Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1958)
THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE’S EMPIRE VOLUME XIV MILL CITY, OREGON NUMBER 28 f ♦ ♦♦ Fire Damages Millsap Home i Monday A. M « Up and Down ♦ ♦ ♦ « Simpson Firm Names New Vice President THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1958 Cooperation Asked in Taking Old Papers to Scout Collection Building M W A YEAR 10c A COTT Many People of Area Stay at Home Over Long July 4 Holiday; See Ball Games and Fireworks A call came this week from Mrs. ' A. R. Tohl, owner of the building where the scouts are asking residents ♦ I to bring old papers and magazines in their perpetual drive. What I have been preaching ever Mrs. Tohl asks that all those leav since coming to this area Is that the ing paper and magazines at the build- GATES—One of Gates’s oldtime North Santiam highway and over San SEATTLE WASH..—Appointment i I ing to do so during the hours that the If the perfect weather and the 1 —------------------------------------- landmarks, the Albert Millhap home, tiam Pa** is the best way to get over of C. H- Bacon. Jr., of Shelton to a liquor store is open, 12 noon to 8 large crowd were anj- criterion, the *be botb Kames. Gleason mountain. This has again been newly-created position as executive I I p. m. She stated some people just pile Fourth of July celebration sponsored was attacked by fire just before the __ ______ sponsored | , haliin, haton, high school baseball coach. coach, noon Monday, which left the upper forcefully brought to light in a clip vice president of Simpson Timber I the paper, up in front of the door by the Firemen and the Lions club I dfs*rv** .* T*?'* ,OF the story a total loss, with much fire ping received here from Mrs. Hen Company in Seattle w'as announced j making it nearly impossible to get it and their respective auxiliaries was I play of sportsmanship ariong - the and water damage inside below. It rietta Quinn, taken from the Seaside recently by W. G. Reed, Chairman, open. The cooperation of the public a huge success, as the grandstand at ,ocal yi>un/ fry” who were resplend- was first noticed by men putting on Signal. Something else I know is that and Thomas F. Gleed, President. the high school ball park was over-1 et ,n red •h,rts and caPs- The visiting | , is be ng asked in this matter. a new roof, who complained of the if this canyon were in California, the ( Ba(.on who haj sen.e(J aS vice pr„. , flowing Friday night. Everyone teams- '*eaPW green shirts and caps, heat but did not see smoke at first— Chamber of Commerce would have it ident anj general manager of Simp- seemed to have a wondergul time, were each treated to a free hotdog then it seemed to break out all over. so publicized that it would be built up gon Lo„in(r Company since 1933, will and it was really a “shirt-sleeve” af and coke following the games. Manning the concession booth were The Gates Fire Department arrived to a much greater extent. Anyone who aggumeH fair. resDonsibility for the Comp- assumed responsibility for the Comp were volunteers from both Auxil immediately, but a second call to the gets away from this area to take a any’s overall sales and operation func The double-header soft-ball game iaries, including: Pauline Brunner, Mill City Fire department was joon vacation realizes this when they come tions relating to Simpson divisions in between the Little Leagues of Inde necessary. Some insurance was car in from Eastern Oregon, over the Washington, Oregon and California. ' pendence and Mill City aroused a Lora Mason, Ceil Croan, Betty Pit- ried on the house ,but none on the pass, and down the Santiam Canyon. The Oregon liquor control com lot of enthusiasm and many a “i ..." . tarn, Mabel Hunter, Clara Wirkkala, Gleed explained the new position mom Agnes Carlson, Mabel Yankus, and contents, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Don I want the people here to realize in Seattle will provide additional ser mission reports that distribution of and “dad” went home slightly hoarse McWhirk who rented it. Volunteers just how wonderful the scenery is, vice by coordinating the efforts of funds during the fiscal year ended but proud as punch, even though Mary kelly. Business was brisk es pecially between games. Taking care did carry out most of the contents, and for that reason here is the clip the vice presidents and general man June 30. 1958, was the highest in -----I of the popcorn machine for almost but water damage will be consider ping which gives and outsider s view' agers who have direct charge of the OLCC history a total of $17,820,- - four hours were Sherry Pittam and of our country. Trouble with us we operating companies, the Simpson 692. Of this, the state’s general fund able. | Janet Hutchinson. The McWhirks and one son were in live “too close to the hills to see the Paper Company at Everett, the Simp received $14.808,401. $2,079,734 went The matinee at the theatre before Stayton at the time of the fire and mountains.” son Logging Company in Washington to the various incorporated cities the festivities, and the colorful dis only the three younger children at "MRS. QUINN DISCOVERS and Oregon and the Simpson Redwood throughout the state and the county play of fireworks put on by the Fire- home. Mr. Millsap happened to be at SCENIC ROUTE TO EAST Company in California. Simpson is one treasuries received $925,108. A total | men at the ballpark later in the ev- the home of his son, Ralph Millsap, j Mrs. Henrietta Quinn returned of the nation’s leading producers of of $7,349 went to the state’s census iening also added much to the occa- in Portland. 1 Monday from a quick trip to Reno, lumber, plywood, doors, insulating and fund. i sion. For the present the McWhirks will where she drove her sister, Mrs. N. accoustical products and paper. The all ocations for the past 12 stay with relatives in Lyons, and E. Leakey, of Newcastle, Ind. Mrs. Some of the "local color" that . Many - famiies , - . had , - , reunions . . of — re- Along with Bacon’s promotion, the months exceeded previous annual many offers were received for help Leakey spent a month here with her Company executives also anonunced distributions by over $2,000,000. went on behind the scenes during 1and fr,®n,U dur,nK tbe day. in storing their belongings, as well sister and was met in Reno by her the appointment of Hal W. McClary, According to Joseph A. Nance, ad preparation for the Fourth of July' i either at their homes or in the form as those of Mr. Millsap, until perm son, Joseph Leakey, who came up from formerly manager of lumber, plywood ministrator, reductions in inventory celebration for the youth of the com- I 1 of picnics at the City park or other anent arrangements can be made. San Francisco. and door products, to succeed Bacon and more economic operations are munity, a* well as for others, pro recreation spots nearby. There was Congratulations are in order to the Mrs. Quinn drove back alone and, as vice president and general manager largely responsible for the increase, bably js not known by the majority a steady stream of automobiles going and coming over the North Santiam several young men who assisted the because of the many stretches under of Simpson Logging Company at even though gross sales have averaged of the populace. highway during the holidays, many firemen. repair in the Mount Hood loop area Shelton. about 2% les, than during the 1957! One does not like to expose sore with trailers and boats. on the way out, she shopped for a spots to the public gaze, but some Also promoted within the Simpson fiscal year. It was reported that a large crowd different way home. Thus It happen organization at Shelton are Gil Os of the recent vandalism which could The OLCC biennial budget, as ap ed that she crossed the Santiam pass wald, advanced from insulating board proved by the 1957 legislature, esti-■ easily have disrupted the entire af- attended the dance in the school gym and found herself in the middle of products manager to succeed Mc mated that a total of $29,276,695 , faiy should be made known to avoid at Gates Thursday night. This was some of the most gorgeous scenery Clary as lumber, plywood and door would Le available for distribution such events in the future if possible. sponsored by the Gates Firemen. ever encountered. products manager; Harvey Warnaca, during the two-year period. At the; First, when members of the Lions Sweeping vistas of mountains, lakes from sales manager of insulating and half-way ’ point point’ of the biennium,' club went u tbe C,ty l>ark for their I and the Santiam river unfolded, the hardboard products, to succeed Os 60.87% of < the total requested has recent ,teak fry and 6e,wral “clean pine forests with their complete lack wald as insulating products manager been allocated. up” of the place for use of the pub of underbrush looked like something and Jack Wetherby from insulating lic, they found their two gas tanks, In the 5th annual Corvallis Invi out of a storybook, young deer could originally attached to their com- tational Softball Tournament which be seen in plenty and the white, tall products promotion director to succeed Warnaca as sales manager of insulat Simpson Paper Company, and Gordon mun*Jy ^kitchen for jjs « in cooking was held June 28 through July 2, squaw grass was in bloom. ing and hardboard products. Manary, of Arcata, California is vice on the big range, had been complet- Gordy McMorris of the Nored Build Mrs. Q. says she could have kicked ly pulled loose from the building, the D. F. McCall, of Everett, is vice president and general manager ers team was named as all-star short herself for missing this delightful out and and’ over 401 DETROIT—Detroit School District attachments torn out president and general manager of Simpson Redwood Company. stop. Last year in the tournament he route on the eastbound trip and kept I gallons of gas 1 had escaped—which may 8et fo“r t,me’ •’ mucb federal was named as all-star short stop and wishing she "had the whole world it expected fo. the cumin» — I could have been very dangerous to “id also the most valuable player. along” to share the marvelous views. the pranksters. Several of the men school year s opertions. Nored Builders who placed third She reports that, though the San I had to load the tanks into a pick-up i b rom " ashington, D. C., CongreM- in last year’s tournament won the tiam route is 20 miles longer than I truck, take them to a service station 1 man "alter Norblad sent word the championship this year, going thru the Mount Hood, the road is straigh to be refilled at their own expense,1 educaton commissioner has ap- the tournament undefeated. In the ter and better, so one can actually save I and install them at the park again. I,r,,v*d Detroit’s request for aid end final game Nored’s defeated Ruben time on it. She advises anyone plan This time, they were stored inside. set a tentative amount at $11,148 stein’s of Eugene (coached by Bob ning to drive to Bend to take the I Second, when getting ready for the The school district, however, had bud- Dombrowsky, formerly of Mill City) longer, lovelier route.” ball games on the glorious Fourth, it Keted only $3,000 in federal aid be- by a score of 3-2. loud-speaker I 1 caus it ap- was learned that the loud-speaker cau"4 « * at budget-making time It I Also playing for Noreds this ■ear Oregon sportsmen are reminded, gestions may also be Stated orally at system was not in working order, due Pear*d the federal program might be I get sort of a slow burn at some are Jim Grant, Don Carey and Carl of the articles sent out by the AAA, that the 1958 hunting regulations will the meeting. to the fact that some clever person or curtailed. Beyer (Mt. Angel.) Last year Detroit received $6,175 which does such a good job of pub highlight a public hearing to be held The final rules will be set on July persons had completedly removed the licizing some of the tourist attrac at 10 a. m. on July 11 at the game 25, at which time recommendations speaker, even t b7\7refull7'cHppir' g under the f«d«ra> aid program for tions in our beautiful state. This ar commission's Portland headquarters, to the tentative rules will be heard. the wires, showing that it was some districts where federal properties Marion County IOOF „ his business. have created enrollment or tax prob- ticle I now have reference was to a 1634 S. W. Alder. Following the hear Proposed recommendations to the one who really knew ing the meeting will be recessed for Then," finally, "the morning of the Jor1,1oc?1 *£’! place east of the mountains. They To Picnic At Bush commission by the staff calls for th« buget calls for $77,028 total spending two weeks and recovene on July 25 at Fourth, when most people were re-1 did show Eugene as a taking off establishment of 64 separate deer Park In Salem July 12 point as a route over the mountains, which time the final rules will be set. management units. These will become laxing and getting ready to celebrate ' next year, including a $3,500 emerg The Marion County Oddfellows pic to Eastern Oregon, but they didn’t Of major importance at the July 11 permanent units with the possible ex later in the day, the new president ency fund. Under state school law the district nic will be held this Sunday .July 13 even show Salem, and highway 22, hearing is the probability that the ception of minor boundary changes. of the Lions club had to call several at Bush Park in Salem, according to which everyone is beginning to re game commission will make the final In the main each unit covers a major of his members to come and help couldn’t spend any extra federal Otto J. Keoneke. Entrance will be at cognize as the best way over the decision on the unit hunt system fori deer herd range or may incorporate clean off the benches of the high money received beyond the budgeted the Mission Street gate. Dinner will mountains. The route which is south the taking of anterless deer before several herd ranges. In Northeastern school grandstand which had been amount, but it could carry it over to be at 1 p. m. with the committee fur- of where and closed much of the the two weeks recess is called. This Ore., the deer units corrspond to th« completely covered with rocks and j next year, says Guy Waldroop of nishing coffee and cream. time in the winter, and is jo crooked will be a drastic change over past established elk units which hunters gravel from a “rock fight" the even-1 the Marion Count school superintend All Oddfellows and Rebekahs are that you can look into your own gas procedures since the commission nor have become familiar with during the ing before, engaged in by a few ent’s office. invited and asked to bring their own tank when going around some of the mally allowed two weeks prior to final past several years. playful youths, no doubt, who never table service and picnic lunch. hair-pin turns. When will they “come adoption of the regulations. If the sys A specified number of permits gave a thought to the fact that it alive" and give the motorists an even tem is adopted, the unit hunt regula would be issued for each unit which would take hours of work on the part break, instead of sending them over tions and the antelope rules as an would entitle the holder to take an of others who were trying to enjoy Drivers License Examiner these old routes—even though they nounced will not be further modified anterless deer during a given period. a holiday, too. So a few willing do have beautiful scenery. Ours here and will be the final regulations when Depending on the status of the herd, workers bent their backs in the hot Coming Here July 17th The Charles Wirkkala, who lives adopted. isn’t to be sneezed at either. some units woudl have more permit* sun to further the recreation for the A Drivers License Examiner will than others. It is highly probale that young people, all the time wonder I on the river on S. W. Spring street The commissioners tentatively de-| be on duty in Mill City Thursday, Continuing along the same vein for some units no permits would b« ing if some day they would learn to nearl lost their pet cat to a raccoon July 17 at the Fire Hall between of thought, C. E. (Pink) Mason cided on these procedures when it was issued. appreciate it and to “help instead of ! recently. They heard their cat howl the hours of 9 and 4. according to counted 487 cars between I and 5 learned that deer hunters could have hinder.” ing, ami ran out to find a raccoon The permits would be issued free only a little more than one week in word received here. dragging the cat down to the San o’clock Sunday afternoon, so even in which to file applications for the unit and become valid during the latter Persons wishing original licenses spite of the lack of proper publicity, tiam river. Residents who know the part of the season. The unit system or permits to drive are asked to file residents of the state are finding hunts if the final decision was de would not affect the general buck Postmasters Attending mannerism, of the raccoon state they layed until the July 25 meeting. | ----- — ------- — _ __ applications well ahead of the schad- out about this good route. Up at can easily drown a cat or dog by Meeting of Association The mechanics involved in proces- deer season. AU deer tag holders could uled closing hour in order to assure Breitenbush it was reported that : getting on their backs and holding sing more than 200,000 applications exercise the freedom to hunt anywhere At Medford This Week time for completion of the required , the animal under the water. over 5,000 had registered this past and holding a public drawing would in the state for buck deer during the license test. IDANHA—Four Postmasters of Mr. Wirkkala stated the cat did weekend at that popular resort. necessitate a filing deadline of not general buck season, whether they held That's pretty good. Time will come later than August 18. If the decision a unit permit or not. A permit holder their respective offices, Grace Nei- not show any signs of damage from ~ Neal, Sublim I its experience. the county will give this area on the unit hunts is not reached un-1 would be restricted to the unit for bert, Stayton; Clara Santiam Cheerleaders To when its just share of highway funds and til the second hearing, It would leave which he drew if he desired to take ity; Harriet House, Grand Ronde, and Moore, Detroit, will motor to Have Dance Saturday Nite that 11 mile stretch will be oiled, but three weks before the filing an antlerless deer. It might also be Mabel Medford to attend the Oregon State Ned Richards Taken To The cheerleaders of Santiam Union Then watch the traffic come up the deadline. However, it would take at well to mention that only hunters convention of the National Associa Salem Hospital Tuesday least a week or more of this time be- with unuused deer tags would be al- tion of Postmasters held there this H gh are scheduling a dance at the Canyon. » • ♦ GATES—Ned Richards was taken fore maps, application blanks, filing lowed to participate. In other words week. They will return via Crater gymnasium Saturday night. Dancing to Salem Memorial Hospital on Tues Ed Cooke, former resident, when procedures, and other unit hunt in if a permit holder kills his buck dur will start at 8 o'clock. Music will be Lake or the coast. One regular mem-i by the record player and all young visiting here Monday stated this is formation could be sent to all license ing the regular season, his antlerless ber of this group Mrs. Ruth Lyon», day by his granddaughter, Mrs. Wln- I »till a plenty good town in which to agents and become available to the deer permit becomes invalid and he Lyons will be unable to attend on ac nifred Sauve, where he was found to people of the area are invited to i could not hunt during the unit season. count of the illness of her husband. be suffering from a gall bladder in come. A small admission will be live. He says the air here is much hunter. fection. He has undergone som« sur better than at Salem. It is fresh and By setting the unit hunt rules on j The staff will propably recommend charged and there will be free re- gery, and will remain for further clear up here at this altitude he said. July 11, hunters would have the In the taking of about 30,000 antlerless freshments and a cake walk. | treatment. All his friends wish him The party will be chaperoned by He predicted a shift of population formation pertaining to the hunts and deer, which is about the same number Gates Reporter Finds | a speedy recovery, and return home. this way, especially after the new applications blanks by the week of | taken each year since 1952. In order Gleason Eakin. Enterprise Gets Around , road, which is now being staked out July 21. This would give all nimrods ' , to achieve this kill it will be neces between Aumsville and Salem, is eom- ample time to make their choice of sary to issue about 100,000 permits, GATES—The Mill City Enterprise ( i Detroit Boy Hurt In 1 pleted. Just don’t sell this area short. area and file applications. which to most hunter» may »eem like is just a smalltown paper, but it aure | Mehama Boy With | It still has a potential that many Such * change in regulation» pro-1 1 a lot of permits, but conservative min does get around! Mr. and Mrs. Ned Fall From Bed communities do not possess and cedures makes it mandatory that all imum when kill records and hunter Richards have received a long letter Army At Fort Ord DETROIT—Raymond Sophy fell from Col. Willis Potter at Arling off hi, bed Sunday afternoon and was Ford Ord, Calif.—Army Pvt. someday the right party or parties person, with suggestions pertaining success are analyzed. Past kill records show that a ton, Virginia, congratulating them on unconscious for * half hour when he Daivd Zollroska, whose wife, San- will come along and realize this po to the unit hunt system be prepared to dra, lives in Stayton, Ore., recent tential, develop it and make a neat present their view, at the July 11 fourth of the perimt holders would their 80th wedding aniversary, and sustained a blow on the head. He was taken to the Santiam hoa- ; kill their buck during the general recalling the old days when he lived hearing. ly completed the field communica piece of change doing it. She July 11 hearing will also see buck season, which would eliminate around Mill City and spent much time 1 pital where he received medicak at- tions crewman course at Fort Ord, Weather at Detroit Dam established the tentative hunting reg ¡them from the unit hunts. This would with members of their family. They I tention. he was then released and Calif. Mas. Min. Pr»- E1W. ulation, covering the seasons, bag .leave about 75,000 hunters with valid also, are the proud recipients of a ' returned home with his parents, Mr. The 23-year-old soldier entered the - - Mrs — Ray Sophy, 72 53 0.00 1566.13 limits, and other rule, for the taking permit» for the unit hunts. Less than letter from Gov. Robert D. Holmes, and — Army last March and completed basic 1 July 2 79 55 0.00 1566.16 of big game, upland gam« birds, and ' one-half of these would be successful complete with State Seal, n’every- training at the fort. 1 July 3 It in reported that Edgar Morrison $ ,<5 * ,• 0.02 1566.26 firbearing animals. Interested per ! in taking a deer during the unit sea- thing. The Governor and Mrs. Holmes Zolkoske, son of Mr. and Mrs. John > July 4 _ 91 59 0.00 1566.31 son, are advised that recommenda ! sons, which would make tbe actual kill joined in congratulations for their will undergo surgery soon on the leg A. Zolkoske, Mehama, is a 1954 grad 1 July 5 94 60 0.00 156647 tions and suggestions for the coming ' about th« number desired. In addition, long term as good Oregon citizens, injured in a logging accident a year uate of Stayton Union High School ’ . ■ 4 99 56 0.00 1566.41 season, should ba submitted to the' some of the deer taken by the permit and their 60 years of wedded happi ago last April. He has been unable and a former employee of Cox 4 Bry- July to work since the injury. ness! & nt 56 0.00 1566.28 commission n writing However, sag- | holders would be buck deer. July Oregon Liquor Funds High During June Vandals Again At Work at Park Gordy McMorris Named All Star Shortstop At Invitational Tourney Detroit School District To Get More Federal Aid for Coming Year Hunt Regulations Io Be Set AT Hearing July 11 In Portland ’Wild' Kidnapper Tries To Snatch House Cat