THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISB THURSDAY, JUNE 1«, 1958 Mill City's Gift Center Mary Kelly, Woman's Editor Pillpw Cases, Sheets, Lunch Cloths, Dish Towels, Bath Mats, Rugs Eastern Star Officers To Be Installed ADA’S NEEDLE SHOP MILL CITY, OKECKLN Phone 2243, PRINTING WORTHY THE OCCASION For life's most nolable events (Weddings, E d > gagements,ete.) the In* vitetion or Announce ment must bo socially correct, dignified in format, perfect in craftsmanship. Best way to make sure of this is to pul your prob lems of social printing up to us. We know tthal to do and ho* to do ill Phone 625 t Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Richards Celebrate 6ufh Wedding Anniversary Sunday Afternoon Former Mill City Teacher Becomes Bride of Alaska Man Miss Marian pesheck of Anchorage, Alaska, a former teacher in the pri mary department of the Mill City Elementary School, was married to The annual installation of officers Stanley True, also of Anchorage, at 145, Order for Marilyn Chapter, No. an impressive three o’clock ceremony, of the Eastern Star, will take place Sunday afternoon, June 15, at the at the lodge hall at 7:30 p.m., Sunday beautiful new Conner-Dever Commun evening, June 22, with Miss Julia ity Church between Jefferson and Al Kemp to be installed as Worthy Ma bany, tron. Soloist for the wedding was Mrs. Installing officers for the affair Donald Sheythe, who was accompan will be: Rex Hartley, past grand pa ied at the Hammond organ by Mrs. tron of the Grand Cnapter of Ore Lee Ross, the latter also playing the gon, installing grand patron; Esther processional and recessional march Hartley, past grand Esther of the es. Grand Chapter of Oregon, installing Others attending from Mill City grand marshal; Hallie Toman, past included Mr. and Mrs. James Swan, matron of Marilyn Chapter, installing with whom the former Miss Pesheck chaplain; and Virginia Hoeye, in made her home while here, Miss Alice stalling grand organist. Smith, Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, and Mrs. Those to be installed as officers Alice Huber of Lyons. for the 1958-59 term include: Juha The bride is the daughter of Mr. Kemp, worthy matron; Walter Bris and Mrs. Jack Pesheck of near Jef bin. worthy patron; Elsie Völkel, as ferson. A lovely reception was held for sociate matron; Floyd Völkel, associ relatives and friends immediately fol ate patron; Mary Gulliford, secre lowing the ceremony. tary; Ethel Wills, treasurer; Gladys i The newlyweds were to Hy back to Lake, conductress; Goldie Storey, as-' sociate conductress; Clara Morris, Anchorage, where the bridegroom has chaplain; Edna Hutcheson, marshal; ’ a position with the railroad. The bride Virginia Hoeye, organist; Alpha Ev- does not plan to continue teaching. er]y> Ada; Ruby Brisbin, Ruth; Ge- neva Jacobsen, Esther; Agne- Carl- Baby OnOWer On Mr$. GATES—The 60th wedding anni from a beautifully decorated buffet versary of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rich table, made colorful with red net bows, ards furnished the inspiration for a and red rambler roses. C utting the Me- very special open-house in the Gates cake was Mrs. Celene Taylor of Me who cut — the cake at __ their — also ----- — Women’s Club building on Sunday af hama, t- ternoon June 15th, from 1:00 to 4:00 50th wedding reception. Their grand daughter, Mrs. George Sauve was in P. M. Heitor,. Corvollir.. charge of the punch bowl; their Ned and Daisy, as they are known grandson’s wife, Mrs. Elton Brown of Parker, Sentinel Mrs. Harold Parks of Salem and I to everyone, have been ‘fixtures’ in ...... ...... _________ ___ have been ..... ........ Retiring officers, who in Mrs. William Shepherd honored Mrs. the canyon for many years. Ned, who Salem poured; and Mrs, Walter Bris bin. Gates oldtimer also, had charge charge of chapter activities through Robert Shelton of Corvallis with a is now 87, first met Daisy, now 79, of the Guest Book. Forrest Holman of the past term, are Edna and William b>nk and blue shower Sunday after» down at Mehama, and were married I noon at the Shepherd home. Stayton took colored movies of the Hutcheson. at the Capitol Hotel in Salem, on Games were played with Mrs. Har event, and took time to show a film Listed as “Courtesy Girls” are Es June 15, 1898. Elmer Taylor, now 88, old Mason and Mrs. William McClin about the Gates area, also. telle Kay, Julia Bassett, Mabel Yank- of Mehama was present at their wed Out of town guests included Albert us, yiola Hirte, Gertrude Mason, and tock receiving the prizes. Following ding,! infact he drove the team which (Jiggs) Decker, Coos Bay, Mr. and Louise Oliver. Ushers for the affair the opening of the lovely gifts, re took them to Salem, one of which was Mrs. Clarence Decker, Eugene, Mr. Sunday will be Wilson Stevens and freshments were served by the host balky, and provided an Interesting esses. and Mrs. Donald Hobson, Eugene, F!oyd Johnson. sidelight to their trip) and was able Mrs. Guy Mattoon, Coquille, Mr. and Present were Mrs. Robert Shelton to be present at this happy occasion, Mrs. Ernest Nelson, Woodburn, Mr. and Kathy of Corvallis, Mrs. Lyle despite an auto accident a couple and Mrs. Claire Thomas, Scio, Mr. and and Mrs. Ed Cooke of Salem, of weeks ago. Christian Church Women Mason Mrs. Cecil Haun, Salem, Mr. and Mr.s Mrs. Ralph Jull of Corvallis, Mrs. They first made their home west of Wilmer Crites, Corvallis, Mrs. Flor To Hold Installation Sun. Francis Clarke, and Lana and Verna I Mill City, at what is now the Al ence Carrysot Wise, Portland, Mr. and Installation services will be held of Salem, Mrs. Earl Loucks, Mrs. Ward home, which was honsteaded by M rs. Clarence Reed, Silverton, Mr. Glen Shelton, Mrs. Harold Mason, I Mrs. Richard’s mother. They moved and Mrs. Bill Bickett and three this Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Mill City Christian church for Mrs. William McClintock and Rhonda to Gates in January, 1925, and Ned daughters, Mehama, Martha Glover Sue, Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mrs. Irl was Marion County road supervisor and Jack Richards, Stayton, Vickie the new officers of the Martha Troxel iPlymale, Mrs. Franklin McDowell and and Gertrude Shoemaker Circles. Mrs. j until he retired. Their only daughter, Yeoman, Yachats, Mildred Agee, Port the hostesses, Mrs. Harold Parks and Mrs. Hazel Brown passed away in land, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Binegar, Sal Larry Lawrence will be he installing ! 1941. Two grandchildren, Elton Brown em, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sischo. Me officer. Following the installation Pamela and Mrs. William Shepherd, Leroy and Jerry. i of Salem, and Mrs. George Sauve of hama and Maud Zimmerman, also a Jthere will be a tea in honor of the Sending gifts were Mrs. Eldon incoming and out-going officers. j Lyons, were present, as well as 8 large number of friends from Detroit, Mrs. Albin Cooper and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson, Mrs. Larry Lawrence, 'great-grandchildren to help them cel- Mill City and Lyons. The happy couple Hedge are in charge of the decora Mrs. Arthur Bassett, Mrs. Hugh Jull | ebrate. received a basketfull of cards from tions and Mrs. Hugh Jull and Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest Miller of Bend. Serving Your Favorite Dishes For Around 200 guests enjoyed the wed friends far and near and in neighbor- William Shepherd are in charge of ding cake, coffee and punch, served | ing states, also. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Draper, pro* the tea. NOON LUNCHEON Officers t< be installed are: Martha prietor of the Tidewater Oil Company Troxel Circle: President, Mrs. Albin service station on North Santiam Come out and enjoy good food and a quite Cooper; vice president,, Mrs. Robert Boulevard, expect to leave this week Gregory secretary treasurer. Mrs. end for a two-weeks' vacation which pleasant atmosphere. William Shepherd and program chair will take them to visit relatives in man, Mrs. M-lton Roten. For the Utah and Colorado. ■ Gertrude Shoemaker Circle: Presi Miss Berta Carol Morgan of Scio dent. Mrs. Arthur Hedge! vice presi became the bride of Russell Eugene dent. Mrs. Floyd Shepherd; and sec THE MILL CITY Rice of Detroit Sunday afternoon at retary-treasurer, Mrs. Hugh Jull. I Dinner — Dancing ENTERPRISE the Detroit Church of Christ. The public is cordially invited. Entered as second class matter Ne- The Rev. Glen Lyda of Turner of Entertainment Every Night except Wednesday •etnber 10, 1944 at the post office at ficiated at the 2 o’clock ceremony. Mil] City, Oregon, under the Act of The bride is the daughter of Mrs. March 3. 1879. Phone 5844 Gates, Oregon Josephine Morgan, the groom the son of Mrs. Raymond Sophy of De- Msrion-I inn Counties, per year S3.00 itroit and John Fred Rice of Reno, lhitside. Marion-Linn Counties $SAS Nevada. i Dave Foster of Scio sang, accompa nied by Mrs. Arlene Sorseth. NfWSHHI On behalf of the Gates Woman’s Vern Morgan of Marion Fork, bro Club, their president, Mrs. Walter PUBLISH! IS I ther of the bride, escorted his sister Brisbin, has invited members o fthe 'ASSOCIATION to the altar. She wore a white waltz Mil: City Woman's Club to attend a| gown of imported embroidered Swiss no-host pot-luck luncheon at one batiste, fashioned with a high neck- o clock Thursday afternoon, June 19, i iiirirm I line. The bouffant skirt with contour :n the Gates Clubhouse. 1 ed hipline met a pink cummerbund of following the luncheon, colored pic ! polished cotton. Her fingertip veil tures of the Gates area are scheduled . * » AFTItiatt was held in place by a white coronet. to be shown. She carried a white Bible, centered Telephone 6651 or 7605 Also invited to the affair are the with rosebuds and stephanotis. Women’s Clubs <i Silverton, Salem, DON W. MOFFATT, Editor-Publiahi The bnde’s honor attendent was and Sublimity. her sister, Mrs. James Quarry of PERSONAL STATIONERY Scio. She chose a pink cotton waltz gown with short veil headdress, and LETTERHEADS carried a nosegay of fan-shaped pink and white roses. ENVELOPES James Quarry was best mar; for his brother-in-law, and ushers were the groom's brother, Richard Rice, hat many practical, work-saving and Lee Hopson Jr. of Idanha. The reception followed the cere- mony in the church parlors. Presid ing at the punch bowl was the bride's niece, Virginia Urban of Mill City. ENCLOSURES Cutting the cake was Mrs. Jim Fletcher of Idanha. Raymond Sophy BUSINESS CARDS Jr. was in charge of the guest book. The newlyweds have gone to the BOOKLETS Coast on their honeymoon, and for traveling the bride changed to a tur quoise linen suit with white acces sories. After the honeymoon the young couple will be at home in De troit. Relatives from out of town attend Att.'Q. mat i , ,i ing the wedding were the bride's <I m > ptMHs tof <ll«m raten ACCOUNTING FORMS brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morgan •• >Krsv,s and family of Burns and sister, Mrs. COOSliSI— STAIN MOOT RULED FORMS Marie Harris and family of Mill City. M>nr The groom's grandmother, Mrs. r-—>. s - mw u *■>, INVOICES Glee Waters of Selah, Wash., Great Aunt Mrs. Gladys Hunter, Seattle. Great uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Cleveland from North Cen tral, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Beau mont Waters and family of Yakima. KSi The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE ENJOY NOON LUNCHEON at The Frontier WE ARE NOW Last Frontier Resort Subscribe to The Nuptials Held at Mill City Enterprise Detroit Church Sunday Today.. S3.00 per Year The Canyon's Own Local Woman's Club to Attend Meeting at Newspaper I Gates Club Today iBsaaESi =□1 ¡ P last -O-M at ' KITCHEN USES MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Phon* 2651 MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. Verda Gsblr return ed Saturday from a 10-day vacation trip to Nevada and Utah, where they visited the parents, brothers, and sisters of Mrs. Goble. Upon their re turn home, they discovered that their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. “Bud” Matton, Kathy and Jan, of San Bernardino, California, had ar rived for a month's visit PLASTIC RIBBED MATTING KELLY LUMBER SALES Phone 6803 Open Saturday Mill City, Ore