/—THE MILL CITY E.NTERPR1SB THLRSDAY, JUNE 26. 1958 *74e 'PJcMMOWi' SWIM SUITS FOR MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN Priced from $1.00 to $5.98 Ladies Bathing Caps $1.00 To Represent Local Club at Convention Mrs. Leo. Poole, president of the Mill City Toastmistress Club, will be the representative of her club at the help. On her behalf, Julia Bassett toastmistress convention to be held in „„ with w.„. gifts. ..... 'Seattle, Wash., from July 13 to 16, presented them The worthy matron introduced her at the Olympic Hotel. sister, Clara Morris a past worthy I Theme of the convention has been matron and present chaplain of Mari- announced as “Tomorrow’s Hope MILL CITY, OREGON M... ta. .nd Waller B,.,- Matron .nd “’>>» >>•'">" . k ”. p"™V.rt” and « worthy patron « of Mari- — ., . So - — ■ - 145, — . O;/' —---- ,1J5 ’ ’_ " a\.?i 11 .... — - —— . — bin were installed as the new worthy *J lyn >• a...»,-. < napter, ,| 1 * , during good m of the order, under as a delegate from the local impressive ceremony in the lodge hall »he new worthy matron, Waiter Bns-' club. The international speech con Sunday evening, June 22. ¡bin, short talks of inspiration were test and installation of the interna- Judge of ~ Euclid Chap- by Rex and Merle junge Rex nex Hartley v. ----------- - •- given ----- -- —- Hartley — - — ----- La- — ‘ tonal officers will be held at t he ter, Jefferson, past'grand ter past grand patron of mar. Edna Hutcheson was also in- in-, . g conc]ave the Grand Chapter of Oregon, grac- | troduced as a new member of theEs-1 TO BRING YOUR iously served as Installing Grand Pat- tarl Committee. Rex Hartley later ron, assisted by his lovely wife, Esth- dedicated a few complimentary re- tree for which they were thanked pro HOME UP-TO-DATE er, also a past grand officer, who act- marks to the “Courtesy Girls,” new- fusely. The interesting meeting closed with ed as Installing Grand Marshal. Oth- | ly-appointed by the worthy matron, er install.ng officers were Hallie To- ( These include Julia Bassett, Viola the singing of “God Be With You," man, Salem, past matron of Marilyn Hirte, Gertrude Mason, Estella Kay, and the recitation of the Mizpah Ben Chapter, as Installing Grand Chaplain ' Mabel Yankus, and Louise Oliver, I ediction by the congregation. Earliar, and Virginia Hoeye of Mill City, In- ' Only the first three,, however, were the quartet from Salem had sung My God And I" and “I Walked stalling Grand Organist. ! able to be present. MAKE A MAKE A Where Jesus Walked.” Other officers installed for the en- ■ Under leadership of Edna Hutche- CAREFUL LIST OF Refreshments were served by Hel suing term included: Elsie Völkel, son, retiring worthy matron, a love- tour of your Ideas Associate Matron; Floyd Völkel, As-lly addenda was put on by the officers en Johnston, Velma Carey, Mabel Nel home and needs sociate Patron; Mary Gulliford, Sec-1 in honor of the newly-installed wor- son, and Lora Mason. Decorations retary; Ethel Wills, Treasurer; Gladys thy matron, ‘ Julia Kemp. The clever were arranged by Tena Graham and Lake, Conductress; Goldie Storey, As replica of a “Treasure Ship,” on which Ethel Wills. Ushers were Wilson sociate Conductress; crara Morris, appeared the name, “Julia,” was the Stevens and Floyd Johnson. Decide whot you wont to Put oil your ideas on style. Chaplain; Edna Hutcheson, Marsh center around which the theme of the color, special features in Mr*. Gordon McMorria is on * modernize. Note especiolly al; Virginia Hoeye, Organist; Alpha degree was carried out, climaxed by week ’ , s . vacation from the U. S. Na- writing. List oil the materials Everly, Ada; Ruby Brisbin, Ruth; the presentation of a floral bouquet of .. , . waste spoce oreos and over you may need. Check mogo- Geneva Jacobsen, Esther; Agnes Carl "treasures” and a gift from the of- t,onal bank in Ml11 Cltr- looked or put-off repoirs. son, Martha; Mabel Parker, Electa; ficers. zines for latest trends on Dorothy Draper (not present/, Ward The past matron’s pin was presented j design ond construction. er; and Earl Parker, Sentinel. Too Late to Classify to Edna Hutcheson by Mary Gulliford i Among distinguished visitors pres- who bequeathed the title of “Junior 1 I ent were Merle Lamar of Silverton, Past Matron” to her. The past pat-| 3-BEDROOM HOME—Well built Eng lish type dwelling, large l.-d. rm., j Grand Committee Member for the Es- ron's pin was presented by Wilson MAKE A TRIP ] tarl Fund; Jo Carrick of Stayton, Stevens, a past patron, to William 1 lots of cabinets, large lot, view. to our office that s really Grand Representative for the State of Hutcheson on behalf of the chapter. I *5,500’ or rent 555 with option to __ j r»_ L. . E. r Barrick n—;_i. of | 29 Mame; and Dr. A for the the Hutch- Hutch., j buy. See Glen Shelton. up-to-date A humorou humorous , d degree for Salem, who was accompanied by e8ong wag nUd b Elgie Volkel • esons was presented by Elsie Völkel j FOR SALE—Red Raspberries and Bermce Brewer, John Muir,and Mar-. associate mat and Gladvg Lak j cultivated wild blackberries.—John I 'T”’ “ 01 hls qu7tet’ condustress highlight of which was j Kunkle, Lyons. Phone ULrick and Dora Juberg, accompanist from (the prei(entation of an autbentic gilk i 8.2392. 27p Chadwick Chapter. Also introduced j was Laurel Johnson, Grand Repre-' We ll be hoppy to give you senative for Saskatchewan. It's modern Io be procticol. advice, and estimates on The evening opened with the re Get started soon. We cost your listed needs. We hove tiring of the officers who have serv supply all the materials you'll ed for the past fifteen months under literoture to give you new the able leadership of Edna and Will- ’ need including a wide va ideas, and wide experience iam Hutcheson, lollowed by the in- | riety of West Coast Lumber. in modernization projects. troduction of the installing officers. i FOR THE CHILDREN Entrance of the new officers to be! installed was marked by the first ap- . Sparklers - Caps Guns - Sky Fliers t>© it yourstll or hire it done. But stort Now by (ontocting: pearance of their new American Beau ty gowns, ac ented by white nose Swim Fins - Masks - Snorkels gays carried by each, except for Julia Kemp who was gowned in all-white and carried a white Bible. FOR YOUR PICNIC Immediately following the installa tion of the new worthy matron, a Coleman Stoves - Picnic Baskets piano solo, “Dream Celestial,” was ' dedicated to her by Virginia Hoeye. Picnic Jugs - Little Brown" Ice Chests After her entire corps of officers Open Saturday was installed. Miss Kemp expressed her appreciation to the installing of ficers and others for their courteous Mary Kelly, Woman s Editer ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP Phone 625 w Julia Kemp and Walter Brisbane Installed as Matron and Patron of Eastern Star at Mill City ENJOY THE FOURTH Kelly Lumber Sales LOOK.' 25°/o Discount on SPORTING BOOTS Regular $15.45 NOW $11.59 JENKINS HARDWARE Me Give S and II Green Stamps >KU City, Ore. Phone 2206 3 BARGAIN DAYS AT YOUR FARMER’S CO-OP Allen Field Mill City During our June APPLIANCE SALE SAVE $100 YOU CAN as much as Little League Base Ball Games Jefferson vs. Mill City 1st Game 6:00 o'clock at Allen Field 2nd Game 7:30 o'clock food Concession Stand will be Open I Sponsored By Mill City Volunteer Fire Department ON CAPRI I pright or Chest Freezers | AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS AND COMBINATION Freezer - Refrigerators ONCE A YEAR VALUES HURRY! COME IN TODAY! Santiam Farmers Co-op. Seed». F ertilizer Custom Clouting F eeds Grinding and Mixing Petroleum Products Machinery Hardware Hvuseiiold Appliances r- h-pbooe RO »-2136 Seed Marketing Stayton, Ore.