p WA HT ADS 7—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE I THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1958 Real Estate LIST WITH US C b A S S I F I E D RATES OWNER LEAVING STATE has 3 bedroom house, two extra lots. The Church bazaars, suppers, bake price is drastically reduced. Call •ales, etc, will be run under “Special us. Announcements’’ classification with s minimum charge of 50 cents per Let met show you a beautiful three bedroom home with 20 plus acres, taaertion. own well and spring. Only $1,000 Ten oenta per line each insertion. down, balance of $,500 monthly. Ne advertisement accepted for lea* Other Good Buys ■ma 50 cent! per week. L. R. COVILLE, REAL’ ESTATE Count five words to th« line in Nelson, Salesman Phone 1957 ordering your ad. Phone 6651, Mill M. Office at Mill City Lodge, Mill City City or mail your adverti.em.nt to | hovs F V o R SALE" L o ^VZ Th. Mill Chy Enterprise, Mill City, L ' hUK bALh-Located on 3rd avenue in Mill City. Five rooms, •regon. I tile bath, aluminum Venetian blinds wired for range. Shake exterior. Will sell on lease option.—Roy S/Yuof/ons Wanted Keirsey, 8104 S. E. Powell, Port land. 25 WANTED—Day work or work by JOS? DEVERS REAL ESTATE the hour. Genevieve Kesterson, % Jim Kesterson, 271 N. E. Alder. W. R. Hutcheson, Salesman Gates, Oregon. Mill City. 24p Phone 4515 Vehicle Deaths GATES J IMBERLINE Motor In Oregon on Increase WHEN IN NEED OF PRINTING TRY THE ENTERPRISE FIRST ■ ___ > » * — * U V I i kl» » 1_" lÍAlnKAlk By John E. Benneth The Gates Woman’s club is having When the weather turns hot and a social meeting Thursday, June 19 at The motor vehicle mileage death the Woman’s Club building. There will forests get tinder dry this summer, be a P«t luck luncheon at 1 p. m. fol one of the finest fire-warning radio rate in Oregon increased considerably ! lowed by an hour of colored pictures systems in the country will maintain in April, jumping to 5.9 deaths per ’ showing the Gates area. Guests are a 24-hour vigil in southern Oregon. 100 million miles of travel, the De- , It is Roxy Radio, operated by 40 partment of Motor Vehicles' traffic expected from Salem, Silverton. Mill City and Idanha. All lo.al people are fire-conscious forest industries of safety division reported today. Jackson County through the South With 35 deaths in almost 591 mil invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ambers, Jr. ern Oregon Conservation and Tree lion miles in April, the increase soar of Klammath Falls visited in Gates Farm Assn, at Medford. The organi ed 1.5 point« over the March death last Sunday with former friends. zation has more than 00 mobile trans rat« of 4.4. With Oregonians apparently mak They were returning from their hon mitters. In addition, it contributes _ and will make ' > their to public safety in the region by ing a sincere endeavor to cut down eymoon trip, home in Klammath Falls. Clifford maintaining two-way radios at such on traffic accidents and deaths, the I lived here at attended Gates schools remote points as the Boy Scout camp department said, the death rate fig while his parents were in business at Lake of the Woods, the Methodist ure for the first four months stands church camp at Dead Indian Soda at 5.4 as compared to 5:9 for the here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, ac Springs, in the fire department truck first four months of 1957. An analysis of th« 26 fatal acci companied by their daughter, Mrs. at Prospect and in the Salvation dents which took 35 lives in April Don Carey and three sons of Stayton , Army disaster car. were in Albany on business one day ; SOCTFA also operates a similar show that the principal driving er- radio network for 15 forest industry or—speed too fast for conditions— this week. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oliver and firms with 40 mobile units in the contributed to 11 accidents which took 13 lives and injured 17 and play- three daughters went to Portland Grants Pass area. Miscellaneous led a part in several other fatal mis- • • • Sunday and enjoyed a trip to the FOR SALE—Evaporating type air Zoo, which they report is much more Beauty And Profits Go Together i haps. The other big killer was being When the Grays River Grange fin- on the wrong side of the road. This conditioner, 2,000 cubit foot per interesting to them than ever before. Mary, Shary and Bobbie Stubbs, ally had to thin its prized stand of act killed 10 persons and injured 20 minute capacity. $45. Can be seen at Lillian’s Grocery, Mill City. 26 Judy Kadin and Lynette Parker are 100 huge walnut trees that beautify in three crashes. Phone 5807 MUI City Inattention played a part in at attending Bible school in Mill City. the grange park near Grays River, WANTED TO BUY—Cedar Shake These classes are sponsored by the Wash., grangers discovered that there least nine of the fatal accidents and Bolts. Contact Nat A. Wills. Wills Mill City ministerial association. profits as well as beauty in the grove. drinking was reported definite in two, Brothers Single Co., Mill City. 21tf The trees were brought from Illi the departmetn said. Open 6 a. m. to 10 p. m Mrs. H. N. Wilson and Mrs. Don nois in 1874 as nuts and seedlings and Carey and three boys of Stayton took SEWING MACHINE were planted by Hans P. Ahlberg. Warping of aluminum pans is caus a picnic lunch and drove to Silver Electric Singer sewing machine in founder of the Grays River (¡range. ed by sudden changes of temperature. beautiful walnut cabinet, like new Creek Falls State park last Friday Several of the 85-year-old giants, After using, let it cool before putting condition. Makes fancy stitches. for a little celebration, it being Mrs. ' some of which shut out the sun entire water in it. Pick up 7 payments of $6.84 or will Carey’s birthday. Mrs. Clyde Oliver was hostess for ly from the park area around them, discount for cash. Phone credit have been removed. When word got manager at EMpire 4-7102 or write the American Legion Auxiliary at out that some of the trees had to go. her home on Monday. This was the P. O. Box 163, Salem, Oregon. 24 last business meeting of the season an Italian firm which specializes in ELECTRIC ORGAN—Want responsi and a potluck lunch waS enjoyed by making fine furniture stepped for ble party to assume small monthly all present. Those attending were ward to buy the timber removed, thus payments. Also spinet piano. Write Mmes. Robert Oliver, Oliver Watson, assuring that the old walnuts will con Between tinue to perform a useful and decor-1 Credit Manager, P. O. Box 226, Harry Harmon and Victor Herron. Portland-Salem-Idanha W. M. Howell worked Saturday on ative function. Salem, Oregon. 25 9 • • the church grounds using his “cat” all way points POWER MOWER—Repairing and to level and clear brush. His son 1 Tillamook Displays Forest Oddity Sharpening. See Greenough’s Saw cleaned off trash and rock, also. The Tillamook County Pioneer Allied Van Lines Agent Shop at Gates for a good job. Next Saturday, June 14th, there will Museum at Tillamook is displaying a Phone 7341. On the highway at be another session at cleaning the huge burl cut from a spruce log. The Local & Nationwide lOtf. grounds, and everyone is asked to burl, donated to the museum by Gates, Oregon. Publishers’ Paper Co., Oregon City, Household Moving OFFICE FURNITURE and equip show up early and get this most im is 11 feet long, 12 feet in diameter ment, typewriters, au iing machines, portant task done. and is over 400 years old. Company calculators, cash registers, duplicat Stayton Phone 2125 foresters found the curiosity near ors, safes, filing equipment. We sell, Wheeler on the Oregon coast. Try a For Sale ad in WE’LL BUILD rent, swap and repai- . Bargains in • • • Salem EM 3-1626 used machines. Roet. Typewriter Along The Lead Line Exchange, 456 Court St.. Salem, tf SHIP IT WRIGHT A SHELTER FOR Oregon’s pulp and paper mills have an annual payroll of over $22 million, WANT TO BUY TIMBER pay $2.3 million yearly in state and YOUR HOME! Small or large tiacts local taxes, and spend $20.5 million a Either cash or stumpage bas s year for wood. The industry ¡g a prime I Legal Notices I STOUT CREEK LMB. CO. market for Oregon tree farmers . . . The home that shelters you W mile west of Mehama. Oregon 3tf A modern papermaking machine can needs shelter ... in the form NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS produce newsprint 310 inches wide is hereby given that Santisyn Notice MR. T. V. OWNER—You have quite v----- - ~r--- . - - 2,000 feet a minute—some 350 of insurance coverage, com an investment in your set. Why not (I nion Schoo, District .‘J, Ml at tons a day . , . Swedish scientists have , prepare now for Electrical Storms 'City will be interested in receiving developed an electronic computor mic mensurate with today’s high bids for the construction of sidewalks this summer. We have lightning roscope that can count the number of arrestors that are simple to install and curbings nt the high school site annual growth rings in a core of wood, property values. Interested for only ,90c.—Stiffler Radio-TV, not later than June 20. measure the width between them, Mill City, Phone 3207. 26 contractors should contact J. B. Put- then automatically compute the age CHECK WITH US . . . SOON Of all kinds. Trusses man, superintendent, for details. Abdominal Supports 25 and annual growth of the tree. . . . Sawmill LOGS WANTED ' Phone 8805 or 7408. Oregon forest industries will spend D. B. HILL INSURANCf Elastic Hosiery I Top prices fcr Second Gr close to $4 million to protect their NOTICE OF SALE Expert Fitters STOUT CREEK LMB* CO For »ale by sealed bid the folk w- privately owned forest lands from fire Private Fitting Rooms. COMFANY <8 west ot Mehama Oregon 51" ing described property located in the this year. The figure includes the cost City of Mill City, County of Linn, of snag falling, an item which will SEE US SOON amout to nearly $1 million. The bal State of Oregon, to-witt: "Ask Your Doctor” Furniture ance of the funds will go for watch Commencing at the NW corner man services on logging operations, Phone 1708, Mill City, Oregon of Lot 26, SHAW’S ADDITION UNFINISHED FURNITURE ami purchase of fire-fighting tools and TO MILL CITY, which plat is Used Furniture Bargains. We g<ve equipment, patrols on Tree Farms recorded in Book 5, page 24, Penny Saver Stamps. Phone 6804. and high fire-hazard areas, fire Plat Records'; thence East on the H. L. Stiff Furniture Company North line of Lot 26, 141.25 feet; fighting, slash disposal and regular 504 State St 367rd St., Stavtnn 33tf fire patrol assessments paid through thence South 206 feet; thence tax roll and association memberships. West 141.25 feet; thence North Corner of Liberty One advantage of being a tree farmer; ’ 206 feet to the place of begin Card of Thanks Timber is one farm crop in which' S and H Green Stamps ning. Property consists of 141.25 ftx206 harvest time can be postponed until I wish to thank all the friends and neghbors for the many cards, lettters, ft. lot, two bedroom home with full the market price is right. and flowers sent to me while I was basement, single garage and small There will be fewer wrinkles to iron confined to the hospital in Salem. bam. City water. From theatre go They were greatly appreciated by east on Grove stret to end of street, if you fold the clothes as you sprinkle. both my wife and I—Charles Dole-1 Turn right, then left at first turn. Do not roll the article, just fold. L 24p Second house on right. . ........................... * 1 sa]e wiU be by sealed bid. Envel- Salt penetrates into meat only one- ope containing bid must be plainly h«'f inch. Salt the roast as you slice Business Opportunities marked, “Sealed Bid.” Please refer to h or let each person salt their own. L-5663-F in all correspondence. A INCOME OPPORTUNITY good and sufficient bond or certified Reliable man or woman from this check for 10 per cent (10%) of bid GENERAL REPAIRING area to service a route of cigarette must accompany bid. Right is re machines. Will take 5 hours a week served to reject any and all bids. WELDING of your spare time and can net as Property will be sold “as is.” Mini high as $275 monthly and can be mum price is Four Thousand One We have on hand built to full time business with our Hundred Dollar. ($4,100.00). “ Mini- ‘ DELCO BAKERIES help, which could eventually net mum acceptable terms ten per cent $20,000 annually. No experience or I (10%) down, eleven (11) years to selling rfecesaary, route is estab pay balance on contract. Interest lished for the operator. To qualify will be charged at the rate of five you must have $900 to $1800 cash per eent (1%) per annum on un Veryl & Jim Hoover, Prop You will be a WINNER, when immediately available, which is se paid balane*. Ph. 2602 or Ph. 351 cured, and a serviceable automo Bids will be opened in the office of you get your car serviced at bile. If sincerely interested write the undersigned on July 3. 1*58 at for personal interview giving phone 8:0« P. M. number of brief outline of back Date of First Publication, Jun« I, ground to Box 5182, - St. Paul, 196«. Minn. 25 Date of Uwt Publication, Jun« 26, 10M. One Day Only Thursday June * Auspices MILLCITY POLICE DEPARTMENT Viv's Sieak House PRESENTS COL.TIM McCOY IN PERSON Closed Mondays WRIGHT TRUCK LINE THE ENTERPRISE SURGICAL SUPPORTS Capital Drug Store uxKOFF COMB IN ED for GREATER ENTERTAINMENT HIRD5 OF- HE PHAN TS JUMBO III " / iAAtur Htrunnr in/ * t* ptey / t v ----- • 4 - TON HIPPOPOTAMUS ONLY ONI TOUI'NG THU VIA! Thwrcrff Monti.. Tunny Clolni NiU u ¿touretf'c An inn H RAG AR IE G/6AN7/C Su Elegants . Rhinoceros Ci/reA. Hàmii. Betrr , Jro/u, UopirJi Aprì, etc Un Shat»» Croon Ji of IQ A. ri EPEE / A C omuni tio u 3 HRfORMANCtS ...2 4.8 PM. ADMISSIONS^/#/ M| ------- -------------------------------------—--- ——I- Americas Third Largest Wild Animal Circus Hoover's Repair I For Rent FOR RENT—Furnished apartment One block from poet office. T. V. Cable installed. Clean and modem. Tex Blasek. Phone 3M2. IS AUTO SUPPLIES YZSf YOUR BRAKES ANO 6'VE OUR Ki OS A 8 RE A FOR RENT—Furnished apartment One extra large bedroom. Carport Hot and cold water furnished. Phone 6705. 21tf to sein Then try s ad tn Enterprise. DIRDCTOR OF VETERANS' AFFADIS State Finance Bui Id trig, Salem, Oregon. HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS Sales and Servies / i » \ ! % * • \ Ever-widynng circles . • • «0 - - - of discriminating Westerners . are discovering * I I I I Water make« Olympia refreshingly / different >