Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1958)
I THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ON THE SCENIC NORTH SANTIAM HIGHWAY — GATEWAY TO THE HEART OF NATURE S EMPIRE VOLUME XIV NUMBER 27 MILL CITY. OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1958 M M A YEAR 10c A COTT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ,------------------ New Mail Route Started July 1 Wins Special Prize in Safety Essay Contest I Aumsville Man Drowns Sunday At Niagara Douglas Hirte Receives The Chevalier Degree Ball Games and Fireworks Set For July Fourth GATES—The Chevelaler Degree, highest honor that may be bestowed by the DeMolay order, was concerred on Douglas Hirte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Starting July 1 a changg was made W. B. Hirte of Gates, and Marion in the mail service and routes, ac Schollian and Jim Urhammer of cording to Postmaster Charles Kelly. Turner, on Saturday evening in the Hamman Stage Lines who has car State Policeman Wally Cobine and (Stayton Masonic Hall. The degree Residents of the area are invited to ried the mail as far as Idanha for Ted Baughman recovered the body team was composed of Earl Wipper spend July 4th in Mill City. The Fire many years will terminate their run of Thomas Joseph Van Duesen, 28- and Lawrence Edwards of Turner, men and the Lions club have joined at Mill City and the Star Route from yegr-old Aumsville resident Monday Henry Tate and Doc Martin of Stay forces to bring two little league ball Tdanha to Marion Forks has been ex- , afterno on from the whirlpool at Nia ton, and Jack Gulliford, of Gates for games in the evening of the fourth to tended to Mill City. gara where he had fallen in while the Mill City organization. be followed by a giant display of The Hamman Stage Lines will car- I Vocal selections were rendered by fireworks at Allen Field. fishing Sunday afternoon. Firemen ry the mail from Salem to Mill from here and workers from the dam j twleve Rainbow girls of Mill City, and The concession stand at the ball City by way of Turner, Aumsville, cooperated with police Sundav after i "elr> < iipxell sang ihe Lord s Pray- .)ark will be handled by the auxiliarieH West Stayton, Sublimity, Stayton, i ' the accident in an attempt to locate |*r’’ «^«npamed by Mrs. Clipfell. of tht, Firemen and the Lion, club Scio and Lyons. Mehama will be serv the body. Cobine and Baughman went Larry Morgan of Staytbn was toast- Rex Ohmart, president of the Lions ed on the return to Salem. into the pool in a rubber boat and | master. Mrs. Sid Maughman and Mrs.1 club stated today that the nark has lack Gulliford and Mrs. W. B. Hirte Jerry Pittam, who has the contract were successful in raising the body, been cleaned up and anyone wishing to carry the mail rom Mill City to were on the refreshment committee. to picnic in the shade of the tree» from the bottom of the pool. Marion Forks, will serve Gates, De- i is more than welcome. Van Dusen was fishing with a bro troit, Breitenbush, Idanha and Mar- | ther, Melvin Van Dusen, at Niagara ion Forks. This route will have box east of here when he apparently delivery for those living on the route slipped on a rock and fell into the and desire this type of service. For deep hole, according to officers. I information, consult your postmaster. He leaves his widow, Phyllis, and The schedule for this route will be two children, Thomas Bart and Dan to leave Mill City at 9 a. m. and re iel. turn at 3:50 p. m. i IDANHA A timber sale was held Born December 5, 1929 at St. Ig The mail from Salem will arrive natius, Mont., he lated moved with by Hamman Stage Lines at 8:30 a. m. Harold Duane Billington, 15, Sa recently at Eugene with successful his parents to Portland where he lem, was wounded fatally Tuesday bid going to Harold Waller Log- and 1 p. m. and will be dispatched at graudated from Central Catholic high afternoon when his .22 caliber rifle ging Company, 8:45 and 4:05 n. m. school. He moved to Aumsville in discharged accidentally. The sale was the Brientenbusb For further details and closing 1949 and married Phyllis Wyant in times check the schedule in the lobby Billington had left Salem Tuesday drainage in the Short Creek area. 1954. Volume was 950,00 board feet of of the Post Office. morning with two companions. They K. C. (Huck) Goins will be driving For the past six years he had heen fished in the Santiam river near Douglas fir and pine and 50,000 board the mail truck for Pittam. employed by Willamette Builders of Lyons, then decided to hunt. They I feet of associated species. Total vol Aumsville. He was a member of St. went to Fox Valley just west of Mill ume was 1,000,000 board feet. Forest service appraisal price was Boniface Catholic churcti and the City. Knights of Columbus in Sublimity. I Billington and another boy were $11,615. total sale price was $33,370. | One-quarter mile of road is to be built shooting at a snake. Billington 1 _ Additional survivors include his 1 mother, Mrs. Francis VanDusen; thought the snake crawled under under . a according to forest service specific«" four sisters, Eileen, Barbara, Ger | shovel in an abandoned farmyard. He tions. Competitive bidders were: Simp- aldine and Jacqueline; another broth was using the rifle butt to turn the ’ > mg; Howell and Gulliford, er Michael, all of Aumsville; and I shovel over when the weapon fired, Athel Savage; Baughman & Pentlick, 1 the bullet entering his heart, killing Mrs. Elsie Ann Van Dusen, Salem. Piper Lumber Co.; Young & Morgan Recitation of the Rosary was Wed him instantly. His companion« were Kenneth Graham Logging Co. and Bodeker & The U. S. Natioanl bank of Port nesday at St. Boniface Catholic Duggan Logging. land has marked up a 71-million dol Mrs. William Lee, Mill City, a former employee of The Mill church at Sublimity. Requeim Mass Turner, 17, and Dennis Casey, 15, An error was reported recently lar gain in deposits since June, 1957. City Enterprise, put her experience to work in winning a special will follow Thursday at 9 a.m. at the both of Salem. Billington’s parents, Total deposits as of June 23 were church with interment at St. Bar Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Billington, and concerning the Scar Mountain sale. Volume board feet was reported 11,- four sisters are among survivors. $781,784,201 compared with $710,,- prize in Simpson Logging Company’s safety essay contest. bara's cemetery in Salem. 400,000. Correct total board feet was She won $25 for telling in a sincere, moving way what safety 721,850 a year ago. 112,400,000. During the same period, loans and at Simpson means to her. She thought and wrote: discounts for the statewide system "Tomorrow looks so bright—so crowded with promises and reached $356,388,971, a gain of better plans, hope-so's and maybes. There's a house to finish and a than $32 million. This increase is an pasture to fence, and a little boy waiting for the best box-kite indication of U. S. National’s assist ance in providing business and per ; r.i the world; the kind that only a Dad can make. "But our tomorrows depend upon the safety today of the sonal financing, E. C. Sammons, pres man who holds our dreams in his big broad hands. Safety at ident pointed out. The Mill City branch reported total Simpson Logging Company means he’ll be home tonight—to but- j About 50 to 75 residents of the area | deposits of $1.744,983.87 as of June ton a little girl’s nightie; to build a kite while the wind’s still served by the Valley Telephone Com- ating at a very small margin of pro- 23. Loans and discounts on the same high. Nelson J. Leonard, Seattle, Thur*- pany were on hand Thursday forenoon ' fit much less than the 6% allowed by date totalled $734,322.16, acording to Other winners from Simpson ’ s Lyons Plant were Mrs. day submitted a bid of $10,935 to b» law. when a hearing on the rate increase D. B. Hill, Jr., manager. i ne commission caunvi, ■cwsum* low of seven bidders when bids wore The cannot, according Total resources for the U. S. Nat Lowell F. Fleetwood, Mrs. Alice L. Miotke and Mrs. Maurice W. was held before Sam Maerz who re ional system, with its 65 banking of Rea in the adult division; Nelson Geraths, Eugene Skaug and presented the Public Utilities Com to Maerz, force a company to give a I opened by the Portland District, fices throughout the state, stood at Fred Sutherland in the high school division; Penny Christensen mission. Chairman of the meeting certain type of service, and stated Corps of Engineers, for two cranes at $863.579,154 compared with $790,440,- and Beverly Minten, upper elementary division and Sandra Rea was Mayor J. C. Kimmel and secretary all the company is required to give. Lookout Point Dam on the Middle ! under the law, is adequate service at Fork Willamette River and one at the was Bob Hill. 132 a year ago. in the lower elementary division. a reasonable rate, and it is pretty dif- Detroit Dam on the North Santiam “Oregon’s only home-owned state D. B. Hill presented the case for The contest was open to the families of employees in Simp wide bank, U. S. National plays an son’s Oregon operations. Employees themselves were not eligible. the residents of the area, stating is ficult to say just what adeaquate ser- | River. The cranes must be delivered, in is. active part in the development of this was the understanding of the patrons vice stalled and tested within 120 calendar The Utilities man stated now that state," Hill commented. “Our bank of the company that there would be the increase in rates had been granted days. |VERN THOMAS LOSES TWO sincerely believes in * tremendous no increase in telephone rates until that improvement in service will be Other bidders were: Dalzell Rigging FINGERS IN SHOP ACCIDENT future for this region and will con such time as the system was convert the first order of the day. He also Co., Berkeley, Calif., $01,999; Paul- Mrs. Vern Thomas, formerly of ed to dial, also mentioning the fact tinue to work closely with the people Mill City writes informing friends that the date for dial service had stated the commission would be check son Machine Works, Portland, $11,- of this area in the further develop 538; Air Mac Incorporated of Ore- that Vern lost two fingers on his been set for August 1 this year. Also ing to see that this was done. ment of commerce, agriculture and in gon, portland, $11,611; Nissen Ser- Mr. Brown stated that a call for right hand recently in a shop acci dustry.” LYONS—Miss Beulah Lewis of the dent. He was taken to St. Mary's brought out was the service given by bids for construction of the company vice Co., Milwaukee, WIs., $11,829; During the past 11 months, U. S. Lyons Variety Store, who is agent for hospital in Tucson, Ariz. Those wish the present company. would be made immediately upon the McMahon Brothers, Inc., Portland, National has opened two new branch Martin Kelly talked on the num approval of the loan. the Hammon Stage Line in Lyons $12,794; and Walter Dankas, San ing to write them may do at at this es and announced plans for two oth Francisco, Calif., $15,524. states there is a new bus schedule ef address, 1920 Belvedere in that city. ber of subscribers being served by Rate Schedule Given ers. A second branch was opened in fective each line, and complained about the July 1st. The following buses for Following i* the rate schedule Klamath Falls and a new branch was Mrs. Thomas also writes that their poor service and maintenance of the established in the Menlo Park section leave Lyons going to Salem, at 11:35 son, Patrick, has joined the army and lines. Others were given an opport - Mill City, Aumsville, Detroit, and the a. m- and 4:20 p m. also one schedule is taking his basic training at Fort uity to express their complaints at ’ Turner Exchanges. of northeast Portland. A second that leaves at 8:10 going to Mill City Manually Dial branch for Eugene will be opened some Ord, Calif. the meeting. Service Operated Operated She said it has been “nice and time in August. Late in the year, a and down the north side of the river Lowell Brown, owner of Valley $5.50 1 party business $3.50 new branch at S. E. 48th avenue and to Salem. This 8:10 a. m. schedule warm,’’ 105 degrees. Whuff. Telephone Co., then gave a brief his-' 2 party business ..... 3.25 goes from Stayton thru Scio and over 4.50 Woodstock boulevard will be ready to tory of the company from its Incep 10 party business .... 2.75 Lyons and on to Mill City. 3.50 According to notice received here, »erve that section of eoutheast Port I to Schedules tion, stating that the lines were in arriving in Lyons from 1.50 Frederick William Haack, father of Extension phones , 1-50 land. bad condition and that they had been , Salem going east is far as Mill City Residential Rates 1 Mrs. Leland Kaplinger of this city, A new building was completed in at the time he took over operation of 1 party .................. $3.00 8:10 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. One $4.60 passed away Thursday, June 26, at May for the Hillsboro Commercial are the company schedule arriving in Lyons from Sal- 3.60 the home of another daughter, Mrs. 2 party _____ 2.75 branch with a major remodeling and He gave a« reason for the delay in 4 party .. ________ 2.50 1 em and leaving for Bend at 7:50 p. m. 3.00 Max Shulz, of Jefferson. A resident expension program, including a mot- constructing the new dial line* as 10 party .... . _____ 2.50 ' Anyone leaving on the 7:50 p. m. bus 3.00 of the Salem area for many yean, or bank, now under way at the Citi The summer recreation program lack of financing. Under the law it is i he had been in ill health for some zens branch at Grand avenue and S. to Bend will please purchase their sponsored jointly by the City and the necessary for the company to sell 40% ticket prior to 6:30 p. m. week nites time. E. Alder in Portland. School district and under the super of the amount of the loan in stock, and 6:00 p. m. Saturday nites at the Mr. Haack wag born in Theresa, vision of Gleason Eakin is naw in and then the balance of 60% can be store at those hours. Anyone wishing Dodge County, Wiac., February 26, full swing. About 60 young boys are borrowed. He stated the cost of the Well Child Clinic a time schedule may have one as they 1866, and was a member of the Luth ! playing little league baseball at the system here would be in the neigh are available at the store. Wednesday, July 2, Santiam Re eran church. He came to Oregon in Held Here Recently borhood of $200,000. He also said present time. 1890, later spent some time In Cali A total of 28 children receivi ed ser- Mr. Eakin states there is not much that according to present plans the bekah Lodge, official visit. July 3, Firemen’s dance at Gates. fornia, and then returned to Marion vice* at the well child conference and response from the Gates area, and in loan will be granted about November Friday, July 4, Fourth of July county. He was a member of the mmunization clinic held at Santiam vites all youth in that area to come 1st of this year, and that work will go Union high school June 24. The area and join in the fun. They will be more forward rapidly after the money is celebration. Two ball games, Inde Farmers' Union and the Marion Com served by Mill City, Gates, Detroit available. In building the new system pendence, vs. Mill City, and fireworks munity club. than welcome. and Idanha. i Starting July 7, the tennis court about half of the money will be used following at dark. Concession stand I Surviving are five daughter* and a son: Mrs. Schulz, Jefferson; Mrs. will be open at the ball field. Six children were seen by Dr. Stone will be open to the youth of the area. for equipment and half for labor. Eric Brander, Troutdale; Mis* and 10 polio shots 10 DPT shots and Brown also stated that he had Girls will have the courts from 2 un- Laura Haack, San Francisco; Mrs. RI4 HARD SCHIEWEK NOW three smallpox vaccinations given. raised the pay of the chief operator Two employees of the Portland Dis- til 3 and the boys will begin their Orville, Albany; Mrs. Leland Kap- Lenore Lee and Jackie Farrier of I trict, Corps of Engineers, have been game s at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Gladys Mason and that on the first SERVING ON OKINAWA CAMP HANSEN, Okinawa—Mar lingcr, Mill City; and Frank Haack, the PT A, Kathleen Story of the Chris presented with cash awards, one for of July operators also got an increase ine Pfc. Richard E. Schiewek, son of Petaluma, Calif. tian church and Ethel Hutchinson, I Special service «nd the other for BOY WE’VE HAD IT in pay. One of the sister* of Mrs. Kapling- health chairman, aided with the work sustained superior performance. In speaking of the 25c charge on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schiewek of Lyons, ALL 1HIS WEEK and husband of the former Miss Glor er, the former Mis* Bonnie Haack, at the clinic. phone calls made after 10 o ’ clock at This week had been a bugaboo for Elaine Olson, 2706 S. E. 84th ave., ia Carr of Lyons, is serving with the wa* an elementary school teacher tn an Engineering Division employee, ; The Enterprise. Monday, the motor on night, this being printed In the new Mill City many year* ago. was presented with a $250 special ser our display typesetting machine went directory, Mr. Brown stated that to Third Anti-Tank Battalion of the Third Marine Division of Camp Han his knowledge there never has been a ' but it could not be repaired in time to vice award by Lt. Col. J. Newton Cox, sen, Okinawa. Deputy District Engineer, for con help out for Tuesday and Wednesday, charge for service after the 10 o’clock This outfit use» the "Onto*,” a new RONALD RAGSDALE IS hour and that it should not have been ducting the Red Cross blood bank for ' the really busy days in our plant. < ENTENNT1AL BOARD MEMBER Marine Corps anti-tank weapon. Hence many news stories have been printed in the directory. the Portland District from 1949 to Word was received here today from Some customers complained of hav cut short this week, and some adver- 1958 Weather at Detroit Dam Don Penfold, that Ronald Ragsdale ing been charged for a 2-party line ' t.sements had to be left out. The Oscar L- Bergevin of the Seago Bab and Jack Sullivan of Mill City 7 00 A M. Daily Weather Readlags of Mill City has been named to the resented the low bid for razing the ing Hopper Dredge Biddle, was pre ! motor is supposed to be back in pro service where they were on a four- county board of the Oregon Centenn And lake Elevation party line. Mr. Brown stated all these old Mill City high school building sented a $200 sustained superior per duction by this evening—we hope. Max. Min. pc*. Elev. ial commission. descrepancie* would be rectified formance award by William Owens, and at this time workmen are busy His job will be to coordinate any 58 55 0.69 1566.45 Mr. Maer* in speaking of the rate June 25 When ironing corduroy press on the earing down the old structure which Coaatal project engineer at Fort activity in this area with the activity 1566.21 0.00 26 77 57 June holds fond memories for many of the Stevens. The award was for the per wrong side using a steam iron and increase stated it was justified and June 27 0.13 1565.90 of the county board for the Oregon 66 51 that probably if the patron* went to soft towels for padding. iod January 1956 to April 1958. local folks who had attended school 60 48 0.48 1565.77 Centennial celebration next year. court, the court would award the June 28 While acting master of the Dredge there. Ronald la a member of the Jaycees June 29 65 48 0.00 1565.90 New cold-water detergents are gen telephone company an even greater They stated today that they will Biddle, there were no lost time acci June 30 58 60 042 1666.03 and is also active in the Linn County rate inereaae. Figure* were given dents for a continuous period of 1» , tie — can be used on woolen* and fonn- have the lot cleared before Septem , 07 51 trace 1566 10 Historical Society. showing that the company was oper- July 1 dation garments saftely. rr.onthj. ber 1. Rifle Shot Fotdl tO Ldi! Waller Logging Gets Breitenbush Timber Bank Shows Deposit Gain Telephone Hearing Held Here Draws Large Crowd Seattie Firm Bid low For Three Cranes At Dam Projects New Bus Schedule In Effect At Lyons Now Father of Local Lady Dies In Jefferson Recreation Program Now in Full Swing Two Army Engineers Employees Receive Cash Awards Old High School Being Razed Now