1— THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JULY 24. 1958 i OWN YOUR Oregon, at the Mari-Linn School Property consists of a 4 room mod- Date of First Publication: July 3, 1968 OWN BUSINESS I building, ”” Lyons. Oregon, until August err. house on a 117 x100’ lot. Located Date of Last Publication; July 24, 1958 Two vending routes, dispensing Nat- 4, 1958, 8:00 P. M . PST., for the on Fairview Avenue, approximately OF VETERANS' I DIRECTOR ionally Popular products, are now construction of toilets and storage six blocks east of business district. AFFAIRS available in this area. Excellent in room addition to the .Mari-Linn i Sale wil] be by sealed bid. Envelope State Finance Building come opportunities for men and School building and will be then and containing bid must be plainly mark Salem, Oregon Real Estate there opened and _ publicly read aloud. women who can start at once. _ ed “Sealed Bid.’’ Please reier to Route No. 1 requires $615 cash invest- Bids received after the time of open- L-5913-F in all correspondence. A Furniture FOR SALE—Good acreage buys, ment and about 4 hours per week ing will not be considered. CALL FOR BIDS good and sufficient bond or certified also nice river frontage home. Plans, specifications anti form of check for ten per cent (10%) of bid UNFINISHED FURNITURE and in order to net up to $150 or more Sealed bids will be opened by the Have some good buys with very contract documents may be examined must accompany bid. Right is reserv- Used Furnftuse Bargains. We give monthly. Board of Education of Union High low down payments required. Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, Route No. 2 requires $1500 *ash in or obtained at the office of Architect ¡ed to reject any and all bids. Proper- School District No. 9-J, at Santiam H. L. Stiff Furniture Company, Come in and talk it over with me. vestment and about 10 hours per John Grimmer Groom. 2390 12th ty will be sold “as is.” Minimum price Union High School in Mill City, I believe I can help you. week in order to net up to $400 or Street SE, Salem, Oregon, upon a is Two Thousand Tw0 Hundred Fifty Oregon, at 7:30 P. M„ Standard 367 rd St.. Stayton 3»tf GLEN SHELTON, Broker deposit of $25.00 for each set of | Dollars ($2250.00). Minimum accept more monthly. Time, August 14, 1958, covering ap Weet Side Mill City Phone 2207 ' Just refill the machines and collect documents. Miscellaneous able te-ms ten per cen (10%) down, proximately 20,000 gals, of light fuel I the money. For prompt Interview No proposals will be considered twelve (12) years to pay balance on oil, and approximately 1,200 gals, of FOR SALE by owner—One bedroom WANTED TO BUY—Cedar write immediately, giving phone | unless unless accompanied by a cer- contract. Interest will be charged at ______ home in Mill City. Wall to wall furnace oil, ______________ to be delivered _ to ... the ___ High Bolts. Contact Nat A. Will«. Wills number of Box 348 Mill City. 30p tified check, cashier's check or bid the rate of five per cent (5%) per School in Mill City during the 1958- carpet in living room. Garage. Very Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf i bond made payable to the District in annum on -- unpaid balance. _ 59 school year. reasonable. Art Hempeck, Mill 1 an amount of not less than 5% of the < Bids will be opened ia the office of EDNA ROSS, Clerk City. Phone 6572. 29tf POWER MOWER—Repairing and ’ amount of the bid. Surety bond will | the undersigned on July 31, 1958 at Legal Notices Box, 1446, Mill City, Oregon Sharpening. See G reenough' ■ Saw I be required in accordance with the 3:00 P. M. 81 Shop at Gates for a good job. | L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE terms of the contract documents. Phone 1957 NO. 16.899 Phone 7341. On the highway at I M Nelson, Salesman The School District reserves the I Gates, Oregon. KMX. Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT right to reject any or all bids and1 On Highway 22 I have filed my Final Account in the TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY OFFICE FURNITURE and equip LIST WITH US estate of Rose Price, deceased, with to waive informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid. ment. typewriters, adding machines, MUST SEE THIS to appreciate the the __ County Clerk of ______ ___ .. REQUIRES a few hours work per week, days or ev Marion ___ County, calculators, casb regitters, duplicat lovely 3 bedroom, den home on 12 • Oregon and the court has act the 22 after the hour set for the opening | enings delivering nationally known items to coin vending ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, j acres just west of town. Patio, out- | day of July. 1958, at 9:15 o'clock A. thereof or before the award of the I machines in this area. Work consists of filling machines contract, unless said award is de- ; rent, swap and repait. Bargains in door fireplace, fishpond, also good m . and the circuit court room as the and collecting the money. layed for a period exceeding 30 days. ueed machines. Roes Typewriter well and irrigation plus electric time and place for hearing objections ALICE HUBER. Clerk. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING, accounts establish chicken brooder, Exchange, 456 Court SU Salem, tf hrooder workshop, workshon garage thereto and the settlement of said es ed and turned over to qualified man or woman. (No etc. Fruit, berries and garden. tate. FOR SALE—General Electric auto Owner will finance. NOTICE OF SALK age limit). Start part-time, keep your present job and BEATRICE SMITH, matic washing machine. Cheap for TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, close in. For sale by sealed bid the following earn a steady weekly profit. Possibility full-time with Executrix of the Estate of cash. Works good. Call 7605 or see with approximately two acres of Rose Price, Deceased. described property located in the City income increasing accordingly. A part-time operation can Mrs. Don Moffatt at 809 S. W. of Mil] City, County of Linn, State timber in rear. Only $2,500.00. BELL & GEHLEN earn up to $250 monthly. Future expansion can be fin Spring street, Mill City. 29p of Oregon, to-wit: Terms. Stayton, Oregon anced, but a cash investment of $750 necessary to start. In Section 29, Township 9 Several 3 bedroom bargains. 30 Attys, for Exec. WANT TO BUY TIMBER To qualify you must have time, capital and reliable car. South, Range 3 East, aa more Small or large tracts JOB DEVERS REAL ESTATE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS fully described in Lunn County Write giving phone and full particulars to: Self Service, Either cash or stumpage basis W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Sealed bids will be received by the Records, Book of Mortgages 14b. 13446 Greenwood Ave., Seattle 33, Washington. Gates, Oregon. School Board of District 29J, Lyons, Page 720. STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. Phone 4515 H mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf _FREEZER BARGAIN Just in time to put those berries and vegetables away for the winter. One Philco 14.5 cubic foot upright frees- er. Was $369.95, Special price $289.95. $90.00 off. Buy Now. STIFFLER RADIO, TV & APPLIANCE Phone 3207 Mill City, Oregon CLASSIFIED ADS Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top price« for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. C©. M west of Mehama. Oregon Mtf Help Wanted WANTED—Young man or pension er to work swing shift at Drap er’s Flying A, Mill City. 30 For Rent FOR RENT—Furnished cottage, $30 per month. Has T. V. Cable. C. M. CHne, 304 N. E. Alder St. 29tf FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat tresses, rollaway beds and mat tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. We gsve Penny Saver Stamps. $67 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf FOR RENT—1 bedroom and 2 bed- j room furnished houses one mile east of Mill City. Has TV cable installed See Mrs. Bob Rash at that location. Oliver Willis. 25tfc- Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Local area Man or Lady wanted to service and collect from com-op erated dispensing equipment. 4 to 9 hours weekly earns operator up to $200 monthly. No age limit or sell ing but must have car, references and $806 working capital.For in terview give personal particulars, phone number. Write Box 4872, Dallas 6, Texas. 30p FREEZE FOOD AND SAVE! r Situations Wanted WORK WANTED—By day or hour, also baby sitting. Genevieve Kest erson, % Jim Kesterson, Mill City. _________________ 30P-I Something to sell? Then try r Classified ad in The Enterprise. -Jo»» Wool lo« Jvox» to-* n» Eve fxprrw’ Let Low-Cost PP&L Electricity Help You Live Better For Less! An electric food freezer means garden-fresh foods all year long for you and your family. Save money on your food budget—buy fruit and vegetables in season and freeze for use throughout the year. And a home freezer costa so little to operate with dependable low-cost PP&L electricity. Our SERVICE IS STREAMLIN ED also Drop in today. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City My living co«» have gone up, too. But since you are working me so many more hours per month you are getting the advantage of my quantity rate«. That’« MOTOR TLNELT8 and BRAKE WORK for PP&L residential electric service AUTO SUPPLIES is 16.61% lower than in 1949. es why today’» as erage price per kilow att-hour PACIFIC POWER LIGHT COJVCFANV Electricity is today's biggest bargain