Igloo Foods Company, Salem Starts New Frozen Foods Service ♦—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISETHl 'RSDAY, JI LY 10. 1951 ■ IN OUR IGLOO FOODS CO., “Home of the Finest Foods You Ever Thaw ’ was established in Salem March of 1956. It was especially designed for people with home freezrs to help them live better for less than their present cost. Do not confuse IGLOO with any other food plan that you may have heard of or had experience with as we do not sell or have any connection with freezer sales or service. We only sell to people that already have home 4 freezers.. However we will help people that are contemplating the purchase of a new home freezer, on size needed and as to the approxi­ mate savings that are possible by using the-r freezer as it should be used. Our new modern food processing plant is located at 1750 Fairgrounds Road in Salem and we welcome you to visit us at anytime that it is conven­ ient for you to do so. We have a com­ plete line of fiozen foods for you. Fruit Juice, Vegetables, Fruit of all kinds. Fish, Poultry, Grade A Pork, combined with five different grades of beef ranging from choice to utility. We also feature TV Dinners, Meat Pies, Ice Cream, and other freezer specialties. AU at wholesale prices. Our meat cutting department fea­ tures the new polyetheline wrapping paper manufactured by Crown Zeller- bach, especially for freezer wrapping. We also use a boneless method of cutting which helps to preserve the meat for longer periods of time and 'is designed to take up less freezer space, yet making it possible for you to retain all your soup stock to use as you need it. We guarantee all our products to your satisfaction, by this we mean, if you are not satisfied we will re­ place your food or refund your mon­ ey. Our Home Economist who is heard on the radio every morning is here to answer any questions you may have about freezing, or using your important freezer space to the best advantage. She also welcomes you to the Freezer Clinic held in our build­ ing every Wednesday evening. Tele­ phone EM 4-0168 for appointment. Special schools for groups available by appointment may be arranged. Our finance department is ready and waiting to set you up on a pay as you eat basis with no down pay­ ment to start. As an example a fam­ ily of four may eat top quality food for as low as $37.50 per month. The only way we have of making this program available to you is to invite you to call us or to come in and see us soon. IGLOO FOODS COMPANY, 1750 Fairgrounds Road, Salem, Ore.—Adv. SANTIA.M CHAPEL AT LYONS Jay Beebe, Pastor MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Full Gospel Church Services 11:00 a. m. Rev. E. B. Jewett, Pastor Evening service at 7:80 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7:45 o. i m Young People’s service, Thursday Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. evening 7:30 p. m. Jacquie Walker, Morning Worship 11 a. m. president. Evangelistic Service 7:45 o. ti. Prayer meeting and Bible study Bible Study, Tuesday, 7:45 o m. Friday evenings 7:30 p. m. oos • • • COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC lock and children. CHURCH CHURCH. MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cann, and her Mehama Mass at 9'15 a.m. every Sunday mother, Mrs. Etta Reed, all of Napa, Rev. JamM Hardy, Pautov Confessions heard before Mass. California are spending a few days Fr. Senko, Pastor Bible School, 10:00 a. m. in Gates looking after their Gates • • » Worship Hour, 11:00 a. m property and trailer court, and sur­ IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH A friendly welcome to all. veying roof damage fro mthe hail. Morning service 11 a.m. o • • The found the hail stone rumors hard Evening service 7:00 p.m. to believe until they cited the actual DETROIT CHURCH OF CHRIST Wednesday nraytr meeting at 7 30 damage. Glen Lyda, Minuter p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball and Sunday school at 10:46. Sunday school 10 a.tn. daughter, Carol Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Morning Worship at 11. see • • • Arthur Blackburn, and Mr. and Mrs. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Clare Henness and two children en- ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH MIU City joyed a family picnic at the home of Mrs. Helen Daria, Pastor Rev. Rebert Roach, Paster Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blackburn and son Sunday school 10 a. tn. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. in Mill City on the 4th. They were Morning worship 11 a.m. Morning worship 11:00 am joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wriggles­ Evangelistic Hour, 7:45. Music by choir. worth of Aberdeen, Washington, for­ Wednesday. Cottage Prayer Meet­ Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m. mer Gates folks. • • • ing, 8:00 p. m. Mrs. Robert Marshall and daughter • • • ST. PATRICE’S PARISH Darlene, of Alma, Illinois arrived last FREE METHODIST CHURCH Lyons, Oregon i week for an extended visit at the home North Mil) City Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday Hutcheson was the scene of a Morn- jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rev. Gene E. Davidaon. Paator 10:30 a.m. ing Coffee Thursday, given for their stone. They all went to Florence over Sunday school at 9:45 a m. Mass: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 s.m. daughter, Mrs. J. R. Brown (Geral-i weekend for a visit with Mr. and Morning worship 11 a m Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor Mrs. H. N. Wilson dine) who, with her husband and . Mrs. Dale Miles and family. Mrs. Evening service 7:30 p.m. • • • and Mrs. Ned Warrington of daughter, have been houseguests for Miles and Mrs. Marshall are sisters, Young Peoples Services every Sun­ SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Oakridge visited recently with their about a week. Happy birthday was James Carey has been taking fly- day at 6:30. S. W. Second Street, Mill City friends Mr. and Mrs. Chet Edholm. sung by all the guests, to Geraldine, jng lessons at Salem, and recently re- Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pin. Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m. Satur­ Mr. Warrington was employed here whose birthday was July 5th. Col. and ceived his pilots license. sos day. during the construction of the De­ Mrs. Brown and their daughter Kim- | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wellck of St. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Morning service, 10:45 Saturday berly Ann left Friday for their home Paul, Minnesota have arrived for a troit Dam. Jordan. Oregon Visitors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutcheson, their at Victorville, Calif., where Col. Brown two weeks visit at the home of Mr. • • • Rev. Bernard Neuman, SDS, Pastor house guests, Col. and Mrs. J. R. is stationed with the Airforce. Miss and Mrs. Fred Kist. The guests are Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Brown and daughter Kimberly Ann, Linda Parker assisted her brand­ cousins of Mr. Kist. 8:30 a.m. Benjamin A. Mwrence, Minister and their daughiter-in-law Mrs. mother, Mrs. Wm. Hutcheson in serv­ Mrs. Mattie Root is spending sev­ Maes: 3d and 4th Bunday 10:80 a.m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. I Margie Parker and three daughters ing the guests, and Mrs. Dick Park­ eral days in Salem at the home of a Morning worship 10:55. | spent July 1st at Brietenbush Hot er poured. Among those calling were sister, Mrs. E. DeLand and helped LYONS METHODIST CHURCH Evening Service, 8:00. I Springs, where they all enjoyed a .Mmes., Ed Kadin and daughter Judy, her celebrate a birthday. Charles McCarthy, Pastor Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. i picnic and some swimming. After Ruth Hess, Nellie Allen, Mary Wil­ Mrs. Wilbur Meinert of Waldport ra. Sunday school at 9:46 a. m. ' returning home that evening Mrs. son, Shirley Swaim, Ruby Brisbin, and her mother, Mrs. Floyd Bassett • • Worship service, 11 a. m. Barker had a birthday treat for her • Helen Edholm, Sophia Kist, Alice of Lyons visited in Gates one day CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Womens Society of Christian Ser­ daughter Linda Parker, and present­ I Watson, Audrey Levon, and Lori, Eva this week, and at the home of Mrs. vice meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of I Devers Real Estste Building, Gates ed her with a beautifully decorated Barnhardt, Elsie Völkel, Jo Hiner, Daisy Richards. each month with Mrs. Wilson Stevens I Sunday, 11 a. m. Edna Cann and Etta Reed, from Napa, ‘doll’ birthday cake. Mrs. Gwenn Schaer and Royal, Rog­ Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes-i Virginia Hale of Los Angeles was Calif., and Zeda Rynearson. as president. er, Rodney and Carol, Mrs. Frank • • • lay st 8 p. m. * Kenneth Kanoff, Eddie Hirte and Johnson and Royal, Mr. and Mrs. went gallbladder surgery the previ­ a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Völkel GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH recently. She has charge of the Gift two of Eddie’s cousins from Portland Robert Levon and Lori Susan all en­ ous Monday. She will be assisted by OF CHRIST For Creani Cheese Pear Salad, roll Shop, a most interesting job on “The are now at Athena, Ore., working in joyed a picnic in Taylor’s Grove on her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bob Oliver Donald L. Hoboon. Minister Vs-inch creani cheese balls in chopped Monterey,’ a large boat which leaves the pea harvest there, and enjoy­ the 4th. for a few days. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. nut meats. Serve with chilled pear­ Los Angeles regularly on trips to ing the work very much. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness and Mrs. William Pennick and child- Morning Worship, 11:09 s. m. halves on shredded lettuce. Mrs. Maude Davis left by bus for their son Earl, of Portland and their ren were overnight guests at the many interesting place like the Fiji Young People’s Class 5:00 p. m. Islands, and as far away as Austral­ Seattle, where she will spend some week end guests, Geralyn Morris, home of her mother, Mrs. Paul Nich­ and Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob­ time at the home of her daughter Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Garnold Kan- olson in Salem, . spent ia, returning every six weeks. . _ a day . visiting son. WHEN IN NEED OF PRINTING The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. James Over- dee Morris of Beaverton and Mrs. friends at Jefferson, and on Sunday Adult Bible Claas 5:00 p. m. TRY THE ENTERPRISE FIRST Pennicks went — to Inez Norris of Jennings Lodge, had a all the ” --------------- >- Breitenbush picnic at Beitenbush Hot Springs on swimming. Bill Pennick had spent Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness, part of the holiday at Long Lake with Kandee and Gary joined the group Gale and Don Carey of Stayton and also. Bill Mardock of McMinnville. They Mrs. George Bailey is sepnding report wonderful fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wrigglesworth some time in Portland this week with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Funk, and of Aberdeen, Wash., were weekend grandsons, while the oldest one, Pat, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Henness is hospitalized for a hernia opera­ and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Drnek and sis, tion. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson were Joseph of Lindsay, Calif., spent the surprised on the 4th when old friends long holiday weekend at the A. T. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sage and four Barnhardt home. Mrs. Drnek and Mrs. children, of Eugene stopped for a Barnhardt are sisters. Mrs. Robert Blumenstein is at­ short visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. ‘Dutch’ Allen tending OCE at Monmouth four days who have lived in the Bob Wilson a week, making the trip with Mrs. Barnhardt, • who is also attend- house ..vu.-sv avi for several years, moveu moved over Olive . the 4th to the Elmer Klutke ranch. rS _ _ Jnens^e*n» mother of six formerly known as the Bock place. | . small youngsters, is just starting her There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to I Mr. and Mrs. George Leonard, and teacher training, but hopes to be 'son Mike, of Port Angeles, Wash­ ready to teach by the time her have your PRINTING done. The Enterprise can do it right ington spent the long week end with youngest enters school. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Novak were hosts her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George here at home. The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all for a lovely dinner Sunday, honoring Arthurs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chubb of the birthdays of their granddaught­ YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Oakridge are visiting a few dauys at er, Janice Novak, grandson, Rex Her­ the home of their daughter, Mrs. Floyd ron, and Mrs. Mary Lou Howell which occurred recently. Other Swaim and family. Mrs. W. S. Hudson was in Gates guests present were Mrs. Marie Her­ this past week looking after their ron and daughter, Dinah of Mill City. property, the Gates Laundry, which Mr. and Mrs. Chet Edholm, and Mr and Mrs. Frank Novak and son, Wal­ they ran during the Detroit Dam con­ lace. struction. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson have I since made their home in Salem or Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. I^yton Gosnell and I son Larry of Roseburg came to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Laura Joaquin. Mrs. Velma Carey went to Stayton Saturday afternoon, where she ac­ « companied her two grandsons, Jon ; and Tommy Carey to the movie “Snow White”. I Mrs. Daisy Richards accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Sauve to Salem Sunday afternoon, and visited with her husband, Ned Richards who is still a patient at Salem Memorial 'spital. She reports he was feeling much better and able to have visit­ ors, and asked for his razor and watch. Later she went to the home of her grandson. Elton Brown and family and all went to Pringle Park for a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Henness were Of all lan di Trusses at Diamond Lake over the 4th, re­ Abdominal Supports porting fishing very good and the Elastic Hosiery weather wonderful. Expert Fitters The Gates Community church has Private Fitting Rooms. made plans for a cooked food and rummage sale Friday and Saturday, ¡July 11 and 12 in front to the Gates ‘ Ask Your Doctor" I J*01'* to boost their building fund. Donations of all kinds will be wel­ come. The Gates Community church mem- bers and friends will have a pot-luck . dinner following church next Sunday 504 State St at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Birnhardt. Corner of Liberty Mrs. Clyde Oliver was able to re­ turn to her home Sunday after a S and H Green Stamps week's stay at Salem Memorial hos­ pital in Stayton, where she under- GATES Let The Enterprise DO YOUR PRINTING TRY US HRST AND BE CONVINCED • Envelopes • • Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • Letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards • Wedding Announcements Ruled Forms WANTADS Mill City Enterprise SURGICAL Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs SUPPORTS THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The Home of Good Printing Phone6651 Mill City, Oregon Capital Drug Store