A—THF MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY. JULY 1». 1958 Business and Professional DIRECTORY JOHN W. REID, M.D. Physician and Surgeon MILL CITY, OREGON DR. JOHN C. TARR Chiropractic Physician Phone RO 9-2922 Hours 9:00 to 6:00 Evenings By Appointment M2 E. Ida St. ____ Stayton DR. LESLIE J. CARSON Optometrist 9 to 5:30 Mon. Thru Bat pyrcept Wednesday. 530, Third St Stayton Phone RO 9-2751 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Todd and two sons of Drain, were visitors of her mother, Mrs. W. W. Allen, during the holiday. The family, as well as the Paul Barkleys of Corvallis, were guests of the Charles Kellys at a pic Fourth of July guests of the Bob nic in their yard Saturday evening. Hills were the Jack Hasemans of George Laird took advantage of Lebanon. the long weekend to give the Beauty shop on Broadway a coat of white Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore spent paint. Shell Service station also got several days last wek in Medford a paint job this week, and the U. S. with relatives. NNational bank has been steam cleaned in preparation for painting. Mellissa Jane Nichols of Salem spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vern ( lark and son Arthur Hempeck. Herschel, made a three-day trip over the recent holiday through Southern Dick Budlong of Salem spent the Oregon and into Northern Californ 14th in Mill City with Mr. and Mrs. ia. They visited the Oregon Caves, | Ralph Burlong. .Jacksonville, and several beaches of Southern Oregon, reporting a won Remember the turtle — he never derful time. makes any progress until he sticks Mr. and Mrs. Jack McClintock. Ken out his neck. ny and Lorraine of Arcata, Calif., .Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freeman and spent the weekend at the home of his three children are spending two weeks brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and in Montana visiting relatives. Mrs. O. E. Hoodenpyle. They also visited Sgt. and Mrs. William Mc- Mrs. Willis Cree of Redmond, vis- Clintock and family and Mr. and Mrs. ited Sunday afternoon at the home J. C. Kimmel, of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cree. Mill Ends Lowell Stiffler and his sons, Wayne DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Chiropractic Physician Mr. and Mrs. Art Cole and son. Fred and Neal spent the Fourth camp- of Salem, spent the weekend here I ing out at Devils Garden on Century Drive out of Bend. They reported with Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Mason. HELL BLDG. IDA and THIRD ST. I lots of snow in the area, and that Mr. and Mrs. Bob Draper returned i the area was carpeted with flowers. STAYTON, OREGON to their home here Sunday night after The stopped at the Metolius and Sut PHONE RO 9-2557 a two week vacation viisting friends tle Lake on their return trip. and relatives in Southern Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duffy and grand Denver, Colo. They stated the weather was quite warm while they were daughter, Linda Duffy of Salem, and away. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Heller and Weddle Funeral Home ! Mary Suzanne, made a trip to Crater Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Garrison and Lake over the holiday. They enjoyed Moderni Funeral Service ¡children went to the coast Saturday !camping out for three nights, then OREGON afternoon. They had planned on being drove through a terrific rainstorms STAYTON there longer but found the weather at Marions Forks on the way home. roggy, cool, and a trace of rain, so Harry Patton, former Mill City re they returned to their home here Sun day forenoon. sident, and president of the Portland Gun club, was jictured on the front The Roger Nelsons were hosts at page of the Oregonian Sport section Septic Tank» and Sewers Cleaee* another “trout dinner” Tuesday even Monday presenting the keys to a Ph Salem EMpire 3-9468 COLLECT ing at their home. Enjoying this ev new car to the winner of a “shoot.” 1979 Elm St. W. Salem ening were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cline, ' Patton is the son of Mrs. Mabel Pat Mr. and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt, Mrs. ton of Mehama, who is well known James Cuthbert and son JJimmie, Ad here. am Kruger and the Nelsons. WE SELL BETTER Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jackson and Guests for a no-host picnic on the daughter, Robbie of Norwalk, Calif., CAR£ FOR LESS patio of the D. B. Hill home on the , visited here recently at the home of Fourth of July included Mrs. Gladys his brother, Arnes Jackson. Other Trask, visiting here from Fresno, •visitors at the Jackson home this Calif., Mrs. J. F. Potter, Mrs. W. week were his brother-in-law and sis J. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross, ter, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gleason of and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and Long Beach, Calif., who were on their ! way to Alaska. John. MIKE'S Sepiic Service GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET STAYTON. OREGON IT PAYS TO BUY AT HOME Stayton-Jefferson AUTO WRECKERS Rebuilt motors and trans missions. Cars bought and sold We buy junk. Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. John plambeck have Jun Cuthbert of Bend formerly of received word that their younger son, Mill City is now attending Naval Re- Otto Plambeck. who has been with ' serve Training School in San Francis- the occupation forces in Germany for‘to- He is now Petty Officer Third several years, was married to a Class and is continuing his study in German girl Friday, June 13. He is Electronics and Communications, an X-ray technician in the Army and While he is away Mrs. Cuthbert and 1 is C in 1 n his > . ■ second C f' TX rl three-year ♦ K —- — 11 A __ _ I Jimmie »V. r»> i n , I i n r* the ♦ ks S time * wu with w vs ♦ K are A3 spending enlistment in Germany. He also served in Korea. her parents the Floyd Johnsons. LICENSED Sea Foods too. Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week MILL CITY, OREGON The Riverview Cafe disposal service Phone UL 9-2171 YOU’LL FIND SOME GOOD The Mill City Enterprise I a »» ell Oee and Don. Gordy Mc Morris, and Bill McClintock spent two days last weekend fishing at Crescent Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Budkmg. Claud ia and Linda, of Happy Camp, Cahf., spent several day» last week at their home in Mill City. Mrs. Anna Swift and Clifford spent the 4th of July weekend I St Puyallup. Wash., with Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Austin and family of Portland, spent the 4th with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Hoodenpyle. Clarence N. Teigan from Marion purchased the Hiram Smith home on S. E. 4th recently. Mr. Teigan is em ployed on the section here. Ernest Graham was home over the holiday weekend from the Veterans’ 1 hospital in Portland from Thursday until Sunday when he returned. « Cooled By Refrigeration Plra.se Note Starting Wine - 6:00 P. M. on Sunday 7:00 P. M. on Other Days THl RSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY, JULY 10-11-12 AU Cometh Show ! "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO MARS" — PLUS — JANE POWELL, CLIFF ROBERTSON, in "THE GIRL MOST LIKELY" Comedy with Music. Small Town Girl Dreams of Marrying a Millionaire. SUNDAY, MONDAY, JULY 13-14 Walt Disney Presents BRANDON DE WILDE, LEE MARVIN, in "THE MISSOURI TRAVELER" Another Great Disney “Family” Show, in the Trail it inn of “Old Yeller.” Come, and Bring the Children. Enjoyment for All. in this Story of an Orphan Boy in a Small Town Starts At 6:00 Sunday THl RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATl’RDAY, JULY 17-18-19 MARJORIE MAIN, PERCY KILBRIDE in "MA AND PA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" Mrs. Melaine Bertram of Caator- ville, Calif, is spending a month with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I rank Moore and family. — plus — DORIS DAY, JOHN KAITT, in "PAJAMA GAME" Comedy with Music. Family Medal Award. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kindred be- 1 came the parents of a son July 8. The baby was named Mathew Mark. The I Kindreds have another son, Kenny. SUNDAY, MONDAY, JULY 20-21 Al DIE MURPHY. KATHY GRANT, in THE GUNS OF FORT PETTICOAT" — PLUS — RONALD REAGAN, NANCY DAVIS, in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turnidge and two sons of Portland, visited his ! grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1 Turnidge last Thursday afternoon. Ed Cooke of Salem was in Mill City on business and visiting friends j Monday, He is doing some work on the property at the west end of Alder I Street here which he sold recently to Mr. and Mrs. Ray W, Kenyon, who ' with their family plan on taking pos session about the 20th of this month. The Kenyons now live on Mehama road in Stayton. "HELLCATS OF THE NAVY" Starts At 6:00 Sunday THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 24-25-26 Three Hilarious Nights! DANNY KAYE, PIER ANGEIJ, in DANCE Come to the Cheerleaders Dance Saturday, July 12 at the high school gym in Mill City. Music by records. Adm. 25c single 40c a couple. Re freshments free. Cake walk. Gleason Eakin will chaperone. Lots of inn. ad "MERRY ANDREW" Fun at the Circus. Family Medal Award. — PLUS — GEORGE GOBEL, DIANA DORS, in "I MARRIED A WOMAN" SUNDAY, MONDAY, JULY 27-28 KIM NOVAK. FRANK SINATRA, in "PAL JOEY” Comedy With Music "Very Entertaining"'—Parents’ Magazine Mehama, Oregon PRINTING WORTHY O> THE OCCASION tELECTIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED I SECTION OF THIS NEWSPAPER TO BUY OR SELL. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 1$ YOUR BIST BET. Spending the “eek at their cottage at Roads End are Mrs. Russell Kel ly and family and Mrs. Carl Kelly and family. Program Try one of our choice steaks or a plate of chicken. I1JI Per Month aU Up Abe Servicing Gate*. Lye*» Idwnaha and Detroit Ph. 5902 Durant, Okla, visited here at the Arnes Jackson and Zearl Shipman homes. July 1958 If you are looking for a real ly good place to spend an ev ening where the food is ex quisite and the music good, here is the place to come. Ph. RO 9-2319 Stayton, Ore. Bod CDae, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Tim McAllister of Little Misses Margaret and Mi Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Plymale enjoyed chelle Delaney, two younger daugh the July 4th holiday by leaving here ters of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Delaney Friday and driving to Glendale, (Barbara Davis) of Hood River, are where they were guests of Mr. and spending a month or six weeks visit Mrs. Clyde Golden. Mr. and Mrs. ing their grandparents, Mr. and i Clyde Golden, and David and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. “Mode” Davis. ______ Delaney _ I Mrs. Charles Golden and the Ply- | brought the girls to Mill City on his males went from Glendale to Ore- | return trip Sunday to his iive-veari live year, Kon Caves then on to the Trees of ’ construction job in California. Mrs. I Mystery . . in California _____ before return- Deianey is a nurse at Hood River. ■ ing home Sunday evening. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Prompt service in the Canyon when you call us Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed Garbage Disposal Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson and Luther and Bob Cree of Redmond went to the rodeo at Molalla the +th. . For life’s moti notablo event* (Wedding*, E» gagemenU, etc.) the In vitation or Announce* meni mutt ba socially correct, dignified in format, perfect In craftsmanship. Best way to make aure of thia is to put your prob lemi of social printing up to u*. We know trhal to do and hots to do it! The MILL CITY Fire dug these ditches HEN FIRES burn trees and other soil cover on sloping ground, ditches like these come naturally. W Tree roots and other vegetation tend to hold the soil to gether when rain falls or snow melts. That’s whv it is important to prevent forest fires. You help to present soil erosion hen j ou Keep America Green. Simpson Logging Company Wiltse Trucking Co. Lyons, Oregon Mehama, Oregon W i W Lumber Company Wills Bros. Shingle Company Mill City, Oregon Mill City, Oregon Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. Frank Lumber Company 1029 S. W. Alder Portland, Ore. Mill City, Oregon