Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1958)
THE MILL crrr ENTERPRI3ETHI RSDAY, JUNE 19,1954 FOX VALLEY| MEHAMA Mrs. J. H. Johnston By Mrs. John Teeters Mr and Mrs. Frank Mills of Kla Linda Monroe and Diana Wallen math Falls were calling on Lyons and were hostesses for a Treasure hunt ( Fox Valley friends Friday. The Mill» and wiener roast Saturday evening, GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH i family were Fox Valley residents for ¡June 14 at the home of Linda’s par some years until 1908 when they mov ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe. MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST ed to Klamath Fall*. The youngest Present for the evening of fun were, Full Goapel Donald L. Hobnon. Minister of the Samuel Mills family was their Janis Wilson, Judy Ware, Jewell Wal Rev. E. R. Jewett, Paeter Sunday School, 10:00 a. tn- only son Frank. It has been quite some len, Don Bomberg. Luke Pietrock, Prayer Meeting, Friday, 7:45 o. tn Morning Worship, 11:0* a. m. Young People’s Class 5:00 p. ™. , | years, 1912 since he had been back to Bill Kergil, Mile Cruson, Tyke Sher Sunday Scnool, 9:46 a. m. and Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob j the valley. He noted a lot of changes wood, and the hostesses Linda and Morning Worship 11 a. m. in the country a* well as not to many Diana. son. Evangelistic Service 7:46 o. •n. ' of the resident* of 1908-1912 are here Adult Bible Class 5:00 p. m. The Rev. and Mrs. James Hardy- Bible Study, Tuesday. 7:45 » m. now. Mr. and Mrs. Mills visited with attended a meeting Sunday afternoon o»o • e • 1 the J. H. Johnston family a* they were Jurte 15 at the Willamette United COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN ST. PATRICK’S PARISH enroute to Klamath Fails by way of i Presbyterian chlrch at Oakville. The Lyons, Oregon CHURCH Bend Friday evening. The Mills fam I services were a celebration of the Mass. 1st, 2nd. and Sth Sunday at Mehama ily owned the farm where the Perry ¡formal uniting of the Willamette 10 30 a.m. Rev. Jamee Hardy. Paatoc Clipfell 'a now reside. Presbytery of the Presbyterian Maas: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 ejn. Bible School, 10:00 a. m Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vuylsteke and Church jn the U.S.A, and the Oregon u :■ % •• Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor Worship Hour, 11:00 a. ® ' the two Parson girls were Saturday Presbytery of the United Presbyter e»e A friendly welcome to aU. ; and Sunday visitor* at the Parson ian Church. LIKE BIG KNIFE, crawler • • • SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST mounted ripper slices through 1 home here. Diann Parson returned Almeta Coffman who r* employed 8. W. Second Street, Mill Ct»y solid limestone at quarry ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH to HiU*boro . with Mr. and , Mrs. Voyl- . . r 111 rurnaiiu vioncu at me ¡wine vi in Portland visited the home of H MW near Kendrick, Fla. Sabbath School. 9:80 a. m, Satur- steke to work in th. strawberry fields | her u the G w. Cafrmans dur- Mn. Holea Davia, Paetor (CMS PHOTO) day. •«•m this week. Her younger sister , the weekend_ AUmeta U Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service. 10:4# Saturday Disn didn’t go back to Hillsboro Sun plans for her wedding which is sched Merniag worship 11 a.*- Visitors weicotna. day evening. Mrs. Parson kept the two uled for later this summer. “EEK. IT’S COLD”, screams Evangelistic Hour. 7:4*. a a • Anita Ekberg as she takes small Vuyl&teke children last week Wednesday. Cottage Prwysr Meet- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stouder of her first dip in “sunny” Pa CHRISTIAN SCIENCE so their mother could pick strawber Alsea are announcing the birth of a tug, 8:00 p. ar. cific surf near Hollywood. Devers Real Fetate Building. Gates ries too. The rain kept them from son on June 12 at a Corvallis hospi • • • (COLUMBIA FIX) picking much of the time. The berries Sunday, 11 a. m tal. The new arrival has a two year FREE METHODIST CHURCH were spoiling badly in most of the Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes old sister and has been named Robert I North MH) CMy “WAS 1ST LOS?” mother yards. day at 8 p. m. Gerald. Mrs. Hubert Wagner, Meha Rev. Gene E. Devi dsn w. Paster dog at Berlin Zoo wants to a a a Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scarbrough Sunday school at 9 45 am ma is the maternal grandmother. know as adopted offspring, a OUR LADT OF "GOURDES PARISH and three children of Myrtle Creek tiger cub, takes short-cut Morning worship 11 a.m Mrs. Mabel Patton visited with her Jordau Oregon across her head, ( inp photo ) Evening service 7:60 pas son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Maas: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at DETROIT CÍWRCH OF CHRIST Young Peoples Services every Sun Patton in Dallas from Wednesday to 3:30 a.m. Glen Lyda. Minuter day at 6:30. Sunday evening. Maae: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school at 10:45. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm. Mrs. Frank White and Mrs. Chris Rev Bernard Neuman. SOS, Pastor see Morning Worship at 11. McDonald were here from Washing e o e ' LYONS METHODIST CHURCH ton during the weekend. Mrs. White FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles McCarthy, Pastor SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS brought her grandson Frank Rock Boajamin A. lawrenee, MMtatev Jay Beebe. Pastor Sunday school at 8:4* a. m- well back home after he had spent Sunday school 9:4* a. as. Sunday School 9:4* a. m. Worship service, U a. m. some time at the home of his grand Morning worship 10:5*. Womens Society of Christian Ser Church Services 11:00 a. m. parents. Mrs. McDonald took her Evening Service, 8:00. vice meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Evening service at 7:80 p. tn. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday. 8 ► eacb month with Mrs. Wilson Stevens Young People’s service, Thursday were Salem, Portland and Fox Val m. aa president. evening 7:30 p. m. Jacqule Walker, ley visitors during the weekend. They president. ’went to -Portland -for the Myrtle Prayer meeting and Bible study Creek-Marion baseball game Satur Friday evenings 7:80 p. as. 1 day. They spent Saturday night with • • • their relatives in Salem and Sunday ST CATHERINE CATHOLIC afternoon with their grandparents CHURCH. MILL CITY Johnstons in Fox Valley. The Hugh Mass at 9-15 a.m every Sunday Pohnston's also visited with the Myr At the request of many former patients I have re Confessions heard befare Mass. tle Creek folks at the Jack Johnston Fr. Senka, Pastor home. turned to my former location in Stayton. • • • Nick Gustafson, Hugh John- grandson Rex Longfellow back with IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH ton and daughter Kathryn were Sal her for a visit. | Mi. ana Mrs. M. V. Frame of Oak-, Morning service 11 a.m. em shoppers Monday. The community picnic at the North ridge visited here a couple of days planfod /¿I lYlA KcfOC Evening service 7:00 p.m at 7 JO i Santiam Park Sunday afternoon hon- the last of the week with Mrs. I IQIIIvU L i/UvU ALI \7j Chiropractic Physician Wednesday urayer oring the Earl Thayer family, who Frame’s sister, Mrs. E. J. Hughes p. m Recently moved trom Fox Valley to who had just returned home from the Sunday school 1J a.m. Hours: 9 to 6. Closed Thursday and Saturday af Stayton was attended by many friends Santiam Memorial hospital where she ternoon. Open Tuesday and Friday evenings until “By planting trees on more than FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH and relatives. The 3:30 showers hur was taken following an auto accident ried folks home but they did get the June 11. ' 24,000 acres on western Oregon and MUI City 8 p. m. and by appointment. dinner over before it rained. _ ________________ j Mr. and Mrs. Ercil Yocom of Pen- Washington tree _ farms this oast sea Rae. Rabart Roach. Pastar Ronald the six year old son of Mr. dleton visited during the weekend son,” said W. D. Hagenstein, Execu- Execu Sunday School 9:45 a m Bell Bldg. Phone RO 9-2557 Stayton, Ore. and Mrs. E. A. Parson is ill with ton- with Mrs. Yocom5s mother and hus- tive Vice President, Industrial Forea- Morning worship 11:04 am silitis. He was taken to Stayton to band. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Tietze. try try Association, Association, “ “ tree tree farmers farmers have have Manta by choir. i a doctor Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stensland were planted the equivalent of a strip a Midweek services Wed. 7c3W y.oL ..... .........----- visitors during the weekend with Mrs. mile wide from Tacoma to Eugene ------------------------- —.......................-.......... Stensland’s sister's families, the D. L. since 1942.' Teeters and the Harold Longfellows, j The industry forester announced The Stenslands make their home at that the Association had shipped 13,- Cloverdale but Mr. Stensland is at 389300 trees from its Col. W. B. present taking training with the Na- Greeley Forest Nursery at Nisqually, ,tional Guard at Ford Ord, Calif, and Wash, between October 15, 1957 and | Mrs. Stensland has been visiting rel the end of April. This was the largest atives in Corvallis. crop in the 17-year history of the Nur Dinner guests at the Charles Crook sery, he said. home Sunday were Mrs. Crook’s par | Coupled with the excellent forest ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Goodell. fire prevention record of the last 15 Mr. Crook’s mother, Mrs. Eva Crook years, the 93 million trees grown by and their son Robert Crook. the Nursery have restored more than Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruse and 170.000 cares of once idle land. In ad daughter, Mrs. Dan Piper of Inde dition to tree planting, he said that pendence visited relatives here for a .the industry had direct-seeded, mostly short tune Thursday when they were,by helicopter, more than 10 000 , here to attend funeral services for this past winter George Huffman in Lyons that aft-1 Hagenstein was qutek to point oat There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to ernoon. . j t*lat *n addition to the industry’s in- I The Wesley Helsel family returned creaslng artificiaI refore3tation have your PRINTING done. The Enterprise can do it right home the first of last week from Sur- fort3 the „¡d mainsta natura, prise X alley, Calif., where they spent ,eedmg. H wh>t haa b ht nearl a week visiting and transacting busi- -- here at home. The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all 10 million acres back into young trees ness. The Helsels formerly lived in over the last 50 years. Surprise Valley. | The forester said that of this year’s YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe are in Greeley Nursery crop, nearly 10 mil viting all friends to the wedding of lion <>f the trees were treated with a their daughter, Judy, to Scott Brown rabbit repellent. This scares off the TRY US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED on Saturday, June 28. The wedding “furry-footed monsters” who seem to formerly planned for the Presbyter prefer o.anted trees to all other ian church at Mehama is to be held plants XX ithout its use, tree planting at the Church of Christ in Stayton is impossible in some areas. at 2 o’clock, Saturday, June 28, with Hagenstein predicted a continuous a reception following in the church increase in artificial reforestation aa parlors. more and more tree farmers place Sunday guests at the Ken Golliet less dependence on natural reforesta home were Mrs. Goliiet’s parent*, tion. Mr. and Mrs. George Ramp, Brooks. The forester warned that unwise Mr. and Mrs. Harry Monroe and taxation policies could not only slow daughter Linda and Diana and Jewell down but prohibit reforestation on Wallen spent Sunday picnicking on private land. I the Metolius river. Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Branch and Bobby were also Something to »ell? Then try < among those who were at the Me Classified ad in The Enterprise tolius Sunday. NOTICE Tree Farmers Have DR. VICTOR J. MYERS Since Year of 1942 Let The Enterprise DO YOUR PRINTING • Envelopes • • Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • letterheads • Business Cards Ruled Forms Advertising Brochures • Wedding Announcements Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE The Home of Good Printing Phone6651 Mill City, Oregon HAIL DAMAGE YOUR ROOF? We now have our roofers and equipment in this area, reroofing and repairing roofs. To have us check your roof, while here places you under no obligation, and considerable savings can be had, should a new roof or roof repairs be necessary. Walter Bonded owner of the company has been roofing in Salem for over 27 years. Pay By TAe Month Payments as low as $12,00 per month payab e at your local bank. Phone Us Collect at EM. 34492 WALTER BONDELL ROOF COMPANY 585 No. 20th Salem, Oregon