a—THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1958 Geometric Patterns in Steel she had been since Memorial day , visiting at the home of her son, Mr. j and Mrs. Harry Patton. By Mrs. John Teeters Saturday night and Sunday guests Mrs. Adelaide Orange was her® _ at the Charles ____ ~ Crook ____ home were Mrs. from Lake Labish for several days Mabel Crook and daughter, Loette. recently attending to business mat- from Portland. Additional ___ ______ Sunday ters. Mrs. Orange was a guest of guests at the Crooks were Mr. Crooks GATEH COMMUNITY CHURCH Mrs. Jennie Moe while here. 1 brother and family. -- Mr. and ' ** Mrs. ’ Leo OF CHRIST MILL CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mr*. Harry Airrington of Crook and family also from Portland. Donald L. Hobson, Minister Full GoHpel Valsetz were guests a week ago Sun- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crook and Sunday School, 10:00 a. m- Rev. E. B. Jewett, I’aetor .lay afternoon and Monday at the Barbara visited during the Memorial Morning Worship, 11:00 a. tn. Prayer Meeting, Friday. 7:45 o. n> I Bruce Sims nome. Day weekend with Mrs. Crook’s par- Young People’s Class 5:00 p. Sunday School, 9:45 a. tn. and Choir Practice. Mrs. Diane Hob I Visiting friends and former neigh- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Coleman at ( Morning Worahip 11 a. m. ! bora here last Wednesday were Mr. Klamath Falls, son. Evangelistic Service 7:45 o. •n. and Mrs. Carl Reed of Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lisk and daugh Adult Bible Class 5:00 p. tn. Bible Study, Tuesday. 7:45 o i tn . Two daughters and their children [ ters of Merrill visited last Wednes • • • and a daughter-in-law and baby also day with Mrs. Lisk’s parents, Mr. ST. PATRICK’S PARISH COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN 1 accompanied them. and Mrs. R. E. Shields and her sister Lyons, Oregon CHURCH The Leo Kirsch family moved here Mrs. John Mak, Jr., of Aumsville. al Mass: 1st, 2nd, and 5th Sunday Me-ham* last week from Lebanon where they Shela Li»k is staying with the Macks lO'SO a.m Rev. Jama« Hardy, Pastor have lived for several years, They for the Summer. Maas: 3rd and 4th Sunday 8:30 a m. Bible School, 10:00 a. m. have moved into a house owned by A Thursday night guest at the Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor Mr. Kirschs’ parents, the Worahip Hour, 11:00 a. m B. L. Edward Walz home was Mrs. Walzs' A friendly welcome to all. Kirschs. brother, the Rev. Ormal Trick, who SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Johnson and was returning to Salem from New 8. W. Second Street, Mill City son from Toledo visited relatives York where he has been attending ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Sabbath School, 9:30 a. m, Satur- here during the weekend. Mrs. Helen Davin. Pastor school. Sunday guests at the Walzs Mrs. A. W. Beilin and daughters, were the Rev. Trick and his mother, day. Sunday school 10 a. m. I Morning service. 10:45 Saturday Barbara and Virginia of Salem were Mrs. Elsie Trick of Salem and Mrs. Morning worship 11 a.sa here Sunday morning to attend church Walzs brother and family, Mr. and Visitors welcome. Evangelistic Hour, 7:45. • • • services and visited a short time with Mrs. Virgil Trick and children from Wednesday. Cottage Prayer Meet* the Rev. and Mrs. James Hardy and Dallas. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Ing, 8:00 p. m. Dever« Real Estate Building. Gates family. Weekend guests at the Raymond • • • Glenn Berringer of Oregon City Branch home were Mrs. Branch’s j Sunday, 11 a. m. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Wednesday meeting. 4th Wednes was a Sunday visitor at the Jim uncle and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Homer North Mill CHy Richmond home here. Davis of Forest Grove. Sunday after day at 8 p. m. Rev. Gene E. Davidson. Pastor • • • Mrs. Mabel Patton returned home noon guests at the Branch’s were Sunday school at 9:45 am OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH from Portland last Tuesday where Mrs. Branch’s two sisters, Mrs. Wil Morning worship 11 a.m Jordan. Oregon liam Holzfuss and Mrs. Maude Price Evening service 7:80 p.m Vasa: lat, 2nd, and 5th Sunday at. DETROIT C^RCH OF CHRIST both from Lebanon. Young Peoples Services every Sun- Sunday guests at the Eugene Coles 4:80 a.m. Glen Lyda. Minister day at 6:80. Mass: 3d and 4th Sunday 10:30 a.m. ¡were Mrs. Coles parents and brother, Sunday school at 10:45. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 pm Rev. Bernard Neuman. SDS, Pastor I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hallock and • • • Morning Worahip at 11. • • • I Frank from Ocean Lake. LYONS METHODIST CHURCH Circles of steel plate and spider-like braces of rings and rods Guest speaker Friday evening, June FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles McCarthy, Pastor SANTIAM CHAPEL AT LYONS form a striking geometric pattern as workmen at Pacific Power 13 at 8 o ’ clock at the Mehama Com Benjamin A. Jawrenre, Minister Jay Beebe, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. tn. & Light Company’s Swift hydroelectric project on the Lewis riv munity Presbyterian church will be Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. na. Worahip service, 11 a. m. Mvondo Atyam, Moderator of the er prepare cylinders for positioning as liners for the 1575-foot Morning worship 10:55. Church Services 11:00 a. m. Womens Society of Christian Ser Presbyterian church in Cameroun. Mr. long power tunnel. Huge tube will be as wide as a three-lane Evening Service, 8:00. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. vice meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 P- Young People’s service, Thursday Atyam is one of the first native con highway, will drop water from reservoir to turbines inside PP&L’s each month with Mrs. Wilson Stevens m. evening 7:30 p. m. Jacquie Walker, verts in the Cameroun arvl has been 250,000-kilowatt powerhouse. Soaring concrete spillway gate as president. a minister there for some time. The president. structure, rising 160 feet above tunnel portal, creates fortress Prayer meeting and Bible study Mehama congregation is invited to attend a 6 o’clock pot luck supper like background for construction activity. Completion of the Swift Friday evenings 7:30 p. m. I that evening at the Mill City Presby- project later this year will boost the maximum power output of 1 terian church honoring Mr. Atyam. PP&L’s three dams on the Lewis River to more than a half a ST. CATHERINE CATHOLIC This is an exceptional opportunity million kilowatts. CHURCH. MILL CITY to hear of the mission work in the Mass at 9’15 a.m. every Sunday Cameroun first hand and all who can At the request of many former patients I have re Confessions heard before Mass. are urged to attend both the supper Fr. Senko, Pastor at Mill City and the meeting follow turned to my former location in Stayton. • • • ing here. IDANHA COMMUNITY CHURCH Morning service 11 a.m. In general, fortisan draperies and Evening service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday prayer meeting at 7 ?0 curtains should be dry cleaned, be Chiropractic Physician cause they wrinkle in laundering, es p. m. pecially in a machine. If washed they Sunday school 10 a m. Hours: 9 to 6. Closed Thursday and Saturday af • a a should be ironed while damp for the ternoon. Open Tuesday and Friday evenings until FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH removal of wrinkles. Mill City 8 p. m. and by appointment. Going on a trip? Hang a shoe bag Rev. Robert Roach, Paster with pockets on the back of the front1 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Bell Bldg. Phone RO 9-2557 Stayton, Ore. seat. It will hold maps, magazines,; Morning worship 11:00 am. wash cloths or many other things that i Music by choir. I clutter up the car. Midweek services Wed. 7:30 p.m. MEHAMA NOTICE There Is No Substitute For Local NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING DR. VICTOR J. MYERS * 1 I Let The Enterprise DOYOURPRINTING a There is no need to spend your time going out of Mill City to have your PRINTING done. here at home. The Enterprise can do it right The Enterprise is well equipped to handle all YOUR PRINTING NEEDS 7«r US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED • Envelopes • Ruled Forms • Statements • Direct Mail Pieces • Letterheads • Advertising Brochures • Business Cards • Wedding Announcements Sai<f S/, 4fr«ry "What can th« mitter be? Th' /O,t 4/1 the Iife iO Try The Home Merchants First For All Of Your Needs fM b*n<ry’ ° to Lnion he hied y C,i*e charge it!" he cried. w T nion has Slattery • âltWflT* THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE Whether you *int to put new life in your old battery , or buy a new one with your Union credit card.. jus( say ' Charge it!’*... and you're off WIN »25 Ml S«M .» • Bmar'cl 500.' ••»On!« U" On O.I eroSvet 9T »«r. cv I» P-JO »n«J The Home of Good Printing Phone6651 Mill wo II pond a choc a for $2S 00 W- ■» le ’S I—«f-c«». Union »I Co . Un*on O'l Canto I» O Bn. -SOO Loa Anjoioa M. Ca> ’ City, Oregon UNION OIL COMPANY o» cAueocNia TUB! \