to 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE! THURSDAY. JULY 3. 1958 i CLASSIFIED RATES Church bazaars, suppars, bake tales, etc, will be run under “Special ^-■nouacements" classification with a minimum charge of 50 cents per iaaertion. Ten cents per line each insertion. Na advertisement accepted for leas 50 cents per week. Count five words to the line in ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill City or mail your advertisement to The Mil) City Enterprise, Mill City, Oregon. See Us for Printing The Mill City Enterprise Viv's Steak House MHI City Phone 5807 • • • Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Closed Mondays WRIGHT TRUCK LINE Between Portland-Salem-ldanha all way points Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Household Moving Stayton Phone 2125 Salem EM 3-1626 SHIP IT WRIGHT SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds, 'l'russes Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. "Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St. Comer of Liberty fc and H Green Stampe Situations Wanted LYONS in Lyons the first of the week. She 1 Sunday and Monday guests at the will spend some time with her mother, home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Wesley and Mrs. Ethel Huffman and grandpar­ family were Mrs Carol Smith «nd two WORK WANTED—By day or hour, ----------------------- - ' l>i Eva Bressler ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard. daughters Lola and Joy. and Mrs. also baby sitting. Genevieve Kest- JULY USED CAR BUYS JULY USED CAR BUYS Rev. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy Ix>well Johana and daughter Bronda erson, S Jim Kesterson, Mill City, por(j yg 4 door sedan. Inter­ j Faith Rebekah Lodge held their last meeting until fall, Wednesday 30p. ceptor motor. Low mileage, Very evening with Zona Sischo noble grand and son David moved Thursday to from Coos Bay. Willamina, where he will have charge Mrs. Charles Cruson has returned clean. presiding with 16 members present. Real Estate 1957 Bel Air 4 door V8 Powerglide, The usual routine of business was of the Methodist church in that city, j home from the Santiam Memorial Rev. Mrs. Ruth Cotton and husband hospital after spending several days like new. Low mileage. L. R. COVILLE, REAL ESTATE 1957 Ford V8 2 door. Thunderbird carried out and the sick reported on. who have been serving the Methodist there for treatment of a broken ankle. A general discussion was held and the Church at Willamette, moved to the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimery and son* M. Nelson, Salesman Phone 1967 motor. Low mileage. Clean car. Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City 1956 Bel Air Hardtop 4 door V-8. next meeting will be Aid on the 10th Lyons parsonage Thursday after- ’ Ja. k and Jerry and Mr. and Mrs. of September. At ii.,'* social hour a noon. Harold Ayers spent Saturday and On Highway 22 I Powerglide. Powerpack. pot luck lunch was served. Beginning July first the Sunday sight seeing. They drove to LIST WITH US 1955 Ford 9-passenger station wag- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis and Beu­ postoffice will be closed from The Dalles and crosses! the river arid We have several dandies with low | on. V8. Fordomatic. lah were in Corvallis Wednesday ev­ came back on the Washington side payments. 11953 Chevrolet Bel Air Hard top ening. They went to see their daugh­ due to the new bus schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom of visiting Yakima and other places. 1 and 2 bedrooms. Good condition convertible. Shift. A coffee hour and fellowship was Also one ideal for larger family 4 1955 Buick Century hardtop. Double ter Miss Lucille Lewis who Is a teach­ Klamath Falls were Tuesday over­ er in the Corvallis schools leave by night guests at the home of her par­ held following church service Sunday bedrooms, 1 Acre. Good garden, Eagle tires and clean. at the Lyons Methodist church for a fruit. Low down payment balance 1953 Buick super 4-door with auto­ plane for Cleveland, Ohio, where she ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons. 1 will attend the National Education As- Mr. and Mrs William C. Martin of get acquainted and honoring the new like rent. matic transmission. Several View homes with of without 1953 DeSoto 4 door. Firedome V8 mo­ ' sociation convention. She was accom- Lynnwood, California spent last week minister Mrs. Ruth Cotton and hus­ , pained by Miss Charelee Edwards al­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert band. acreage. See us before you buy. tor. Nylon tires. Clean. so a teacher in the Corvallis schools Carpenter. I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bassett of Sal- aVgo‘‘at7end' ’nvenHon. JOS. DEVERS REAL ESTATE Many other buys too numerous to who who " will also attend the the ’co convention., Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lockman of em were Sunday guests at the home mention in this space. Come in and W R Hutcheson, Salesman ’ Miss Edwards will purchase a car at ¡Corvallis were Tuesday evening guests ! of his father Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baa- make the best deal of your Uie" I Flint, Michigan, so the young ladies at the home of Elmer Hiatt. They I sett. Cecil who recently graduated Phone 4515 < Gates __ “ Oregon. ______ GENE TEAGUE CHEVROLET | will drive home. Enroute they will were enroute home after visiting at the ‘from the University of Oregon at Eu- Stayton, Oregon |visit Nigiara Falls, relatives in Kan- Peterson’s Rock Garden near Red- gene, has taken a job in Salem, and 3-BEDROOM HOME—Well built Eng­ Phone RO 9-2237 lish type dwelling, large l.-d. rm., ¡sas and Yellowstone Park as well as mond. | they have moved to that city. lots of cabinets, large lot, view. other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gulick of Sal­ Mrs. Vernon Digemess and little Miscellaneous $5,500, or rent $55 with option to i Mrs. Sheldon Titus and two small daughter left the first of the week for em and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fulton of buy. See Glen Shelton. 29 WANTED—Party can have three sons from Seattle, Washington arrived their home at Anchorage, Alaska. Mrs. Willamina were Sunday guests at acres of hay for the cutting, For Digemess spent two weeks here with the home of Mrs. Donna Asmussen Business Opportunities information call J. R. Mason, 5502. thereto and the settlement of s-aid es­ her mother after being called here by i and daughter Mildred. 28p. tate. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Savage moved Mill City. the sudden death of her father, George OPPORTUNITY 1 Huffman. Monday to Newberg. Mr. Savage who BEATRICE SMITH, and MAN OR WOMAN FOR SALE—Red Raspberries Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schiewek and will be employed at the Tigard school Executrix of the Estate of Responsible person from this area, to cultivated wild blackberries.—John family left early Saturday morning this fall will attend summer school. service and collect from automatic Kunkle, Lyons. Phone ULrick Rose Price, Deceased. Mt. Jefferson Lumber Company on a two weeks vacation trip, which dispensers. No selling. Age not es- 8.2392. 27p BELL & GEHLEN I will take them to visit relatives in closed their mill down Friday evening . sential. till lit» 1. V Car, <1*^ J references, Citi ClllrJ, dill! ana u a aiiiBU small ---------- ------------------------------------- v /-> Stayton, Oregon June 27. The milk will be down until investment necessary. 7 to 12 hours ''ANTED ™ TO T.WTV BUI CeJar Shake SO both North and South Dakota. Attys, for Exe*. __ ..... nets excellent ___ >1 ___ . li Rolts. A Wil Mrs. Pearl Hudson will leave the I the 16th of July. Some repair work Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills weekly monthly in­ will during uiav that time. “* be done uu,mg nine, Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE first of the week for La Grande,." come.Possibility fulltime work. For where she will visit at the home of I and Mrs. John McClurg left local interview give phone and par­ POWER MOWER—Repairing and STATE OF OREGON her brother. While there she with j Monday morning for Baker, where ticulars. Write P. O. Box 146, Min­ FOR THE COUNTY OF LINN Sharpening. See 6 reenough’s Saw her brother and family will attend a they will spend several days at the neapolis 40, Minn. 27p IN EQUITY Shop at Gates for a good job. family reunion held at Payette Lake 1 home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim George Frichtl and Phone 7341. On the highway at in Idaho. | McClurg. While their they will al- RESPONSIBLE PERSON Ida Frichtl, ) Gates, Oregon. lOtf. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Erickson and > visit his mother and other rela- Male or female, from this area, want­ Husband and Wife, ) family of Salem were Sunday after- ' t>ves. ed to service and collect from auto­ OFFICE FURNITURE and equip- | Plaintiffs, ) matic vending machines. No selling. noon visitors at the home of her par- I ment, typewriters, au iing machine.-, vs. ) ents, Age not essential. Car, references, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hollings- ■ calculators, cash registers, duplicat- ' Richard G. Becker, ) and $750 working capital necessary. head. ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, Becker, ) Anita B. 5 to 8 hours weekly nets to $250 Sunday afternoon guests at the | GENERAL REPAIRING rent, swap and repai' Bargains in ’ Howard J Becker, ) | home monthly. Possibility full time work. of Mrs. Inez Ring was Ralph WELDING used machines. Roei. Typewriter ; Margery B. Becker, ) t For local interview give full par­ Exchange, 45" Court St.. Salem, if ! Harry Brown, alias ) 'Trask of Albany and his grandaught- ticulars, with phone. Write MON­ Sharon Kellow from Klamath i We have on hand Harry Lawrence ) | | er Falls, and ARCH SUPPLY CO., 11715 Rainier Mrs. Rillie Trask of SEWING MACHINE > Brown, Clarice DELCO BATTERIES 27 Very nice Singer electric portable Ave., Seattle 88, Washington. Brown, Foster-Mc­ ) i hama. Mr. and sewing machine. Has attachments Mrs. Erank Kimery NO. 28393 Culloch Company, An ) family of Man living in or vicinity of Mill City including button holer. Pick up 6 SUMMONS Mehama moved over Oregon Corporation, ) to handle wholesale supply ac­ week end to Lyons. Some time ago | payments of $5.65 or will discount William E. Guier, ) counts. No selling or soliciting. Ap- for cash. Phone credit manager, Charlene Guier, Or­ ) they purchased the former home of Veryl & Jim Hoover, Prop . proximately $700 a month profit to Empire 4-7102 or write P. O. Box land J. Cox, Maxine ) his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kim-| Ph. 2602 start. With extra effort accounts or Ph. 351 163._________________ 27 A. Cox, June Arlene ) ery and have been doing repair work I can be handled on a part time basis on the house. Brown, Valley Credit at first but must be willing to de­ i vote full time in near future for ex­ WANT TO~BUYTIMBER Service, Inc., An Ore­ Small or large tracts gon Corporation, i pansion accounts that company will Either cash or stumpage basis Merchants Credit obtain. Business potential of $25,000 Bureau of Salem, Inc., annual income. Must be responsible, STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. I An Oregon Corpora­ have a good credit rating, and a Vi mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf tion, Veryl Hoover reliable car. You will need a mini­ and James Hoover, mum of $1,450 to $2,900 cash to Sawmill LOGS WANTED Top prices for Second Growth Defendants. properly handle* This business of­ fers sound security and financial STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. |TO: Orland J. Cox, Maxine A. Cox and future. If you can meet these re­ *4 west of Mehama. Oregon 54 ft June Arlene Brown Defendants. quirements us your background and write: In the Name of the State of Ore- . »£ ly aood place to spend an ev Furniture gon: You are hereby required to ap- Superior Placement Service , . ening where the food is ex- fpear and answer the Complaint filed ' NFINISHED FURNITURE and against you in the above entitled ac-1 Inc. quisite and the music good, Used Furniture Bargains. We give |tion within ten days from the date of i MAIN OFFICE Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804, here is the place to come. service of this Summons upon you. if { 15310 HIGHWAY 7 H. L Stiff Furniture Company, I served within this County; or if serv- HOPKINS, MINNESOTA 367 rd St.. Stayton 33tf I ed within any other County of this | Try one of our choice steaks 27c State, then within Twenty days from I or a plate of chicken. \\Y . the date of the service of this Sum- For Rent Legal Notices , mons upon you; and if you fail so to Sea Foods too. answer, for want thereof, the - Plain- FOR RENT—Hospital beds and mat­ NO. 16,899 ------ . — ............. ........... tresses, rollaway beds and mat­ NOTH E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ,lffs w111 demand judgement and De- Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Lo. I have filed my Final Account in the cree as prayed for in the Complaint, We gave Penny Saver Stamps. 367 estate of Rose Price, deceased, with 10,1 file herein. BELL Ä GEHLEN 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf ' the County Clerk of Marion County, Attys at Law Oregon and the court has set the 22 FOR RENT—1 bedroom and 2 bed­ Oregon of July, 1958, at 9:15 o'clock A. . Stayton, ... room furnished houses one mile east day Phone UL 9-2171 Mehama, Oregon M. and the circuit court room as the Date of First Publication: July 3 of Mill City. Has TV cable installed time and place for hearing objections ' Date of Last Publication July 24 See Mrs. Bob Rash at that location. Oliver Willis. 26tfc. I Hoover's Repair The Riverview Cafe Announcing • r >4í • You can’t help but Notice the difference, when you use are Service. SILVER SADDLE Automobiles A'"* CALL US FOR WHOLESALE FROZEN FOOD SERVICE FULL MEASURE LYONS OF PROTECTION SERVICE STATION & Does your present day val- TRAILER COURT Phone 903, Mill City. ■e of your property outweigh 100% FINANCING your fire insurance coverage? MOTOK TUNEUP8 and HRAMK WORK stantial. Better check with us. AUTO SUPPLIES NO OBLIGATION If so your loss could be sub­ D. B. H/ii INSURANCE COMPANY MILL CITY MEATS DETROIT DELIVERY EVERY THURSDAY GUARANTEED PRODUCTS JUICES VEGETABLE FRUITS IGLOO FOODS COMPANY 1750 Fairgrounds Road Phone EMpire 4-0168 Salem, Ore