7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THLRSDAY. JUNE 26. 1958 Bassett are moving to Salem soon, ternoon where they visited friends hr has employment. until Sunday night. FOX VALLEY | where Harley Scott has taken care of the Fax Thayer of Portland was a cal Real Estate JOS DEVERS REAL ESTATE Miscellaneous CLASSIFIED RATES W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake Cbureh bazaars, suppers, bake Pbons 4Mb Gates. Oregon. Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills ealea, etc. will be run under “Specia. Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf Awnoaacements” classification with Business Opportunities POWER MOWER—Repairing and a minimum charge of 50 cents per Sharpening. See Greenough’s Saw tBMTtion. RELIABLE PARTY Shop at Gates for a good job. Ten cents per hne each insertion, j Must be capable to operate and man Phone 7341. On tke highway al IQs advertisement accepted for leu age a business. Work consists of lOtf. Gates, Oregon. *aa 50 cents per week. servicing route of cigarette ma Count five words to the line in chines. No selling. Full or part time. OFFICE FURNITURE »nd equip ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill ment. typewriters, adding machines, Route will be established for op CMy er mail your advertisement to calculators, cash registers, duplicat erator. At least $1,100.(10 to $2,- The Mill City Enterprise, Mil) City, ora, safes, filing equipment. We gelt 200.00 cash investment required. rent, »wap and repait Bargains it Grego®. This is a very profitable business of used machines. Roeh Typewritei your own that can be started on a Exchange. 456 Court St., Salem, tf small scale and be built up to a very large profit annually. Write giving phone no. to American Vik WANT TO BUY TIMBER Small or large tracts ing Mfg. Co., 1513 Foshay Tower, Either cash or stumpage basis Minneapolis 2, Minnesota. 26p. See Us for Printing OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS The Mill City Enterprise Opportunity for reliable man or wom Viv's Steak House Phone 5807 MHI City Closed Mondays 9 Between Portland-Salem-Idanha all way points Allied Van Lines Agent Local & Nationwide Household Moving Stayton Phone 2125 Salem EM 3-1626 SHIP IT WRIGHT SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trusses Abdominal Supports Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms. ‘Ask Your Doctor” Capital Drug Store 504 State St Comer of Liberty S and H Green Stampe Vi mile we»t of Mehama. Oregon Stf an to serve this community as local MR. T. V. OWNER—You have quite an investment in your set. Why not distributor of nationally popular prepare now for Electrical Storms products sold through vending ma chines. Person selected will own I this summer. We have lightning and manager of an established | arrestors that are simple to install for only .90c.—Stiffler Radio-TV, route. By investing $605 and de I voting few hours spare time each Mill City, Phone 3207. 26 week, can earn to $150 or more per month. No experience needed—no Sawmill LOGS WANTED selling. Just refill machines and Top prices fur Second Growth collect the money. Territory Sup STOUT CREEK LMB. CO ervisor will be interviewing here W west of Mehama. Oregon Wtf in a few days. Qualified applicants should write at once, giving phone number to Sundry Supply Corp., Furniture 2812 Havenscourt Blvd., Oakland, California. 26 UNFINISHED FURNITURE and Used Furniture Bargains. We give OPPORTUNITY Penny Sarver Stamps. Phone 6804. MAN OR WOMAN H L. Stiff Furniture Company, Responsible person from this area, 367rd St., Stayton. 33tf to service and collect from auto matic dispensers. No selling. Age Card of Thanks not essential. Car, references, and $400.00 to $700.00 investment We wish to take this means of necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly income. Possibil thanking all the friends and neighb ity fulltime work. For local inter or« for their flowers and other gra view give phone and particulars. cious expressions of sympathy in the Write P O. Bex 146, Minneapolis sudden death of our beloved husband 40. Minn. 26 and father.—Mrs. George Huffman.1 ening where the food is ex Mrs. Janice Digerness, Mrs. Janet Titus. Mrs. Jaanette Cornell. 26 lfi-*99 quisite and the music good, .................... NOTH E OF FIN \L SETTLEMENT Help Wanted here is the place to come. I have filed my Final Account in the Man living in or vicinity of Mill City estate of Rose Price, deceased, with Legal Notices to handle wholesale supply ac the County Clerk of Marion County. Try one of our choice steaks counts. No selling or soliciting. Ap NOTICE OF SALE Oregon and the court has set the 22 proximately $700 a month profit to or a plate of chicken. For sale by sealed bid the follow day of July, 1958, at 9:15 o'clock A. start. With extra effort account® ing described property located in the M. and the circuit court room as the can be handled on a part time basis City of Mill City, County of Linn, Sea Foods too. time and place for hearing objections at first but must be willing to de State of Oregon, to-witt: thereto and the settlement of said es vote full time in near future for ex Commencing at the NW comer Closed Monday Nite—Live Music 6 Nites a Week tate. pansion accounts that company will of Lot 26, SHAW’S ADDITION BEATRICE SMITH, ' obtain. Business potential of $25,000 TO MILL CITY, which plat is I j Executrix of the Estate of annual income. Must be responsible, recorded in Book 5, page 24, Rose Price, Deceased. have a good credit rating, and a BELL & GEHLEN reliable car. You will need a mini-1 Plat Records; thence East on the Mehama, Oregon North line of Lot 26, 141.25 feet; I Stayton. Oregon Phone UL 9-2171 mum of $1,450 t<* $2,900 cash to thence South 206 feet; thence so I Attys, for Exec. properly handle. This business of West 141.25 feet; thence North fers sound security and financial 206 feet to the place of begin future. If you can meet these re ning. quirements g ve uS*your backgrcund Property consists of 141 25 ftx206 and write: ft. lot, two bedroom home with full Superior Placement Service basement, single garage and small barn. City water. From theatre go Inc. east on Grove stret to end of street. MAIN OFFICE Turn right, then left at first turn. 15310 HIGHWAY 7 Second house on right HOPKINS, MINNESOTA Sale will be by sealed bid. Envel 27c ope containing bid must be plainly marked, “Sealed Bid.” Please refer to L-5663-F in all correspondence. A I For Rent good and sufficient bond or certified FOR REN 1 — Hospital beds Md mat check for 10 per cent (10%) of bid To blend in and bring out tresses, rollaway beds and mat must accompany bid. Right is I re tresses. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. served to reject any and all bids. I natures delicate flavors. We gave Penny Saver Stamps. 367 Property will be sold “as is.” i Mini- One I 3rd St. Stayton. Phone 6804. 33tf mum price is Four Thousand •Oty j Hundred Dollars ($4,100.00). i Mini- FOR RENT—1 bedroom and 2 bed mum acceptable terms ten per cent room furnished houses one mile east | (10%) down, eleven (11) years to of Mill City. Has TV cable installed pay balance on contract. Interest F-S4 See Mrs. Bob Rash at that location. ■will be charged at the rate of five Oliver Willis. 25tfc. Hoover's Repair Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. WRIGHT TRUCK LINE STOUT CREEK LMB CO. Mrs. J. H. Johnston telephone line work the past five ler at the J H. Johnstons Thurs Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barker and weeks, while Wendell Weaver was day of last wek. Thayer is a cousin children of Stayton were Thursday i attending school for repair line and of Mrs. Johnston. He had been to business callers in Fox Valley. Mr. phone workman. Weaver had an in Madras to visit a few days and waa Barker is employed at the Simpson jured hand that hindered him from returning home when he stopped to Logging Company plant in Fox Val working when he left for school. He see the Johnstons. Mrs. Floyd Shelt ley. returned home the last of the week. on in Stayton is a sister. He visited Mrs. Nick Gustafson and Mrs. Judy Barnard, the small daughter her on the way through town. Hugh Johnston went to Eugene Fri Mrs. Paul Schiewek of Lyons with convalescing from an accident gun day to get Jerry Gustafson who has Mrs. Maude Johnston were Albany shot wound in her leg. I been in school there. Mrs Martha Etzel and four child- '' ¿'L ' ' m *, '? Mrs. Colvill and Mrs. Mabel Nel Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bassett moved son of Mill City were business callers ren, with Freida Thayer and Donnie to Salem this past weekend. He had Aardappel left Wednesday mornihg in Fox Valley Wednesday of last for a three-week’s trip to the Eastern finished college in Eugene and is em week. ployed in Salem. ___ ___ Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilman and states. Mrs Etzel and children are | Marshall Powell’s mother, Mrs. Gilman ’ s stopping in Missouri to visit her par two children with Mrs. C............ Frank Powell of Silverton has been mother. Mrs. Nellie Comstock, all of ents whom she had not seen for ill the past week. Medford were Friday evening visitors several years. Freida Thayer and the at the Jack Johnston home. The Gil boy she has kept for about two To make a rice ring, lightly proas man family were enroute to a nep years were to go on to Ohio where fluffy cooked rice into a greased ring hews’ wedding in Seattle. Mrs. Com she will attend a teacher’s conference mold. Keep hot until time to serve. stock, Mrs. Johnston’s sister came to for four days as a delegate. The Aard- Unmold and fill center with your Fox Valley to visit with her relatives apel boys’ father is stationed In Vir favorite creamed food. here until Sunday afternoon, when her ginia at an Air Force base and his daughter’s family returned from home with his father. Mrs. Raymond Forrest and daugh Seattle, after visiting a sister of Mr. Gilman over Saturday night in ter, Debra, of Stayton were Friday GENERAL REPAIRING Salem. The Medford folks departed afternoon callers at the Jack John ston home. for Medford Sunday evenmg. WELDING Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston and We have on hand family were addtional Father's day children of Waldport spent Wednes day visiting with the Floyd Bassetts. dinner guests with his parents. DELCO BATTERIES Mrs. Ernest Parson is a victim of Other last week visitors at the Bas- three day measles since Saturday. ’ sett home were Mr. Bassett's sister, Mrs. Gladys Fox and family of Mid Their children had them in May. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett at vale, Idaho. Her son, Harvey and tended Cecil Bassett's Graduation in I wife and a younger son and daugh- Veryl & Jim Hoover, Prop Eugene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 1 ter. Ph. 2602 or Ph. 351 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parson and family went to Hillsboro Friday af- I per cent (5%) per annum on un paid balance. Bids will be opened in the office of the undersigned on July 3, 1958 at 3:00 P. M. " Date of First Publication, June 5, 1958. Date of Last Publication, June 26, 1958. DIRECTOR OF VETERANS’ If you are looking for a real AFFAIRS State Finance Building, ly good place to spend an ev Salem, Oregon. . Its the. Water Announcing For a FAIR TRIAL, call up and you will be the judge. i SILVER SADDLE LET US HELP YOU CHART A WHOLESALE FROZEN FOOD SERVICE LYONS SAFE COURSE 100% FINANCING SERVICE STATION & TRAILER COURT Phone 908» Mfil (By. I MCMTOB TWVEUP8 MEATS I 4 MILL CITY DELIVERY EVERY THURSDAY GUARANTEED PRODUCTS JUICES VEGETABLES FRUITS -• i?* » s L» , " " 1 i • 1 AUTO SUPPLIES D. B. H/U INSURANCE COMPANY IGLOO FOODS COMPANY I 1750 Fairgrounds Road 5//£ 0ÜQK!D3 DETROIT Phone EMpire 2-0168 Salem, Ore. t