Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1958)
L full pound iiMino timi $|5© I CREME SHAMPOO THE SHAMPOO WITH CHOLESTEROL - THE HEART^O^LANOLIN MILL CITY PHARMACY Dependable Prescription Service Phone 6607 Mill City 4 s /X—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Mrs. Eugene Laux and infant son THURSDAY, JULY 24. 1958 Peter Joseph has returned home from Her the Salem Memorial hospital Hi Mrs. John Teeters B> Eva Brees ler sister, Mrs. Adolph Eckstein of Scio SCIENTIFIC HORSE-SHOEING and .Mrs. Orville Bilyeu re- Mr. and The W 8. C. S. of the Lyons is here ass sting with the work I va- week ’ s TEX SHIVELY turned last week from a .Methodist church held their annual caring for the new baby. cation i- Califnm : a, when they visit picnic Tuesday July 15th in the Phone UL 9-2202 A fa i ily reunion and dinner was beautiful grove at the home of Mr. held Sunday a' the home of Mr. and ed Mr. Bilyeu’s sister in Mendocino For Appointment and Mrs. Glenn Julian, with a good Mrs. E. L Roye. honoring Mr. and On the way down and with his broth B crowd in attendance. A pot luck din- Mrs. Lynn Rove and family who are er’s family on the way home, but spending most of the week seeing ner was served at the noon hour fol visiting at the home <>f his parents. lowed by a business session with Attending were Mr. and Mrs. I.vnn the sights in San Francisco. Mildred Prichard president in charge Roye. Kathleen and Steven from El Mr. and Mrs Ben Irving of Rose and Leora Stevens acting secretary Sobrante. Calf.; Mr. and Mr*. Jay burg and Mr. Irving’s mother and due to the absence of Ethel Huffman. P. Kuni from Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. two aunt*. Mrs. L. A. Irving Mrs. Between , Jan Powell was in charge of the pro- George Lane from Eugene. Art Lane M. E. Mulkey and Miss Anna Stout t gTarn assisted by Alta Bodeker and all of Salem, visited a short time Emil Portland-Salem-Idanha from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Jaunita Wright. Skoog from Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Saturday with relatives here. all way points Mrs. Don Engdahl and three song Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett spent Ross Goddard, Jerry and Nancy from | Sunday at Waldport, where they Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dalles of Santa Rosa, Calif., arrived Fri Allied Van Lines Agent were guests at the home of her from Longview. Wash.; Mr. and day at the home of her parents, Mr. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mrs. Harrv Wilson from Corvallis. and Mrs. John Teeters, for a visit. Local & Nationwide Mr. and Mr*. Julius Tietze re-1] Minert and family, also Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Pesek and Mrs. Richard Haseman and children. daughters Robin and Janell from turned home Monday morning from Household Moving Little Mark Manderscheid, im Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. a long weekend when they visited month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Roye. the Frank Gansel family at Halsey Manderscheid has the chickenpox. The Stayton Phone 2125 Mrs. E. L. Roye, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Tietzes two daughters famil I Manderscheids live on McCully Moun Lynn Roye and children Kathleen ies, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downing of Salem EM 3-1626 tain on the former Charles Purdy and Steven from El Sobrante. Calif., Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Bert place. The Manderscheids are owners Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Pesek and daugh Bailes’ and family of Springfield. 1 of a new car. Glenn Rerringer and daughter, SHIP IT WRIGHT ters, Robin and Janell of Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prichard and and Fred Gooch from Mill City en France* of Oregon Citv visited Sun- three children from Olympia, Wash joyed a picnic at Gooch Falls near day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rich ington are visiting at the home of Mr. Marion Forks Monday. mond and daughters. and Mrs. Al Wesley and family. They Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Teeters and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen left Fri will also visit at the home of his day morning for Paulina Lake, where Mrs. G. V. Christensen were in uncle Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard. they will spend the next week with Cottage Grove last Tuesday to at Mrs. Hy Smith from Stevenson, friends and Allen will spend the time tend funeral services for Mr. Teet Washington is at the home of their fishing. Mrs. Leota Worden is sub ers’ mother. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Scott. stituting on the mail route during his Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Teeters and Assisting in the care of the new boys visited during the weekend with absence. granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer and Mrs. Teeter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hartle and fam- son Scott, spent several days in Scap Chris McDonald at the McDonald i ily spent the week end at Shelton, poose at the home of his parents, Mr. place at Tumalo. Washington, where they were guests and Mrs. Jack Reisterer, Sr. Visitors the first of last week at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Pat Lyons visited the last of the Edward Walz home were Mrs. Farmer. the week in Albany at the home of Walzs’ brother and mother, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Middaught their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Orma! Trick and Mrs. Elsie Trick from Alder Manor, Washington are and Mrs. George Meilke. of Salem. spending several days at the home of Sunday guests at the G. V. Christ Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens. daughter, Mary Lee, and Mr. and ensen home were Mr. Christensen's Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thiel are Mrs. Glen Julian and son, Glenn Jr., brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and spending several days with friends and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Powell, Mrs. Lester Shimanek of Scio. | at Coos Bay. Mrs. Grant Smith was released and children Ann and John spent the Mr. and Mrs. Willard Green of Red from Salem Memorial hospital last weekend at Elk Lake. mond were Tuesday evening guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Weaver and Saturday after undergoing surgery the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen. children, Kenneth, Cheryl and Patri the previous Thursday. She is con Mr. Green is a cousin of Mr. Allen. cia, spent the weekend camping at valescing at the home of her daugh Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horn of Eugene Paulina Lake. They were accompan ter, Mr*. Bonnie Wagner. were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Eva Crook visited during the ied by his brother, Harold Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horn and fam weekend at the home of her daughter and family of Stayton. ily. the celebraied case of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lockman of and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rassett have Corvallis were Saturdav night and Seamster in Salem, The Seamsters as their house guest this week her The Good Light Beer at the Elmer Hiatt brought Mrs. Crook home Sunday sister Mrs. Morgan Richards and Sunday guests and visited at the Charles Crook home. daughter Priscilla from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hartle and child home. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Blakley and Sara Kay Wagner and her cousin, ren spent the weekend camping at five children from Eugene were vis- Debbie Wagner were honor guests at Lake itors one day this week at the home Silver Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lalcama and a picnic and wiener roast held at the of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horn. S/ow Brewed Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Luhn and fam State Park Saturday evening; July Mrs. Hagel Smith from St. Helens ily from Longview, Wash., were Sun 10. Present for the party were the is spending this week at the home of day guests at the home of Mr. and honor guests, Sara Kay and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Van Prichard. their mothers, Mrs. Hubert Wagner,! Mrs. Harold Horn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pennington and I The first of a series of coffee hours and Mrs. Bonnie Wagner, Donald family spent the weekend at Ariel, for the WSCS will be held at the and Linda, Mrs. Glenn Tinney, and Wash., where they were guests at the home of Mrs. Marshall Powell Tues sons, Randy, Gregg and Vance, Mrs. ! home of her mother, Mrs Sid Grug- day morning at 10 o’clock. It is hoped Walter Johnson, Vickie Sue and Dale. ' gett.. that there will be good crowds at Mrs. Duane Wagner, Jimmy and Duana, Jo Roberts and Jo Prideaux. these coffees. Rev. Ruth and Mr. Cotton had as PROPERTY their guests over the weekend her VALUES daughter, Mrs. Kent Alliott and fam HOMELITE ily from Skamania, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Lynne Roye and CHAIN SAWS children, Kathleen and Steven from Sales and Service El Sobrante, Calif., are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I E. L. Roye. They will also visit her GREENOUGH parents in Portland while here. WRIGHT TRUCK LINE — INVESTIGATE m.n named Wijj • young m«n Aere w,, seero<d trouble w*« «. “P Wdri^g doe« not whip Poo'^iu/ Yes, a tankful of New Royal 76 makes the road seem faster, shorter. Why? Because it’s the West’s most powerful premium gasoline! WIN *25 Ml Send ut a limarlek about sour favorita Union OH product or aarvlca. II publlahad, wail aand you a chock tor STS 00 Write to 7» llmorlcka, Union Oil Co.. Union Oil Cantar, P.O Boi 7600. Lot Angele* 54, Calif. UNION OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA TUNI IN: ?• Spoil« Out «'ABC TV . »••• Spv'ta Bivk« at »out Unten Bial on Keidelbero GENERAL s When in Need of Printing Buy it in MiH City from Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 Mill City SAW SHOP LOGGER’S choice TIRES WOULD YOUR COVERAGE GO? SHOP KELLOM'S Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m Closed Mondays JUST HOW FAR Phone 7351 Gates, Oregon GROCERY Would your present fire in surance cover replacement costs at today’s higher fig ures? If you want to play safe, better look into the mat ter now. for your every day needs Kellom's Grocery Your Neighborhood NO OBLIGATION D. B. HILL INSURANCE COMPANY SEX US SOON Grocery < Mill C5ty, Oregon M c CULLOCHS 14-DAY SPECIAL hcw SUPER SS! Mo»f power per pound SCHOOL CLOTHING This Year Shop at Home for Your School Cloth ing. Our Selection Will be Sure to Please You. ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP g»ar - TUBE-TYPE drivi taw — T»ò»-Type »•hone 2243 T»r IT TODAYI MILL CITY, OREGON Only $320 up - Easy Terms PHILIPPI TIRE SERVICE "Saving Your Tires Is Our Business" GENERAL < TIRE y Phone UL 9-2753 Mehama, Oregon r THf Raymond Branch & Son Equipment Company Phone UL 9-2160 Mehama, Oregon YOU CA > > Annual Boysen Paint lc SALE NEXT MONTH OWN ’165” FOB- « ■* i LOOK FOR OUR A MAC-3S CRAIN SAW KELLY LUMBER SALES Phone 6803 Open Saturday Mill City, Ore.