Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1958)
Cascade Music Retreat^™’»?" Speed Usted As No. 1 Being Held at Santiam MEHAMA Killer on Highways Lodge; To Give Concert Speed—the No. 1 driving error— received announcements continues to be the principal killer here the first of the week of the in Oregon, an analysis of the 20 fatal LYONS—The children attending wedding of Margaret Ann White, traffic accidents in May reveals, the Cascade Music Retreat Music daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reed G. In eight fatal accidents, or 40 per ' camp will leave Mari-Linn school at White of Astoria, to Sgt. Wayne Al- eent, in May, which killed eight and | Lyons on August 11 at at 10 a m. len Stedronsky, USMC. at Camp I injured seven, speed was traced as i Those not wishing transportation 1 Pendleton CalifFriday. July r Pi the primary cause. furnished may go directly > tO the QtoJrnnaVv just inai reeeiv- .The natv new Vf Mrs. Stedronsky Primary, causes among the other i | Santiam Lodge at Santiam Pass. | ed her discharge from the Marines 12 fatal accidents were improper Children should take sleeping bags, and her husband will receive his soon passing, two; failure to yield right TAKE ADYANTAÖE OF THIS QUICK. clothing suitable for warm days and after which they plan on going to of way, improper turning, asleep or cool nights, toilet artices, bathing THRIFTY WAY TO PROFIT _ South Dakota to make their home. | incapacitated, and failure to heed a suit, insect repellent, and musical Roy Howard of Eureka. Calif., vis railroad crossing sign, one each. The PLACE A WANT AD IN THIS j instruments. All food will be furn ited a short time here Friday with cause of three others were listed as I ished except for a sack lunch for friends and former neighbors. He “unknown.” NEWSPAPER NOW TO REACH THOSE noon Monday the 11th. had been visiting his sister in Oregon The three pedestrian fatalities an Friday evening, the 15th, the group City and she was returning to his alyzed showed one death as a re- THAT ARE LgOKINO FOR | will give a concert at Suttle Lake. home with him for a visit. sult of attempting to hitch a ride on YOUR OFFER. ' Parents are invited to eat supper with Mr. and Mrs. Chris McDonald of a moving vehicle, one from walking! the children at 5 o’clock on this even Home Valley, Wash., and their daugh with traffic alongside the road, and ing. Parents wishing to remain over ter, Mrs. Don Stensland, who had in the other an intoxicated person | night may do so for a small charge SHOP been visiting them, were weekend wag struck at an intersection at night if they bring sleeping bags. Those guests at the D. L. Teeters and Har by a ear without its lights on. wishing to attend the concert on this old Longfellow homes. The McDon- The breakdown also shows that al evening should notify James Wright aids brought one grandson, Royce cohol was involved in at least four ' before August 5. Longfellow home and took Harold fatal accidents Children will be properly supervis- Brown back for a visit. I ed during their stay at camp. Par- Mrs. Maude Zimmerman moved noved r —.—----- -------------------- I ents wish to pick up the children the first of the week into the ] | at camp Saturday may do so, or Allaway apartment. Mrs. Zimmer, I they may be picked up at Mari-Linn man has ben with her daughter, for your every day •, Mr. I school Saturday the 16th at 11:30. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor for the past needs If there is no musical instrument 14 months. for your child, contact James Wright Lou Kirkland returned home last soon so they may provide an instru-1 week from Enumclaw, Wash., where Kellom's Grocery ment. The children are insured and a ' he had been visiting ........,R ,„ his B brothers. doctor will be provided in ca.-e of an jje giso relatives in Portland, Your Neighborhood emergency. Further infoimation may Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Grocery be obtained by writing James Mabel Patton were, Mr. and Mrs. Wright at Lyons. Jake Bigham of Oregon City, Mr. and Mill City, Oregon Mrs. Harry Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Woodard and Mr. and Mrs. THE MILL CITY Venal all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mader of Maeleay and Mr. and ENTERPRISE Mrs. Russell Berry and children of No Entered as second class matter Tigard. rember 10, 1944 at the post office s' Sunday afternoon guests of the Mill City, Oregon, under »he Art ol Rev. and Mrs. James Hardy and fam March 3. 1879 ily were his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCall and son, David of Marion-Linn Counties, per vear $3.«0 Pratum. Outside, Marion-I.inn Counties $3.60 Jacqueline and Yvonne Bouche, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bouche are spending a month visiting their uncle and aunts families in NEWS PA PER Of all kinds. Trusses Qt. or More East Moline and Joliet, Ill. PUBLISHERS Abdominal Supports Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze and Ns Elastic Hodtery ASSOCIATION Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richmond and Expert Fitters daughters attended the Klutch fam ily reunion at the Stayton city park Private Fitting Rooms. the paint Sunday. A special guest of the picnic NATIONAL with the was Mrs. Jennie Bohannan a long time “Ask Your Doctor’’ triple Mehama resident, who has been at the Marian Home in Sublimity for guarantee some time. Telephone 6651 or 7605 Mrs. Florence Darling of Tilla mook is spending a few days visiting BEST DON W. MOFFATT, Editor-Publiahei here with her granddaughter and I. family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Branch 504 BUI* St and Bobby. Mrs. Darling was here Corner of Liberty to care for Bobby during the weekend ¡while his parents were in Washing- 8 and H Green Stamp* i ton to attend the Branch-Marvin wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Branch and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Branch were weekend guests of Mrs. Raymond Branch’s niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Sharkey of Seattle, Wash. A. & M. TOMAN Calvin Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith left Sunday for Fort Mill City Ord, Calif., where he will be taking training with the National Guard. KEN GOLLIET Peter Brusasco has been enjoying Mehama a leave at his hhme here from Fort Ord, Calif., where he has been in training. i | Harriet Golliet returned home Sun- | day from the Smith River Girl Scout camp where she spent last week. The Santiam Shrine club. their families and a few invited friends held | their annual picnic Sunday on the I river at the Ken Golliet home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Frame of Oak ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer OREGOH of Leaburg visited a short time Sunday afternoon at the E. J. Hughes l home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe and Linda spent Sunday with their daugh- I ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Scott I Brown in Salem. Monday visitors at | the Monroe home were Mr. and Mrs. ID. G. Bilyeu of Lebanon. Craig Cooper and Mrs. Pearl Alla- . way were here Saturday evening for a short time from Diamond Lake. I The Vacation Bible school held at the Mehama church ended Friday. I About 50 children attended the five mornings of intensive study. The sub JKiWiCT’0 ject for this year's school was, "We Worship the Lord.” Teachers were I Mrs. Webster Morrison, Mrs. Wesley ' Helsel, Mrs. Russell Wilson. Mrs. . Bruce Sims, Roxie McCarley, Garry Roberts, and the Rev. James Hardy, who substituted where needed. Also assisting were Mrs. Jennie Moe, Mrs. D. L>. Teeters, Mrs. Harold Longfel low and Linda Sims. Mrs. Ercill Wil son and Mrs. K. J. Golliet took turns playing the piano for the opening son servica. B. L. Kirsch, who attended the meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church in the USA in Pittsburg.Pa., as an Elder delegate Serving Your Favorite Dishes For from Willamette Presbytery, gave a report at the morning worship serv NOON LUNCHEON ices of the church Sunday. By Mrs. John Teeters Relatives KELLOM'S GROCERY °nly *“!■ 3 more davs SURGICAL on ony interior... or any exterior SUPPORTS JANNEY BEST PAINT Are You Listed oi i the Lion's Club Birthday c ‘alender? We Give 10% Dii icount on Your Birthday if fou Are. JENKINS hardware We Give S And II Green Stamp« Phone 2206 Mill City, Ore. • BLUE BELL I Potato Chips reg. 59c 49* Nabisco Crackers 11b. 27e 1 G ACANNED 8 tans s1.00 Milk MAYFLOWER Cottage Cheese pint 29e Hl WEST Frozen Peas 2 pkgs. 1 G A Sunnymorn Coffee lb, 75* FRESH PRODUCE Radishes or Green Onions bunch 5c Carrots 2 cello bags 19c Lettuce 2 heads 19c JNOtt Capital Drug Store I Service and Quality Hardware See Us for Printing The Mill City Enterprise Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE FRESH MEATS ' SMOKED Ken Golliet ENJOY NOON LUNCHEON at The Frontier Effective MEHAMA. OREGON July 17. 18. 19 Your Friendly IGA Store PERSONAL STATIONERY LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES ENCLOSURES BUSINESS CARDS BOOKLETS ACCOUNTING FORMS RULED FORMS INVOICES •F Come exit and enjoy good food and a quite pleasant atmosphere. Last Frontier Resort Dinner — Dancing HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Sale*» and Service GREENOUGH’S Entertainment Every Night except Wednesday Gates, Oregon SAW SHOP Phone 7351 Gates, Oregon MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Phone 2651 If Prices Fine Printing ~ RO 9-2754 L‘l lb. 69* PorkChops PORTERsLAU Phone 5844 25* MILL CITY