Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1958)
In the Name of the State of Ore- tiffs will demand judgement and De fully described in Linn County Records, Book of Mortgages 148, gon: You are hereby required to ap cree as prayed for in the Complaint Page 720. WORK WANTED—By day or hour, pear and answer the Complaint filed on file herein. Property consists of a 4 room mod BELL & GEHLEN also baby sitting. Genevieve Kest CLASSIFIED RATES against you in the above entitled ac ern house on a 117 ’ xlOO ’ lot. Located Attys at Law erson, % Jim Kesterson, Mill City. Church bazaars, suppers, bake tion within ten days from the date of Stayton, Oregon 30p. on Fairview Avenue, approximately service of this Summons upon you, if •ales, etc, will be run under “Specie. six blocks east of business district. Date of First Publication: July 3 Announcements" classification with Sale will be by sealed bid. Envelope served within this County; or if serv Date of Last Publication July 24 • minimum charge of 50 cents per containing bid must be plainly mark ed within any other County of this Real Estate insertion. NO. 16.899 ed "Sealed Bid.’’ Please refer to State, then within Twenty days from Ten cents per line each insertion. FOR SALE by owner—1 bedroom L-5913-F in all correspondence. A the date of the service of this Sum NOTIt E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Ne advertisement acceptea for less I have filed my Final Account in the home in Mill City. Wall to wall good and sufficient bond or certified mons upon you; and if you fail so to tha* 50 cents per week. carpet in living room. Garage. Very check for ten per cent (10%) of bid answer, for want thereof, the Plaln- estate of Rose Price, deceased, with Count five words to the line in reasonable. Art Hempeck, Mill must accompany bid. Right is reserv ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill City. Phone 6572. 28p ed to reject any and all bids. Proper City or mail your advertisement to ty will be sold "as is.” Minimum price The Mill City Enterprise, Mill City, L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE is Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty M. Nelson,-Salesman Phone 1957 Dollars ($2250.00). Minimum accept Oregon. Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City able terms ten per cen (10%) down, On Highway 22 twelve (12) years to pay balance on Automobiles LIST WITH US contract. Interest will be charged at JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum on unpaid balance. W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Bid» will be opened in the office of Phone 4515 Gates. Oregon. the undersigned on July 31, 1958 at 3-BEDROOM HOME—Well built Eng- 3:00 P. M. lish type dwelling, large l.-d. rm., Date of First Publication: July 3, 1958 : lots of cabinets, large lot, view. (Date of Last Publication: July 24, 1958 DIRECTOR OF VETERANS' $5,500, or rent $55 with option to For every dollar's value in mer j buy. See Glen Shelton. 29 AFFAIRS chandise you pay only 99c whereas State Finance Building ♦ he average dollar buys only 47c in Salem, Oregon Help Wanted many commodities. We offer ou a IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Responsible Person 99c dollar in STATE OF OREGON Wanted to service and collect from USED CAR VALUES FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN automatic vending machines in this 1950 Ford % ton Pickup IN EQUITY J946 Studebaker 1 ton flatbed area. Absolutely no selling. All ac George Frichtl and ) 1957 Willys 4-wheel drive counts established and turned over Ida Frichtl, ) to qualified person. Age not es 1949 Chevrolet 2-door Husband and Wife, sential. 7-12 hours weekly nets $250 1950 Packard 4-door Plaintiffs, monthly. Possibility full time work. 1951 Ford 2 door vs. Car, few spare hours weekly and 1950 Chevrolet 4-door Richard G. Becker, $750 working capital necessary. 1951 Chevrolet 4-door Anita B. Becker, Write giving full particulars and 1953 Chevrolet 4-door Howard J Becker, ) phone number to: Self Service, 1952 Chrysler Margery B. Becker, ) 12005 Sth Ave. N. W„ Seattle 77, J 953 DeSoto Harry Brown, alias ) Washington. 28p 1953 Buick Harry Lawrence ) Buy a real ear for a real dollar Brown, Clarice ) GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET For Rent Brown, Foster-Mc- ) Phone RO 9-2237 Stayton. Oregon NO. 28393 Culloch Company, An ) FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat- I SUMMONS Oregon Corporation, ) tresses, rollaway beds and mat- William E. Guier, ) I tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co Charlene Guier, Or ) ' We gave Penny Saver Stamps. 367 land J. Cox, Maxine ) 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf A. Cox, June Arlene ) Brown, Valley Credit ) FOR RENT—1 bedroom and 2 bed Service, Inc., An Ore ) room furnished houses one mile east gon Corporation, ) , < f Mill City. Has TV cable installed Merchants Credit ) See Mrs. Bob Rash at that location. Bureau of Salem, Inc., ) Oliver Willis. 25tfc. An Oregon Corpora ) tion, Veryl Hoover ) Furniture and James Hoover, ) Defendants. ) UNFINISHED FURNITURE and TO: Orland J. Cox, Maxine A. Cox and 1414 First St., Stayton Open Evenings Used r'urniture Bargains. We give June Arlene Brown Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, Defendants. H. L. Stiff 8 urniture Company, 367 rd St., Stavtnn 33tf 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY. JULY 10. 1958 I Situations Wanted the County Clerk of Marion County, Oregon and the court has set the 22 day of July, 1958, at 9:15 o'clock A. M. and the circuit court room as th« time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement of said es tate. BEATRICE SMITH, Executrix of the Estate of Rose Price, Deceased. BELL A GEHLEN Stayton, Oregon Attys, for Exec. 99c Sale Will Repair Your $1 Table Model Rad During Stayton's Harvest Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday JULY 10-11-12 See Us for Printing The Mill City Enterprise We are also Featuring some Excellent Buys in Used RADIOS and TVS Stayton Radio & TV Phone RO 9-2236 •1 Miscellaneous WRIGHT TRUCK LINE Between Portland-Salem-ldanha all way points , USED CHAIN SAWS FOR SALE 11 1958 Model 39 4 h. p................. $200 11 1957 Model 49, 5 h. p............ $180 1 1957, Model D-44 5 h. p. $180 2, 1957 Model 73, 7 h. p. ........... $180 1, 1955 model 4-30A 5 h. p. ... $135 1. 1954 model 4-30, 5 h. p............. $120 ALL SAWS FULLY GUARANTEED RAYMOND BRANCH A SON EQUIPMENT CO. ! Phone UL 9-2160 Mehama, Ore. Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Household Moving | FOR SALE N'e. tar berries 3a pound boxes, $2 a crate.—W. B. Shuey,« 11414 S. W. 4th. Phone 3415. 29 I WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake! Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21 tf Stayton Phone 2125 Salem EM 3-1626 ’ FOR SALE—1931 Chevrolet coupe. 1 Reasonable. Has good tires. Can be seen at 809 S W. Spring St. in Mill City. Don Moffatt. SHIP IT WRIGHT POWER MOWER—Repairing Sharpening. See Greenough’s Saw Shop at Gates for a good job. Phone 7341. On the highway at Gates, Oregon. lOtf. OFFICE FURNITURE .nd equip ment. typewriters, adding machines, calculators, cash regi.-ters, duplicat or«, safes, filing equipment. We sell, rent, *w«p «nd repair. Bargains in used macluftes. Roea Typewriter Exchange, 456 Court 8L. Salem, tf FOR SALE—General Electric auto matic washing machine. Cheap for cash. Works good. Call 7605 or see Mrs. Don Moffatt at 809 S. W. I Spring street, Mill City. 29p WANT TO BUY TIMBER Small or large tract« Either cash or ttaimpage baaia CREEK LMB. CO. You will be lisi' FJcES'l'iHÙ in STOUT H mil« weet ef Mehama. Oregon 3tf Knowing that Richfield Products FREEZER BARGAIN are the best. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City MOTOB TUNTXTS aad BRAkR WORK auto supplies Just in time to put those berries and vegetables away for the winter. One Philco 14.5 cubic foot upright freez er. Was $369.95, Special price $289.95. $90.00 off. Buy Now. STIFFLER RADIO, TV & APPLIANCE Phone 3207 Mill City, Oregon Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top price« for Second Growth STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. west of Mehama. Oregon Mtf Announcing... Stayton’s Harvest Days Many Special Prizes bargains FREE GIFTS ) I * Thursday, Friday, Saturday July IO - II - 12 Stayton Retail Trade Bureau Legal Notices Stayton, Oregon NOTICE OF SALE For sale by sealed bid the following described property located in the City vf Mill City, County of Linn, SUU of Oregon, to-wit: In Section 29, Township 9 South, Range 3 East, ae more J