146. Minneapolis 40, Minn. 30p WANTED Reliable man or woman from this area to handle wholesale tube ac­ counts. No selling or soliciting. Can I earn as high as >300.00 a month profit to start. With exrta efforts accounts can be handled on a part time basis at first, but must be, willing to devote full time in near future for expansion accounts that company will obtain. Business po-/ tential of >25,000 net for this area. Must be responsible, have a good) credit rating and a reliable car. You will need a minimum of >2900 avail­ able cash to properly handle. This business offers sound security and fiancial future. If you can meet- these requirements give us your background and write: P. O. Box 5174, St Paul, Minnesota. 32 AUTO SUPPLIES Help Citizens of the OtherStates Across the Fir Curtain Into Oregon! What has happened up till now: Thank» to your help the Keep The World Green project was a huge success, the World has never looked so good. Over 63,000 Oregon Firs were sent to people in every one of the 48 states—and to 80 foreign countries by history’s first Fir-lift. So now the tree shipping season is over until next Fall (trees have seasons just like strawberries or apples). You'll be able to send trees again in Novem­ ber, we’ll let you know. Meanwhile, we can all take a breolher, can’t we? No, u>e can't. Time, tide and the Centennial wait for no man. It’s not enough to send out trees, we’ve got to bring in people. Important: Every Passport to Oregon must be signed by the World’s Greatest Oregonian—you. (Yea, you are and we’re going to send you a card to prove it). Out there, on the other aide of the Fir Curtain, are 168,000,000 Non-Oregonian». The majority of those deserving unfortunate» have never been to our state. A lot of them would visit Oregon and \ out glorious 1959 Centennial if they could. What is stopping them? Well, this may seem hard to believe, but a lot people out there don't know enough about Oregon—or the Centennial—to have «ver thought much about coming here. And maybe nobody ever asked them. Have you? Mott power "per pound” a on y 9*°r' ■■UÉWdnve — B One thing is for sure, if you don’t invite them somebody else wilL They’ll end up visiting California, Texas, or some other dreadful place instead of our breath-taking. Cascade-studded, ocean-fronted Oregon. What are we waiting for? Let's send them ?»Y IT TODAY I * Only $320 up - Easy Terms Raymond Branch & Son Equipment Company YOU CA -w Oregon Passports! j rewarc _ f, pardner, OWN with The Good Light Eeer / $|65o® Heidelberg BOB Wirt 12“ ledaesc A MAC>35 CRAIN SAW • Fill in the coupon below and mail it to ua right away. We ll dispatch the documenta: a pair of Oregon Passports (if you need more for some special mass rescue job let ua know) and a card proving you are The World's Greatest Oregonian. Orejón Hr,port Hesdflusrtert- Otf Phone UL 9-2160 Mehama, Oregon How to get Oregon Passports and prove you're the World's Greatest Oregonian: Mail Oregon Passports to your relatives, deserving fnends, and business acquaint­ ances across the Fir Curtain. Or if you’re going on a vacation or business trip, pass them along in person. These documenta will prove beyond all doubt that the bearers are Honorary Oregonians and will more­ over invite them to attend the Centennial Celebration. :> : " *1 BbU-Wewhaid Brewing Comptay. P.O. Bss 4285. Porfleed 9. Ortps Desr Blrtr You css count on me to ui(t a coeifc of sortb j Non Oregonians to coms to tM 1959 Ceirtennrsl Rush as I psrr tf PswpeHs 4 J Mach I ml uses prosqMy. GUd yoe tftss I sm ths Wsrtds Creatosi Oregoman Reais send along my rsrd tr prow <_ Mante__ C*y. ___ ,«tWS :