I—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE 1 ¡lies spent Thursday at the Ed Gis- ler home in Marion. THURSDAY, JULY 31. 1S5S Biilie Prichard, young son of Mr. i and Mrs. Dale Prichard spent several days in the Santiam Memorial hospi tal in Stayton for medical treatment. By Eva Bressler Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell and Congratulations are going to Mrs. Effie Nydegger upon the birth of and sons and her mother, Mrs. Pearl another grandson Clifford Allen born Averill, also Loren Chamberlain, at-, Friday morning at the Santiam Me tended a family reunion held at morial Hospital in Stayton to Mr. and Champoeg Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of | Mrs. Douglas Barrow of Mehama. Mabel Meshew and Twila Mander- Portland were recent visitor» at the I scheid were hostesses for a shower home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fulton of honoring Mrs. Douglas Barrow held at the Barrow home Wednesday ev Willamina and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ening. Games furnished the enter- , Lively of Salem, were Sunday guests j the home of Mrs. Donna Asmus | tainment and after opening of the at and daughter, Mildred. i gifts refreshments were served to the sen Mrs. Albert Stevens has returned j honored guest Mrs. Barrow, Effie home from Santiam Memorial hos Nydegger, Barbara Nydegger, Kath leen Manning, Darieen McDougall, pital after spending several days .«^,there ior medical treatment. Carol Grimes, Mabel ons ’ Mr. ’ and • Mrs. Louis VOUgBU Dougall Bild and T - errine nrs« L.UU1S Twila Manderscheid Qturtnn Rose R.ne »iMW rth arrived home Sunday from Marcella Nydegger of btajton. N.h — .i,. ...u... .k>* Nebraska where they Barrow, Billie Grien, Farrel Zim- Ainsworth, were Sunday visitors with relatives merman of Mehama. Sending gifts in Lyons. Mr. Kimery a brother of were Beulah Lewis, Myrtle Ayers, Bill »nd Frank Kimery is and Mrs. Art Marilyn Kuiken, Gertrude Baltzer, Ayers. Effie Anderson, Deloris Stiffler, I Monday guests at the home of Mr. Vivian White and Elila May Rock , and Mrs. Art Ayers were his sister well. and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coxen I Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard with of Salem. their nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth of) Earl Prichard and children from Lyons were in Stayton Sunday where ; Olympia, Washington, »pent sever they attended the annual reunion of I al days at Newport returning home the Jungwirth family held at the I Thursday. The Prichards left for their Staton park. ¡home at Olympia Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer and Robert Davison was taken to the son, Scott returned home Sunday Providence Hospital in th* from Scappoose after spending the first of the week where he will »pend last tWo weekj, at the , some time for medical treatment, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterar, I Davison is an employee at the Simp- gr son Plywood plant. I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt were Floyd Cox was taken to the X eter- Sunday guests at the home of her j s Hospital in Portland, Thursday uncie and aunt Mr and M Harry Il _ an ____ 1- - 1 he — will .Ill spend some ♦ time 1 » . A 11H. . . where un T-» Reeves in _ Portland. der treatment and observation. Cox who is a World Was 1 veteran is em Too much length allowed “for ployed at the Simpson Plywood plant. growth’’ in a child’s shoe permits the Mr. and Mrs. Chet Grimes have foot to slide forward and cause dis purchased the Herman Free proper comfort at the ball and arch. ty and will move soon. The Grimes have been living in one of the Thiels apartments over the store since their SHOP house burned. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom of Klamath Falls were recent guests at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons. While here the two fam- j LYONS MS Jrd St For this install an upstairs telephone Crackers CLOVERLEAF Tuna 2 cans 3 Îî‘ IGA SNO KREEM Shortening 3 lb- can 7! CARNATION INSTANT Milk 14 qt. size 91 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE Juice 46 oz. can 2/4! CAPITOL Catsup 2 bottles 2! j« FRESH PRODUCE GRAND ISLAND CORN, local 6 earsi 25c CANTS, Ripe and Mellow 2 for 25c m h’s so much more convenient to reach instead of run when someone calls. There’s never a bumped shin, a stubbed toe, or a breathless "hello“ with an extra telephone around. \"wi/ NABISCO GRAHAM Call our business office for full information on a surprisingly low cost extra telephone today. The e * no obligation, of course. t Valley Telephone Company Serving Mill City-Gates, Aum 3VmB| J")etroit-Idanha. Silverton, Turner KE LLOM'S GROCERY Air Conditioning-temperatures made to order-for a ¡ weather comfort. Get a demonstration! for your every day needs Kellom's FRESH MEATS Nebergall's Wieners lb 5 9C 6 lb. box s3.30 Smoked Pork Chops lb 6! Ken Golliet Prices Effective Grocery Your Neighborhood Grocery MEHAMA, OREGON Your Friendly IGA Store Jul 31 Aug 1,2 Mill City, Oregon The del A ir 2 Door Sedan with 3ody by Fn^ee. Every window of every Chevrolet is Safety P^te Glass. YOUR DRIVING FOOT (AND YOUR DOLLARS) NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD! CHEVROLET puA? you In charge of the SMOOTHEST automatic drive and the most VIGOROUS V8 in the low-price field. Economy never performed like this, looked like this or rode like this before! Chevy's the beautiful way to be thrifty! Imagine engine response that come» on like the flick of a light switch . . . but with a smoothnest that keep» you relaxed and comfortable, always in full control That-» Turbo-Thrust V8* teamed with Turboglide * drive—the quickest, slickest power combination in Chevrolet’» field And Chevy rides like no other low- priced car ever rode before With Fail Coil suspension and an extra-rigid Safety-Girder frame, it «Five» over the road with the solid self-assurance ni costly cars. You can even have a real air ride,* if you want. All that—yet prices start right down in the lowest range See your Chevrolet dealer. *1 rttri -'lit America' « ’><•.4 kuy — ^CHEVROUfTi America t be-tt teller ! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer Gene Teague Chevrolet Steytoa. Ore. Phrme BO You can write this weather prediction yourself: The sky will be clear if we are careful with fire in the woods. Simpson Logging Company Lyons, Oregon W 4 W Lumber Company MUI City, Oregon Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. 1029 3. W. Alder Portland, Ore. WlItse Trucking Co. Mehama, Oren0 Wills Bros. Shingle Company MUI City, Oregon Frank Lumber Company MUI City, Oregon