Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE BUCKET BAGS Priced at S2.98 I plus Tax FLAGS FOR FOURTH THE 10c 29c 39c ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP MILL CITY, OREGON .( — THE ,2 TH l MILL CITY ENTERPRISE A THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1958 Mary Mary Kelly. Kelly, Woman's Woman í Editor Editor NEW SHIPMENT OF c g f 7Zu? Womc^i Pooe timberline f __ Phone 625 9 By John .£• „ barmers in Lincoln County may soon cut the cost of liming their fields in half through a cooperative project initiated by Georgia-Pacific Corpor ation and the county agent. The company will salvage and stockpile lime from chemical leftovers at its new The Mill City Christian Church held Toledo pulp and paper plant for use Eight members and two guests at by local farmers. The material is of In a recent interview with Mr. and their annual election Sunday after noon following the Morning services tended the regular meeting of the approximately the same quality as Mrs. Tom Means of Salem, former Mill City Jaycettes held Thursday at that which the farmers are now using. resident here many years ago, it was and pot luck dinner. Officers elected for 1958-51» are. the home of Mrs. Bob Rash. Highlight learned that the educators will soon ,, ’ * ’ leave for a three-year stay in For Elders, Richard Freeman, Robert of the evening was an interesting de Turkish Bath Far Lojs mosa, now called Tiawan, where Mr. Gregory, Hugh Jull, and Glen Shelton; monstration on the art of cake de Peeler logs get a Turkish bath when Means will head the Morrison Acad Deacons, Lawrence Brent, E. K. Fish, corating given by Mrs. Dick Parker they arrive at International Paper emy for children of missionaries and Eldon Hutchinson. James Putman, of Gates. Co.’s Long-Bell Division plant at and William Army personnel, through the 12th , Floyd . - Shepherd —r------ ---- --------- - Shep- • I During the business meeting Mrs. Vaughn, Ore. grade. Mrs. Means will teach in the herd; Junior Deacons, •. Arthur The big peelers are given a steam ---- _ Hedge, . James Wright was elected as presi- primary department of the school Jr., Donald Howe, and Bill Putman; , room treatment for 24 hours to make noucu urrgv./ d* nt ^r the remainder Of the year which is located at Taichung. Deaconesses, Mrs. Robert Gregory. them easier to peel into higher-grade Mrs. Parents of Howard Means, also a Mrs. Arthur Hedge, ’ Sr. or., .ms. Hugh nus" she succeeds - Mrs. - Bill Ingram, ~ s*- who Tk. ■ Mrs. The veneer and dry faster afterwards. former teacher here, the Means be- Jull, Mrs. James Putman, Elmer . has moved from the community. T |eon»"g Bar-B-Q and scavanger hunt Plant officials believe their mill, lo came interested in the project when | Shaw and Mrs. Herbert - Whitaker; cated near Eugene, is the only on* — • dis- leir vnurcn ur«*, mrs. r *•*- planned for July * 27 was also . , . , among some 200 plywood planta on a missionary from Africa was their Church Clerk, Mrs. auiu Abin vwp:*, Cooper; Fin- As ancial Secretary, Mrs. James Poole, Final arrangements for this house-guest a short time BgO. AS ***** *«* oviiitaij, antao. » the Pacific Coast which is peeling urer, Mrs. Mrs. Kathleen Kalnleen Storey ; even* W,11 I* announced at the next steamed logs. Mr. Means retires this year, it is a! Sr., Treasurer, voluntary service with no additional Trustee, Herbert Whitaker; Church meeting. pay, other than his retirement which Pianist, Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson, as It was decided to postpone the sistant, Mrs. Hugh Jull; Bible School regular meeting scneauieu lur uui, he would receive anyway. scheduled for July Mr. and Mrs. Means have been con Supt., Mr. Glen Shelton; Bible School^ due to the holiday following. The nected with the schools in West Sa Secretary, Mrs. Eldon Hutchinson; 1 next meeting will be held Thursday, lem for the past 12 years at the ele Bible School Librarian, Mrs. Hugh July 10 at the Jaycee hall at 8 p. m. ••íimiiiiniiísa mentary level, with seven years over Jull; Bible School pianist, Mrs. Eldon Cards were played the rest of the both Junior high and elementary Hutchinson; Mrs. William Shepherd ----- evening with Mrs. Harold Simes and His sister, Abbie Means Geertsen, assistant and Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. I Mrs. Gordy McMorris winning prizes. was also a teacher here for a number Wm. Shepherd. The members and guests, Mrs. Park of years. | er and Mrs. John Wills enjoyed re The Howard Means family will be freshments served by the hostess. moving to Pendleton .bi. the rehabil where he will continue in itation work in which he became in terested in Salem. Mrs. Means is re ported as improving slowly, with hope to keep her illness retarded or dormant. Their elder son, Tommy, who had been in Salt Lake City, Utah, with relatives for over a year, is now Schuyler Southwell, Inc., Milwaukie. with them, as are the two girls. His , Friday submitted a bid of $17,277 to 7th birthday was celebrated by the I be‘ '¡¿w of“ six ‘bidders" when blds“ were family and grandparents last week, opened by the Portland District, Corps The younger boy is still in Salt Lake i of - - ■ Engineers, for construction of a City. rigid steel frame storage building at Address of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Detroit Dam on the North Santiam Means will be: 18 Wu Chung Lu, River. Taichung, Taiwan, (Formosa). The building is to be 60 ft by 140 ft Guests Monday evening of Mr. and eight inches with 12-foot high side Mrs. Jack Scott were Mr. and Mrs. i "alls. Siding and roofing is to be of Albert Stevens of Lyons, and Brad- j corrugated galvanized steel. ley Toman, of Salem. The event was i Government estimate for the work in the honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert, was $16,500. Work must be complet- Steven’s wedding anniversary. ! ed in 60 calendar days. Former Residents To Christian Church Holds Jaycees Meet At Annual Election Sunday Ro$|) Teach In Formosa WAHTADS Th*r Af‘°u,e Man Ser*ice •7 Dtvtr art ner¥OUs n" ">•« ¿'<¿‘¿11 K >™ck !o "«4.J So unless you’d likt to l>e marooned beneath the moon... whet her you own a lizzy or a limo, better etart your tripe at the "76” to be sure your car is filled up and checked out! WIN (25 Ml Send u( ■ limerick «tout your favorito Union Oil product or Mrvico It publiahod, wo’ll oond you o chock for »25 00 Write to 76 Llmerlcka. Union Oil Co Union Oil Center, P.O. Bo> 7600, Loe Angeles 54, Calif. UNION OIL COMPANY o» CALIFORNIA TUNl IN 7$ Sro'f» Cut <■ ARC-TV * « • ‘ i < t bull »1 you' Unior. Station Mill City Enterprise Milwaukie Firm Low Bidder Constructing Detroit Dam Building A HAND FROM THE LOSSES. WHO HARVESTS TIMBER. IN staggered settings . this giant checkerboard is good forestry . GEEDB CROM ADJOINING TREES SOW the harvest areas past r ? r new crops High School eing Wrecked t * 4 4» ’ For Sale: Lumber of all kinds » . * • SOIL PIPE. PH MBING- SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC WIRING AND * F OTHER FIXTURES. WINDOWS and FRAMES. DOORS. SOME PLYWOOD AND NUMEROUS OTHER BUILDING ITEMS. COME AND GET IT AT Bit. SAVINGS. SULLIVAN BROS. 0 '> (BOB and JACK) MILL CITY. OREGON » MID SUMMER SALE • • PRICES ON OUR MIDSUMMER BROADSIDE GOOD ALL THIS WEEK. Check the Many Bargains. • -1 * COLD PACK CANNER 8PC. PICNIC SET OF CUSTOMERS IF YOU DO THEN ADVERTISE REGULARLY IN THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. BEST COVERAGE OF THE UPPER CANYON OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD >< We Also Specialiie in \ _ COMMERCIAL PRINTING Consult us on your next order. The Mill City Enterprise FHONE 6651 MILL CITY Reg. $2.59 Reg. $1.49 Service for 4 SAVE on fornily tiie Conner — holds 7 pint» or 7 quarts. 89* PlosCc picnic set includes 4 cup*, 4 fitted plotes. 4 bright colors. Service & Quality Hardware Ph. 1824 A. and M. Toman Mill City, Ore. k