Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1958)
Detroit-Idanha •—THE Mil l. CITY E.NTERPKISfeTHl RSD KY. Jl LY 21. 1958 A T'S BEIN CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Clerk og School District No. 129-J un til the hour of 8:00 P. M., August 13, 1958, at Mill City Elementary School, Mill City, Oregon, covering approximately 18,000 gals, of Light fuel oil, and approximately 1,500 gals, of furnace oil, to be delivered to the Mill City Elementary School during the 1957-58 school year. EDNA ROSS, Clerk Box, 1446, Mill City, Oregon 31 Patty Ketchum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ketchum fell from a horse Sunday and sustained a broken arm just below the elbow. She was taken to Santiam Memorial hospital where the arm was X-rayed and a cast applied. The child was an over night patient at the hospital and re turned home Monday. Tuesday morn ing Patty, who is 5 years old, refused to get out of bed and informed her mother she plans on remaining there until the arm ix well. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON j Carl Juhl of the Detroit Ranger FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN station was an overnight patient in a IN EQUITY Salem hospital Sunday for observa- George Frichtl and ) tion. Ida Frichtl, ) Mrs. Athel Savage and family were Husband and Wife. ) visitors Monday at Turner with the' Plaintiffs, ) Glen Lydas. vs. ) Many families of Idanha attended , Richard G. Becker, ) the Arkansas reunion picnic held at Anita B- Becker, ) Corvallis Sunday. There were 158 , Howard J Becker, ) friends, many of whom hadn’t seen Margery B. Becker, ) their neighbors in several years. It Harry Brown, alias ) . was decided to try this again in 1959. Harry Lawrence ) Jimmy Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. ) Brown, Clarice Jim Harris was admitted to Doern- Brown, Foster-Mc ) becher hospital in Portland Thursday for observation. The child will be re-, NO. 28393 Culloch Company, An ) SUMMONS Oregon Corporation, ) leased later this week. William E. Guier, ) Mrs. Reba Snyder and son, Don, | Charlene Guier, Or ) and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pittam and land J. Cox, Maxine ) family were guests over the weekend I A. Cox, June Arlene ) of the Leland Pittams of Roseburg. Brown, Valley Credit ) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lierman of, Service, Inc., An Ore- ) Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Warren gon Corporation, ) I Stoll and family spent Sunday at Merchants Credit ) Suttle Lake. Bureau of Salem, Inc., ) I I Mr. and Mrs. John I Savage and An Oregon Corpora- ) ' niece, Rita Savage, i were in Van- tion, Veryl Hoover ) couver, Wash., Tuesday, where they and James Hoover, ) visited Mr. and Mrs. Orville (Pete) Defendants. ) Bristow. The Bristows are former1 residents of Idanha and owners of TO: Orland J. Cox, Maxine A. Cox and the Columbia Ice and Cold Storge June Arlene Brown Defendants. which burned recently. In the Name of the State of Ore Mr. and Mrs. John Houck and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lady and son, Ricky, gon: You are hereby required to ap went clam digging at the coast Sun pear and answer the Complaint filed day. against you in the above entitled ac Donald Snyder RMSN, son of Mr. tion within ten days from the date of and Mrs. A. R. Snyder is on leave service of this Summons upon you, if visiting his parents. Don recently served within this County; or if serv escaped death by a narrow margin ed within any other County of this when the submarine Stickleback was State, then within Twenty days from sunk off Oahu, May 29. He has now the date of the service of this Sum- been transferred to San Diego and . mons upon you; and if you fail so to | will report to the USS Rock, August ■ answer, for want thereof, the Plain 1 6. tiffs will demand judgement and De- Sunday afternoon four young la- 1 cree as prayed for in the Complaint I dies were taken to the Turner church ‘ on file herein. BELL & GEHLEN camp where they will stay for a Attys at Law i week. They were Rita Savage, Bonita Stayton, Oregon Clester, and Linda and Donna Brown. Monday morning, Christina Nyberg Gate of First Publication: July 3 joined the girls. Date of Last Publication July 24 ! Time in Stay ton ♦ Again this year the Santiam Bean Festival Assn, has an ALL re for vou. PROG AM in •f THREE BIG DITS JULY 31 Through AUGUST 2 fi \ «»°10 w b T ä I o T h T h SMI KT Parades - T aient Show - Dance STA/TON V OREGON SOS 'Cf — St RO 9-2754 Browning Bros., Carnival Every Night Beginning July 29th BIG GRAND PARADE SATURDAY AFTERNOON From where I sit ...fy Joe Marsh ■-> Action-Packed Horse Show 6 BIG EVENTS - All Free Admission - Trophy and Ribbon Prizes - O. H. A. Approved Poi nt System Judging - $1 per Contestant Entry Fee - Post Entries Accepted or Mail Entry to Gene Teague, Stayton, Ore. O «1 Excepting Parades. All Events at Festival Grounds. First and Marion Streets. Cu.’y "Eggs'7 'Em In Well, we've had drive-in restaurants, drive-in movies, drive-in banks. Now a drive-in eggery. It seas inevitable. Curly Rice and his Missus have sold eggs retail at their place for some time. "But ail that running back and forth,” exclaims Mrs. Rice, "it fairly wore you out.” "So we set aside one room for the egg business. We enlarged a window about car height, and circled the driveway past it. It’s efficient — but it cuts “visiting' CopyngAx, with customers an 1 you know how I love to talk!” From where I sit. I'll co along with Curly's wife — because there’s nothing like good talk between good neighbors—espe cially when there's a healthy difference of opinions. Now you might like some cider to help the conversation along—I hap pen to prefer a glass of beer. .Vs long as w e agree on our right to disagree what does it matter? 1 meed Stares fíreuers Foundation L4 J Calendar of Events Thursday, July 31 Friday, August 1 Saturday, August 2 Queen's Coronation, 8 p. m. Kiddies Day, all mechancial rides Talent Show following Corona I Oc from I to 5 p. m. tion, with "Uncle Nate" Cohn of the Starr Furniture Company’s Pet Parade, 6:30 p. m. (judg "Stars of Tomorrow" Show as ing at 6) Emcee. Carnival all evening. Carnival all evening f Grand Parade 1:30 p. m. Horse Show following parade Free Patented Rose Bush During the month of July all you have to do to win a Free Patented Rose Bush is to visit Raleigh Harold's in Stayton and sign your name. Drop it in the box. Drawing held July 31 st. You II find the best in flowers and shrubs here. Bean Hoppers Ball 9 p. m. Carnival all afternoon and even ing. Afe RALEIGH HAROLD Nursery and Florist Open ' a. m. to 9 p. tn. Including Sundays 1H Blocks West of Stayton Highway rhone Stayton RO 9-2534 319 w. Washington St »