Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1958)
PIPERAZINE WATER WORMER for HOGS and POULTRY. PROVED EFFECTIVE! u Simply add high-potency liquid Anchor Piperuine Water Wormer to drinking water See instant results in livelier appearance—increases appetite. SAVE on feed bills; get better market grading, faster gains. Avoid drenching purging, recovery period SANTI AM FARMERS COOP Stayton, Oregon What the telephone saves the farmer ” • »* I” am t Today's farmer depends on his telephone. It gets him into town, over to a neighbor's or some important information about weather conditions just as quick as a flash. A telephone certainly saves the farmer (and everyone else, too) a lot of time and effort. Valley Telephone Companys . Serving Mill City-Gates, Aumsville, T)etroit-Idanha. Silverton. Turner To Buy • To Build* Ju aefinance...- get National Home Loan Active. growing children can suddenly make a house seem small and cramped. A home where everyone has room to work, play and live can add much to home enjoyment. Realtors and builders are now offering many fine homes for your selection When ■ • I -•> • borne or plana of your choice, see US for the right financing Advantages of a U. S. National Real Estate Loan • EXPERIENCED SERVICE L'.S National ha» the experience and know-how to help plan a »ound financing program for you. • 'TAILOR ED-TO-YOU'' TERMS U. S. National offers regular bank loans or FHA financing, on terms to fit your needs • BUILD VALUABLE BANK CRIDIT A» «ou pa» your (J. S. National loan, you re b. ng valuable bank credit for the I •»■ THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF FOBTLANO SUNSHINE Crackers 2lb 49 1 G A Margarine 5 lbs. $1.0Q VAN CAMPS 2'/2 SIZE Pork & Beans 2 for 45e STAYTON CANNERY MILLRACE Green Beans 2 cans 29‘ ZEE TOILET Tissue 4 roll pack 33c CHASE & SANBORN lb. COFFEE u in terms of time GATES IO a4" I co Iri MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Vierra all of Richmond, California, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 195S arrived for several days visit. They were accompained by Mrs. Vierra’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Lana Marshall, also of Richmond. Mrs. Joaquin I showed them many interesting spots Mrs. H. N. in the canyon area, and on Sunday The first Coffee Hour, in a serles they all enjoyed a trip to Breitenbush sponsored by the Gates Women's Club, Hot Springs. will be held Thursday afterday Mr. and Mrs. George Hulint of Hay (today) at the home of Mrs. Harold Wilson, with Mrs. Velma Carey ««sit Springs. Nebraska, have arrived for ing. Anyone interested is invited to i an indefinite stay at the home of her call between the hours of 2:00 and i sister, Mrs. Grace Meyers, and visit- 4:00 p. m. The Coffe Hour next week I ing also with their neice, Mrs. Barn will be given by Mrs. Walter Bris ard and family. A group of former Gates High bin and Mrs. Maude Davis, in the Gates Women’s Clubhouse, from 2:00 graduates enjoyed a pot-luck dinner to 4:00 p. m., also on Thursday, July in the cafteria of the school on Sun-, 31st. Essentially the ‘coffee’s are for day, and talked over oldtimes. Pres the purpose of raising money to pay ent were Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness some taxes, due but a grand chance and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Dave to see and chat with your neighbors. Barnhardt and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver and three daughters Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidmer of all of Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Salem spent the weekend at their cab Garrison and two children of Mill' in on the Satniam here, and expect to City, Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Rains and two daughters of Howell, and Mr. and return later for a longer stay. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Dale Miles and two children of and Mrs. Joseph Bowes were her par Florence, who also visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schobert ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone. Arlene Kershaw spent the week and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bowes and daughter Eula, all of Portland. On I end at Depoe Bay in company with Tuesday Miss Lydia Haidle of Port relatives, some of whom planned to land arrived and will be a house go deep sea fishing. guest for several days. . The ________ _ _ _______ _____ Gates Furniture Store front Mr. and Mrs. Don Teeters and two<an(j the adjoining building are sport boys of Mehama called to see Ned and 1 a new of paint—aqua, with I Daisy Richards on Sunday, being on yellow trim which adds a lot. Jerry’s | their way home from a trip to East- Tavern recently had a new paint job em Oregon. also a very attractive apricot shade. Mrs. Winnifred (Stone) Marshall, ’ | 1 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cain, and land daughter, Darlene of Alma, IU.> ’ Jimmy, Douglas, Don and Kathy of have rtturned to the home of her par Idaho Falls, Idaho visited Mr. and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone fol I Mrs. Ned Richards and other friends lowing a trip into Washington and ¡this week, going on up into Wash Canada. They were accompanied by ington for a vacation trip. Mrs. Cain her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and will be remembered here as Maxine Mrs. Dale Miles and two children of Doyle. Florence, and first visited at the Ned Richards spent Friday in Sal i home of their uncle, Marion Stone em for a check-up with his Doctors, I in Tacoma, Wash., then went on to who deport him improving nicely, Cutlus Lake, in Canada, where they i Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richards were I camped out for five nights and all re- ¡George Flook, an oldtime friend ! port a wonderful trip. from Mill City; Mrs. Edna Mattoon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brisbin spent of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Max I several days in Portland this week, Harlan of Waldport. on a combined business and pleasure L. L. Rynearson drove to Falls trip, visiting at the homes of their City on Saturday to bring home his children. daughter, Susie Rynearson, Melody Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson at Rosamond and Kathy Kelle, who had tended a picnic on Saturday at Cham- spent the week at Camp Kilowan. poeg State Park, given for the em | All girls report a most wonderful ployees of the State Fish Commis time. sion, and their families. A guest at the Glenn Hennes home Several friends and neighbors call on Sunday was their daughter-in-law, ed Friday evening at the Oliver i Mrs. Keith Henness and two child Watson home, the occasion being Mr. ren r of Arcata, Calif., who have been Watson’s birthday. Later Mrs. Wat visiting her mother and family in son served wild blackberry pie to the Stayton. Also their son, Earl Hen guests, Maude Davis, Mr. and Mrs. ness and his fiancee, Geralyn Norris, Til Rains, Rosa Roten, Dorothy and both of Portland. In the evening they j Charles Roten, Mrs. Mary Howell were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Clare and Mrs. Philo Potter. Wild blackber Henness, Kandee and Gary, Gates, ries are reported plentiful this year. and all enjoyed dinner together. Mrs. Laura Joaquin was pleasantly Other guests during the day were surprised on Friday when her sister, : Mr. and Mrs. Albie Fisher, now of Mrs. Mary Vierra and son Frank I Forest Grove. FRESH PRODUCE YAKIMA TOMATOES 18 lb. or more ) lug $ 1.98 GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS i ? lbs. 29c FRESH MEATS FRESH Fryer Rabbits lb. 5_9C KenGolliet Prices Effective MEHAMA. OREGON Your Friendly IGA Store July 24. 25. 26