Order Your Printing From The MILL CITY ENTERPRISE PORTER^ LAU l¿/’ UJhitbMt 2— TH to MILL CHY ENTERPRISE be re-roofed. We were quite a bit off. THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1958 In fact, if there is anyone in Gates who did not have to have a new roof, By Jessie Savage Mr«. H. N. Wilson Rev. and Mrs. Glen Lyda and fam­ would he please step forward ? Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Allen are Ed Kershaw accompanied hig fath­ family were weekend guests in Eu­ ily were dinner guests Sunday at the enjoying a visit with her brother and er to Dayton, Wyoming on a business Carl Juhl’s. Greg, «on of the Lda'a, sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John E. trip which took about 9 days. They gene with Mrs. Graham's parents, remained in Turner where he has the Hunt, of Bayard, Nebraska. They all report everything prosperous in their Mr. and Mrs. Rees. measles. This is Greg’s second time Mrs. Robert Carlson and son Gary to have the measles in recent weeks. drove to Portland on Saturday to old home town, but on the way back, view the Rose Festival Parade, which thru the Big Horn mountains, they ( of Burns are spending the weekend Mr. and Mr«. Kermit Gimre and ¿they report was ‘tops . ran into a heavy snow storm—not with her her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. family of Astoria who are vacation­ Mrs. Fred Kist was pleasantly sur- uncommon on account of the high al- Johnny Ehar and son. ing a week at Breitenbdsh Resort at­ | prised on Wednesday afternoon, when Mrs, Tenney Moore and family tended church services at Detroit on titude. I several friends and neighbors arriv­ to Sunday. Mr. and ....a. Mrs. Wilmer Crites and brought their son Mike Sunday Mike ed to help her celebrate her birthday. daughter Visitors in the Warren Stoll home Diane of Corvali s visited the Detro>t Ranger Station. El ­ I Ice cream and a special cake baked at t he home of his parents, Mr. and I will man the Battle Axe look-out dur- the past week were Mr. and Mrs. I by Helen Edholm was enjoyed dur- Clarence Bell of Portland, Thursday. : ing fire season. ! ing the afternoon. Present were: Mrs. Harry Harmon on Sunday, went Mr. and Mrs. Braxton Fouts from Mr. and Mrs. Lester Saffell and fam­ to the open-house for Ned and Daisy Mesdames Stanley Vail, Chet Edholm, ily from Seattle, Saturday, and Mr. Ruth Hess, Til Rains, Mary Howell, Richards, and Wilmer found time to • Sweet Home are visiting in Idanha a and Mrs. Robert Lierman and family few days. Oliver Fatson and the honoree, So­ try hi« luck fishing, also. of Victor Point were over-night Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Storey and guests Saturday night. phia Kist. Sending gifts but unable Ned and Daisy Richards were Mr. family who moved recently into the to be present were Mrs. Bessie Novak and Mrs. Clarence Decker and son of Buck Storey house had 22 guests for and Mrs. Harold Wilson. W’hen ironing tableclothes, re­ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vail, who Eugene. An overnight guest was Al­ dinner Sunday. Out of town visitors verse the ironing board. The narrow bert (Jiggs) Decker, of North Bend, were Mr, and Mrs. Buck Storey and end will then be at your right Thia have made their home in Gate« ever I since they lost all their belongings all former Gates residents. Richard girls of Corvallis and Mrs. Ethel Mc­ gives you a much larger ironing Philbrick, of Klamath Falls, who «pent Daniel from Long Beach, Calif. in the Vanport flood ten years ago. _ surf act. Mr. and ‘ - Ed - Evensen and have purchased the Bertha Mason much time here during the construc­ Mr«. - Salem were dinner home in Mill City and plan to move tion of the Detroit Dam, also visited family from __ there soon. It is located on the Linn them. guests Sunday with Mr. Evensen's Scientic Hone-Shoeing Clarence Ball drove to Portland father and family, Mr. and Mrs. Even County side near the Engle Johnson home. A son Pat, and daughter Peggy Sunday to get his wife and daughter, Evensen. TEX SHIVELY will attend grade school in Mill City Carol Sue, who had been visiting sev­ The fish that didn’t get away—Al- i eral days at the home of his aunt Phone UL 9-2202 this fall. len Golden caught an 18-inch, 2-pound Week end guests at the L. L. Ry- and uncle, Mr. and Mr«. Chris Svend­ Grayling in the Santiam river just For Appointment nearson home were Mr. and Mrs. Vic­ sen, and taking in many of the Rose above Idanha Saturday. The young tor Miller, former Hood River friends Festival events. Mrs. Svendsen cook­ fisherman got so excited with his who were on their way to Fresno, ed a delicious Father’s Day dinner catch he never stayed at the river to California where they plan to make on Sunday for Nick and other guests. see if his “fisherman’s luck” would Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blackburn continue, but proudly went about their home. Minor Clark and Nellie McColly of returned to their home on Sunday, showing his prise. Portland were Sunday guests at the after visiting at the home of their Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCauley and L. L. Rynearson home also, helping daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and family spent the weekend in Lebanon ; Mrs. James Briles and small daughter Mrs. Mildred Agee celebrate her birth­ enjoying the strawberry festival and day. Mrs. Agee is Mrs. Rynearson’s Terri for the past two weeks. visiting friends. They returned via The swimming - - pool on Philomath, bringing Mr. and Mrs. mother, Susie and Dickie Rynearson . being - built ,i the grounds near the Last Frontier >Iack McCau]ey hame with them for were also present. Mrs. Velma Carey went to Portland Resort at the west entrance to Gates, a week’s visit. McCULLOCH’S for the week end, planning to see is nearing completion, and the young Gsorge Houck visited his parents NSW some of the Rose Festival doings in folks Of the area are looking forward Sun